Cast in Blood (Morgan Blackstone Vampires Book 1)

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Cast in Blood (Morgan Blackstone Vampires Book 1) Page 28

by Michelle Rabe

  “Nicholas, I could,” she started, and was glad when Nicholas cut her off, because if she were honest with herself, she had nothing.

  “Don’t even think about arguing that you’d stay out of trouble,” he snapped, cutting her off, though a smile worthy of the Cheshire cat curled his lips.

  He knows me too well. “Alright,” Morgan grumbled, “I’ll stay at The Dracul. I’m sure there are a million and one things that need my attention.” Nicholas watched her with wariness written in his expression, storm clouds rolling through his eyes, until they were dark and foreboding. She held his gaze, hoping he wouldn’t notice the tension.

  “I expected you to argue more.” His eyes turned calculating, as if he’d been presented with a difficult problem, and couldn’t see the solution.

  “I prefer to fight when I have a chance to prevail.”

  “I want your word that you won’t leave The Dracul, until one of us comes to get you.”

  “You have my word. If you don’t trust me, you can set Danny or James to watch me,” Morgan teased and kissed his cheek.

  “Don’t think the thought hadn’t crossed my mind” he threatened, though she watched the storm clouds abate, his eyes returning to their usual sky blue flecked with grey.

  “Nicholai, I will not be so foolish as to risk all of our lives, because I am unwilling to stand aside. I would much prefer knowing that this so–called doctor is dead.” Morgan laid her hand on his cheek, willing him to believe, in spite of his suspicious nature.

  “Thank you love,” he whispered, turning to kiss her palm.

  There are times when I wonder if my life would be simpler if I hadn’t fallen in love with Nicholas, Morgan thought, as the others started talking again. I wouldn’t have to hide my feelings for him around all but a select few. I wouldn’t have to spend months and sometimes years only seeing my husband for a few days, or hours. I wouldn’t have to confront his temper. Yes, life would be simpler if I didn’t love Nicholas. But, what about all the little things? The secret smiles across crowded rooms, stolen moments of passion, and even throwing myself against his formidable will. Somewhere in their discussion Morgan stopped thinking, and gave into the deep exhaustion that tapping into the magic had caused, and she drifted to sleep.

  “Morgan?” Nicholas’s velvet voice caressed her mind. Morgan sighed, wanting to wrap herself in that voice and dream. “Love, you need to wake up.”

  “I fell asleep?” she mumbled, blinking, trying to get her eyes to adjust to the light.

  “Yes. You don’t have to go to The Dracul. You can stay here, and curl up in our nice big bed,” he murmured voice full of promise that left no doubt as to what would happen when he got back.

  “I’ve agreed to lay low, but the club is closer to where you say the doctor has holed up. I don’t want to be far away if, Goddess forbid; something happens to any of you.”

  “Fair enough,” Nicholas took her hand, and pulled her to her feet, “besides, I already called James and asked him to come to the club.”

  “You said you were only considering that!” Morgan gasped and punched him mischievously on his right shoulder.

  “I considered it, and followed through, since you were being too cooperative.”

  “One of these days Nicholas, you’re going to push me and I will push back.” Morgan laughed half teasing. Nicholas chuckled, but caught her arm and pulled her to him, catching her lower lip between his teeth. She gasped when his fangs nicked the soft flesh inside. He made a low contented sound in his throat, and licked the small amount of blood that welled up there.

  “You know I enjoy, and look forward to, testing my will against yours love.” He chuckled. “For now, we need to go. I’ll drop you off that the club.” He stepped back, and offered her his hand, and they walked to the garage. He opened the door to the sedan that they’d driven from New Orleans. Sitting in the car, Morgan felt her heart tighten in her chest, as Nicholas walked to his side. Alexander’s madness had been a known factor, but the doctor and Elizabeth’s stability were true wild cards. She didn’t like sitting on the sidelines.

  23 – HOLLYWOOD – OCTOBER 15, 2009

  JAMES MET THEM in front of the converted church that housed The Dracul. When they arrived, he was pacing the stairs that led up to the building. He paused when Nicholas pulled up where valets take cars from patrons, when the club’s open. Morgan turned to look at Nicholas, his strong profile illuminated in the first blushes of dawn. Heart tight in her chest, Morgan slid her hand behind his neck and pulled him to her. His blue grey eyes slid closed as she kissed him, relaxing the tight control she had on her emotions, hoping he could feel her love, worry and determination.

  “Be safe.” Morgan said and slid out of the car. Nicholas caught her hand before she closed the door. She leaned back inside.

  “I love you,” he whispered, and kissed the back of her hand, before releasing it.

  “I love you too.” She stepped back, and closed the door, before turning to face James. Morgan had to smile; his short spiky hair had been dyed an unnatural shade of red, while his blue eyes sparkled with mirth. Leave it to James to find something to be happy about in this situation, it’s just his nature.

  “Morgan, good to see you,” James said, as she walked to where he waited.

  “Thanks,” she answered, as Nicholas pulled away from the curb.

  “What’s on the agenda?”

  “I’ve got a couple phone calls to make, and I’m betting there’s a mountain of paperwork waiting for me,” she sighed, making it clear that she wasn’t happy about it.

  “You don’t want to see the security enhancements?” he asked, and fell into step beside her as they walked to the oak front doors.

  “Not yet. One of these calls can’t wait,” Morgan replied.

  “Whatever you say,” he nodded, as they crossed the dance floor. “You know where to find me.” He paused at the door to the security office.

  “That I do,” Morgan answered, and made her way into her office. She flipped on the light, and a low whistle escaped her lips. The stack of paperwork that had grown on her desk, was higher than she’d expected. First things, first, I need to get in touch with Joshua. I need him to talk to Richard. A quick check of the clock and some mental math later, she decided to call the professor at his flat rather than his office. She dialed his phone number from memory, and waited as it rang several times.

  “Hello?” he muttered the word into the phone, groggy.

  “Hey Joshua, I’m sorry, it’s late but I need a favor.”

  “Morgan. What’s up?”

  “I need you to get in touch with Richard.”

  “What’s happened?” he asked all traces of weariness gone from his voice. She took a deep breath and told him everything that happened in the garden with Alexander. There was a long silence on the other end of the phone when she finished her story, about ten minutes later.

  “These walls of flame, how large were they?” Joshua’s tone was careful, when he finally spoke.

  “About five feet high, and wide… well they flowed as Alexander moved.”

  “I’ll get in touch with Richard. I have no idea what he’s going to make of this.”

  “Thank you Joshua.”

  “Anytime. I’ll call you when I know something,” Joshua answered, and hung up without another word. Morgan chuckled and shook her head. She looked up, and found James standing in the open door.

  “Want to tour the improved security systems now?” he asked, with a soft chuckle.

  “I have an ocean of paperwork to wade through. I trust that you and the others have everything in order.”

  “Yeah well, one of those changes is that you’re not allowed to be here alone for a while. Nicholas was rather insistent on that one.” James chuckled though he made no move to come further into the room.

  “I expected that. So, you’re going to hover all night?” Morgan asked.

  “I’ve got some paperwork that I need to take care of myself. I
just needed to check in with you.”

  “Now that you’ve checked in?” Morgan leaned forward, putting her forearms on her desk, and threading her fingers together.

  “I’ll be in my office,” James answered, all business. That was one of the things Morgan loved about working with him, though he looked like your typical California skater type; he was as serious as they came when it was time to do the job.

  “So you weren’t ordered to stick with me like glue?” Morgan asked, with a soft laugh.

  “I was,” James shrugged, “but I think one wall and a couple of open doors isn’t too much. Are you armed?”

  “Yes. I have my daggers and a gun,” Morgan assured him, with a smile.

  “You know how to use both?” he asked, though he already knew the answer

  “I do. Wouldn’t carry, if I didn’t.”

  “Good. If you need me, just holler.” James turned and walked out of the office, leaving the door open. Behind her desk, Morgan chuckled, and pulled the first of the many pieces of paperwork that needed her attention.

  24 – HOLLYWOOD – OCTOBER 15, 2009

  NICHOLAS PULLED THE Mercedes into the parking area near the empty lot, where the doctor had brought his rig. He stepped out of the car, and crossed to where Marcus had parked his rented SUV, big and menacing, like the vampire who drove it. The back of the vehicle was open to the cool night air.

  “Even though we don’t know what to expect, I don’t want to wait, Assassin,” Marcus said, as he heard Nicholas approach. Beside him, Christophe and Charles both nodded in agreement.

  “You want to go in guns blazing, as it were?” Nicholas asked, with a bemused air. He glanced around the empty warehouse parking lot, taking in the surroundings. The street lights were out, and an air of abandonment permeated the area. There’s a whole lotta nothing around here. Why am I not surprised? That works in our favor, and possibly against us, if the cops come around and think we’re up to something. Which, we are, so that would be bad.

  “What are our other options?” Marcus asked, turning to face the Lead Enforcer. “We watch and wait. Then what? This asshole gets a bee in his fucking bonnet and gets the hell outta Dodge. Then where are we? No fucking where,” The general growled.

  Nicholas had to fight to keep his expression neutral, as he listened to his friend rage. In fact, Nicholas had the exact same plan in mind.

  “That sounds about right. Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page, Old Man.” Nicholas chuckled, punching Marcus in the arm a little harder than necessary.

  “So, we’re going in guns blazing?” Marcus asked, as though he wasn’t sure he’d heard Nicholas right. He glanced at his old friend, and saw that his eyes had turned dark grey, like the heralds of one hell of a hurricane.

  “That’s the plan,” Nicholas answered, with steel in his voice. “But the Doctor is mine.” His voice took on a feral growl as he spoke, and the storm raging in his eyes turned even darker. Marcus felt a thrill of anticipation and sheer terror skitter along his spine.

  “As you wish, Assassin.” Marcus nodded, feeling his beast rise to the surface of his consciousness. Gods! This is going to be fun. It’s been centuries since I’ve had the chance to dance with the Assassin at my back.

  “Charles, Christophe, I want you two to stay out here. Make sure that no one gets past,” Nicholas ordered, in a tone that left no room for argument.

  “Whatever you say” the younger vampires said, at the same time. Without another word, they slipped into the shadows and took up positions nearby, where they had clear views of the rig, and all possible escape routes.

  Once they were in position, Nicholas nodded, and slid his new forty–five caliber pistol from its holster, as he stalked toward the door on the side of the trailer. He heard the whisper of Marcus’s footfalls, matching his own, and sensed his friend a few feet behind. Leave it to the Old Man to have my back, Nicholas thought, as he paused beside the door and opened his senses further. The night was silent, except for the sounds of the city in the distance. Something’s not right here. I should be able to hear at least one heartbeat. What the hell is going on? Nicholas thought, as he caught Marcus’s eye. The former Roman general shook his head from side to side with slow deliberation. He doesn’t like this either. Maybe going in without a plan wasn’t the best idea. There’s no way around it now. If there’s someone inside, they know we’re out here. With a frown creasing his brow, Nicholas pushed the door open and waited, senses alert for any sign of danger. When nothing happened for several tense moments, he pulled himself into the trailer and crouched just inside. He took a moment to survey his surroundings, and slid his weapon back into its holster. This just went from bad to worse. He turned and extended a hand down to Marcus.

  The Roman General looked at him, confused for a moment, before accepting the Assassin’s hand. Nicholas helped Marcus into the trailer and waited while his friend took in the scene. As his hazel eyes scanned the room, he whistled low and long. His gaze came to rest on the metal autopsy table and its gruesome centerpiece. The doctor had been flayed; there was no other way to put it. His torso had been laid bare, exposing internal organs. Lower extremities had been opened; bones exposed, glistening white stained with crimson. The eyes had been removed with surgical precision that made Marcus’s skin crawl.

  Something’s not right, okay, well that’s the understatement of the fucking millennia, but I don’t smell human blood. What, in Dante’s seven Hells, is going on here? He turned to face Nicholas, and noticed that the Lead Enforcer was focused on the table. His stormy eyes were unfocused, as if he were seeing something far off in the distance. While Marcus watched, Nicholas approached the table. His head was cocked to the right, as though he heard something Marcus couldn’t.

  “How long do you think they kept him alive, Assassin?” I gotta get him talking. That look can’t be good.

  “He’s still alive, Old Man,” Nicholas answered, in a low whisper. He closed his eyes, and slowed his breaths to the point where a human would have passed out. This is madness, he thought, as screams ripped through his psyche. Only centuries of practice kept Nicholas from collapsing, as Marcus had. Who did this to you? He projected the thought from his mind, focusing it at what remained of the doctor. The only response he got was an increase in the pitch, and desperation of the screams ricocheting through his mind.

  “You mean there’s some awareness in that mess?” Marcus mumbled low, the hard to surprise Roman General shocked, by what he was seeing.

  “Yes,” Nicholas answered, in a menacing whisper. I’ve got to hold it together. I can’t lose control, no matter how much I want to let my dark side come out and play. I still have a bloody job to do here. This is about Morgan. This son of a bitch hurt her he thought, as his base instincts threatened to take control.

  “Assassin?” Marcus asked, the single word, conveying all the concern he had for his friend.

  “You almost have to admire this,” the younger vampire replied, as he started wandering toward the display.

  “You’ve lost me there, Assassin,” Marcus whispered. No way in Hades is he thinking what I hope he’s not thinking. Shit, that was a roundabout thought. Oh great. Now I’m babbling in my own mind. Come on, Nicholai. I know you better than this, snap out of it! You’re giving me a world–class case of the creeps.

  “Think about it, Marcus,” Nicholas said, as he drifted around the table, taking in the carnage from every angle. In his mind, the doctor’s screams intensified. “Think about the planning that this took. Whoever did this, gave this man what he wanted. They gave this doctor,” the last word was spoken with more scorn than Marcus had ever heard from his friend, “immortality.” Nicholas paused near the foot of the table. He closed his eyes, and thought about when he’d first become a vampire, the rush of sensation and emotion that had filled him, after his body had finished shedding its human frailties. “Do you remember what that was like? How you felt like eternity was in front of you? This man was reveling in that fi
rst rush of power. He was seeing this place,” he waved his right hand, in an absent minded gesture, “his private domain, with vampire senses for the first time. Do you remember what that was like?” Nicholas turned vacant eyes on Marcus, which sent a thrill of fear down the elder vampire’s spine.

  “I remember,” Marcus answered, his voice low and soft. And shit just went from bad to worse. I do not want to antagonize Nicholai in any shape or form, when he’s like this.

  “Can you imagine what it must have been like? He had to believe he was going to be able to continue his work. That he was going to be able to experiment as he saw fit, for an unlimited amount of time,” Nicholas spat. “And just when he thought that eternity was in front of him, whoever did this started their work. They must have convinced him that it was necessary for him to be restrained during the change.” Nicholas resumed his slow circle around the table. “After a few minutes, when he wasn’t released, he started to think that something wasn’t right. He must have realized that something was very wrong when whoever it was picked up a scalpel and began.” Simple, there’s a certain poetry in getting the victim to lay himself down willingly for your blade.

  “You admire the work?” Marcus asked, unable to hide the surprise in his voice.

  “On some level, I do. Imagine the patience it required. They started with his lower extremities,” Nicholas answered, sounding distracted, as his hand hovered a few inches above the flayed torso.

  “How in the name of Hades do you know that?”

  “It’s what I would do.” Nicholas paused. He closed his eyes, as the screams in his mind got even louder. He fought the feeling of desperation that threatened to overwhelm him. I know that’s not me. It’s him. “That’s what I’d do if I were trying to cause the most physical, and psychological pain.”

  “What would you do next?” I do not want to hear the answer, but shit, I have no idea how to get him back from this without following it through to the end.


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