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Ladies Love Lawmen: When It's A Matter of The Heart or Death...

Page 7

by D'Ann Lindun

  Guilt made Andy’s stomach clench. She’d been so dumb to leave the plane. If she’d only stayed put, none of this would be happening. “My mother is well-known. She has connections even higher than my father. Anything happens to me and you won’t be able to find a place to hide. You’d be wise to let me go before she calls in favors.”

  Surprise flashed in his dark eyes before he masked it. “Perhaps she’d pay a handsome ransom to get you back?”

  Andy hadn’t thought of that, and she wanted to take back her threat. Instead, she lifted her chin. “Unlikely.”

  “Your famous mother wouldn’t pay to get her dear daughter returned safely to her bosom?” He clicked his tongue. “Disgraceful.”

  “I didn’t say my mother was famous,” Andy said.

  He chuckled. “Abigail DeLana is known around the world.”


  “Do I know who she is? Who you are?” He smiled, and it was like watching a lake freeze over. “We know exactly who you are. All of you—Frank Painter. Ken Howell. Rick Mooney. Not very tough, that one. Gabriella Savedra. Both you and she have very wealthy parents. Getting a ransom for you is a nice bonus in addition to making Sheikh Dul Fuquar pay for his crimes against my people.” He clicked his tongue again. “Sheikha Sabar is such a beautiful woman. Acid will change that, though. Make her unrecognizable, even to her dear father.”

  Andy forced herself to stay upright as the images created by his hate-filled words flashed through her head. “You won’t get a single red cent from my mother.”

  “As I said, that’s too bad for you because it will be a shame to cut off your fingers one-by-one until she changes her mind.” He turned away, leaving Andy staring after him in horror-filled silence.


  By the time the sun began to dawn over the peaks, Coltraine was hot on Andy’s trail.

  He followed the clear trail, left by snowshoe prints in the snow, four large and one smaller set. Andy and four others, most likely men.

  Was Andy staying strong? Hanging tough? Or was she breaking on him? He couldn’t let that happen. He picked up his pace to a jog and sucked hard for air. Damn high altitude. Luckily, he’d been in the Afghanistan mountains a lot, although they weren’t as high as the Rockies.

  He could see himself settling here someday.

  The thought nearly stopped him in his tracks.

  He wasn’t the settling down type. A family, home. Those things were for other men. He was an American soldier, a SEAL. Not a guy who worked in an office and came home every night.

  I could retire.

  I’d rather die.

  His thoughts jumped all over the place. One thing was for certain—if he didn’t reach Andy in time, it would be all over for her. There’d be no future to decide.

  At the edge of a meadow, he stopped to catch his breath and check his cell phone. He had bars. Quickly, he made a call and filled in the person on the other end. They promised to send a chopper for the SAR team, the Sheikha and her people.

  With that taken care of, he had only one mission—rescue Andy.

  Something ahead of him moved, and he froze, his white camo blending perfectly with the quaking aspens around him. A magnificent bull elk burst out of the trees, running wildly. The animal tore by him, and Coltrane let out the breath he’d been holding. Had the group scared the elk? Or was it a hunter? He had no way of knowing, but the way the animal was fleeing, it seemed to be scared of something.

  He zigzagged through the trees, leaving the trail Andy’s captors had made. They seemed to be heading straight for the cabin where the horses waited. If he beat them there, he’d have the advantage of surprise.

  If they beat him there, they’d likely mount up and it would harder to catch them, although he could do it. He had no choice.

  Another woman would not die on his watch.


  Coltraine hunkered down in front of a large pine tree to watch the cabin. The horses dozed in the mid-day sun, seemingly content. A bird flew overhead in lazy circles. Coltraine pulled a pack of trail mix from his backpack and took out a handful to munch on. His gaze traveled from the horses to the trail. He knew they’d alert him when someone was coming.

  About half an hour later, the bird let out a shrill cry and flew away.

  Instantly, Coltraine’s gaze went to the horses. They had their heads up, ears pricked toward the trail.

  He pushed aside his trail mix and picked up his assault rifle. “Time to rock and roll.”

  Obviously not caring if they made noise or not, the group came into sight. Four men in black surrounded Andy.

  Damn it.

  He couldn’t risk shooting; he might hit her.

  She looked unharmed and pissed as hell. He smiled a little. His brave lady.

  The group stopped in front of the cabin and began talking in Arabic. Their voices carried clearly in the clear mountain air. As he’d figured, they were talking about catching the horses to ride out.

  One of the men was arguing, saying that they had more power where they were.

  Another of them mentioned his name, and Coltraine tuned into him. The guy wanted him to come after Andy; stick to the plan to ambush him. If they left here, he wouldn’t know where to find them.


  He’d hunt them to the ends of the earth if he had to.

  One of them pushed Andy toward the corral, and she fell to her knees. Coltraine’s blood boiled hot. The fucker would pay for that mistake.

  She stood and glared at him. “The horses need to eat first. They’re hungry.”

  Was she stalling, hoping he’d come? He whispered, “Hold on, baby. I’m right here.”

  Almost as if she’d heard him, her head chin lifted, and her spine straightened. “I’m not going anywhere until my horses eat. You can kill me if you want to, but that’s the way it is.”

  “Feed them, then. It will give the soldier time to catch up to us.”

  “He’s not coming. I already told you that. His job is to help the princess, not me,” Andy said.

  Coltraine lifted his rifle. No clear shot. One of the enemy stood between her and him. He was a dead aim, but if the bullet passed into her… A vision of Lauren’s spilled blood filled his head. He couldn’t risk it.

  Holding his weapon high, he stepped into the open. “You want me you got me. Now, let her go.”

  Five heads swiveled his direction. If it hadn’t been so serious, it would have been comical. He wanted to look at Andy, let her know she was going to be okay, but he didn’t dare. To do so would only show the enemy weakness.

  They recovered quickly and aimed their weapons at him.

  “Drop your gun,” the leader demanded.

  Carefully, he placed it on the ground by his feet and lifted his hands over his head. “Let her go. You have me now.”

  One of them stepped forward and grabbed his rifle, then his elbow. Someone else tied his hands behind his back. “We have you both.”

  “You don’t need her,” Coltraine argued. “Let her go.”

  “We plan to profit from you both,” the leader said.

  “How? The lady has no value to you.” He stared the guy down. “And neither do I.”

  “Oh, but you do.” The guy grinned like the devil himself. “We gambled that you would come after this one—” he pointed at Andy “—leaving Sheikha Dul Fiquar unattended, so our reinforcements can move in.”

  “There are no reinforcements. I killed them,” Coltraine said. “Just like I’m going to kill you.”

  “Big talk for a man with no weapon.” The guy behind him pushed him, and Coltraine saw a sabre out of the corner of his eye. The cold blade touched the back of his neck. “Get on your knees.”

  “No,” Andy gasped.

  The guy shoved him again, hard. “Now.”

  Two of them forced him down into the cold snow.

  “No, please,” Andy begged. “I’ll ask my mother to pay any amount you want. Just don’t kill him. Dear God, please, no
. I love him.”

  For the first time, Coltraine looked her way. Tears splashed down her face, and her chin trembled. He winked at her. “It’s okay, baby. Look away.”

  He started to kneel, his mind spinning circles, trying to figure a way out of this one. Unfortunately, he couldn’t seem to find anything.

  “Not so fast.”

  Coltraine knew that voice. His friend and fellow SEAL, Deke Boone. What the hell? Was he hallucinating before he was beheaded?

  Out of the trees they came. His men. Moving like ghosts, they surrounded the insurgents with high-powered rifles, forcing them to give up their weapons.

  Coltraine grinned at his men. “About damn time you guys showed up.”


  Andy wandered aimlessly around her house. Her parents had hovered until she’d nearly lost her mind and sent them home. They’d left together, both making her promise to call if she needed anything.

  She assured them she would, but they couldn’t deliver what she really wanted—Coltraine. She hadn’t heard a word from him since they’d been debriefed for what seemed like days. Hopefully, she’d never have to go through that again. She wondered if he did it each time he completed a mission. Probably.

  Had he left town without saying goodbye? It was a definite possibility. They’d made no promises. Heck, they’d barely gotten started. She blamed her heightened emotions on blurting out she loved him.

  Not true.

  It might have come on fast, but she’d fallen hard for the SEAL. When his life had been threatened, she’d nearly died along with him. If they’d killed him—

  He was alive. His team saved him. The SEAL team had been something to behold—like a movie. No wonder he lived and died for those guys.

  Hot chocolate sounded good. Maybe it would help her melancholy. She walked into the kitchen and poured milk into a mug, then placed it in the microwave. She stared out into the snowy afternoon. The holidays were just around the corner. Usually, she loved all the festivities. This year she wished she could share them with Coltraine.

  The microwave dinged, and she removed the steaming milk, then added chocolate and a little sugar. Carrying it, she went back to the living room and flopped onto the sofa. A sigh ripped out of her. “Get over it, Andy.”

  The doorbell rang, startling her.

  Her heart picked up speed for a moment. Then she realized it wasn’t a terrorist, probably just her mom or dad back again.

  “Coming,” she called.

  When she opened the door, Coltraine stood on the other side. Without a word, he bent his head and claimed her mouth. His tongue parted her lips and played havoc with hers. A small gasp escaped her and he swallowed it.

  He backed her inside and kicked the door shut without breaking the kiss.

  Andy curled her hands around his neck and hung on for dear life as he slipped his palms under her rear and lifted her. Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist when he carried her toward her bedroom.

  How he knew where it was she had no idea and cared less.

  He laid her on the bed, breaking their heated kiss for the first time. He looked deep into her eyes, searching. Apparently liking what he saw there, he kissed her again. The kiss was deep, seeking. She responded in kind, their tongues twisting together.

  Her body lit on fire at his touch, her nipples taut against her lace bra, her sex slick. She wasn’t the only one—his erection pressed against her thigh.

  He tugged the bottom of her sweater, and she rose to allow him to pull it over her head. She slid her bra straps from her shoulders and reached behind her to undo the clasp. The slip of lace fell away, leaving her breasts exposed to his hot gaze.

  Like her, he removed his shirt, and it was her turn to admire him. Broad shoulders, six-pack abs and a light dusting of hair that led to the most interesting places. As if of one mind, they took off their jeans, tossing them to the floor in a forgotten heap of denim. He’d removed his shorts, too, and she gasped when she saw his massive erection. He was even more impressive than she’d imagined.

  He claimed her mouth again.

  Her breasts pressed into his chest, her nipples hard. The friction of his hair on the sensitive peaks nearly her undoing. He slipped a hand along her arm, his fingers curling around hers. With the other palm, he held his weight off her.

  Letting go of her hand, he traced the curve of her hip, sliding his fingertips across her stomach. He rested his hand just at the top of her panties, his fingers slipping under them. Her legs parted, and he took advantage, sliding his middle finger inside her wet entrance.

  “So tight,” he said against her mouth.

  Although not particularly racy, his guttural words made her body clench around his finger. When he slipped his thumb over her clit, her entire body jerked like he’d used a livewire.

  She edged her hand between their bodies and grasped his rigid cock. Smooth like good bourbon, hard as forged steel. He groaned, and she tightened her grasp. Moisture beaded on the tip and she smoothed it with her thumb.

  Much like her reaction to his thumb on her clit, he jerked. She held him at the base and spread her fingers over his balls. They tightened under her hand, and his cock jumped.

  He released her mouth and dropped his head to her breast. First, grazing one nipple with his teeth, he then soothed it with his tongue, circling it until she thought she’d cry from the sensation. He changed sides, repeating the action until she arched her back, holding his head in place.

  When he released her, she moaned in protest.

  “Hold on, baby.” He lifted off the bed and rummaged in his jeans pocket until he found a condom. He opened it and stretched the latex over his straining cock.

  He grabbed her ankles and pulled her toward the edge of the bed, placing her feet on either side of him, bracing them on the dresser. Then he moved over her with the head of his penis nudging her slick opening.

  “You ready?”

  She bit her bottom lip and nodded.

  Taking her hands, he lifted them above her head and settled his weight on his elbows. With his gaze locked on hers, he entered her body. She expected him to take her like he had with his kisses, fast and furious, but he inched into her as if they had all the time in the world. Maybe they did because it felt like the world had stopped turning.

  Fully encased inside her, he held still until her body tightened around him. Tiny quivers began in her belly, moving lower. She cupped his ass, urging him closer. He slid all the way out, slipping back in, slow and steady.

  A moan of frustration slipped out of her. She wanted him to go deeper, harder, faster. She touched his earlobe with her tongue, then whispered in his ear. “More.”

  “Don’t want to hurt you,” he managed.

  “You won’t.” She dug her nails into his ass cheeks, urging him to show her what he could do.

  As if he’d been waiting for her okay, he complied, his cock slammed in and out of her, their sweat-slicked bodies melding into one. He released her hands and braced himself on his palms. She lifted her hips from the bed, and the angle allowed his cock to bury deep and hit the right spot.

  Quivers that began deep in her vagina spread outward until her entire being spun out of control. If she’d ever had an out-of-body experience, this was it. She saw stars; she saw the sun. All of them exploding around her.

  A few more thrusts that made her orgasm endless and Coltraine found his release. He came, shouting her name.


  Andy’s head rested on Coltraine’s chest, his heartbeat slower now. She played with the hair on his chest, loving the silky texture. It was the only soft thing on him. The thought made her smile, and her body dampen.

  He kissed the top of her head. “What are you smiling about?”

  “You,” she said.


  “Uh-huh.” She circled one of his flat nipples with her forefinger, loving the way it rose under ministrations.

  “What about me?”

e lifted her chin to look at his face. “You didn’t leave.”

  He tightened his hold on her. “Not without seeing you first.”

  “I thought you left without saying goodbye…”

  “I had to take care of some business. Talk to my superiors. As soon as they released me, I came here.” He smoothed a hand over her head. “Not my choice, Andy.”

  “I understand.” She did get his responsibilities, even if they sucked.

  “Do you? Understand my life means duty first?”

  “Yeah.” She met his eyes. “I do. But you left your job to save me…”

  “You were in danger, and it was my responsibility to protect you. We leave no man behind. Or woman.” He hesitated. “But I would have come after you regardless. I let someone else down…I couldn’t let it happen twice.”

  By his tone, she knew he meant a woman. A flicker of jealousy went through her. “Someone you loved?”

  He nodded slowly. “I cared about her. A medic named Lauren Ray. When her unit was wiped out she and another woman were kidnapped by rebels. We got her out, but she was shot in the back when we were lifting off—”

  “I’m so sorry,” she said softly.

  “Thanks. I think I’ve finally forgiven myself.”

  “If the sheikha had died up there, I would have hung up my SAR boots. I made the wrong choice before, and someone lost her life because of it.” A shudder ran through her body.

  “I know some of what happened.” His hold tightened. “I was briefed right after we met. You couldn’t have known she was going to have a pulmonary embolism.”

  “It’s my job to expect things like that,” she said.

  “Are you God?”

  “No.” Her voice was small. “And neither are you, Mr. Navy SEAL, despite you thinking otherwise.”

  He laughed. “Point taken. But, Andy, you have to let go of the past. Look what you just went through…most people, including a lot of tough guys I know, would have broken. You didn’t crack under extreme pressure. You’d make a good soldier, Andy.”


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