The Journey (Pentagon Spring Series Book 3)

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The Journey (Pentagon Spring Series Book 3) Page 11

by Arnav Koppala

  I force oxygen out my palms and form a bubble around my friends. This allowed me to save them from the vacuum of space. All the air disappeared. The only thing that left was black emptiness. I take in the surroundings and try to see my friends.

  I switch over to my sound vision and I hear nothing. I use the air around me to turn us around in a good position. I suck in the remaining magical air and force it through my palms. I had not had to put so much emphasis on my magic before. The rush of energy tingles in my nerves as the magic in me already multiplies a hundredfold.

  The air around me sizzles with magic and the vacuum starts to loosen up. The air swirls into existence. The atmosphere begins to return to its former glory. What a wonderful glory it was. The air returns and goes back to normal. Another test was passed. I could feel the presence growing but trying to obscure its location of trying to be discovered.

  I leave my friends behind (which usually did happen). Before I left them, I created a sonic barrier around my friends to keep them safe from the wind. I was forsaking them, but it had to be that way. I burst through the atmosphere. The winds picked up and the storm went to category 1 hurricane winds. The planets surrounding it alluded me until…

  I could see that each planet had a huge symbol engraved into it. All nine planets had a Kalamanian word engraved into it. I switched over to my sound vision and I hear a man’s voice. He speaks to me as if he was floating on air but in his serious tone. He was serious.

  I look back at the planet and notice that it kept vibrating some kind of morse code. I listened for any sounds and the man’s voice came from it saying, “Free me, for I am a part of your destiny. I am the torrenair converter; the air relic of Cypress Dementia. Spell my name and the seal shall be broken only to be remade at the final battle.”

  The final battle? Have we not all been through enough personal, physical, and natural battles already? That was a topic for a later time. Right now, I had a task. I was given the command to spell the name of the relic. It sounded easy enough.

  Each planet had a word written on it. I went down to each of the planets and landed on one. The minute my feet touched the surface of the planet, it grumbled and the words on the surface glowed a deep blue with quintessence rumbling and swishing inside of it. The energy that came as a result simply cannot be explained.

  The ground in front of me shifted into a map. The space where the planet was found twisted as if it was a cursor. I read the names of each of the planets. I felt as if there was a connection between it and me. I could feel a tether pulling me towards it. I realized what I needed to do.

  All I needed to do was to spell the name. Now, the map sank back into the ground, but it did not come back. I call on the center planet holding the torrenair. The winds form a small funnel that reaches out towards the small planet that I was on. I run over to the spot where the funnel was going to hit.

  The funnel had nothing to grab onto. Finally, the funnel decides to grab onto the surface but misses only picking up clumps of dirt. All this dirt was spiraling and causing things to be hazy. It was hard to see anything. The funnel could only be activated once, so I needed to do something about it.

  I use my own air and combine it with the torrenair. I was eager to see what was going to take place. The funnel starts to slowly retreat, but it kept moving back. I could not hold it. The funnel was almost gone. If it finally retreated into the planet, I would lose my powers and they would be given to someone else. I was overwhelmed.

  What was the worst thing that could happen? As the saying goes, hope for the best and prepare for the worse. I had no way of getting the planets back into the correct formation. I feel the energy rushing through my body. I close my eyes and open them and find myself on the center planet.

  What did I just do? I look at my hands. Am I alive? What am I doing here? Is this an alternate reality? I did not understand what happened. Then everything clicked when I heard my friends shout my name. It was a loud shout but then tapered off into the distance. I was still breathing so I knew I was going to make it through.

  I had teleported. I had no idea or way of even knowing that was possible. I look up and I remember that my time was running short. I did not want to harp on my thinking too much. My fright over what to do subsided. I just did it.

  I felt like I knew what I needed. I had to be courageous in my efforts. There would be no turning back. I had all the time before to try and second guess. I started talking to myself. The time was now. Instead of thinking of a not so ideal situation, I started envisioning the positive results.

  I could imagine it. The planets would form the name. I would open the lock and like a vault, I would have to spin the planets to the correct formation. I had it in me to do this. All these positive affirmations would help me a great deal.

  I somehow knew it like it was a dream. The vividness of the image was something I could not have thought. I was being offered assistance. I was grateful for it.

  It was the relic. It was the one who put the memory in my head. Suddenly, I did not even think the same way. Everything I had first thought erased from my memory. What is this relic? What does it do? My mind, like the air, was distracted. Everywhere at once. Everywhere at once. Everywhere at once. That is it!

  I should force the beam to move away. In me doing that, it might connect back onto the planet and at the right moment. I could see where this was going. I would teleport back onto the planet. That sounded like a plan.

  I try to force back the funnel, but did not go. I panicked. What would I do if I lose my powers? What would I be? Normal? Well, having powers made me feel something more. I was abnormal. I was accustomed to using what I had.

  I was influential. People saw me as an asset and looked up to me. What would people say? I did not want to be viewed wrong. I was someone who could do something. I could see that I would be mocked. They would make a laughingstock out of me.

  I pour my emotions into my air as it starts to turn into colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, and pink. The funnel stopped. I thought I had done it. I fly up towards it and my greatest fear arose. The funnel absorbed into the atmosphere. That was it!

  My greatest fear gripped me. I began to panic all over again. I was about to lose my powers. I could not bear what would become of me if this were to happen. I came so far and now it all goes to waste. I could feel some of the energy sapping away. I was not a quitter. I just got this burst of energy and knew that I could not give up.

  I told myself repeatedly. No. I could not give up. There was no way I was going to give up. I came all this way to finish strong. I would conquer these stupid tests. I had done so for all the rest. This was no different.

  I suck in the air around me and I realize, I do not need any stupid funnel to do my work for me. That was the problem to begin with. I inhale in 1/4 of the whole atmosphere. I was swollen about to burst wide open like a balloon that held helium. My body glowed a small blue with the amount of energy in me.

  I had more magic power than I had before. My eyes were laser focused as my eyes could see all the planets. I knew where they were. There was not one planet that I was not able to see. Right there, I saw all the planets. I could see how they looked.

  My 360-degree vision was almost unlimited. I could see anywhere in the universe. Where was everyone else? I start searching the whole universe for Jack, Alex, Justin, Amelia and… I was missing someone? Oh, I was missing Aunt Glalie. I could not find them anywhere.

  This was my chance to make some discovery. Instead all I find is…what? Hold on, one minute. What is that? I see the black hole approaching this planet. I try to peer into the black hole, but my vision restricts me from going in the black hole.

  I have no right of passage because I am… I do not want to believe that I am restricted. I was crushed to the core. Black Hole. I started thinking on how I just wanted to be home. Inside of me, I was so empty. It was a dark feeling.

  I could not believe it. I had no choice. Sakuta was ho
t on our trail. He is trying to find Cypress Dementia. I could not understand why he would do that unless he needed to stop us. I hurry on with the process. I let the whole air flow through as a medium.

  All the planets seemed to shake. The air in the atmosphere created 9 funnels all reaching out towards all the planets. I push them into their positions as they make this whooshing sound. It seemed like everything was working against me.

  Time was running out. Sakuta would be here and could bring down this whole operation. I could not take it. All my hopes started to diminish. I needed to be thinking positive outcome and then reality set in and here came the negative. Isn’t that how it always goes?

  I could not get the relic, not unless—unless, I hasten the process and go beyond my limits. I had to leave the normal and step beyond my comfort zone. This was scary for me. I was trying to control everything.

  I surrender everything to the air. I use myself as a medium and let the magic overload, so I could realize it. I quickly put a bubble around Mathew, Austin, and Uncle Peter. The planets begin to take their place.

  The torrenair started to glow in assorted colors. The planets, including the center planet, and everything collapsed as they rapidly spun and orbited, at the speed of light. The vortex was created as it returned. Sakuta knew where our location was.

  We had just lost so much time. The relic was just sitting there as 9 orbs that were formerly planets all orbited the relic and the orbs solidified. There were small hemispheres. Specifically, 9, for each of the small balls. The orbs stopped and shoved themselves into the relic. I could finally hear the relic’s voice.

  At last, I was relieved. I listened intently to what the relic was telling me. “You did well, Cameron.” I did? “You regained back your powers. That was something no guardian was able to do before. You are special. Your time will come. The process has finished but you need to hasten.” the relic said.

  I wanted to interrupt and ask questions. I just let the relic keep talking. “A new level has risen.” It said. I already knew in advance what the relic was getting at. “Is it Sakuta because we already know about him.” I retort. “No.” the relic replies.

  My heart sinks. It was another person. “Who is it?” I ask questionably. “The white demon, Atukas. Now quickly, before time runs out, I will give you the coordinates, but you and your friends need to get out of here now or else he will take you down.”

  “Take us down. What do you mean take us down?” I asked concerned.

  “The alliance has now been forged. The darkest and the lightest have forged together. Quickly, now you must activate Cypress Dementia if there is any hope of survival for this universe and any other reality that will ever exist. Find the Asirius Creator. Seek his wisdom and unlock the secret of Cypress Dementia for the whole universe will fall into the hands of the alliance.”

  Things were swarming so fast in my brain that I just wanted to give up already. I had so many things that I wanted to ask the relic. “The time is at hand.” The relic said. “You must move quickly.” I stare at the relic baffled. I had no clue what do to.

  An alliance formed. I needed to find the secret. Then this time factor had me on edge. I was stuck in place almost unable to move. Forget everything and move. Nothing else was important because that was a matter for another time.

  I grab the relic and boost myself over to my friends. The black hole was even closer now. I grab my friends and use the power of the relic and teleport us to the coordinates. The last thing I see in the black was the face of Sakuta and wisps of light and an unrecognizable face. It was Atukas! They were really on our trail.

  Oh, my head! My team and I almost topple over the other side and all are groaning. What was going on inside my brain, I have not the slightest idea. It could have been mush for all I know. This is not the feeling I had when I was bit by Merifurus Corious. I was glad about that. It was worse than that.

  Surprisingly, no one thought to even ask me how I was feeling since that time. I was not fully 100% back to my normal self. I was having moments here of not being for sure of anything. I was having constant flashbacks of what happened.

  My head felt like it was stuck in a blender on repeat. That is not something you want to deal with. Can you even imagine having your head feel like that? I tumble off the pile again and look through the other side and find our greatest enemy sitting there. It was not a pretty picture to come face to face with your enemy.

  He is smiling as if everything that we were doing was in vain. It was a devious gesture he was presenting as if something else was lurking behind his grin. I wanted to blast him to pieces, but I could not. My body quivered itself by the sight coming from another person. It was the Light Demon Atukas. For a second, I was bewildered.

  What was she doing here? I did not know the full extent of her plans. It almost stunned me that I devoted myself to worshipping her and what she did. It occurred to me that she was not as good as she was supposed to be. How did I wind up worshipping something that was not good to worship in the first place?

  The portal closed as they were trying to reach through and only wisps of black and white smoke drifted its way in here, only to disappear because of the absence of their master. Did that just really happen? Another kaboom! In my head as that went off, I came to the fact that the light demon and the dark demon had teamed up into one alliance. That would prove to be the one alliance that would match up against us.

  Everyone else seemed to be in a more worse shape than me. They all simultaneously wake up from their temporary slumber, which proved uneventful; seeing that if they had woken up earlier, they would have seen what I was experiencing. I was in the same predicament I had been in when the snake bit me. I could see what was taking place but could not speak of it.

  I was the only one seeing the reality of this event. I had to tell everyone else. Yes. Everyone else was just as shocked as I was. You could tell that it was not a surprise. We were all too busy trying to understand the gravity of the situation to realize the light of the area where we were at just increased a thousand fold.

  At most, the light would have taken me out, had it not been for the fact that I had a special kind of vision. I just told everyone to close their eyes. It was a neat trick that I learned because the excess light would be held back by the eyelids. I did this same thing earlier when I was in pain by the snake bite and it helped me not to focus on what I was going through.

  When I switched into my light vision, I nearly screamed at the top of my lungs and a small yelp slipped through my mouth. It startled everyone. I stared at Aunt Glalie and I could not tell what I was seeing. It just happened so sporadically that I was caught off guard. It was a good thing that I caught myself. There was something about this light vision that had me caught in a daze. All I had to do was look away, but something would not let me.

  I just kept staring at her. I was about to lose myself over her, but I punched myself and lost my gaze over her. I don’t suggest punching yourself to regain your state of awareness. I just had to do it. For some reason, I could not stop looking at Aunt Glalie.

  This was the same Aunt Glalie that took care of me while the others went to find the ingredients for my healing. On second thought, if I would have been conscious from the bite, I could have very well asked Aunt Glalie the questions intended for the others. Let me refrain from that and focus. Everyone else was slowly chatting. Come to think of it, no one saw anything happen. It gets weirder from there. Why was I the only one going through this? I could not have been the only one seeing this or could I have been?

  Justin just randomly starts to float into the air and opens his eyes. Before I could even say anything, I almost scream again. Generally speaking, most people call me too scared. His eyes were blue, and his mouth was ready to open and speak something. When he talked, another person controlled his voice. Was he possessed? From the looks of it, it was someone other than Terako. Then a voice came…

  “Guardians of Cypress Dementia

hen the alliance of the opposing forces has been sealed,

  The quest for Cypress Dementia will be conquested.

  Finish what we could not complete.

  Force the alliance’s retreat.

  Align their defeat.

  Unite the relics as ONE.”

  If that was not odd enough, the voice repeated itself again but this time it grew louder. All I heard was finish and that was it. That did not seem to make sense at all. How could we finish what we would not complete? Then I remembered the four commands.

  I recited the four commands back to myself to make sure that I had heard correctly. 1.) Finish what we could not complete. Got it! 2.) Force the alliance’s retreat. Okay! 3.) Align their defeat. Understood! 4.) Unite the relics as one. I got this!

  Then Justin’s mouth gaped as the light extinguished from his eyes and a small orb of quintessence burst through his mouth and absorbed itself into his forehead. That amount of energy could have destroyed somebody if they were standing directly in front of him. This was continuing to become even more strange by the minute.

  His permanent suspension in air just went temporary as he fell back into the ground with Alex’s water for the save. He went from floating and hovering in the air like a helicopter to a falling meteor. Alex channeled energy into the water to shift Justin into the right position. Once that was taken care of, we all knew that something was way off track here. This was the same feeling I had when I got bit by the snake and was losing consciousness.

  I know that I needed to know what happened to Justin. On the other hand, Alex kept on telling us to be quiet. I am not going to place blame or fault on anyone. What would blame on someone else do?


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