Perfect Chemistry

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Perfect Chemistry Page 6

by Jodi Redford

  Curiosity getting the best of him, he pulled his mind away from sex and inventoried the decor of his surroundings. Other than the vase of flowers and assorted fashion magazines fanned across the coffee table, the furnishings held a distinctly masculine flavor. Leftovers from a previous relationship? Leo mulled that possibility over. She’d never mentioned a live-in boyfriend before, or any exes, for that matter. Not that he found it particularly unusual or anything. He didn’t go around blabbing about his past either.

  Sidney reappeared with their beverages and a tray of cheese, crackers, and fresh fruit. She darted an uncertain look between him and Dev. “I wasn’t sure how long you’d be staying, so I picked up some steaks on the off chance you’d like to have dinner. But I just now realized that maybe you’re both vegetarians.”

  He didn’t know which tugged at his heart more—the fact that she’d wanted to make them dinner, or her worry over getting their dietary preferences wrong. Sadly, he couldn’t recall the last time he shared a home cooked meal with a woman. Come to think of it, the number of times probably added up to a big fat zero. The majority of females he’d dated had preferred going out to eat, especially if it was someplace expensive and trendy. Not that he wasn’t game for that on occasion. But spending a casual, cozy night in with Sidney? Now that was something he could get addicted to on a daily basis.

  After he and Dev reassured her that they were most definitely not vegetarians, Leo scooted over so she could curl up between them. The air instantly became charged with the heady promise of sex, making him super aware of every innocent brush of her body against his. Then again, judging from the sparkle in her eyes, it might not have been innocent in the least.

  Determined to tackle the important details before his dick outshouted his common sense, Leo cleared his throat. “In order to get an accurate read of your test results we need to establish a stimulus history for you. Some of the questions might seem highly personal, but there’s no reason to be embarrassed. It’s important that you be absolutely honest with your answers.”

  Sidney swirled her fingertips along his thigh, effectively murdering his concentration. “I know. Remember, I was the one who helped log most of those questionnaire reports into the system. So I had a good inkling what I was getting myself into here.” She gnawed her bottom lip for a second, a deep furrow forming in the center of her brow. “If you don’t mind though, I’d prefer not to get into the specifics of my previous relationships.”

  He and Dev exchanged a look over the top of her head, and seeing the agreement in his partner’s gaze, Leo nodded. “We won’t push beyond the basic need-to-know stuff.” He squeezed her hand. “But sexual inhibitions and blocks are often linked to negative experiences with past partners. It’s helpful to acknowledge the issue so we can help you work through it.”

  “It isn’t necessarily that I have any inhibitions. More like a habit of—” She broke off abruptly and snatched her glass of wine, draining nearly half of it in what could only be labeled as a desperate gulp. Her expression still pensive, she fidgeted with the stem of the glass and stared at the blank TV screen.

  When it became apparent that she wouldn’t continue without encouragement on their end, Dev rubbed her shoulder. “A habit of what, Sid?”

  She exhaled resignedly. “Giving more of myself than I probably should. Particularly when it comes to douchebags who really have only ever wanted one thing from me.”

  At that moment, Leo wanted nothing more than to kick the ass of any jackass stupid enough not to recognize the treasure that was Sidney. Instead he settled for cuddling her against his side. “Don’t ever feel bad for having a giving heart. Those men didn’t deserve you.”

  She toyed with the cuff of his shirt. “Thank you for saying that.”

  “I meant it.” He pondered her admission, the ramifications hitting him square in the sternum. He and Dev were here to have sex with her. Shit, did she think they were only after one thing? “Sweetheart, if you have any second thoughts about doing this, we can always—”

  “No.” She plunked her wine glass on the coffee table and faced them. “I want to do this. And I’ll be honest, it’s not just so I can help further your research. I’m also doing this for me. For once, I want to be a little selfish and make myself happy.”

  Dev twined his fingers with Sidney’s. “There isn’t one damn selfish thing about that, baby.”

  She chuffed a laugh. “It is when you’re usually focused on pleasing everyone but yourself.”

  Leo mentally picked at her admission, knowing it held a kernel of valuable intel. “Was it difficult for you to climax with your partners?”

  She blinked. “Wow. That came out of left field.”

  “Not really. It’s a common denominator we’ve found in several of our test subjects—focusing so much on their partner’s needs, they ultimately neglect their own.”

  “Huh.” Sidney tapped her chin. “Yeah, I guess I can see how that would happen.”

  “This is one of those areas we need to push you on,” Leo prodded gently.

  Judging from the sudden slump of her shoulders, it was an easy guess what she was about to say. “I rarely had an orgasm from penetration, and only sometimes with oral if I had a particularly good fantasy running in my mind.”

  Dev inched closer to the edge of the cushion. “You use fantasy to get off?”

  She chuckled. “A time or two.”

  Leo mentally replayed the footage from the lab. “You fantasized about us last night with the Xtacy. Why don’t you tell us about that?”

  Her cheeks pinkened. He wasn’t entirely sure if it was due to embarrassment or excitement at the memory. His own body flushed at the possibility of it being the latter, because he’d give his left nut to turn that fantasy into a reality. And that was before even knowing what the hell it all entailed. But that was inconsequential as far as he was concerned. If it resulted in bringing her to that level of ecstasy again, that’s all that mattered.

  She transferred a look between them, her excitement now readily apparent upon her face. “I imagined that you both caught me in the lab and punished me for trespassing.”

  The sudden breathiness of her voice grabbed him by the short hairs. “How did we punish you?”

  Sidney licked her lips. “You strapped me onto one of the worktables. Only it wasn’t a normal worktable. It had a lever that made it tilt, and the bottom portion could fold down.”

  “And what was the purpose of that?” Judging from the gravel in Dev’s tone, he was equally drawn into the fantasy.

  “You were able to stand on one end so I could suck you off, and Leo was between my legs, fucking me. There were also these suction cup sensor thingamabobs that went here...” She gestured to her nipples and her pussy.

  Leo swallowed past the dryness in his throat. “What did those do?”

  “They synched with the Xtacy and, well, you two. Every time you increased your thrusts, the sensors reacted by sucking harder. ” She sighed. “I know, it sounds pretty weird.”

  “Uh, no.” Dev adjusted his fly. “Actually, it’s fucking hot.” He glanced at Leo. “We should have Quinn look into the possibility of developing a gizmo like that.”

  Sidney frowned. “Quinn?”

  “My cousin. He designs sex toys for Sweet Vibes.” Dev grinned. “His pride and joy is the Holy O. Perhaps you’re familiar with it?”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Are you kidding me? The Holy O was my longest lasting relationship up until it croaked two months ago. I just haven’t gotten around to replacing it since it’s so darn expensive.”

  “I’ll have Quinn send you a new one. He still owes me for blowing up my computer back in college.”

  “Err, do I even want to know how that happened?”

  “Probably not. Besides, you didn’t finish telling us about your fantasy.” Dev ghosted his fingers along Sidney’s hip. “You mentioned being strapped to the table. Does bondage excite you?”

  Leo could feel every cell in h
is being straining toward her in anticipation of her answer. Her body provided a host of physical clues. Rapid acceleration of her breathing. Pupil dilation. Tightened nipples. But he needed to hear the actual words. Anything short of that was an assumption that he refused to hang his hat on.

  “Yes.” Sidney took a shaky breath. “It excites me. A lot. I’ve never been completely under someone’s control like that though.”

  “Do you want to be?” The question slipped from Leo before he could corral it.

  She was quiet for a moment. “I think I’d like to try it. At least once.”

  He leaned forward and caressed her cheek. “Then we’ll put that on the list. We don’t have to do anything too hardcore, if that’s too much for you. But I have plenty of accessories—as Dev likes to call them—that should give us plenty of options within your comfort level.”

  She released a fluttery exhale. “I’m having another fantasy right now, aren’t I? None of this is actually happening.”

  “If so, then I’m suspended in that fantasy right along with you. And so is Dev.” Smiling, he brushed his lips over hers. The sweet taste of her was an instant aphrodisiac to his senses. Groaning, he tunneled his fingers through her hair and pulled her on his lap so that she straddled him. He slowed his kisses to a lush, lazy exploration, learning every nook and cranny of her mouth while his hands charted a similar path along her torso. He cupped her breasts, his caresses gentle at first until her restlessness encouraged him to employ a rougher approach. Firming his grip, he pinched her nipples between his thumb and forefingers, applying just the right amount of pressure to make her breath hitch in her throat. She melted into him, her body soft and yielding beneath his touch.

  Hungry to see more of the shivery need playing across her face, he broke their kiss and skimmed his hands underneath her camisole, pushing the garment above her breasts. The rosy invitation of her nipples beckoned him. Ducking his head, he swirled his tongue over one peaked crest before sucking the distended nub into his mouth and laving it with his tongue. She squirmed and gasped, her fingers gripping tight to the back of his head. Her desperate grinding against his fly was both a tease and a torment to his senses.

  He needed to taste her everywhere. Right fucking now. Growling low in his throat, he hoisted her up into his arms and reversed their positions so that she was sprawled on the couch and he knelt between her legs. Freeing the snap on her shorts, he tugged the waistband over her hips, hooking the elastic of her panties at the same time. He tossed both articles of clothing aside and spread her thighs wide apart. Her pussy was completely smooth except for a tiny landing strip. All the better for her to feel every flick and swirl of his tongue when he ate her. Which was precisely what he planned to do in one hot second, once he got the initial round of the Xtacy experiment put into motion.

  It was a damn miracle he even remembered what they were supposed to be doing here. The sight of her soft pink folds sheened with wetness was enough to send all other rational thought on a permanent vacation. He fetched the envelope from the coffee table and fished out the vial. Given Sidney’s response to the elixir in the lab, small doses in measured increments would be the best course of action. He handed the tube off to Dev and returned his undivided focus to Sidney.

  Running his fingertips along her inner thighs, he bent and followed the path of his hands with his mouth, licking a slow trail toward the sweet Promise Land between her legs. He reached his intended target and breathed in her spicy, feminine musk. Head spinning with the heady intoxication of her, he grazed his thumbs along either side of her labia, coating his fingers with her delectable juice.

  He painted her nipples with her own wetness and instructed Dev to suck the firm nubs clean. His partner groaned in eager compliance and set about fulfilling the command. As much as Dev crabbed about Leo’s bossiness, he never balked when it came to matters of a sexual nature. Back in college when they’d first experimented with sharing women, he and his best friend had quickly learned that their natures complimented each other well. And the women certainly hadn’t complained. Judging from the bliss riding Sidney’s beautiful face, she was definitely enjoying his and Dev’s tag team efforts.

  Intent on bringing her first orgasm to the surface without the aid of the Xtacy, Leo closed his mouth around her pussy, using just the tip of his tongue to tease her clit. When she whimpered and arched her hips, he dipped his tongue down to her slit and slipped it in a fraction before delving deeper into her slick tissues, slowly eating her from the inside out. She bucked against his mouth and tensed, a strangled cry lodging in her throat. The tiny muscles in her pussy fluttering, she shattered on his tongue. He continued licking and lapping at her, stringing the quakes into endless tiny tremors.

  His cock throbbing like a sonofabitch, he pulled his mouth away and licked his lips. “I thought you said you have difficulty orgasming, even with oral.”

  “Usually I do,” she gasped, her flushed breasts still quivering with her harsh intakes of breath. “But you are really good at that.”

  Her praise filling him with masculine pride, he worked at freeing the buttons on his shirt. As much as he wanted to take complete credit for making her come, the point of the experiments was to discover the individual enhancements Xtacy brought to each stage of the arousal process. And to evaluate that effectively, he needed to establish the triggers that were most likely to result in her climaxing. “Were you fantasizing while I went down on you?”

  “No, not at all.” She blinked as if startled by the revelation. “I guess it wasn’t necessary, seeing how my fantasy was right here live in the flesh.”

  Her admission once again warmed him with pleasure. He nodded at Dev. “Administer the smallest dosage, and then strip down.”

  Sidney shot a look between him and Dev. “D—do you always talk to him like that?”

  Leo shrugged from his shirt. “Yes, and he fucking likes it, so don’t believe his whining to the contrary.”

  Dev chuckled and dispensed the first application of the elixir on the pulse points on the side of Sidney’s neck before treating her to a lingering kiss. Leo watched the slick, seductive mating of their tongues, his balls growing heavy and tight. He tugged his zipper down. “Change of plans. Sit on his face instead. I want you riding his tongue while you suck me.”

  His request took a moment to penetrate Sidney’s fog of pleasure, but fortunately Dev was already a step ahead of the game. Effortlessly lifting her, Dev scooted onto his back on the couch and planted Sidney square on his face. Palming her ass in both hands, he got right to business, eating her with a lusty abandon that brought exquisite pleasure front and center on Sidney’s face. Leo had seen his partner go down on a woman enough times to know Dev likely had a leading edge in that department. Rather than be jealous of his friend’s God-given oral talent, Leo was smart enough to use it to his advantage. Besides, when it came to getting a woman off, he definitely had his own arsenal of tricks to get the job done.

  He shed his trousers and briefs and stroked his cock. Her gaze riveted to the motion of his hand, Sidney licked her lips.

  “You want a taste of this, querida?”

  She bobbed her head enthusiastically, and moaned in evident excitement when he propped his foot on the edge of the couch and coaxed her head down with his free hand. Her fingers wrapped over his on the base of his shaft and the warm, wet heaven of her mouth closed around his cockhead. She glazed his crown with a tantalizing sweep of her tongue before sucking him deeper. He groaned in appreciation as his swollen, sensitive gland glided along the roof of her mouth and nudged the back of her throat. Her gag reflex threatened to kick in and he immediately eased off, giving her a chance to adjust to his size. Sinful, hungry sounds mewled from her, vibrating the length of his dick while she greedily gobbled at him.

  He allowed her to control the pace for a moment, until the threat of his approaching climax edged closer than he preferred. Squeezing the root of his cock with one hand to slow things down, he gently bunched
Sidney’s hair in his fist, preventing her from sucking him too deep. She looked up at him through her eyelashes, her dreamy, submissive pose igniting his need to claim her. Immediately. He pulled from her mouth, his breaths ragged. “Did you come?”

  She looked too dazed to answer, so he glanced at Dev when his friend came up for air. Dev licked his lips, his eyes lit with a carnal fire. “Yeah, she did. I’ve never been with a woman so multi orgasmic. It’s fucking heaven.”

  For Leo too. He wanted to give Sidney a lifetime of orgasms, if she’d let them. The realization didn’t necessarily shock him to his core. His feelings for her had always been there, lurking near the surface. But it did complicate things. She’d agreed to this experiment as a sexual discovery, and for her happiness and enjoyment. He hadn’t a damn clue whether that included the potential of a future for the three of them after all of this was done.

  But in the meantime he and Dev would show her how it felt to be loved by two men who cared for her deeply and wanted nothing more than to shower her in bliss.

  After Dev applied the next dosage of the elixir to Sidney he stripped out of his clothes and sat facing her. The two indulged in another decadent kiss while Leo snatched two of the condoms stashed inside the envelope. He tossed the spare packet onto the couch cushion next to Dev and sheathed his own dick with the other condom. He situated himself behind Sidney, and molding his hands over her breasts, kissed her neck. She wiggled her butt against his shaft, her provocative shimmy firing his blood. He rolled her nipples between his fingers and growled in satisfaction at the noticeable catch in her throat. “Have you ever had two cocks inside your pussy at the same time?”

  “Not real ones. But I wanted to see what it’d feel like, so I tried it with two of my vibrators.”

  His head spun with the mental image of her stuffed to the max with plastic cock. “Were you able to take them okay?”

  “Initially it was a little uncomfortable, but then it got...freakin’ amazing.” She shivered, the memory apparently getting to her.


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