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by M. T. Ossler

  “Princess, Ace is making a run for coffee and donuts. What do you want?” I say laughing from the look in her eyes. “Besides me, baby.” She moves completely on top of me straddling me seductively as she lays on me. I swear she just purred. Damn, my mornin’ woody just becomes hard as granite against her ass.

  “Coffee sounds great. Oh, and pancakes,” she purrs, and it’s sexy as fuck. I have to distract myself, or I’m going to blow all over her ass like a dork.

  Me: I’ll bring out the keys. Now!

  “Baby, I gotta bring Ace my keys. I’ll be right back,” I say regrettably and kiss her lips quickly. She reluctantly moves off me, but not before kissing me again deeply. Then I grab my keys and sweatpants running to the door. Ace is waiting when I open it.

  “Can you grab us coffee and Bella want’s pancakes. Get us a couple of stacks. Thanks, man,” I say throwing him my keys. He gives me a shit-eating-grin.

  “She’s on your dick again, isn’t she? I told Jules that was her screamin’ the other night and last night in pleasure, not from a fuckin’ nightmare. And the door yesterday… Oh shit, man, sorry, but you’re gonna have lots of fun teacher her,” Ace says, and all I can do is nod with a huge grin on my face.

  “Yes, teacher and student are having loads of fun playing and learning,” I say low, laughing and remembering the last couple of days with her. “Man, keep this between us. I’m sure Jules knows, but if she finds out you do too, she’ll be embarrassed.”

  “My lips are sealed, man. You forget I know what your girls been through. I may not know shit about that, but I can imagine she still acting like a virgin.” He gives me wink with a look of understanding, and I don’t reply to him because in many ways he’s right. “I’ll bring the food and coffee back to your room when I get back since we’re meet here anyway,” he says then leaves taking the stairs two at a time down the three flights.

  I head back in the room and find my girl exactly where I left her. I give it to her good and hard, just the way she seems to love having my cock so far.

  Chapter 23


  I open the sliding glass doors off the living room to let the cool morning breeze throughout the room. There’s a big balcony with a spectacular view of the golf course, and my girl loves it. I think it reminds her of her old home at her parents’ estate. They too had a beautiful view from their balconies not with a golf course, but of the woods. It was a beautiful view.

  It’s warm out, but not too humid today. It should be a beautiful day to hang out by the pool. The breeze will help to keep the girls from overheating and baking in the sun.

  Bella looks mesmerized by the view, and it makes her look more beautiful than ever. I unwrap my arms from around her waist for a few minutes. Then I have to leave her when the doorbell rings.

  Ace and Blaze bring in two trays of coffee for the seven of us and five bags of food. This group can really pack it in with four big men.

  Gigi comes to my side excited to see me, just like she always is and asking for Bella. The guy set everything down on the dining table. I take Gigi to her sister on the balcony before we all sit to eat.

  After breakfast, we gather our things and all walk over to the pool. The main pool it’s that far from our villas. It’s only about a half a mile away, and the walk is nice.

  The pool area is huge with a lazy river, kiddy area and slides. The girls find a sunny area on the lounge recliners and the guys, and I find a shady area not too far behind them.

  I apply sun tan lotion to my girls backs, and Ace does the same to Jules. Then we get them all settled before leaving them to their girl time with Dusty close.

  The guys and I have some club business to attend to while the girls do their thing. Ace, Blaze and I have our laptops and are rearing to go. I want to handle this shit today. We have plans for tonight, and I don’t want any problems following us.

  Gator sent us the address and pictures of the two warehouses, the ones the Macks have in our territory. We need a full inventory of what they're packing in them. We have to find all the connection to the cartel we can.

  Two and a half hours later, and a major fuckin’ headache, I finally have a breakthrough in my search.

  “Fuck, man, what are these motherfuckers into? The pictures Snake got is nothin’ compared to this inventory list of shit I found. They are a bunch of stupid fuckers for having this accessible online through emails to the Cartel. They have eight warehouses total in Florida. From what I can tell, they have four loaded with guns. Three are filled with drugs, and the last one is in here in Orlando empty, supposedly. I can’t seem to find any other shit on it. They also have three shipping containers scheduled to leave for overseas in a week. Don’t know what’s in them or where they’re at?

  “They got some heavy artillery in their warehouses. A shit load of grenades, AK’s, AR’s and loaded with all different guns and ammo.

  “Holy shit, they have a few dozen CheyTac M200 military grade snipers rifles. What the fuck do they need all these for? Could they be planning to take over the whole country with all this shit? Are they involved with the terrorist? Shit, the fuckin’ list goes on and on. Take a look for yourself,” I say facing the laptop towards them.

  “Email all that shit to Gator and me,” Ace says outraged as he hands me back my computer and I nod.

  “I found out some other shit to email everyone,” I say.

  “Those fuckers have containers at the port in Miami. Whatever they are shipping out of there, they want to keep it close for transport. The containers are scheduled to leave next Thursday mornin’. They’re due to arrive in Germany 10 days later. This could mean they’re planning a war, but where and with who?”

  “Those bastards think they can get one over on us. This shit needs to get handled today. And on top of everything else... I got to get Gator to call Church, now,” Ace says annoyed.

  Shit just keeps getting’ better and better these days. What are we gonna do to contain this shit?

  “I sent the lists out,” I say trying to figure out how we’re going to fix this shit quickly. I can’t deal with this on top of everything else.

  “I texted Gator; he’s calling an emergency meeting. He’ll contact us in an hour when everyone’s ready. What are we going to do with the girls? They can’t stay here alone with the kid,” Blaze says concerned as he packs his laptop up.

  “I’ll send them to the spa with the kid. He can keep an eye on them there. Let’s go,” I say gather my thing up quickly. We need to get back to the room and get the girl situated fast.

  Ace packs his things and following our lead.

  The girls are going to wonder what’s goin’ on and I don’t want them to worry. My girls have been through enough already I can’t add my club shit on top of it. I hope the guys and I can figure this shit out before it comes down to war in our territory or state. I knew war is coming in one form or another, it just depends on how many.

  We collect the girls and head back to our rooms for the girls to change.

  Thankfully the girls are ecstatic to have time together at the spa. The kid not so much, but he has no choice in the matter. He’s a prospect after all and has to deal with the shit like we all did. He’s lucky Gigi wanted him here, or I’d have left his prospecting ass back at the clubhouse.

  I call the spa and thankfully with a lot of incentive - money - they fit the girls in this afternoon. They have to be there in 30 minutes, though.

  Bella’s changing out of her bikini when I walk into the bathroom. My dick turns stone hard immediately at the sight of her naked form in front of me. I turn my head and take a deep breath controlling myself and my reaction. I swear I’m acting like a teenager these days.

  I watch her from the corner of my eye putting her bra and thong on. Then she grabs her daisy duke shorts and one of my shirts. She loves wearing my shirt, that’s why I packed extras.

  She pulls my GNR (Guns N Roses) T-shirt tight around her waist kno
tting it in the back. I shake my head clearing my dirty thoughts.

  I need to talk to her about tonight before I cum in my goddamn pants just from looking at her sexiness. What is wrong with me?

  “Princess, the guys want to go to dinner and a club tonight. The problem is Gigi and Dusty have to stay here alone. Are you good with that?” I ask knowing she’s not going to like her sister staying her alone with the kid. I have a backup plan if need be.

  “Gio, you know I don’t feel comfortable leaving her with Dusty alone. I’ll stay here with them, and you can go with the guys,” she says not convincing me one bit. She doesn’t want me to leave her here alone with them either.

  “I want you with me, baby. Unless…” I say.

  “You’re just not up for going out, dancing?” I know how much she loves to dance and I know I’m teasing her right now.

  “It’s not that, and you know it. Stop being a jerk. I’m not leaving my baby sister with that man,” she says sternly giving me a look not to push her on this subject.

  Oh, I’m definitely going to push this subject, baby.

  “Would you feel better if we took them to moms for the night? She’d love to have Gigi with her.” I give her a wink and a big smile. This is precisely how I’ll get my way.

  “I think that’s the best thing you’ve said so far. This way if the guys want to bring a girl back she won’t be around,” she says walking into my arms with a huge smile on her face.

  “I’ll set it up with mom after Church. Let’s get you out of here so you can get your nails done and whatever other shit you want to have done for tonight. Do you have something to wear?” I’m sure she does with all the purchases she and the girls made yesterday.

  “I’m pretty sure I can find something that will be perfect for the club,” she says.

  “I have to get my shoes. I don’t want to be late. Thank you, amore mio. I love you.” She gives me a quick kiss then runs to grab her flip flops from the closet.

  “I love you too, baby.” I go to walk out of the bedroom as the doorbell rings.

  After letting everyone in I kiss Bella one last time before handing her the keys to the cage to drive over to the spa. The guys wait for me at the dining table to call Gator.

  We go over the lists of supplies, Blaze printed the list up at the business center. He has a few other papers on the warehouses and shipping containers. I look them over and am astonished they got this much shit passed us. I know it's cause I’ve been distracted with my girl lately and the shit storm that has been brewing. I still have that to handle now this. I just hope we can handle this before it goes into a full-blown war.

  “We good for tonight, man?” Blaze asks looking stressed.

  “After this shit, I’m in desperate need of booze and pussy,”

  “Yeah, we’re good. I have to bring the kids to moms for the night before dinner. Maybe I’ll leave them there the rest of our trip. We can pick them up on the way home. Or I can have mom come to the clubhouse for a few days depending on this shit. It’s a good thing she’s not far from here,” I say, and the guys nod.

  We talk more while I text mom to give her a heads up. I tell her we’ll talk more after Church.

  Fifteen minutes later Ace’s cell phone rings. Church is called to order with the bang of the gavel.

  “Alright, guys I got all the shit. I had Throttle go through them and sent it out to all the clubs. I have all the Prez’s and their VP’s on the line with us, being that it concerns all them too,” Gator says taking a deep breath.

  “This is some shit I’ll tell you. We need to figure out a way to get them out of here and not start a war.”

  We all go round and round about the shit we found. We need to find a peaceful way to get them out of our state and fast. There’s too much riding on this shit for it to go south on us all. Especially with the Cartel involved.

  “Brother, I don’t think that’s going to be possible,” Animal, Gator’s younger blood brother and Prez of Miami says.

  The brothers want to figure out a way to avoid Florida becoming a war zone. The problem is, there just doesn’t seem to be a way to do that with these fuckers. The Macks have brought mayhem to our state, and it’s not going to end well for them.

  “He’s right, we have to be on high alert. We should all call a soft lockdown while we check into things to keep an eye on the women and children,” Blade, Gator’s youngest blood brother and Prez of Pensacola says.

  We all discuss the pros and cons of a soft lockdown for now. Everyone agrees it will be for the best. Keeping our families close since we’re not sure what those fuckers are up to just yet.

  The most common theory going around is that they are into human trafficking. I wouldn’t put it past them, but we have no proof yet. Women and young girls go for a lot of money on the black market. Babies are in higher demand. Better to keep our women and kids close.

  “Alright, all clubs call a soft lockdown and only ride in pairs. I want all presidents, VPs with their SAAs here by Tuesday. Enforcers will be left in charge. Families are welcome. My VP and SAA should be back by then if not sooner,” Gator says.

  “Beast, you’re going to need to talk to your ol’lady,” Gator says.

  “I’ve spoken to the other clubs, and you’re welcome to reiterate to the brothers the importance of our unusual request. Since they’re all on the line.”

  “Brothers, I’m not sure what Gator has told all of you. I’ll keep it short so that I can get back to my honeymoon. My wife was brutally attacked by a man she’d known her whole life. As a result of that attack, she’s not comfortable around men. Especially ones she doesn’t know. Just keep a respectable distance from her and her little sister, or she’ll freak the fuck out. If she freaks out, I can’t predict what she’ll do. She’s a fighter, a real fighter and she’ll protect herself and sister at any cost just like any of us men would do,” I say to keep it short and sweet.

  My girl should be back soon, and I want this shit done by then.

  “Oh, one more thing, and this is extremely critical. Don’t under any circumstances call her or her sister darlin’, it’s a trigger for her.” I had to add that little piece of information because it is very important. She hates that term of endearment because that bastard always called her that.

  She heard one of the brothers call Gigi that one day and went ballistic on him. I never heard my girl curse and go off halfcocked on anyone the way she did that day.

  It was like she wasn’t in a room with us at all. She screamed like she was in a room with Antonio.

  We had to usher Gigi out of the building kicking and screaming while Bella let all her pent up aggression out on Gunner.

  Thankfully, he was understanding of the situation. If not I would have had to endure an ass beating from my brothers for my girls’ behavior. I would have taken it for her in a heartbeat.

  “Beast, I got to ask when you say brutally attacked, what in the hell does that even mean, man? Did the fucker beat her or something? I hope this bastard who hurt your ol’lady is six feet under. If not, I want to be on the frontlines of that action with you. No man should ever hurt a woman, brutally,” Maddox says -from our Daytona chapter- with venom in his tone.

  He met Bella at our 4th of July party but didn’t know any of the particulars then. Now they all know the Italian Mafia is involved in our lives from the shit.

  “Thanks, brother, but I’ll be taking care of the asshole that laid hands on my girl soon enough. When the time is right, he’ll get what’s comin’ to him. I won’t give details, just know it’s the worst thing that could ever happen to a woman,” I say leaving it to their imaginations.

  They don’t need to know the details, that it was a sexual assault. That’s for my girl to decide if she wants to share, not me.

  “Should I send you some extra back up till Tuesday, Beast? I can spare a few guys,” Maddox says.

  “I can send a couple of guys too if you need, Beast,
” Skull says from Tampa.

  They are the two closest clubs to us.

  I turn to Ace, my VP, for his input. I’m not sure having more men around will be good for Bella, but we could probably use the extra eyes. Especially since we’re going out to the clubs.

  “That’s not a bad idea. We’re sending Bella’s little sister, Shorty and the prospect to Beast’s moms for the rest of our trip. Skull if you can spear a couple of guys to keep eyes on them that would be great. We’re dropping them off early this evening. Your guys can follow them back to the club on Monday with Cindy. I’ll text you the address,” Ace says covering Gigi and mom.

  “I’ll send Romeo and Cotton. They’ve met Cindy before so that should make her and Beast’s ol’lady feels comfortable around the girl,” Skull says.

  He’s right mom will feel better with guys she knows and so will Bella.

  “Maddox, send us two of your guys. We have the extra beds with the kids gone, we won’t have to rent any more rooms. Having extra eyes on the girls at the clubs tonight will make things easier with all the unknown shit goin’ on around here,” Ace says.

  “Okay, it’s all settled. Ace you take care of the guys, and I’ll get the clubhouse ready. Any sign of trouble and I want your asses back here yesterday,” Gator demands, and we all agree.

  “Maddox, who are you sending?” I ask needed to know which of our brothers will be near my girl. I’m going to have to warm her up to the idea of having two strangers around.

  “I’ll be sending Bull and Ghost. Is that good with you, Beast?” I think about it for a second. Bull is their SAA and Ghost is a table member. I know both well, and Bella should be good with them.

  Bella met Bull at our last party when we fought, so hopefully, she remembers him.

  “That’s good. Thanks, brothers,” I say and hear the front door beep. The girls and the kids are back. Looking at the clock on the microwave in the kitchen and see we’ve been in Church for three hours.


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