Reminding The SEAL (Navy SEAL Military Romance)

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Reminding The SEAL (Navy SEAL Military Romance) Page 18

by Milena Fenmore

  “Where’s Joshua?” she asked, with a fluttering in her chest.

  “His unit picked him up this morning,” her mother’s tone was low and sad.

  “When’s he coming back?” she could hear the crack in her voice.

  “I don’t know, honey. He said something about training and afterwards deployment.”

  She turned and went up the stairs, each step heavier than the first. When she reached his room, she stopped and entered. She could see him in his uniform. He had always been a soldier in her mind, since the first day she laid eyes on him.

  Lee-Ann pulled out the piece of paper that was in the envelope and read it. It seemed that Joshua barely had time to scribble his message. “Got to go. Sorry I couldn’t say goodbye. We need to talk.”

  “What were you going to tell me, Josh? That you regret the other night?” she whispered to herself.

  She tore up the piece of paper and threw it in the thrash. She didn’t want to know what he had to say. It wasn’t his fault that he’d left without saying goodbye, yet, she was still angry at him. She retreated to the sanctity of her room where she brooded for the rest of the afternoon. Her mood had gone from light to dark in just an instant. Joshua was the cause of that. He was the only one that affected her that way and she resented it.

  “You’re doing it again, Josh. Making me feel bad,” she grumbled.

  With no appetite for food, she skipped dinner that night and went to bed early. She woke up once during the night thinking about Joshua, with the urge to go to see if he was there, but she fought it and went back to sleep.

  The following day was another day on campus. This was when she would pick up her schedule and books she’d need for class. She also had to choose her minors and extracurricular activities. She wasn’t in the mood to do any of that. She wished Gracie was with her, but her friend was going away to design school.

  She was picking up a brochure for a science club when her eyes rested on a blond girl that looked familiar. The girl lifted her eyes and they made contact with hers. She groaned inwardly when Amy started coming over.

  “Hi, Lee-Ann,” Amy greeted her in an overly sweet tone and in an equally sweet smile.

  “Hi,” she forced a smile.

  “I guess we’ll be attending school here together,” she stated in the same tone.

  “I guess,” Lee-Ann was not the mood for chit-chat.

  “This is my second year,” Amy offered.

  “Nice,” her impatience perhaps showed in her reply.

  Amy’s smile faded, “You don’t like me, do you?”

  “I don’t know you,” she replied with a sigh.

  “Is it because Joshua and I like each other?”

  Lee-Ann looked the girl straight in the eyes, a stab of jealousy piercing her chest. “It doesn’t matter to me who Joshua likes. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” She turned to walk away.

  “You like him, don’t you?” she heard the girl say. “I know you do.”

  Her step halted for a second and she was tempted to reply, but just walked away. She remembered an old saying, something about protesting too much makes you seem guilty. Then, she also remembered the saying about silence means consent. It didn’t matter what Amy thought. The most important thing was finding a way to get past this mood she found herself in.

  First, she had to figure out a way to not miss Joshua so much. That gave her pause, because she never realized that she did miss him and that was the reason for her mood. The rest of the day passed slowly while her disposition got worse. Running into Amy helped put a damper on her as well. There was something about that girl that just rubbed her the wrong way.

  “Joshua and I like each other,” Lee-Ann mimicked. “Good for you Amy.”

  While she drove home, she could not help thinking about Joshua and Amy, and the note he’d left for her. Was that what he wanted to tell her? That he and Amy were an item? It must be. Amy said it herself, that they liked each other. Did that mean when Joshua comes back, she’d be coming around often? She really hoped not.

  Another afternoon spent in her room and another early night to bed. When her phone rang, she jumped, thinking it might be Joshua but it was Gracie’s number. She told Gracie she wasn’t feeling well and turned off the phone afterwards. It did feel like she was coming down with something. She felt hot all over and her chest felt heavy. There were moments she also felt like she would burst into tears.

  Getting out of bed was difficult the following morning. There was just no energy. Lee-Ann had lost her mojo, her spunk, that thing that made her as fiery as the color of her hair. When she didn’t go downstairs, Barbara went to her room. She found her wrapped in bed from head to toe.

  “Honey, are you okay?”

  “I don’t feel so good, Mommy,” She managed to get out.

  “Are you in pain?” furrows formed in Barbara’s brows. Lee-Ann shook her head, indicating ‘yes’. “Where?” here mother asked.

  “Here, it hurts,” she laid her hand on her chest. “Am I coming down with something?”

  “What else?” her mother inquired, a worried look crossing her face. “I noticed you missed dinner gain.”

  “I’ not hungry, Mom. Am I getting sick?”

  Barbara smiled and lovingly caressed her face, “No, you aren’t getting. You’re in love.”

  She sat up abruptly, forgetting her dilemma, “What? No…I’m not in love Mom.”

  “How do you know you’re not in love?”

  “I just know!”

  “Is it a boy I know?” Her mother asked, amused.

  Lee-Ann turned red. “I told you, there’s no boy,” she protested, getting up from the bed. “I’m going to the bathroom.”


  Joshua had no idea when he would return from wherever they were sending him. There was one thing he knew he had to do before he left, and that was talk to Lee-Ann. He had something to tell her and he wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to let it wait until his return. She must be feeling bad about what happened and he needed to set the record straight, tell her what was what, so she could set her mind free.

  “Hey man, you’re lost in space again. What’s with you these last few days?” a member of his unit observed. He’d been thinking of Lee-Ann and how he could get to see her. It was going to be difficult but he must request time off.

  “Nothing, I’m fine,’ he replied.

  “I’ve never seen you like this,” the guy looks at him intently.

  He’d never been like this. Making love to Lee-Ann wasn’t something he planned and it was weighing in his conscience. Not that he didn’t want her, but by God, she was his stepsister. That made her off-limits. He felt like he violated some sort of code by being with her.

  “Focus man, we have a demonstration to prepare for,” his friend said.

  A demonstration from the US army meant that a platoon would be sent to show rescue techniques in the case of war or natural disasters. This demonstration by his unit would concentrate on air and ground rescue. These demonstrations served two major purposes. It gave the citizens of the country the confidence that the Army was well prepared to deal with any disaster, and secondly, those aspiring to join the army will get some inspiration.

  Chapter Eight

  The temperatures were falling as the summer disappeared. With the fall came time for classes. Lee-Ann had a few weeks to get over whatever bug she had. She was back to her usual fiery self, only a little more mature than she was before. The shopping she’d put off was done two days before classes. With Gracie’s help, she picked out several outfits that they thought she would need for everyday to wear to school, a few dresses in case she went on dates, and a cocktail dress for a special occasion. She even bought new sleepwear and lingerie. Since she would be driving to school every day, she was glad that she had traded the Chevy. The new car was more reliable and burned less gas.

  Attending classes was a welcome distraction and her only issue was that she didn’t want to run into Amy. The girl wa
s ahead of her by one year, which meant they wouldn’t be sitting in the same lectures. That was a welcome relief. Staring blankly at the notice board and holding her breath that that would last was when an announcement caught her attention. There would be a demonstration on campus.

  “What’s that?” she asked a girl she met on orientation day. They were standing by the noticeboard at the student’s union office.

  “A unit from the US will be coming to do a rescue demonstration. They do it all the time,” the girl said. The girl looked closely at the notice, “The unit leader’s name on it along with his platoon. Sergeant First Class Joshua Stanworth.”

  “Are you sure?” a flutter like butterfly wings appeared in her stomach.

  “Yes, it’s right here.”

  Lee-Ann stared at the name for a long time. Her face had gone a bit white. The girl looked at her curiously but said nothing. All she could think about was what he’d left in that note. What did he want to tell her? She would just have to avoid him at all cost, the way she was avoiding his girlfriend. Amy must be thrilled that he was coming there to do his demonstration.

  She could imagine how happy they would be to see each other. “What a happy couple they make!” she snarled under her breath.

  The demonstration was for the following day. She wished she didn’t have to come to school, but that was unavoidable. She had a full day of lectures, except for the time allotted for this event. Her plan was to skip off to the library while it was going on so she wouldn’t have to run into Joshua, and perhaps see him and Amy meet up.

  With her mind made up, Lee-Ann attended her classes, and close to the time she knew the demonstration would take place on the football field, she started walking towards the library. Nevertheless, her feet wouldn’t carry her.

  “Just one glimpse,” she said to herself. “I’ll just blend in with the crowd. He won’t even see me.”

  When she was sure the stadium was packed, she ventured in. But as soon as she did, another girl from her Psychology class, Maria, called her.

  “Come, you’ll see better from here.”

  She was sitting in a front row seat, too close for comfort. She looked out on the field and saw that there were about fifty soldiers out there and she could not make out which one was Joshua. There was also a unit truck parked to the far end of the field, which meant he could be anywhere out there. She breathed a grateful sigh and sat beside Maria.

  Soon, the humming sound of a helicopter sounded above the stadium and all eyes turned to see several men jump, and within a few seconds, their parachutes opened. It was like watching a move. There was one instance they set up a makeshift house with someone trapped in it. Another rescue was someone in an accident and the air ambulance came to retrieve them. The helicopter hovered precariously low to the ground and then a person is strapped onto a stretcher, then hoisted into the carrier. There were ‘ooohs and aaahs’ and even whistles from the students watching.

  Lee-Ann actually saw little of what was going on. All she could think about was which solder was Joshua. When the end came, she was one of the first to get up, but the crowd behind her held her back from reaching the exit. She had to wait a long time before she could get a clear path to leave.

  Involuntarily, her eyes turned towards the field and she saw him. He was coming straight at her, and it was as if he was fixated on her. She didn’t know what to do. Should she run for it? Her mind was made up for her when she noticed a blond girl running towards him. Amy threw her arms around him and kissed him squarely on the lips. She knew it would happen, but she never expected that it would stab her in the heart like that.

  The crowd had thinned somewhat, giving her a chance to depart. She was almost at the last row when she heard her name. Ignoring it, she moved towards the exit and headed towards the campus parking.

  “Lee-Ann!” Joshua was calling her name but she was in no mood to see him.

  He was quicker than she thought. By the time she made a few more steps, she felt him grab her arm. She twirled to a face him, with her green eyes ablaze.

  “Let me go Josh!”

  “No, not until you hear what I have to say,” he replied, calmly.

  “Say it quickly and let me be. Your girlfriend might be waiting,” her acid tone flung at him.

  “She’s not my girlfriend,” was his easy reply.

  “Don’t give me that. She told me you liked her and I saw you kissing just now,” her voice was hard.

  “I never told her I liked her and what you saw was Amy kissing me, not the other way around. Are you jealous?”

  She laughed a mirthless laugh, “Me, jealous? Don’t be ridiculous,” she pulled her hand away and started towards her car. He reached her and blocked her path. “Get out of my way Josh,” she said.

  “I have something for you. I thought it was better than telling you what I had to say,” he reached around his neck and pulled off his dog tag.

  “What are you doing?” her heart was fluttering. She looked around and saw a small crowd had gathered, watching the soldier and the red head. In the group of spectators was Amy. Her face was twisted in an ugly manner.

  In reply to her, he carried the chain over her head, “Keep this for me.”

  “Why, won’t you need it?” her voice became quiet.

  “I’ll get another,” he replied. “And one more thing.”

  “What’s that?” she asked.

  “I don’t want you dating while I’m gone. I won’t be here to keep you out of trouble,” he smiled.

  “Listen Josh…,” her words were cut off with his lips.

  His arms came around her and pulled her into his hard chest, crushing her tender breasts on his rock hard body. His tongue sought hers and mated in a sensual dance, sending shivers up her spine. When he released her, she was breathless.

  “See you when I get back,” he whispered against her hair. She could feel his heart thudding in his chest and something told her that this moment was special.

  “I don’t want you to go,” she whispered back.

  “I know, but it won’t be long this time. A month…two months tops. I promise.”


  Three months later, Josh had not returned as promised. Lee-Ann was beside herself. What if he never returned? She fingered the pendant around her neck. It was December, one week to go until Christmas. He did not come home for thanksgiving, and it appeared he would not be home for Christmas either. Her mother and Timothy had gone to New York to visit relatives and would not be back until the Eve of Christmas.

  Gracie was away in Europe, and she would have to make do alone for the next week until her parents’ return. School was out, so there was nothing to do on campus. It was a boring term break with nothing to do but sleep, eat, and swim.

  On Friday night, she made herself a sandwich, watched some television, and then decided to take a swim. The California air had become a little crisp but the pool was warm and soothing. She did her usual laps, circling the pool several times. She stopped briefly to gulp for air and was back at it, going faster this time. When she finished and swam to the edge of the pool, she almost jumped out of her skin to see someone crouched at the edge, looking at her.

  He was wearing speedos and his blue eyes twinkled playfully. She stopped and stared, unable to believe he was actually there. Joshua then scooped up a handful of water and splashed her face. Quickly, she swam to the edge, grabbed his leg and pulled him in. They played around for some time with him trying to catch her. Each time he caught her, she got away. Finally, he backed her up against the wall and they both surfaced, out of breath.

  Joshua placed his palms on the wall on either side of her head, “You won’t get away from me now, Reds.”

  He pushed his body up against hers and twined tangled their legs together. Dipping his head, he licked a drop of water from her chin.

  “Josh, let me go, please,” her voice had become hoarse.

  His handsome face broke out into a wide grin, “I know you don’t want th
at, Reds. You don’t really want me to let you go.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Because you want me to do this,” he lowered his head once more and gently bit her bottom lip.

  “No, I don’t,” her voice came out in a hoarse whisper while her eyelid slammed shut.

  “And this,” he nibbled her ear, then ran his lips lightly down her neck and kissed her shoulder.

  She pushed him hard and slid away, ‘No, you can’t come after three months and expect that I’ll be butter in your hands!”

  He caught her before she could get away. Her face was to the wall now and Joshua came up behind her. She could feel his heat on her back ad his hard cock pressing into her ass. He slid one hand around her waist while the other cupped a breast.

  Lee-Ann’s protestations sounded weak t her, “No, no…you can’t.” However, she found that she was leaning back against him because he felt so damn good. “I hate you.”

  “No you don’t,” he kissed the back of her neck.

  “Yes, I do,” she murmured.

  “There’s a really thin line, Lee-Ann, a very thin line,” he murmured in her ear.

  She didn’t know what that meant and didn’t care. He was gently rubbing her nipple with his thumb and trailing his lips along he neck and shoulder, sending ripples of pleasure up and down her spine.

  “Between love and hate,” she heard him say. A flash of memory made her eyes open wide. Her mother had told her a few months ago that she was in love. No, it couldn’t be. Josh was just toying with her. He always does that.

  As quickly as the memory entered her mind, it fled when Joshua’s, hand slid down her belly and his fingers wedged themselves between her bikini and her skin. She groaned in anticipation of what he was planning to do next. His hand slid further down until it reached her junction and then his index finger found her clit and softly brushed the tip. Another groan escaped her.

  He then flipped her around to face him and loosened her top, letting it float on the water. Their lips met again and this time she encircled his neck with her arms, pulling him closer. Her legs came up and wrapped around him, allowing her flesh to rest directly on his bulging manhood. She felt him reach down and plucked it from his speedo, then parted her bikini. He placed the tip of his cock at her opening and gripped her hips with both hands. She moved and his cock slid lightly into her. Joshua pushed his hips forward and his largeness filled her completely.


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