Wildfire Sweethearts

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by Leigh Bale

  Reunion Under Fire

  Eight months after their broken engagement, Tessa Carpenter is reunited with the man she could never forget—in the same wildfire-fighting unit and now as her boss. With the mystery of why he ended their relationship still between them, Tessa’s not looking forward to working under Sean Nash. Sean promised to take care of his late friend’s sister. That meant walking away, sparing Tessa from his guilt over the accident that killed her brother. But working beside Tessa reignites the embers of his memories, fanning them into love once more. And forcing Sean to decide: bolt again…or stay and fight for the woman of his dreams.

  Did he still love her?

  The question echoed in her mind as he scooped her into his arms and carried her into the ER.

  “Put me down. I can walk on my own.”

  She was used to being strong, carrying her own load. She took care of people, not the other way around.

  “Maybe you ought to admit that you can’t do everything alone,” he said. “You should accept help and say thank you.”

  “Back at you, buddy,” she said.

  At her comment, his jaw hardened, but he didn’t reply.

  “Why do you keep shutting me out?” she asked. “You need me. Can’t you admit it?”

  He met her eyes. Maybe she shouldn’t have said that, but lately she’d been thinking it was true. That maybe it had been a mistake to let him break up with her.

  But a second chance with Sean? It was a risk she didn’t know if her heart could take.

  Leigh Bale is a Publishers Weekly bestselling author. She is the winner of the prestigious Golden Heart® Award and is a finalist for the Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence and the Booksellers’ Best Award. The daughter of a retired US forest ranger, she holds a BA in history. Married in 1981 to the love of her life, Leigh and her professor husband have two children and two grandkids. You can reach her at leighbale.com.

  Books by Leigh Bale

  Love Inspired

  Men of Wildfire

  Her Firefighter Hero

  Wildfire Sweethearts

  Lone Star Cowboy League

  A Doctor for the Nanny

  The Healing Place

  The Forever Family

  The Road to Forgiveness

  The Forest Ranger’s Promise

  The Forest Ranger’s Husband

  The Forest Ranger’s Child

  Falling for the Forest Ranger

  Healing the Forest Ranger

  The Forest Ranger’s Return

  The Forest Ranger’s Christmas

  The Forest Ranger’s Rescue

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  Leigh Bale

  Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

  —John 14:27

  This book is dedicated to the Stanislaus Interagency Hotshot Crew. Thanks so much for your hospitality when I came to visit your home base. I learned so much in that short time and enjoyed every moment. Stay safe out there!

  And many thanks to Greg and JoAnn Overacker. Your expertise and knowledge of wildfire fighting astound me. How I wish my husband and I lived nearby so we could meet and chat over dinner with you on a regular basis. You are two of the warmest, most generous people I’ve ever met.

  Any errors in this book are mine alone.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Dear Reader

  Excerpt from Their Second Chance Love by Kat Brookes

  Chapter One

  Tessa Carpenter stared with dismay at the drafts of gray smoke billowing from the engine of her beat-up old truck.

  Correction. Zach’s truck. Even though her elder brother had died last summer, she would never sell his truck, even if it did qualify for the scrap pile.

  Cruising down the highway at sixty-five miles per hour, she tapped the brake to decrease her speed. The moving trailer attached to the back hitch trembled slightly. It held all her worldly possessions. Clothes, books, bedding, her firefighting pack and her precious picture albums. Not a lot, but she didn’t want to lose any of it.

  She gripped the steering wheel as the vehicle slowed. Edging over onto the shoulder, she killed the engine. As she thrust open the heavy door, she caught the acrid scent of burning oil. Her nose twitched with repugnance and she got out to inspect the problem.

  Great! Just great. If it was a flat tire, no big deal. She could change that in a heartbeat. She’d done it before. Many times, in fact. But truck engines? She didn’t have a clue. As the only woman on the Minoa Interagency Hotshot crew, she could do anything the guys could do. It was just a matter of patience and leverage. But engines were not her forte. Never had been, never would be. She was better at numbers and always ended up doing the inventory reports instead.

  She rested her hands on her hips. Turning her face into the fresh April breeze, she took a deep inhale then blew it out in an irritable sigh. She was officially stranded on Highway 50, halfway between the sleepy mining towns of Eureka and Austin, Nevada. It wasn’t called the Loneliest Road in America for nothing. Her gaze took in miles of brown hills, sage and rabbit brush. Not a single building or car in sight.

  Well, no sense standing here gawking. Hotshots were people of action. It could always be worse. At least it wasn’t raining. And while the spring weather was unseasonably warm, it could be a whole lot hotter, too.

  She popped the hood to the engine then jumped back as she was engulfed in a cloud of smoke. She couldn’t tell where it came from and wondered if the truck had overheated, or if it had a more serious issue.

  Reaching into the pocket of her blue jeans, she pulled out her cell phone and entered her security number. A huff of impatience whooshed from her throat. No connectivity out here in the middle of nowhere. She’d have to wait for someone to come along. Which could take hours.

  So much for her plans to arrive in Minoa early enough to unpack and settle into her furnished apartment before driving thirty miles to Carson City to return the mover’s trailer. Minoa was too small a town to have a truck rental business. As long as she turned the trailer in by tomorrow night at seven o’clock, she wouldn’t have to pay any late fees. But she’d be in deep kimchi if she didn’t report for her first day back at work tomorrow morning.

  Leaving the hood up to signal for help, she climbed inside the truck and lowered the windows to catch the mild breeze blowing across the Nevada desert. She stared out her windshield, wishing she had a book to read. Reaching for the water bottle she’d stowed in the cup holder an hour earlier, she popped the lid and took a deep swallow before setting the bottle aside.

  She had just dozed off when the low thrum of an approaching vehicle brought her back to the present. A shiny blue pickup truck pulled up behind her. In the side mirror, she caught th
e flash of a tall, well-built man getting out and walking toward her. Dressed in faded blue jeans, his long legs moved in a self-assured stride. But something familiar about that muscular physique caused her to narrow her eyes.

  No, it couldn’t be.

  Her pulse sped up into double-time, her breath rushing out in a lung-squeezing sigh. A warm, tingly sensation flowed over her as she tilted her head to get a better look in her rearview mirror.

  “Oh, no.” She leaned her forehead against the steering wheel and groaned.

  Sean Nash. Her ex-fiancé. Except for her brother, he was the only man she’d ever loved. Okay, that wasn’t entirely true. She’d loved her father once, before he’d abandoned her family when she was only seven years old. But that was so long ago that she barely remembered him.

  Standing beside her door, Sean angled his face toward her and flashed a dimpled smile. A smile that still turned her brains to mush.

  “Hi, there. I didn’t expect to meet you all the way out here in the middle of nowhere.” His voice sounded low and reserved. No doubt he was surprised to see her, too.

  “Likewise,” she said, wondering what he was doing here.

  “Looks like you’ve got some car trouble,” he said.

  Morning sunlight sprayed across his too-broad shoulders, highlighting his short, curly hair. He shifted his weight in a careless, confident stance that told her he knew how to handle himself in any situation. Except she knew that wasn’t true.

  A lance of anger speared her, but she ignored it. He’d always been in charge. Always demanding the best out of his crew. So calm under pressure. Never needing anyone. Not even God. But when she thought of how their relationship had fallen apart, she didn’t know how Sean could act so cool and remote around her. Not when her entire body was trembling with emotion.

  “Something’s the matter with the engine,” she said.

  Warring sentiments fogged her brain. Relief, anger and sorrow. She wrestled to make sense of it all and tried to maintain her composure. After all, he’d been the one to break off their engagement. The day after her brother’s funeral, he’d taken her for a quiet ride in his truck. He’d parked beneath the shade of an elm tree on the outskirts of town and stared out the window as he’d told her that he didn’t want to marry her anymore. She knew he was hurting over Zach’s death. They both were. But she thought they could comfort one another. Unfortunately, he didn’t see it that way. He’d suffered smoke inhalation, torn ligaments, shock and second-degree burns. They’d postponed the funeral until he was released from the hospital. In the chaos of comforting her distraught mother, nursing her own grief and making burial arrangements, Tessa had spent long hours sitting by Sean’s bedside. But the day after the funeral, he had told her that his change of heart had nothing to do with Zach. That his priorities had simply changed and he wanted to move on. His plans no longer included her.

  We’re not right for each other. I don’t want to marry you now.

  The sting of those words still haunted her, like a sliver lodged in her heart. He didn’t want her anymore.

  Unfortunately, she was now stranded and needed Sean’s help. She couldn’t see his eyes through his dark sunglasses. She hated when he wore them because she couldn’t read the emotions on his face. A face she knew as well as her own. The high forehead, saber-sharp cheekbones, stubborn chin and translucent blue eyes that pierced her to the core every time he looked at her. Handsome, with a careless smile that could scorch her toes to ash. But something was different about him. Something that hadn’t been there before Zach’s death. Something she couldn’t quite put a finger on.

  Wearing a white T-shirt and boots, Sean still looked lean, strong and ready for action. Considering they both fought wildfires for a living and he’d been a squad leader on her crew last season, she figured he was dressed appropriately. It suited his personality. Rugged and masculine. Always prepared. Always in control.

  Until the day Zach had died.

  Sean stepped back as she opened the door. She climbed out, trying not to look at him. Trying not to let his presence undermine her composure. He was the last person she’d expected to see on this deserted road. Unfortunately, this was the main road heading from Ely to Reno. The only road, unless she wanted to drive on dirt and go four-wheeling.

  “What are you doing all the way out here?” she asked, catching his scent. A subtle mixture of spicy cologne and licorice candy.

  He gave a lazy shrug. “Driving to Minoa, the same as you.”

  “After last fire season, I thought you were planning to move to Idaho. You said you were putting in on a fire control management job in Boise,” she said.

  “No, I decided to wait a bit longer.”

  Wait for what? The job had surely closed by now and he’d lost his window of opportunity. Frankly, she doubted he’d like being cooped up in a stuffy office anyway. He’d always preferred working out in the field, where the action was.

  “So, you’ve been living in Minoa since last summer?”

  Most hotshots like her were seasonal employees, working April through August. But Sean had been a permanent hire with benefits, working twelve months out of the year.

  “Yeah, I took a short leave of absence from work, but I’ve been back for five months now. Why?” A thatch of curly black hair fell over his high forehead. Hair she used to thread her fingers through.

  “Where have you been? Today, I mean, since you’re out here on this road.” It was too much of a coincidence that he happened to come upon her on this lonely highway, wasn’t it?

  “At a training exercise in Utah.”

  Hmm. She wondered if one of their mutual friends had told him that she’d be traveling this road today.

  After all that had happened, she couldn’t believe he still wanted to fight wildfire. But it seemed to be in his blood. He was good at it, too. None better. An adrenaline junkie who thrived on the action. With no family of his own, he had nothing to lose. A man who acted first and thought about the dangers later.

  After Sean had broken her heart, she’d never wanted to see him again. But here he was, bigger than life. And now it appeared that they’d be working together once more. Which made her hands sweat and her stomach feel queasy. If she’d known he was still here, she would have found other employment, on a different hotshot crew in another state. Now it was too late. Because she needed this job. Badly.

  Working on this team would give her the firefighting experience she needed to reach her career goals of one day becoming a fire management officer with the Forest Service. Also, the money would pay her college tuition in the fall. Just one more year of schooling and she’d have her master’s degree in resource conservation with a minor in fire science.

  She took a deep inhale and let it go, resigned to working with Sean again. If she could fight fire, she could certainly handle this. He was on a different squad than she was and she could keep her distance. If she could just make it through the next five months, she’d never have to see him again. She’d finish school then get a job somewhere far away from his brooding smile and penetrating eyes—and her bittersweet memories.

  Without permission, he hopped up into the back of her truck and rummaged around in Zach’s silver toolboxes. Tessa didn’t complain. Over the years, Sean had spent as much time in this rusty vehicle as she had.

  “You got any water?” Clutching several tools, Sean jumped down and sauntered toward the front fender. Tough and agile, his body moved with the feline grace of a star athlete.

  For several pounding moments, her gaze followed him as he propped his sunglasses on top of his head. He looked good. Too good. But he was thinner than she remembered, and deeper worry lines creased the corners of his eyes. Eyes that now seemed so sad and empty.

  She hadn’t seen him in eight months, and it had given her time to think. Breaking up with her so suddenly did
n’t make sense. She could understand Sean changing his priorities. Life and death situations had a way of making a person reevaluate what they really wanted. But it had cut her deeply to know that he no longer wanted her. It had also made her slightly suspicious. He’d been cleared of any wrongdoing in Zach’s death, but what if he was responsible somehow? Had he broken up with her out of guilt? Or was he just afraid of loving and losing her the way he’d lost Zach? Maybe there was some other reason she didn’t understand?

  Reaching inside the cab, she retrieved her half-empty water bottle. When she returned, Sean was bent over the engine like a pro mechanic. His expressive eyes crinkled as he squinted against the bright sunlight. Without looking up, he shot a hand out and she placed the bottle in his grasp.

  Copying his manners, she shook her head. He was still the same old Sean she’d known for nine years. Her brother’s best friend. Tough and proud. Never mincing words.

  If only he hadn’t shut her out. If only she knew what had really happened that fateful day when her brother died. After some time had passed, she’d been hoping Sean might call her to talk about Zach’s death, but he hadn’t opened up one bit. As it stood, he’d broken her heart and she no longer trusted him.

  “What do you think the matter is?” She ducked her head and peered at the engine.

  “It’s overheated.”

  “Obviously. But is it serious?”

  “We’ll know in a moment.”

  Wrapping a handful of his shirttail around his fingers to protect against burns, Sean twisted off the cap to the radiator. They both jerked back as a geyser of steam shot up from the spout. He waited a moment until it settled down then poured the water in. Sizzling sounds filled the air.

  “It’s hot, huh?” she said, feeling helpless and out of sorts.

  “Yep, it’s bone-dry. We’ll need some more water.”

  “I don’t have any more.”

  He turned his head and quirked one brow at her, a quizzical expression that used to make her laugh. But not today. Now she felt nothing but betrayal.


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