A Kiss With Death

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A Kiss With Death Page 10

by Frances Hoelsema

  A few seconds passed with silence, as silent as it could be with music blaring on the other side of the wall.


  “So, what?” Laura asked.

  “Tell me what’s all going on!” Marissa got herself more comfortable on the couch.

  Laura gave her a look that showed she’d talk, but reluctantly. “Well, for one, there’s Parker.”

  “That’s understandable. And I’m sure you’re worried about how that will affect your possible promotion, right?”

  “Exactly. But, I mean, even though I didn’t care for him, it’s not like I wanted him dead.”

  “No, no, of course not.”

  “And there’s Sammy,” Laura said, pointing over her head in the direction of his duplex.

  Marissa shrugged. “Call the cops!”

  “Eh.” Laura waved the idea off.

  When she didn’t offer any more information, Marissa asked, “Is that it then, or?”

  Laura tapped her fingers on her knee. She sighed. “Well, I wasn’t going to say anything, but I’ve been having nightmares lately.”

  Her friend’s eyebrow arched. “You have? Why didn’t you say anything?”

  “I didn’t want you to worry.”

  “Laura! You frustrate me sometimes.”

  “At least I’m honest.”

  “How many have you had lately?”

  “A few.”

  “Have you brought this up to your therapist?” Marissa asked. “Because I think you need to get your meds adjusted.”

  “No,” Laura admitted. “I think once things blow over, I’ll be fine.”

  Marissa crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t know about that.”


  “You didn’t say it, but I assume some of your stress has to deal with Ben as well?” Marissa asked.

  “Ben? Ben who?”

  “The one from the book club!”

  “Oh, that Ben! Yeah, did the police talk to you?”

  “They did,” Marissa replied.

  Laura’s head hit the back of the couch. “What is going on?”

  “That’s a good question. You didn’t do it, did you?” Marissa teased.

  Laura smacked her in the arm. “No! But I’m sure I’ll be questioned for Parker’s death like I was for Ben’s. Worse yet, I’m sure I’ll never get promoted. Not when the cops are always talking to me.”

  “Come on, Laura. You’d be a good dean. Mr. Hilton knows that, too.”

  “I know I’d be good, but he won’t be eager to hire me if all this other stuff is going on.”

  Marissa looked at the watch on her hand. “Well, I’ve got to get going. Promise me you’ll think about talking with your therapist. Get a little extra counseling perhaps?”

  Laura’s phone started to ring. She saw that it was Connor. “I’ve got to get this.”

  “Laura! Promise me?”

  “Okay! I’ll think about it! Now go.” She shooed her friend out the door as she answered the phone. “Hey, Connor! Yes, I can do lunch tomorrow.”



  t just after two in the afternoon on Sunday, Connor and Laura held hands as they slowly walked side by side downtown and out to the beach. The weather was pleasant, warm and sunny enough to go without jackets. Many people were out shopping local or eating at one of the few specialty restaurants.

  After throwing his empty cup into the trash, Connor rubbed his stomach. “Wow, I’m stuffed.”

  Laura briefly giggled. “Too much good eating.” She took another sip of her peach mango smoothie.

  “I am definitely going to take you back there sometime.”

  “Yeah? I’d like that. Although, I have to say I like the Mexican restaurant we went to a while back slightly better.”

  “Which one? Tres Piñatas?”

  “Yes, their cheese-stuffed chile relleno was so good.” Laura dragged out ‘so’ for emphasis.

  Connor chuckled. His thumb rubbed the top of Laura’s. “Well, then I guess I’ll take you back there.”

  Laura smiled.

  The last store on their right was a bookstore. It was one Laura had frequented when trying to get ideas for her book club. As the two of them passed by, there was a calico cat sitting on a homemade cat tree. Its ears perked up and eyes enlarged when it saw them. It didn’t take its gaze off of them the whole time they were in its line of sight.

  Laura jabbed Connor on the side to get him to look. “See! That’s the cat I told you about. Isn’t it cute?”

  Connor looked. “Oh, yeah. Calicos are usually female cats, right?”

  “I think so. Rarely is there a male.”

  He pursed his lips. “Well, she is cute. She actually reminds me of a cat I had when I was younger.”


  “Yeah, I was…uh, six – no, wait…seven. We had two cats at the time. One was a calico like the one we just saw. The other was a gold and white Maine Coon.”

  “Aww. They sound adorable.”

  “They were.” Connor continued his story. “Anyway, we were all sitting around the TV, enjoying some movie. The calico was sitting on my lap, and after a while I had to get up to go to the bathroom. Well, the cat wouldn’t move. At first, I thought it was just being stubborn, but it was actually dead.”

  Laura’s eyes bulged. “No! You poor thing!”

  “Yeah, it, uh, wasn’t a good time for me.”

  “I bet not. I’m so sorry.” She lay her head against his shoulder for comfort.

  The two continued to walk on in silence.

  Up ahead was a playground. There weren’t many kids using it, but the shouts of joy from fun and excitement wafted through the air. Laura watched as one of the children, a girl in a pink dress, was climbing the slide. She took one of the last sips of her smoothie, the slurping evoking a glance from her boyfriend.

  “Was it good?” he asked.

  “To the very last drop.” She broke free from his hand for a brief moment so she could drop her empty cup in the trash by the playground. Rejoining Connor, she noticed he was watching the children play. “Remember those days?”

  Connor smiled. “Oh, yeah. I’d love to be a kid again.”

  She let that thought settle for a moment as the two of them continued along the sidewalk. To be carefree and innocent was a welcomed idea. A part of her wished she could go back in time. Redo a few things in her life. Avoid certain people. Places. Situations. Undo all the negative things that have happened recently as well. At least she felt slightly better about them after talking to Connor during lunch. He was good at improving her outlook on life.

  “I can see us having some,” he commented.

  At first, she didn’t think she heard him correctly. But then he went on to describe what the perfect scenario would be. It was kind of nice. Her heart fluttered just thinking about how he thought of their future.

  “And we’ve got to have a cat.”

  Laura giggled. “Are you sure? Even after what happened?”

  He waved her off with his free hand. “Stuff like that happens, and then you move on.”

  A gentle breeze caressed their faces. As it sailed through their hair, loose strands of Laura’s became disheveled. She swiped them back behind her ears. It felt good. The sun warming them up, and the wind cooling them back down. There wouldn’t be too many more days this year like this.

  The closer they got to the boardwalk by the beach, the more the wind picked up, as did the amount of people. Throngs of them were taking advantage of the weather. Small waves invited amateur surfers to take a shot at riding them. Families had their eyes glued to the sky where they flew their kites. Others, such as Laura and Connor, walked along the shore or the boardwalk. This was the place to be.

  “I can’t believe how nice it is today,” Connor stated.

  “Any day is nice with you,” Laura replied.

  “Aww, I’m going to cry,” he teased.

  Laura smacked him.

  “Ow!” H
e covered the spot she had hit him and chuckled.

  “You deserved it.” She nestled into his chest, smiling.

  “I think it’s settled.”

  Her eyebrows furrowed. “What?”

  “Once we’re married, I’m moving into your place. I don’t think I could ever get enough of the beach.”

  She was the happiest girl alive. Little bits of their future together had been discussed on occasion before, but he was shooting off glimpses of it left and right today. Perhaps he was ready to take the plunge soon? She could only hope! She longed to be Mrs. Connor Williams!

  “I say we get a bigger place. Maybe one that’s not next to Sammy.”

  He chuckled. “Oh, don’t worry. I’ll make your neighbor listen.”

  “Good luck.” She, again, leaned into his tight chest. The one she felt so safe and secure in.

  The two of them had turned back to the shore and began to walk along it on their way back to Laura’s duplex. Their shoes off and dangling in their hands, the sand and water felt cool and comfortable on their feet. A few young kids would run in front of them, causing them to stop in their tracks, but otherwise the pathway was open in the direction they were heading, unlike the direction toward them where there were quite a few making their way back to the boardwalk. Both of them enjoyed their time together and the atmosphere that surrounded them. No words needed to be said at this moment.

  Within ten minutes they were back at Laura’s place. The two of them wiped their feet on the mat in front of the door before heading in. Laura was first. She turned toward Connor, still holding his hand as to pull him in.

  “Can I get you something to drink? Eat? Or maybe someone to play with?” Her impish grin brought out the twinkle in her eye as she tried to seductively get Connor to stay.

  He chuckled. At first, he looked her over, seemingly interested in what she had to offer. The navy blue flowered button-down dress she had on was enticing, accentuating her curves and barely long enough to cover her mid-thighs. But, pulling her close, he touched her forehead with his own and took in a deep breath of her scent. “That’s tempting, but I can’t.”

  “Not even for a little while?” she pushed, making circles on his chest.

  Connor parted, grabbing both hands and looking her in the eyes. “I hate to say this, but I actually have to get ready for a trip.”

  Laura’s shoulders fell. “What?”

  “I have to leave soon for a week. I’m so sorry.”

  She saw his jaw twitch. It wasn’t easy for him to leave either. “A week?” she complained.

  “Yeah,” he sighed. His face suddenly turned more positive. “On the plus side, eventually we’ll own everything and there will be no more need to take these trips!”

  The one side of Laura’s lips slanted. “I just hate when you’re gone. I wish I could be with you.”

  “You could!” Connor exclaimed.

  “Yeah, I don’t know. I’ve got class. Where are you going, though?”


  Laura looked away, her eyes saddened. “I’ve already been there so I’ll have to pass. There’s a big test this week anyway.”

  Connor pulled her in for a hug. “Next time I’ll try to give you a bigger warning so you can hopefully come with.”

  She didn’t say anything.

  Looking at his watch from over her shoulder, he noticed it was time to leave. He kissed her forehead. “Well, I should go. I’ve got to finish packing.”


  Lifting her chin, he pressed his lips lightly on hers. Then he half-smiled. “When I get back, we’ll spend some good time together celebrating the deal.”

  “And what if you don’t get a deal?”

  “Hey, now. No one can say no to me.” He put his thumb to her lips and smiled mischievously.

  Laura started to smile back.

  “There’s my girl.” He pulled her in for a tight hug once more, and then another kiss. This one was deeper and more full of need. It ended before he couldn’t stop himself. “I’ll see you in a week, okay?”

  She nodded. Then she watched him put his shoes back on and leave. Sighing, she thought of what to do next. The hot tub was right outside, calling her name. So, she started to uncover it and get the settings just right before she would go and change.

  Loud noises were coming from next door the moment she stepped foot back inside. She stood still for a moment to see what would come of it, hoping it would stop. But then came some music. And the thumping. Why did he have to have the bass so high? And why did he have to play the type of music he did? It was simply the worst, and she was in no mood to deal with it.

  Laura stomped next door, her blood boiling. If it wasn’t for her, she would have never had this problem in the first place. She could kick herself for ever putting a good word in for him to the landlord. But then again, she and Sammy were dating at the time, so it just felt right. But it ended up being the worst three months of her life. How she had it last that long, she didn’t know. Another thing she could kick herself for. It was all the partying. She used to enjoy that scene, but that was the past. At some point everyone moves on. At least she thought they should.

  With her fists so tight that the joints were white, she pounded on Sammy’s door. He didn’t answer. She beat on the door once more. The thought of giving up crossed her mind, but she finally heard him twisting the knob.

  Sammy opened the door in nothing but a small towel around his waist. His mid-length black hair was wet, hanging on his shoulder. Laura saw his six pack and the V that made its way to a place she tried not to think about anymore.

  He pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and held an impish grin. “Hey, baby.” He made his pecks dance a little, the cross on his upper right chest bouncing.

  For a split second she forgot what she had come over for. His body was very distracting. But then she was reminded by the beat of his song. In her best grown-up voice, she yelled, “TURN OFF YOUR MUSIC! I’M SICK OF HAVING TO SEE YOU MESS UP THE PROPERTY. I HATE THAT YOU’RE CONSTANTLY DISTURBING ME. JUST QUIT!”

  Sammy put his arms out, his legs changing stance, opening the towel a little further. “Last time I checked, it was a free country.” His smile still didn’t disappear.

  “THAT DOESN’T GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO BE RUDE AND DISRESPECTFUL. NOW IF YOU DON’T STOP, I’M CALLING THE COPS!” She realized she was stabbing him with her pointer finger right on the cross tattoo. She was doing so a little too frequently and roughly. It was time to pull back.

  He cocked his head, at first not saying a word. Taking a drag of his cigarette and changing his stance again, his towel almost falling off, he sighed. His hands up in surrender, he said, “Fine. Fine! Have it your way. I’ll turn it down.”

  Laura highly doubted that he would change that quickly, but for now, she would have to take him for his word. Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, she said, “Thank you.”

  She didn’t let him say another word, instead walking back to her place. No longer in the mood for going in the hot tub, she closed it down. Another activity sounded better. She had to go for a run. It was time to get away for a while.

  * * *

  Sammy put the cigarette back into his mouth as he watched Laura head back to her side of the building. Staring at that backside never got old. The dress she wore left little to the imagination. Not that he needed to imagine. He had seen it all before. And those legs! How he wished he could be between them once more.

  When she was out of sight, he closed his own door and kept to his word. He grabbed the remote from the end table and turned the volume down. Since when did he start letting a woman control him? Never did he let a woman dictate what he should or shouldn’t do.

  But Laura was angry. She was sexy when angry. He had a weakness for that. More importantly, though, she threw out the cop card. He didn’t know if she was serious or not, but he couldn’t risk it. There was no way he could let the cops get involved. Already being on probation would spell di
saster for him should he have them show up at his door.

  He put out his cigarette, the guitar in the corner begging for his attention. Now would be a good time as any to play it. Sammy took a seat on his sectional sofa, his instrument resting securely on his lap. He leaned forward and spread his legs apart to get comfortable, the towel no longer hiding anything. The airflow tickled, reminding him of Laura and what she used to do.

  Plucking the strings to a familiar rhythm, he let the music move his soul. Many women had come and gone in his life, but not many were as good or as memorable as his next-door neighbor. A song he made for her started exiting his lips. It was soothing.

  As he sang, he imagined their bodies tangled in sheets, making wild and passionate love. It was all they used to ever do. They had fun all the time, in and out of the bedroom. He still remembered what her body smelled like, tasted like, and felt like. No one could forget the smoothness of her skin.

  There was a knocking on the door once more. He hoped it was Laura coming back. As he stood up, his towel hung on by only a string sideways on his hip.

  Upon opening, he was pleasantly surprised. His face began to sport a wide, toothy grin. It was shocking that she was here, but he had a feeling this was going to be good. Teasing, he said, “Sooner or later they all come back to Sammy Jo’s. What took you so long?”

  He could see the rising and falling of her chest in excitement. She wanted him. Who could blame her?

  She took two steps inside his place. One by one, she started to unbutton her top. He stared with deep desire as more and more skin became exposed. He wanted to rip the shirt off her, but he decided to let her have the control instead. He wanted to see where she wanted to go with this. But he knew. It was only a matter of time.

  Her top half bare, except for her purse strap running across her chest, she ordered, “It’s your turn. I want to see you.”

  Sammy was hypnotized. He’d do anything for her. With a little flick, the towel was around his feet. All of him was exposed. “See what you do to me?”

  She smiled, pleased. He could tell she was hungry for him to have her. Time was no longer to be wasted. He grabbed her buttocks and lifted her. She straddled him the whole way to the couch. There was no way he’d make it to the bed. He had to have her here. Now. And from the way she was acting, she felt the same.


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