Getting Naked at the Hilton

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Getting Naked at the Hilton Page 12

by Dee Dawning

  "Here is a list of available music."

  I looked over the music. I was tempted to go with ‘Miss America’ but decided that traditional was fine.

  Back in the chapel, Tiny and Mazira were sitting in the seats that Amy and I had just vacated. As I greeted them both, hugged and kissed Mazira and hugged Tiny, the present ceremony concluded.

  As the happy wedding party exited, I was surprised to see my friend Dan, working his way in through the exodus. As he came up to me, we shook hands. “Dan, this is a pleasant surprise. What are you doing here?"

  Dan chuckled and said, “Oh, I was bored today so figured I'd kill some time by going to my best friend's boring wedding."

  "Gee, thanks. You always knew how to make me feel good."

  "Seriously, I am impressed by your lady and her music. The other one too! I figured the best wedding present I could give you was your demo. Here.” Dan handed me a Jewel case that read Demo/CC ‘n Cooke.

  I'm sure Dan responded to a confused look on my face. “I burned a little midnight oil the last two nights. I'll catch up on my sleep after you're safely hooked by that gorgeous creature, you conned into marrying you."

  "I'm sorry, Dan. I'd like you to meet that gorgeous creature—Rachel's mother and uncle."

  I turned, waved my arm toward my seated in-laws. Poor Dan almost had a coronary right there in the chapel aisle. His jaw dropped and his eyes bulged out. Still in a state of shock, Dan held out his hand and said lamely, “I had no idea."

  Mazira, shook his hand once, and said, “Nice to meet you."

  Then, Tiny, being the good-natured giant he is, stood up, a head taller than Dan and hugged him. “Any friend of my niece's husband is a friend of mine. I overheard what you said about the demo and we all really appreciate it."

  Suddenly, Amy Moore was back. “It's time for the wedding party to take their places. Mrs. Cooke, if you want to give away your daughter, you need to go outside with her for the wedding march."

  My best man, Tiny and I ascended the two steps to the chancel and awaited the rest of the party. I reflected how much my life had changed since Carol had inadvertently stood me up a week ago. There would be no call back to Carol for the promised trip to nirvana. It was regrettable I'd lied to her, but it was to spare her feelings. How was I supposed know Rachel would capture my heart. Yet, here I was, standing next to my mammoth best man, a black behemoth, whom I also didn't know a week ago—my Uncle-in-law. Some say life is funny. I say balderdash, it's hilarious.

  Then the wedding march began. A tear came to my eye as the beautiful apparition in white, I beheld, marched with measured steps beside her lovely mother to be joined together with me ... me in matrimony for the rest of our lives. Her beautiful eyes stared up at me. There it was that beloved crooked smile. Though the weight of the moment was crushing, I was exhilarated. Rachel, the exquisite creature she was, was committing herself to me. She was my queen and I her toad.

  As the woman I loved approached, I saw someone stop in the doorway. He made eye contact. It was Lester and there was hate in his eyes directed at me. As Rachel and Mazira ascended the steps, I saw Lester take a seat in the back row. I whispered to Tiny, “Lester just showed up."

  "So I noticed,” Tiny responded.

  "I'd like to beat the crap out of him. He beat Chloe up you know."

  Tiny turned his head toward me. “He beat that tiny thing up?"

  His teeth gritted and his eyes flared when I confirmed his question, “Yes, pretty good too! Black eye, bloody nose and hand shaped bruising on her neck."

  Rachael and Chloe were on the platform and Mazira had taken a seat in the gallery. We all turned and faced the reverend. The ring set, I'd forgotten to give it to Tiny. Reaching in my pocket, I slipped it into his giant paw, and saw a slight nod out of the corner of my eye as he took it.

  "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the joining, before God, of his children, Rachel and Scott, in matrimony. If there is anyone here who objects to this ceremony, let them speak now."

  With our backs turned, we could hear Lester the weasel. “Yes, I object. This union is unholy."

  I glanced at Rachel and she seemed frozen. Chloe was rolling her eyes. I looked left and up at Tiny. He was grinning. “Good,” he said softly.

  "Come forward and speak,” said the unknowing reverend.

  Lester walked up to the group and on the other side of the women. He stood there speechless, at a loss for a logical reason.

  Finally, the Reverend prodded him. “State your name, relationship to the couple and reason why this marriage should not take place, please."

  "I, ah, am Lester Wilkins. I am Rachel's agent and former lover."

  A murmur passed through the few people watching, which included the next wedding party.

  "Go on,” urged the reverend.

  "This man beguiled Rachel with ... black magic.” The buzz grew louder. “His heart is black. I believe he has enchanted her. She ... no longer has a will of her own."

  "Do you have proof of this serious accusation?"

  "Yes, I do. Ask her,” Lester pointed at Chloe. “She saw it, too. He forced her to have sex in front of us in her dressing room."

  I felt Tiny's eyes suddenly glancing at me.

  "Is this true, Miss?” asked the reverend.

  "It's true that we walked in on them as they had just finished, but it seemed to be consensual to me."

  I decided to get past this. “May I speak, Sir?"

  "Of course, if I could practice black magic, I would have turned this man into the rat he is.” A few people laughed. “Or at least give him laryngitis, so he couldn't make this preposterous accusation. This man has stated that he made a mistake by letting Rachel go and would do whatever it took to get her back. You are on a short timeline. We are on a short timeline. I suggest we dispense with this nonsense and continue the ceremony."

  "Is this entire wedding party in agreement?” In unison, we all said a resounding yes.

  "Amy, would you get the guard to remove this man?” reverend asked.

  "That won't be necessary.” Tiny chipped in. “I'll be happy to remove him."

  Tiny went around me and headed toward Lester.

  Lester's eyes grew large and he bolted like a track star. In seconds, his unwelcome presence was a memory.

  The rest of the ceremony was by the book and uneventful. I promised to love and cherish Rachel and she promised the same to me.

  * * * *

  After the ceremony, we went outside, where everyone, including church employees, threw rice on us. Tiny, who had corralled Scott's friend, Dan and wouldn't let go, directed us to a stretch limousine that he had retained, there were six of us and we all fit comfortably within, but I swear the car tilted to the driver's side, the side Tiny sat on.

  We didn't go straight to Pokey's. Tiny told the driver to cruise the strip, up to the airport and down.

  "You know, baby, I wonder if Lester was on to something. I did feel spellbound by you. I just couldn't get enough sex with you. Did you weave a spell on me?"

  He kissed me and I sighed. We were married. I didn't feel any different, yet I felt much different. Responsible to someone. Possessive of him. It was a good feeling—a warm feeling. We would build a new and wonderful life together, my Prince and me—the ugly duckling.

  "I know what you mean,” my husband said. “I did feel like I was under some kind of spell. Every thought I made, contained you. There was no me, only us. Now, only we."

  I kissed him. “Did I ever tell you what a great kisser you are?"

  "Oh, maybe twenty times."

  "How about lover?"

  "Shush, I'm already embarrassed by Lester's revelation,” Scott whispered.

  I whispered back, “Well?"

  Chills spread through me as Scott blew into my ear, and said softly into it, “Only about a hundred times."

  I wanted Scott to screw me, but friends and family surrounded us. We hadn't had sex in three nights and I was
ripe. Scott didn't know this but I was wearing white split crotch panties and that wasn't all. When Chloe and I went shopping for dresses, we went into a sex shop and each bought sexy things and sex aids. I wanted to lift up my full dress and feel his bone at the first opportunity.

  Suddenly I felt the vehicle list the other way as Uncle Ced sat on the other side of me.

  "Rachel, baby. We didn't have much of an audience at the wedding, but your show tonight is going to be one big drunken party. All drinks are free and I'm having a table full of hors d’ oeuvres set up. Here's the deal. I want you to perform in your wedding dress. You just got married and I want everyone to know it. Would you do that for your Uncle Ced?"

  Oh hell, if it makes it makes him happy, I'm happy. Actually, I kind of liked the idea of wearing it to keep reminding myself that I was now married.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Fourteen

  Pokey's One More Time

  "The bad news is you're fired. The good news is now I can fuck you."

  —Samantha, ‘Sex and the City'

  It was about five-thirty when we arrived at Pokey's. Mrs. Cooke took me aside and handed me an envelope. “I didn't have time to buy anything so here's money to buy whatever you want for your new household."

  "Thank you, Mrs. Cooke, you—"

  "Please call me Mazira, or if you prefer, Mother."

  "I would like that. My parents are both deceased so you could really be my mother."

  I hugged my new mother and when we broke away, I saw her eyes glisten.

  "You could have been my son, you know. You remind me so much of my late husband. Not your face, other things. I'll tell you a secret. I used to be a little zealous in the bedroom, if you know what I mean, but when my Michael died, so did my drive. When I saw you for the first time, naked ... and so proud, that's what reminded me of Michael. That's when I realized, what I was missing—male companionship."

  "Mrs ... Maz ... Mother. You are still a young woman and very attractive. How old are you? Forty-two?"

  "Forty-five. Do you really think that I'm not too old for a sex life?"

  "As long you hunger for one, then no, you're not too old. Mother, if you will excuse me, I have a recently acquired wife to attend to, but I would like to talk with you again at length about this."

  "Of course. You go find her.” Mazira kissed me again.

  Just as I left, Chloe grabbed my hand and took me in tow.

  "Where are you taking me?"

  "I'm taking you to the dressing room to get you fucked."

  "Chloe, you're an attractive woman but I can't ... screw you."

  "I wish.” She opened the dressing room door and said, “Get your ass in there. Your wife needs you."

  As I walked past her, she goosed me.

  Rachel was leaning against the dressing table with the urgent hungry look of a huntress. I had the feeling that I was about to be sprung upon. She pulled me in between her legs and immediately took my face between her feminine hands. “Aarrrrag.” She said a second before her mouth clashed with mine. Her tongue slid between my lips and teeth, whip sawing around until it located my tongue. The feeling, when they met, made my stomach tighten.

  She moved her hands to my waist and undid my belt and zipper in seconds. Slipping my pants and briefs down to my thighs, she began stroking my shaft. Breaking the kiss she said, “Take your pants off. I want to feel your cock inside me. Hurry!"

  "Rachel, what if someone comes in here and finds us ... doin it?"

  "I don't care, it's been four days since your dick filled my hot box and I can't wait until our show is finished. I need a quickie to hold me. Besides, Chloe is guarding the door.

  I mumbled, “Talk about the fox guarding the henhouse."

  "What did you say?"


  After dragging my pants down and kicking them off, Rachel pulled my face to one of her breasts, which she had exposed. She gasped when I took her ripe raised nipple into my warm mouth. Groping for and finding my cock, she pulled me in closer and positioned the crown of my primed lance for imminent attack. Splitting defenseless moist lips and probing the opening of her warm, wet snatch, she brought me to the threshold of ecstasy. It was up to me to claim it. “I love you!” I shouted as I drove my hard cock, into her warm, slick treasure trove.

  "Ooooh!” Rachel stiffened and moaned. Pussy walls clenched, tightening in apparent resistance to my incursion, stifling my intruding shaft. I fought back, counter-attacked, pounded her cunt relentlessly and probed deeper and harder until juices flowed from it and it yelled in submission.

  "That's it baby! That's it, fuck me hard ... harder! Oh, Jesus, baby, I'm cumming! Oh fuck, Scott, it's fantastic!"

  Undergoing seizure-like convulsions, she began grabbing, pinching and biting. I felt pain, welcome, sexy, erotic, pain. My ass seared as her long nailed fingers dug in. Surely, my buttocks must be scratched to bleeding. Then a searing pain appeared in my chest. A heart attack? It turned out to be her teeth clamped down on my nipple. Her spasms and screaming got to me. A tickly, feathery feeling pervaded my testicles. Then tingly sensations enveloped me that inexorably built up, signaling the beginning of, and turning into massive orgasmic experience. “Ohhh, oh! I'm gonna to cum, too."

  But Rachel wasn't listening. She took every inch of me as she violently crushed her saucy snatch into the pubic bone. Her movements growing more and more frantic and spasmodic. My God, she was climaxing again! We climaxed together. We kissed in a wild battle of opposing tongues, each seeking dominance of the other.

  We collapsed into each other's arms, completely satiated.

  "Are you guys all right? My God, it sounded like a catfight in...” Chloe rushed in but stopped in mid sentence and turned red. She turned a little red, but her apparent embarrassment didn't keep her eyes from perusing my husband's naked bottom.

  Closing the door behind her so no one else could come in she said, “Sorry, it sounded like someone was being massacred."

  "Chloe, you knew that we were going to make love. How could you think Scott was hurting me?"

  "I suppose after what Lester did to me last night, I overreacted, but there were people out there in the hall who said I should make sure everything was all right."

  Scott was incredulous, “You mean there are people in the hall who heard us?"

  Chloe nodded and said, “Uh huh."

  Scott reddened.

  "Okay, Chloe, now that you know I'm all right, can you take your eyes off Scott's derriere and go back outside."

  "I'm sorry, Rach. I'll go, but can I ask a favor of you?"


  "Scott has such a sweet ass. I don't suppose you could take a picture of it for me, to keep me company on lonely nights?"

  "All right, now get out of here."

  Chloe pulled the door open an inch and then asked, “Can you make sure he tightens the butt muscles like he does when he's screwing you. I just love those dimples."


  "Yes, I'm going.” She opened the door a couple more inches. “One more thing. If I could get his penis too, that would—"

  "Get the fuck outta here, Chloe,” yelled my strong-willed, assertive husband.

  "What am I? A piece of meat?"

  "Scott, we're all pieces of meat. Some are in more demand than others."

  "But why did you agree to give her a picture of my ass?"

  "I have to admit, it is a lovely ass. What's it hurt? Chloe gets sexed up like I do, and she's between boyfriends right now. What's wrong with helping her out on a lonely night? Besides she's my friend and your client."

  "And you share things."

  Rachel frowned her displeasure, “All right, you can give her my butt, but no penis."

  "I wasn't planning on it."

  Scott reached for his clothes. I was still dressed but disheveled. While he dressed, I straightened myself up, hair, lipstick etc. Finally, when we were ready, Scott opened the door and we both stepped out into a cro
wd of people who began to clap and cheer. I laughed and Scott waved. As we headed down the hall toward the lounge, one fan asked Scott for an autograph. When Scott asked him, what for, I overheard him say that any man that could make a woman scream and holler, like he did with me, was worth getting an autograph.

  I told Scott's fan, “If you can wait until we get seated, Scott and I will both sign one of the CC ‘n Cooke flyers. How does that sound?"

  "Fantastic. Can I get the blond honey's John Henry too?"

  "Sure. I don't see why not."

  We took refuge in the same booth at the far end of the lounge that we sat in when I first brought Scott into Pokey's eight days ago. Did we really only meet eight days ago? It just doesn't seem possible that we could have met, fell in love—not to mention heat—and got married all in eight days, yet it happened. I was on top of the world, in Shan-gri-la. My heart was bursting with love I felt for Scott and I wanted to shout it to the world—I love Scott Rader and he loves me.

  I still had thirty minutes until show time. We were holding hands and fawning over each other when CC showed up with Dan in hand. Scott's friend and our benefactor was a pleasant looking man, dark hair, brown eyes, with the slightest hint of a paunch. CC seemed to be interested in him, which was good because Scott had told me he was a great guy. Hell after Lester, ‘Attila the Hun’ would seem nice. I saw lipstick on Dan's face, which made me wonder, knowing CC wasn't shy, if they had snuck off somewhere and done the deed. She shook her head vigorously when whispering in her ear, I asked her.

  "A toast,” said Dan lifting up his glass.

  We gave him our attention and he continued. “To the lucky devil, I consider my best friend and his exquisitely beautiful bride. May all of life's blessings visit your household in abundance."

  We started to clink our glasses and Dan stopped us. “Unh uh, I'm not finished yet. And may your first born be a little girl as pretty as Rachel!"

  As we clinked our glasses I thought, Kids. I hadn't thought of kids. All I have dreamed about, since I could remember, was my career. Could I do both? Should I do both? I owed it to Scott. I loved him so much I would give him a dozen babies if he wanted them. But I wanted my career too.


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