Seduced by the Bachelor

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Seduced by the Bachelor Page 15

by Pamela Yaye

  “Thanks, Socrates. I’ll try to remember that.”

  “I hope you do. I screwed up big-time with Jordana, but once I realized the error of my ways, I was ready and willing to do whatever it took to bring my baby back home. And I did.”

  Staring at the sky, he considered his brother’s words. He had the worst luck with women, hadn’t met anyone who excited him in years, but Tatiyana appealed to him. She’d caught his eye the moment she boarded Flight 74, and if everything went according to plan, she’d be back in his bed by the end of the week. By the time Mayor Glover returned from his trip, he’d have the situation with Tatiyana and her sister under control.

  “We all mess up sometimes, even you,” Dante said with a knowing smile.

  “Man, get out of here. I’m damn near perfect.”

  “Prove it.” Releasing his handlebars, he pumped his arms vigorously in the air. “Let’s race around the park one more time. The loser washes the winner’s car after dinner.”

  “Deal,” Markos shouted, peddling faster. “Prepare to bust some suds, little brother!”

  Chapter 16

  Yawning, Markos exited the elevator on Friday morning with his iPhone in one hand and his leather briefcase in the other. He felt battered, more banged up than a stunt double on a Hollywood movie set, and wanted to kick himself for overdoing it that morning in his home gym. His trainer had advised him to quit after their kickboxing session, but he’d grabbed his dumbbells and pushed himself to the point of exhaustion. He’d had another X-rated dream about Tatiyana, had tossed and turned all night thinking about all of the wicked things he wanted to do to her in bed, and needed an outlet for his pent-up energy. Thoughts of her consumed him, making it impossible for him to think of anything but her.

  Reflecting on the past three weeks made Markos grin. Tatiyana was a light, the sun, a vibrant, vivacious beauty who dazzled him with her smile, and he liked having her at LA Family Law. She had great social skills, an infectious personality, and Markos couldn’t go anywhere in the firm without his male colleagues asking about her. How was Tatiyana? Would she be at happy hour? Was she seeing anyone special? Did she have a boyfriend? The questions were endless, annoying as hell, and the more he talked about her the more he desired her. Every time she sashayed past his office he did a double take. Couldn’t help it. Tatiyana was that appealing, that captivating, and these days all he could think about was making love to her. On his desk. Against the bookshelf. In his private bathroom. In every position known to man—

  Pressing his eyes shut, Markos cleared his mind. Enough. He didn’t have time to fantasize about Tatiyana. He had work to do, and lots of it. Back in control, he gave his head a shake. Markos checked his email and groaned when he saw fifty new messages in his in-box.

  Marching down the hallway, he reviewed the day’s schedule. Court at nine o’clock. Lunch with the other senior partners. Meetings back-to-back. A round of golf with a potential client at the country club. His thoughts returned to Tampa, and he remembered the first time he’d played golf with Tatiyana. It feels like I’ve known her for years, but it’s only been a month. He wondered if she had plans tonight. Every day after work, he asked her out for dinner, and her excuses were endless. She had to babysit her niece. Her mom needed her. She had an exam to study for. Or the worst of all—she had a date. It pissed him off that he’d made zero progress with Tatiyana since she’d started at the firm, but Markos wasn’t giving up. Morrettis never did.

  Markos heard voices, guessed the cleaning crew was hard at work and strode through the open door, anxious to get to his office. The air smelled of roses, instantly putting him in a calm mood, and he made a mental note to send flowers to his nonna. She’d brag to her friends about her grandson in LA, and thinking about his kindly grandmother made him smile.

  “Morning, boss! You’re looking dapper this morning.”

  Startled, Markos staring wordlessly at Tatiyana. He was shocked to see her in the office, dusting shelves, fluffing the chair cushions and polishing the framed certificates hanging on the walls. Tracking her around the reception area with his eyes, he admired her look. Her makeup was simple, and her straight, silky hair hung loosely down her back, but she dazzled in an orange ruffled blouse, slim-fitting skirt and leopard-print sandals.

  “Nice suit,” she said. “And you smell great, too. Like confidence and success.”

  He opened his mouth, realized he had no words and slammed it shut. What’s the matter with me? Why do I freeze up every time she smiles at me? His behavior baffled him, left him scratching his head. In court, he could outtalk anyone, took great pride in leaving the opposing counsel speechless, but when Tatiyana was around, he clammed up. No one had ever had this effect on him before, and he didn’t like it. Not one bit.

  You’re a Morretti, dammit! shouted his inner voice. Get it together, man!

  “Your coffee’s on your desk, as well as an updated copy of today’s agenda, and the notes from Wednesday’s case conference. I took the liberty of highlighting Ms. Van den Berg’s concerns, specifically her fears for her three school-age children. I don’t know if you noticed, but she teared up every time you said their names.”

  “What are you here so early?” he asked, consulting his watch. “It’s six forty-five. You don’t start until nine o’clock.”

  “I couldn’t sleep, so I decided to get an early start on the day. I hope that’s okay.”

  Desire surged through his veins. Markos told himself to look away, to quit staring at her, but his eyes didn’t obey. He wanted to take Tatiyana in his arms and crush his mouth to hers, but he knew if he kissed her, he wouldn’t be able to stop.

  “I need a break from the computer, so I decided to clean,” she continued, glancing around the reception area, her expression one of pride. “Looks good, huh?”

  That’s not the only thing that looks good. I’m dazzled by your inner and outer beauty. In less than a month, his life had changed for the better, and Tatiyana was the reason why. A perfectionist, with an eye for detail, she ensured everything ran smoothly at the office, and went above and beyond her job description. Everything about Tatiyana was impressive. Her maturity, how well she related to others, her positive outlook about life. It was impossible not to like her, and her bright, effervescent personality brought out the best in everyone—even Izzy. These days, his paralegal was working harder, being more professional. Tatiyana had captured the attention of everyone at the firm, and when the other senior partners joked about stealing her away from him, Markos beamed with pride. “You’re incredible, you know that?”

  Raising her eyebrows, she wore a skeptical expression on her face.

  “Tatiyana, I’m serious. You’re the best employee I’ve ever had, and I’m grateful to have you here at LA Family Law,” he said, speaking from the heart. “It’s hard to believe you’ve only been here a few weeks. You won the respect of your colleagues, and the hearts of the clients, as well, even the sad ones.”

  “I learned from the best,” she said, fervently nodding. “It’s been an honor to work here, and I can’t thank you enough for this opportunity.”

  Markos felt himself moving, marching toward her, adrenaline surging through his veins.

  “Is the mayor finally back from his trip or is he still hotfooting it around the globe?”

  His feet slowed. Talk about a mood killer. Markos coughed into his fist, and took a moment to consider his words. The mayor would be back in LA tonight, but he wanted to keep the information to himself. He was having lunch with Mayor Glover next week, but he didn’t want Tatiyana to know. She’d insist on joining them, and Markos wanted to talk to his friend man-to-man first. His gut feeling was that Jantel was lying, and he didn’t want Mayor Glover to think he believed her. He didn’t. Markos knew all too well how conniving the opposite sex could be. Over the years, people had used him and his family for one reason or ano
ther, and he wasn’t going to stand by and let Jantel drag the mayor’s name through the mud. “Don’t worry, Tatiyana. I haven’t forgotten my promise. Be patient. It will happen soon,” he said. “How’s baby Allie?”

  Her eyes lit up. “As cute as ever, and smarter than Einstein. She’s only ten months old, but she’s already walking like a pro. And she can even say a few words.”

  “I’m not surprised your niece is excelling. It’s in her blood. After all, you are her aunt...”

  His cell lit up with his brother’s name and number, and Markos trailed off. Romeo never called him during the day, so he knew his brother wanted to talk about something important. “Romeo, what’s up? How’s Milan treating you?”

  “You’re not going to believe this shit,” he grumbled.

  “Bro, what’s wrong? You sound pissed.”

  “You’d be pissed, too, if you found out your girl screwed you over for a million dollars!”

  “What happened?”

  Tatiyana touched his shoulder. Smiling sympathetically, she took his briefcase and motioned for him to sit on the couch. Her expression was filled with concern, and thoughts of their last night in Tampa came to mind. He remembered how they’d stayed up late, cuddling and talking for hours, and wished they were still in his executive suite pleasing each other.

  “Markos, sit down and relax. I’ll put this away for you,” she whispered.

  Spinning, she marched down the hallway, humming to herself. Through the door, Markos watched her open his briefcase, take out his files and notepads and stack them on his desk in a neat, organized manner. Just the way he liked it.

  “Bro, are you listening? Did you hear what I just said?”

  Feeling guilty, he tore his gaze away from Tatiyana and gave his brother his full attention. “My bad. I was thinking about something else. Go ahead. I’m listening now.”

  “Let’s FaceTime. It’s easier. Fewer distractions.”

  Markos looked at his phone, pressed the green app and retrieved his earpieces from the pocket of his suit jacket. He liked Tatiyana, knew she wasn’t the office gossip, but he didn’t want her to overhear his conversation with his brother. Romeo’s image filled the screen, and Markos felt his jaw droop open. His brother looked like hell, as if he hadn’t slept in months, and his melancholy disposition matched the weary expression on his face. Photogenic and charismatic, Romeo’s carefully cultivated bad-boy image not only added to his insane popularity in Italy, it attracted women like a sales sign in a boutique window. A favorite of gossip bloggers, he enjoyed the spotlight, and the more brazen Romeo was, the more the public loved him.

  “Last weekend, I took Lizabeth to my island in Sicily to reconnect,” he explained, raking a hand through his hair. “But all we did was argue. She called off our engagement.”

  Markos cursed in Italian. “I’m sorry to hear that. How are you doing?”

  “Bad. I really wanted us to work, and it hurts like hell that she’s gone,” he confessed. “She’s coming over tomorrow to grab the rest of her stuff, and I plan to be long gone by the time she gets here.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “Torino. There’s a business opportunity I want to check out, and I need to get out of town for a while.”

  “Romeo, don’t sweat it. You’ll be good as new in no time.”

  “I have a question. Is Lizabeth entitled to any sort of financial compensation? I heard from her lawyer today, and she’s threatening to file a lawsuit, and write a tell-all book about our family if I don’t give her a million-dollar settlement,” he explained, his tone bitter. “Can you believe this? I gave Lizabeth the world, and this is how she repays me.”

  “Sorry, bro. I know how much you love her—”

  “Loved her,” he corrected, speaking through clenched teeth. “I have to do something.”

  “Romeo, forget her. She’s not worth it.”

  “What are my legal rights? I don’t want her writing that stupid book about our family. It will ruin us. She knows too much...”

  In lawyer mode now, Markos rose to his feet and stalked into his office. Sitting, he propped his cell up against the glass candy dish and turned on his computer. Years ago, he’d argued a similar case, and accessed the file on his hard drive to review it. Romeo vented about his ex-girlfriend’s betrayal, expressing his outrage and disgust. Markos could hear the pain in his voice, his hurt, and cracked jokes to make his brother feel better. “Don’t worry, bro. I’ll take care of everything.”

  “That’s a relief. I have enough on my plate as it is.”

  “Yes, of course, I know how stressful it is to plan a birthday party.”

  Romeo wore a sad smile. “I don’t want to do anything this year. I’m not in the mood to party.”

  “Of course you are, and you’re going to celebrate the big day with your brothers and cousins in Monte Carlo. I could use a good Cuban cigar, some authentic Italian cuisine and a nice, relaxing weekend on your fancy yacht.”

  “Deal, now let’s get down to work. I want to take care of this issue with Lizabeth before things spiral out of control and turn ugly.”

  “Not on my watch. We’re Morettis. No one messes with us and gets away with it.”

  Nodding, Romeo wore a broad grin. “That’s why I called you. When it comes to outwitting the competition, no one does it better.”

  * * *

  Markos glanced up from the document he was proof-reading at his office desk, spotted Tatiyana standing in the doorway holding a brown paper bag and dropped his gold fountain pen. Sunshine splashed through the windows, casting an angelic glow around her, and Markos decided she’d never looked more beautiful. Dumbstruck, he couldn’t think or speak. Her lips were moving, but he couldn’t hear her. Remembering he still wore his earpieces, he took them off, and dropped them on the file folder.

  “Break time,” she said. “I brought you dinner, so come eat.”

  Tatiyana marched over to the mahogany table, set down the oversize bag and unloaded the containers inside. A delicious aroma filled the air, tickling his nose, but Markos remained in his chair. “I don’t have time to eat. I have documents to draft, motions to proof and a settlement agreement to finish before I can call it quits for the day.”

  “Markos, don’t be ridiculous. You need a break. You’ve been holed up in your office since you returned from the country club five hours ago.”

  “Is that a problem?”

  Cocking her head to the right, she narrowed her gaze and hitched a hand to her hip. “It will be if you don’t come over here and try some of this food.”

  “Fine, I’ll eat while I work.”

  “No way! You’re going to sit at the table and eat like a civilized person.”

  “I’ve been eating at my desk for years. It’s no big deal—”

  “Well, there’s a new sheriff in town, and she says you need a break so get up, come over here and check out what I ordered from The California Bar & Grill.”

  Tatiyana waved him over, insisting it was time for dinner, but Markos didn’t budge.

  “Fine, you leave me no choice.”

  Wearing a stern face, she stalked over to his desk, grabbed his forearm and pulled him to his feet. Electricity surged through his body when their hands touched, and the hairs on the back of his neck shot up. He’d taken off his suit jacket hours earlier and rolled up his shirtsleeves, so why was he sweating profusely? And why was he suddenly short of breath?

  “Man, you’re heavier than you look!” Tatiyana joked.

  “I like when you manhandle me,” he said, gazing down at her. “Reminds me of our weekend in Tampa and all the fun we had in my suite with that bottle of maple syrup.”

  Her nose twitched, and Markos didn’t know if she wanted to sneeze or laugh. Stepping back, she slid behind one of the wooden chairs. “
I bought your favorites. Samosas, tahini eggplant, honey-glazed ribs, balsamic rice and sweet-potato fries.”

  “Honey-glazed ribs?” he repeated. “What are we waiting for? Let’s eat!”

  Markos pulled out a chair for her, but Tatiyana shook her head.

  “I can’t. I have paperwork to do, and if I take a break now, I won’t finish by six.”

  “You have another date?” he said, unable to hide his surprise. “Are you going for the Guinness World Record for the most dates in one month or something?”

  Tatiyana laughed, and the melodious sound filled the office. Markos loved seeing her eyes lit up, and hearing her girlish giggles always made him grin from ear to ear.

  “No. I have a quiz to study for and a paper to write for my business administration class, and since it isn’t going to write itself, I have to buckle down and get it done this weekend.”

  “Stay and keep me company. It’s been a long day, and I could use some of your positive energy right now.” Markos knew he shouldn’t touch her, knew he was breaking the rules, but he squeezed her shoulders. “I’ll eat, but only if you join me.”

  “What about my job responsibilities?” she asked, biting her bottom lip. Her voice was apprehensive, and her expression was wary. “You get upset when things aren’t done in a timely manner, and I don’t want to get on your bad side.”

  You could never get on my bad side. You’re the best secretary I’ve ever had.

  “You make me sound like a tyrant. I’m not that bad, am I?”

  Tatiyana shook her head, then eagerly nodded, and Markos laughed.

  “Something smells good!” Izzy sailed through the door, and headed straight for the table. “I hope you bought enough for three because I’m hungrier than an actress in a too-tight dress on Oscar night.”

  Sitting down, Tatiyana patted the seat beside her. “Come sit. There’s plenty.”

  Coughing into his fist, Markos tried to catch her attention, but Tatiyana was too busy chatting with his paralegal to pay him any mind. “Izzy, what are you still doing here?” he asked, noting the time on the wall clock. “It’s five thirty. You never work this late.”


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