Across the Stars

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Across the Stars Page 1

by India Masters


  India Masters



  This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered offensive to some readers. Loose Id® e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the laws of the country in which you made your purchase. Please store your files wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.

  Across the Stars

  India Masters

  This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Published by

  Loose Id LLC

  1802 N Carson Street, Suite 212-2924

  Carson City NV 89701-1215

  Copyright © January 2008 by India Masters

  All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing, photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC.

  ISBN 978-1-59632-625-5

  Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader

  Printed in the United States of America

  Editor: Sherri Lynn

  Cover Artist: Anne Cain

  Chapter One

  “Entering Cyntur-Rho airspace, Raav.”

  Raav Asirian clapped a hand on the communications officer’s shoulder. “Very good. Open communications and let them know we’re on our way in.”

  “Aye, sir.”

  Raav stretched, groaning at the cracking in his spine. This mission had taken longer than anyone expected and the crew needed some downtime. Hell, he needed some well-deserved distraction himself. And this was just the place to get it.

  Cyntur-Rho boasted every kind of entertainment known to man. From video palaces to high-class bordellos, the pleasure planet had it all. And Raav wanted nothing more than to sink his cock into some willing female and fuck himself into oblivion. He dressed quickly in formfitting brown breeches that left little to the imagination, and pulled a dark ocher-colored tunic over his head, not bothering with a belt because he didn’t plan to be in the garments any longer than it took to find a woman. Anticipation of an evening at the Pleasure Dome warmed his blood as he strode through the door and took the airlift to the bridge.

  Leaving a skeleton crew behind, Raav accompanied his first mate to the landing dock in search of an air taxi.

  Jomar Phaeg elbowed Raav’s ribs. “Look at the black warp flyer over there. Isn’t that Captain O’bora’s craft?”

  Raav grinned, recognizing the vehicle. “That’s interesting. Wonder what she’s up to?”

  Jomar chuckled. “You have that predatory gleam in your eye, my friend.”

  Raav laughed. “The ever elusive captain won’t escape me this time, Jomar. If she’s after a bounty, she’ll need Ala’s permission to take him off world, and I’m just the man who can get it for her.”

  “For a price.” Jomar shook his head. “You strike a hard bargain, Raav.”

  He slung an arm around his friend’s neck and urged him forward into the air taxi. “In more ways than one, my friend, in more ways than one.”

  Once inside the Pleasure Dome, Raav gave his senses a moment to adjust to the strobe lights and thumping beat of the music. From across the packed room, Ala Yurth waved and made her way toward him. A handsome woman, despite her advanced age, Ala still moved like a seductress.

  “Darling,” she purred, hugging Raav. “Handsome as ever, I see. Did you come to relieve me of one of my girls this evening?”

  Raav returned her hug. “Solae O’bora, she’s here?”

  Ala laughed. “I might have known you’d still be after that one.” She nodded toward the raised dance platform. “You may be out of luck, though. Seems she has her eye on that big guy she’s dancing with.” She smiled ruefully. “I wouldn’t mind a bite of that myself.”

  “I might be able to arrange that for you if you’re inclined to do me a favor.”

  Ala gave him a shrewd look. “So, he’s a bounty then? And the little witch never told me. She knows I get a cut of any bounty taken from my club.” She laughed. “You want me to tell her to back off, so you can intervene in her behalf, do you?”

  “That would be the general idea, my love. Then we both get what we want. I get Solae for the night and you get the warrior.”

  “I always did enjoy your devious mind, Raav. Wait at the bar.”

  Raav ordered a Red Crown Ale and leaned against the bar to watch the show unfold.

  Solae O’bora had talent; he’d give her that. One of the more ruthless, independent bounty hunters, she wasn’t above using sex appeal to make a capture. He watched as she danced seductively around the Zo-Qui warrior, her perfectly toned body moving in exact time with the beat of the music. She turned, shimmied against him, rubbing her ass against the man’s obvious erection. The warrior spun her around and lifted one of her legs to his waist, then grabbed her ass and ground her against him.

  Raav took a deep breath. Stars! The look of ecstasy on her face, though probably fake, made his own cock leap to attention. He took a gulp of ale and watched as Solae wove an arm around the warrior’s neck and drew him down for a kiss. Raav snorted in derision. Without a doubt, the sparkling lipstick she wore contained a dose of a chemical hypnotic, and if that wasn’t enough, he suspected her tongue stud was rigged to administer a dose of sleeping potion. Dumb bastard deserved what he got.

  He continued to watch as Ala pulled Solae aside to read her the riot act. He suppressed a smile as the two women argued, then nodded as Solae threw her hands up in disgust. She turned to the smitten warrior and ordered him to sit in his chair, then followed Ala to the bar.

  “I was going to tell you about it after I had him in custody, you old toad!”

  “Sure you were, you lying little slut! Get the hell out of my bar!” She glared in the direction of the Zo-Qui warrior. “He stays where he sits!”

  Raav had seen Solae pissed before, but the woman looked like she was ready to have a full-scale meltdown. Time for him to step in.

  “You dried up old piece of space debris. I ought to —”

  “Whoa, ladies,” Raav cut in. “What seems to be the problem?”

  Solae turned a fiery glare on him. “Mind your business, Asirian!”

  “You’re verbally assaulting an old friend, Captain O’bora. I consider that my business.” He turned to Ala. “What’s the problem?”

  “This little slut is using my club as her own personal bounty round up, and trying to do it without giving me my cut!”

  Raav raised an eyebrow and looked at his target. “Is this true, Captain?”

  She smiled seductively, then folded her arms across her chest. “Of course not, but the old bat won’t listen to reason.”

  Raav chuckled and led her away from Ala, hand at her waist. “Haven’t you ever heard the old Earth expression, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar?”

  She looked at him beneath hooded lids. Probably calculating the odds she could get him to help. She offered him an innocent pout. “What, sweeten her up?”

  Raav shrugged. “Of course, it’s probably too late now. You’ve really pissed her off. Is he worth much, this bounty?”

  Solae’s chin came up and she gave him a suspicious look. “Enough to make it worth my while.”

  Raav nodded and stroked the small pa
tch of whiskers beneath his bottom lip. “Enough to make it worth my while to help you?”

  She cocked her head, studying him. “Perhaps. What will it cost me?”

  Raav swallowed a victorious grin as she nibbled her bottom lip. “One night in my bed. Doing anything and everything I ask of you.”

  He thought for a moment she might hit him, but she ran a finger down his chest, stroking the flesh bared by his tunic. “Done.”

  “Don’t move a muscle, I’ll be right back.”

  * * * * *

  Solae took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. Raav Asirian had been pursuing her for years. Well, not pursuing her in the true sense of the word. He was a mercenary and she a bounty hunter, so their paths crossed often enough they’d become acquainted. He’d let her know, in the most vivid terms possible, he intended to get her into his bed. Gods, he had practically bragged once she’d had him, she’d never want another! Heaven help her, she wanted him as badly as he wanted her. Only the fear of being completely consumed by him kept her running from his aggressive challenges to give in to just one night of pleasure in his bed. Fear had won before, but tonight, she would accept the gauntlet he laid before her.

  A man like Asirian, so blatantly sexual, would want to control every aspect of the liaison, and Solae was not a woman who gave up control, no matter how often she might have dreamed of just giving in and allowing herself the luxury of letting go. Therefore, she merely scoffed at his advances and chose men she knew she could dominate. But this time, he had provided her with the perfect out by manipulating the situation as he’d done. She could enjoy all he had to offer in the way of sexual pleasure and walk away the following morning without a care in the world.

  She stood beside him on the airlift, head held proud. In all honesty, he did fascinate her. She cracked the tiniest of smiles. The way a flute fascinated a cobra.

  “Is something funny? Please tell me, so I can share in the amusement,” Raav murmured in her ear.

  Solae laughed softly. “Not at all. I was just thinking about snakes.”

  Raav burst out laughing as the airlift came to a stop. “After you, aschema.” He gave her a mocking bow and a gentle shove into his quarters. “So, you think I’m a snake, do you?”

  She walked into the room and looked around, impressed by the luxury surrounding them. Her own quarters were Spartan compared to his. “Huh. I never would have taken you for someone so…self-indulgent.”

  “I like my comforts, and I can afford them. You don’t like it?”

  The look on his face told her it mattered to him that she did. So, naturally, she denied him her approval. “What does it matter? I won’t be here long enough for it to make a difference.”

  He yanked his shirt over his head and tossed it onto a chair. “So, you don’t care where I fuck you, so long as I just get it over with. Is that it?”

  “Oh, I wouldn’t say that. I expect you’ll get your money’s worth and, since I have no choice in the matter, I fully intend to take as much pleasure from the experience as is humanly possible.” She gave him a cool look, but her heart thudded with excitement at the sight of him. Gods, he was hot.

  Honey brown hair touched his shoulders while intense, hazel eyes studied her with greedy desire. Stars, but his shoulders were wide! His chest, broad and honed like granite, sported the same honey-colored hair, which formed a T-shape that disappeared into the waistband of his too-tight breeches.

  Solae’s fingers itched to dip beneath those trousers to find out exactly what all the fuss was about. Raav Asirian was reputed to possess quite the package. She was roused from her reverie when he spoke again, his voice deep and just a little cranky.

  “Then step into my parlor.” He moved to the chair and sat down to remove his boots.

  She laughed. “Said the spider to the fly.” Don’t let him see your hands shaking, Solae. She leaned down and pulled off her boots, dropping them on the floor. Her hands were steady when she reached for the zipper of her black bodysuit. She pulled it down slowly, watching Raav’s nostrils flare as the zipper parted, baring her flesh beneath his avid gaze. It was all she could do not to run when he got up and ambled to her, circling her like some giant cat, ready to devour its prey.

  “Such beauty for one so cold. You’ve led me on a merry chase all these years. Why change your mind now?” His fingers traced the line of her jaw to her chin, then down her neck to her collarbone. “Look at me, Solae.” The look she gave him was pure defiance. “When I tell you to do something, I expect to be obeyed, aschema. At least for tonight. Is that clear?”

  The touch of his fingers heated her skin, igniting a glow that only he could quench. She only hoped she could hide her reaction to him. A man like Asirian could make a woman forget herself, something she’d never allowed. Keep your voice cool, casual. “Crystal. Anything else?”

  His fingers picked up their leisurely excursion over her naked flesh. “Actually, yes. Is there another dose of sleeping potion in that tongue jewel or did the warrior get it all?” He tweaked a nipple, chuckling as she gasped at the sensation. “Tell the truth, lovely Solae, because if you inject me, I will chase you across the stars to make you keep our bargain.”

  Solae licked her lips. “What’s the matter, Asirian? Are you afraid of me?” In an act of total bravado, she leaned into him, running her tongue along his lips. Despite herself, she uttered a startled cry when he propelled her backward, pressing her against the wall. A laugh escaped her when he tore the sleeve off her bodysuit and wiped the lipstick from her mouth.

  His kiss was hard, and deep as his tongue warred with hers for dominance. His hands were at her shoulders, forcing the soft material down and off, till nothing but his hard chest pressed against her naked breasts.

  Heavenly stars! Her hands went to his hair, fisting in the long, silky locks to hold him in place while she kissed him back with all her might. His hands went to her hips, ripping the rest of the zipper apart. His hand burrowed between her legs, and he laughed softly.

  “So wet and tight,” he taunted. “Perhaps you’re not as indifferent as you’d like me to believe.”

  She tore her lips from his and practically growled. “Get your pants off, Asirian, and fuck me like you’re supposed to.” A raised eyebrow was the only indication of his surprise at her reaction.

  Solae skimmed off the shredded remains of her bodysuit, watching as Raav shucked his breeches. She licked her lips at the sight of his cock jutting proudly against his stomach. Jesus, what the hell did he think he was going to do with that thing? “Impressive,” she said with a nod.

  “Not nearly so impressive as what I do with it.” He spun her around and pressed her against the wall once more. “Spread your legs and put your arms over your head, palms flat on the wall.”

  She obeyed immediately, because she wanted to. My stars, to feel his hands on her, his cock driving into her, as he held her pressed against the wall. His fingers found her opening and the tip of his cock slid inside.

  Ah, yes, it had been far too long. Her heart thundered in her chest and heated liquid pooled between her thighs. She moved restlessly, waiting for him to go deeper. With a flick of his hips, he gave her more. Her head fell forward and her lips parted in anticipation.

  “More, aschema?”

  “Yes,” she sighed. “More. All of it.” He bent his knees, then thrust up and into her, raising her to her tiptoes. “Oooh, yes. Again, just like that.” He accommodated her, pumping into her with long, hard strokes, as his hands gripped her waist to prevent her from moving.

  “Do you like that?” he breathed against her ear. “Shall I make you come?”

  “Yes, Asirian, make me come.” It was both a demand and a plea.

  His hands moved to her breasts as he slowed his pace, and nipped her earlobe. “Say my name,” he whispered. “Say, fuck me, Raav. Make me come.” She stiffened against him, her mind warring with her body at his demand. He stopped, buried deep inside her. “My name, Solae. Say it.” Withdrawing
partway, he slammed into her once more.

  She moaned. “Fuck me, Raav. Make me come!” She cried out when his arms went around her waist, lifting her off her feet. He set her down at the foot of the bed.

  “Lean over and brace yourself on the mattress, aschema.” His hands moved between her thighs, adjusting her stance, then his hips scooped under her, and he began to thrust. His hands grasped her hips, pulling her hard against him as he rocked forward, sinking deep into her.

  No man had ever filled her so deeply or made her feel as out of control as Raav. She was no inexperienced girl, taking her pleasure whenever the spirit moved her, but this experience made her want to scream, to beg him to fuck her. Every nerve ending lit up with a simple brush of his hand. And his cock, so thick and long, made her want to scream at him to give it to her, and never stop.

  Solae keened mindlessly as Raav powered into her, fucking her hard, his hips like a piston as he drove her to the edge. The man definitely knew how to use what was given to him. “Ah, stars! I’m going to come…don’t.” The words died on her lips as he reached around to tweak her clit. Her body went rigid, and she threw back her head, yowling like a moonstruck cat as she came. He never gave her a moment, just kept pumping as her body jerked and twitched. “Oooh!” she shrieked, as a series of intense tiny, orgasms rocked her. When she felt as if she couldn’t bear it one minute longer, Raav slammed into her one last time, bellowing as he emptied himself deep in her molten core. As her trembling legs gave out, he followed her down to the mattress and rolled onto his back.

  She held herself apart from him, denying herself the luxury of a cuddle. When her breathing returned to normal, she turned onto her side with a satisfied sigh. “Not bad, Asirian,” she said when he looked at her.

  “Not bad!” He lunged at her, laughing as he hauled her against him. “Not bad? I’d wager you could count on one hand the number of men who could make you come screaming like that.”


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