Healed (Damaged Souls Book 3)

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Healed (Damaged Souls Book 3) Page 7

by Twyla Turner

  “Then we’ve got a deal?” Aaron asked, standing up from the desk.

  “Deal.” Lexi also stood, to take his hand, in a firm handshake.

  He walked around his desk and opened a drawer. He pulled out a checkbook and started filling it out. When he was done, he ripped the check out and walked back over to Lexi. He handed her a check, for five thousand dollars.

  “Here’s the first half, and I’ll give you the rest, upon completion of the collection,” Aaron explained.

  “Thank you. I’ll get started right away.” Lexi accepted the check.

  “And maybe I can check in with you, to see how things are coming along? Possibly over lunch or dinner? Aaron offered cautiously but determined.

  “I’ll think about it.” Lexi hedged.

  “Perfect. Now let me walk you out.” Aaron said, leading the way to the door.

  They walked out of his office, and straight into Victoria Sinclair, Sloan’s old family friend, and wannabe girlfriend. The tall gorgeous blonde spotted Lexi and smirked slyly. Lexi cringed, as she had forgotten all about Victoria coming to be a partner, at Aaron’s law firm.

  “Oh, hello. Alexandria, right?” Victoria purposely said Lexi’s name wrong.

  “It’s Alexis. Hello, Victoria.” Lexi said politely though she wanted to kick the snobby woman in the shins.

  “Sorry.” Victoria apologized, insincerely. “How have you been doing?” She asked, in a calculating tone.

  “Great. Thanks for asking. And you?” Lexi inwardly sighed, not wanting to have any type of discussion, with the spiteful woman.

  “Oh, I’m doing fantastic! I swear Sloan wears me out. But I’m sure, you know that already.” Victoria insinuated, fanning herself.

  “Excuse me?” Lexi said, incredulous.

  “Oops. You didn’t know.” Victoria looked at Lexi, wide-eyed and innocent. “Well, I guess since the cat is out of the bag, I might as well tell you. The minute Sloan dumped you he called me up. We’ve been seeing each other ever since. Our parents are ecstatic.” A devious smile spread across her face, at the shock written all over Lexi’s.

  Lexi blinked back a few tears of surprised hurt, at the news. She clenched her teeth, fighting back the urge to attack the conniving witch. She smiled tightly at the woman, not willing to let Victoria see her upset.

  “How nice for you.” She said disingenuously, and then turned to Aaron, who was watching the conversation unfold in front of him. “I’ll take you up on that offer, of lunch or dinner,” Lexi said to him before turning and fleeing the office. Before she broke down, in front of everyone.

  “Is that true? Have you been seeing Sloan?” Aaron asked Victoria after Lexi left.

  “No. I haven’t even seen him…yet. But she doesn’t need to know that.” Victoria grinned up at him, triumphantly.

  “Females,” Aaron said, with a shake of his head.

  “Don’t complain. Did you, or did you not, just get a date out of the deal?” Victoria asked, with a raised brow.

  “Well yeah. But I prefer to win fair and square, versus by default.” Aaron confessed, honestly.

  “What does it matter? So long as you win.” Victoria shot back, as she strutted to her office, without a care in the world.

  “Females,” Aaron said again, as he turned to walk into his office.


  Lexi rushed out to her car. The minute she got inside the dam broke, and tears streamed down her face. She had no idea whether the hateful woman, was telling the truth or not. But she didn’t see why Victoria would have any reason to lie. And the thought of them together, nearly made her sick to her stomach.

  She didn’t want to go out with Aaron, but she decided that maybe it was time for a distraction. There was no doubt that Aaron was handsome, successful, and determined as hell. What could it hurt to try? Apparently Sloan’s already moved on.

  Lexi swiped angrily, at her tear-streaked face, and started the car, vowing to herself that she would stay busy and social until all thoughts of Sloan were eradicated from her mind. Putting the car in drive, she headed to the hobby store, to get more supplies for the collection, Aaron had hired her for.


  Sloan had been talking back and forth with the TV execs, getting them the names of people that wanted their homes renovated. They also found their own homeowners that needed work done. They figured out timeframes for each reno, and the sub-contractors, who could do the work during the network’s timetable. And finally, he got the call from the execs, giving the show the green light.

  With the buzz about him steadily growing online, instead of dissipating, they offered him twelve episodes, for the pilot season, at ten thousand dollars per episode. Including, the commission he made off of the renovations, themselves. The filming was to begin, the following week, now that the construction of the mansion was completed.

  Sloan went to an office store, to receive the fax of his contract from HODTV. He would’ve gladly done back flips, over the news of the show getting picked up, but there was only one small problem. He had no one to share it with. At least not the person, he wanted to share it with. So he and his men, were going to celebrate over a few drinks, at a local neighborhood bar in town. But Sloan looked at his phone for the millionth time, as he waited for the fax to come in, wanting nothing more than to call Lexi, and share the news. It was her, after all, that was the catalyst, to his skyrocketing career. But he put his phone back in his pocket, as the fax machine started screeching out the incoming contract.

  Once it was all printed out, he looked it over and shook his head at the complicated legal jargon. I might as well be reading hieroglyphics. He considered himself a relatively smart man, but when it came down to legal documents, he had no idea what he was looking at. He knew he was going to have to get a lawyer to look over the contract, and he sighed with dread. Any lawyer he went to see was going to charge an arm and a leg just to read the damn thing. But he knew he had to because he didn’t want to sign anything that he didn’t understand, just to get locked into something he didn’t agree to.

  So he gathered the thick contract, paid for the fax at the counter and headed for the door. As he made his way out, he spied a blonde head hovering near the doorway. When he stepped outside, he realized that the blonde head belonged to Victoria. As much as he didn’t want to deal with her, she was actually the exact person that could solve his legal dilemma.

  “Oh my goodness! Sloan! I thought I saw you walk in there. My office is just a few doors down, and as I was heading to the courthouse when I saw you walking in here.” She said brightly, explaining why she was hanging around like a stalker. “Anyway, how are you doing?”

  “I’m doing well, Tori. And you?” Sloan said, using the nickname he knew she hated.

  “Yuck! You know I hate that nickname.” She said, turning up her nose.

  “Yeah, I know. But I like it.” He teased her reluctantly, falling back into old childhood habits.

  “Uh huh. Well, I guess if it’s you, then it’s okay.” She smiled coyly at him, and he cringed inwardly. Coy and Victoria didn’t go together. “So what are you up to?” She asked, looking at the stack of papers in his hand.

  “Actually, I just received my contract for an HODTV show I’ll be starring in. And running into you just so happens to be perfect timing. I have no idea how to read legal contracts.” Sloan frowned down at the large stack of papers.

  “Oh my God!!! Sloan! That’s fantastic! How exciting for you?!” Victoria bounced up and down, with excitement. “And you’ve found the right person. I’d gladly go over it for you. And I won’t charge you a thing, as long as you’ll buy me dinner.” Victoria bargained.

  Sloan inwardly balked at the request but knew he didn’t have much choice. The last thing he wanted to do was be in the company of the spoiled and conniving, ‘mean girl’. But if he wanted to get the contract read without paying through the nose, he knew he’d have to give in. Though he was sure that she would extract her pound of flesh from him, in t
he end.

  “That sounds only fair.” Sloan caved.

  “Perfect!” Victoria practically squealed, with delight. “Walk me to my car?” She asked, looking up at him from under her lashes.

  “Sure,” Sloan said politely, as Victoria looped her arm through his.


  Lexi pulled up outside of Grace at Law, intending on setting up her easel across the street from Aaron’s building. She was currently working on the painting of the outside of the beautiful historic building, for Aaron’s office. But as she went to put the car in park, she saw Sloan and Victoria, arm in arm, walking down the sidewalk.

  Every muscle in her body froze, as she realized that what Victoria had said the other day was true. Tears pricked the back of her eyes, and she was finding it hard to breathe. Seeing them together was like a knife to her soul, and she forgot what she was even there for. She shifted back into drive and sped off down the street.

  When she got home, she pulled her easel and paint supplies out of her car, and stormed into her house. She set up the easel in her normal spot and began to paint furiously. This painting wouldn’t be for anyone but herself. It was a surreal painting of a bleeding heart, in the wide open chest, of a weeping woman.

  When she finished it a few hours later, she stepped back to look at it thoughtfully. It was beautiful, heartbreaking and just a little scary. She loved it, and it got out a lot of emotions trapped inside her. But the dull ache in her chest wouldn’t subside. When will it stop hurting so much?

  Luckily her phone started ringing to distract her from her melancholy. Looking at the screen, she saw that it was Aaron. Taking a deep restorative breath, she answered before the call went to voicemail.

  “Hi, Aaron.” She said brightly, feeling anything but.

  “Hey, beautiful. So I know it’s only been a couple of days, but how about that dinner you promised me? I’d love to see you, and hear how things are going with the collection.” Aaron asked hesitantly, getting ready to be shot down.

  “Okay, when?” Lexi said, without hesitation.

  “Uh…tonight?” Aaron fumbled, not expecting her to give in so easily, and jumped at the opportunity to spend time with her, before she changed her mind.

  “Perfect. What time should I be ready?” Lexi pushed on.

  “Is seven good?”


  “Alright then. I’ll see you at seven.” Aaron said, slightly dazed at the unexpectedly easy conversation.

  “See you, then,” Lexi said, and then pressed end on her phone.

  She was by no means ready to date anyone. But she needed to get her mind off of Sloan and Victoria before she went crazy. So she washed her paintbrushes and headed upstairs to get ready for her impromptu date.

  Lexi chose a flowing black, wide-leg pants jumpsuit, with wide straps and buttons going down the bust. She wanted something thin and airy since the Georgia summer heat had become oppressive. She paired the jumpsuit with gold flat gladiator sandals, a long necklace, and dangly earrings. She pulled her hair back in a large puff at the nape of her neck, and then threw on a little mascara and lip gloss.

  All in all, it only took her about forty-five minutes to get ready for her date. She was pretty much always laid back about her style, anyway. But because she really didn’t care whether or not Aaron was impressed with her, very little contemplation or time went into her ensemble. So in the thirty minutes she had left until he arrived, Lexi went downstairs and had a glass of wine to calm her nerves. She prayed he didn’t try to make a move on her because she knew she wasn’t ready for it just yet.

  She still very much craved Sloan’s touch. Which she found was another hard part about their relationship ending. He was the best lover she had ever known. Some nights she woke up hot and sweaty from a dream, with vague images of dark and light limbs entangled passionately, and long silky ebony hair trailing down her body. Her clit would throb, and her panties would be wet with need. Often she would squeeze her thighs together and roll over, forcing herself back to sleep. Other nights the need was too much, so she would stroke her sensitive nub until she came, and then would drift back to sleep.

  Unfortunately, no man, no matter how attractive or perfect he was, was going to fill that need for her. She couldn’t image any other hands on her body. No other fingers caressing her face, plucking her nipples and stroking her drenched opening. No one else’s tongue diving into the deep recesses of her mouth, lapping at her tummy and flicking at her clit. No other man’s hard length between her lips, or deep inside her aching core. Sloan was all she wanted, which made her life more complicated than she could’ve imagined possible.

  The doorbell rang, and Lexi shook off the haze of longing that enveloped her, thinking about Sloan. She walked to the door and opened it for Aaron. He was wearing dark washed relaxed-fit jeans, an untucked black button up dress shirt, with the sleeves rolled up and black dress shoes. As always he looked gorgeous, and funny enough, matched Lexi’s outfit perfectly. Lexi could only imagine how good they probably looked together as a couple. If only I felt that way about him.

  “Lexi, you look stunning.” Aaron complimented her and then bit down on his bottom lip like he was restraining himself from taking a bite out of her.

  “Thanks, Aaron. You look fantastic, as well. But then again, you always do.” Lexi praised.

  “Thank you. So are you ready to go?” Aaron asked.

  “As I’ll ever be,” Lexi said, faking a bright smile.

  Lexi grabbed her purse, set the alarm and locked the door. He walked her to the passenger door of his sports car to let her in and then walked to the other side, to slide into the driver’s seat. He turned the key and the Porsche engine purred.

  Aaron drove to the Savannah Riverfront District. He valet parked outside of a bohemian inspired hotel. And once inside, he guided Lexi upstairs to an open rooftop restaurant and bar combo. The bar area of the rooftop was covered and had table and chairs set up for eating. The walls were brown brick, with lighting that gave off a gold ambient glow. And one wall opened up with glass garage doors that led out onto a patio that had black modern wicker couches, with red and gold bohemian style throw pillows. All of it overlooked the Savannah River. The atmosphere was very relaxed, yet swanky. And Lexi couldn’t help but be impressed by his choice, realizing that he must have been paying attention to her style.

  “This place is amazing,” Lexi said brightly, genuinely glad to be there.

  “I thought you’d like this place. You have that whole, laidback artsy, thing about you. And this place, kind of fits.” Aaron grinned, happy that he had gotten it right.

  “Well, ya done good.” Lexi smiled back, as they took their seats at a corner table.

  “I know you’re very natural, and it works great for you…but have you thought about straightening your hair? I bet you’d look stunning, with your hair all sleek and straight.” Aaron said, letting Lexi get a glimpse into what he was really about.

  “I’ve had my hair relaxed before. For years, in fact. And though it looks beautiful and works great for other women, it’s not for me. I’m happy natural.” Lexi said firmly, wanting to nip the discussion in the bud, right off the bat.

  “Fair enough.” Aaron conceded. “So how’s the painting going?” Aaron opened up the conversation.

  “Pretty good.” Lexi’s smile faltered, as the vision of Sloan and Victoria walking down the sidewalk earlier, flashed through her mind. “I have a few done already. I’ve done a colorful abstract painting for one of the boardrooms. And I did a painting of one of those classic tree-lined driveways that are so beautiful here, with the Spanish moss hanging from them. And I’ve done a painting for your man-cave, too.” Lexi rattled off.

  “No dogs playing cards, I assume?” Aaron teased.

  “Nope. I went with guys playing cards. A bunch of faceless men. Get it? Poker face? But their body language in the picture, is their tell as well as the amount of chips in front of them or lack thereof,” Lexi explained.

  “Oh, that sounds fantastic. I can’t wait to see it, all of them,” Aaron said with anticipation like it was Christmas.

  “I hope you like them,” Lexi said, modestly.

  “I will,” Aaron said confidently, as he sat back in his chair, and watched her for a moment. “So tell me about yourself. I feel as if I don’t know anything about you. Other than; you’re from the north, you paint, you like to fix up old houses that turn out to be a diamond in the rough, and you like to give me a hard time,” he grinned.

  “Uh…there’s nothing really to say,” Lexi stalled, definitely not wanting to talk about her past. Everything about her past was wrapped up in abuse and cutting.

  “Oh, there’s got to be something you can tell me. What about your family?” Aaron inadvertently, asked the worst possible question.

  Luckily, the waiter chose that moment to come up, and take their orders. Lexi breathed a huge sigh of relief. Once the waiter left with their orders, Lexi quickly asked Aaron questions about his life. It was a good thing for her that men generally liked to talk about themselves, especially when their date continued to ask question after question, to distract them.

  Their dinner quickly came to a close, and Lexi felt like she had been playing hopscotch, through a field of landmines all night. She was grateful that she was able to pacify him, with some of her likes and dislikes, without delving too deeply into her private life.

  Aaron paid the bill and guided Lexi out of the restaurant.


  Sloan, Kevin, and the rest of his construction crew-turned-friends, parked their vehicles in one of the riverfront parking garages, and started walking towards the bustling riverwalk, filled with Friday night revelers. Sloan’s crew had convinced him that the busy riverfront district was a better place to celebrate, than an old dive bar. Plus, his men had secretly wanted to get him around some female company, in the hopes of getting his mind off of Lexi.


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