Convergence (The Dragon Within Saga Book 1)

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Convergence (The Dragon Within Saga Book 1) Page 32

by Roberto Vecchi

  However, any expression in her eyes that might have echoed his desire for her approval on the eve of the Indri Primos, or during the celebration last night, was nowhere to be found on this morning. How had the exuberant joy he felt last night transform into the dread as he battled her, after having been forced to kill his brother, The King, and throw the Princess Glinovia into a reign she was not prepared for? What he meant as an innocent statement aimed at touting the praise of his Star Daughter could now be used, and certainly would be used, as evidence to his falsified behavior with the Queen and subsequent dispatching of her husband's life. Why had he insisted upon dancing with the Queen last night? And why had she, when confronted by the King, implicated that her secret lover was Eriboth himself? Who was she trying to protect? The genesis of these questions still seemed absolutely absurd as his mind still had not processed the avalanche of events from the time the dancing ended to the time when he was overtaken by the King and his guard.

  He remembered sitting at the Royal Table, as the Honored Drahin, between the Queen and the Princess. The music provided by the legendary Mylanas Inshanduil and her instrumental accompaniment had been well worth the devotion of his ears. She was a powerful force and the combination of the sweet and strong mead produced by the Elvish Brewmasters with her perfect sounds set the backdrop for producing a night he would not soon forget; a night because it included more time with the mysterious woman.

  He saw her sitting at one of the front tables, not the closest, but definitely close enough to reinforce his assumption that she held a position of honor and influence within the elvish community that was directly connected to the Royal Family. He leaned over to the Queen and asked, "My Queen, who is the woman sitting next to Captain Asuin?"

  "My Lord Eriboth, are you asking me this for your own interest, or simply because you have not been here in over five years and did not know the King enlisted her skills as his First Protector?" she replied with a small amount of displeasure emphasized by his long absence.

  "A human woman has been hired as his Pratego Pris? The Princess had said something on that matter, but I had given it no heed," he said with a shocked quality to his voice. It was true enough that her skills could not be denied. In their training encounter, she had begun to press him. Though he had not employed The Way of Expression, and did hold back from utilizing the full measure of who he could become in battle, she was an opponent who demanded a great deal of respect.

  "Why yes, my dear Eriboth, her skills have been such employed. But do I detect a certain amount of jealousy that you are no longer the exclusive representation of man honored and trusted within the hallowed grounds of the elves?" the queen again returned with a slight mocking aspect to her voice.

  "My Dear Queen, you need not worry at my jealousy regarding any inclusion of any race as a trusted member of Our great community," he emphasized the word "our" to signify he still identified himself as more Elven than human in spite of the time he spent away. "The King can hire even a Goblin thief and appoint him as his First Advisor and my confidence would not be shaken. But you have still not told me her name."

  "Yes, you are quite right. Perhaps that is because I do not wish her to occupy your affections, Eriboth," she said with a small wink.

  "Come now, My Queen, the creation of Elvendom knows of your devout loyalty to King Rendunial, quite deserved at that. He is a great man. So great that I can but only offer a fleeting hope to become less than even half of what he is."

  "You are only too correct. I do love and am devoted to him, as no one else can ever be. I only mention your attentions as to sooth my ears and assure them that they, regardless of where your interests fall, will still be fortunate enough to hear the beauty of your poetry."

  "Then you may give your ears rest by letting them know I will never tire of allowing them to hear the words I write. But you have still not told me her name."

  "Have I not?" the queen said with feigned exasperation and surprise, "The woman whom your eyes fall so effortlessly upon is Lady Soliana Solaris."

  Hearing her name, Eriboth turned his attention from his conversation with Queen, again falling upon her ravishingly beautiful features. "Lady Soliana Solaris," he whispered partly to himself as he stood up and started to walk over to her table.

  But before he began his first step, the queen gripped his arm, "Careful, my dear Eriboth. She has bite. And so does Captain Asuin who has affections for her beyond those of simple battle companions. He might not appreciate your attention upon her."

  "Do her attentions fall upon him in kind?"

  "No, she has remained aloof from the affections of any of our numerous Elves who have attempted to grasp hers."

  "Do not worry My Queen; one does not become Eriboth, Avendia's Warrior Poet, without learning how to side step the occasional outburst of jealousy. And the Queen should also know that I do not entirely mind being bitten, in the right circumstance this is," he winked as he turned and started the progression to his intent.

  Walking the few paces separating between the head table and her tabled seemed like an eternity during which, for the first time in his adult life, he was not sure what to say. He had words for every occasion; quite possibly the best words. He had inspired the Dwarven Legion of the Underground to victory. He had, with a single speech, turned the tide of the Goblin Insurrection years ago. He had even, in a rare situation and only out of necessity, inspired a small band of orcs to victory over their Ogre Warlord. Yet, as adept as he was at grand speeches and addresses, seemingly to know exactly what the moment called for, he was even more perfected with intimate conversations in small groups and individuals. Had she inquired about him after their first encounter? What did she think about him, or did she think about him at all? Surely she could not be as taken with him as he was with her, but what was her opinion of him?

  Before he was able to consider the tremendous amount of possible answers to his internal questions, he reached her table. She looked up to him for only a moment, and dismissively returned to her conversation with Captain Asuin. He smiled to himself.

  "Excuse me My Lady, I do not mean to intrude," he began, but before he could complete his request, she turned her attention from her conversation and interrupted him.

  "Of course you do. Why else would you have made the trip from the Royal Table to this one?" she asked with a firm confidence.

  "What I meant to say, My Lady, is that while it is true my intent was to address you, it was not my intent to distract you or interrupt any conversation you were currently engaged in," trying to cover up his surprise with her initial response.

  "So you do not mean what you say? Or is it that you do things you do not mean?"

  "My Lady," Eriboth said with a small amount of frustration, "I mean only to come here and compliment you upon your skills with the blade as I did not have a chance to when we first met because you walked away so hastily. But if My Lady makes it a recurring habit to interrogate every intended compliment she is to receive, then perhaps her prowess in battle is all that she has to offer and the only thing worthy of a compliment. Be that as it may, my compliment for your technique and obvious dedication to your craft stands. Though it seems you are intent in preventing me any opportunity to see if the other aspects of your character are worthy of such praise. I bid you good evening," he turned and walked back to his place at the head table.

  As he walked, he saw the amused look upon the Queen's face, clearly enjoying the exchange between he and the Lady Soliana. As he took his seat and grabbed his ale mug with the intent to take a very long pull of the heavy and bitter drink, the Queen Fondrina placed her had on his mug preventing his indulgence, "Really my dear Eriboth, I find amusement only because, unless I had witnessed it with own eyes, I would not have believed there to be a woman in existence who could resist your charm. But Lady Soliana seems equal to you in many ways." Pausing briefly to incline her head slightly to ensure her following hushed tone would still land upon his ears, she
continued, "Take heart my wounded Warrior Poet, equal or not, her eyes followed you all the way back to the table." He turned to look at her, grinned for a moment and downed his ale until all the drops would be utilized to still his flushed face.

  As the evening progressed, including his consumption of ale, the dancing began. In the courts of men, rarely would Eriboth, the Great Warrior Poet be found without a lady upon his arm has he twirled her this way and that way, making use of the entire space dedicated for dancing. He was as comfortable partaking in the very formal and rehearsed royal dances deemed most appropriate for those of royal blood, as he was when engaged in the spontaneous and basal dances found in the best and dirtiest ale houses and inns in the realm. Yet upon this eve, he was unable to engage in the merriment as fully as expected because he fell into a brooding, melancholy disposition. A disposition he blamed with increasing measure upon the presence of Lady Soliana and her lack of attention upon him. He had seen her dance with several of the Elves who had approached her. In fact, he did not see her refuse anyone's request except his own. Perhaps because of the boldness he obtained from the liberal amount of ale he had consumed, not that he needed anything to bolster his boldness normally, or perhaps because he was Eriboth and he wanted to dance with her, during a particularly rousing song, he got up from his chair at the head table, took a last long swig from his ale mug, and proceeded to walk over to her for the second time.

  She was currently unengaged in dancing; however, she was speaking with two of the women of the court. Before dinner, while everyone was yet put together and not suffering the effects of a lengthy night spent celebrating, dancing, drinking, talking, and laughing; her beauty was the perfect reflection of the stars. Radiant, pure, and completely within the lines of beauty's picturesque expectation, she dominated his attention, if not the room. Yet now, after her dress accumulated small wrinkles in it and fit just a little less snug, after her hair had been loosened by the dancing, and after she had a slight glistening to her facial features, her appearance adopted a realism that held him speechless. Unfortunately, he did not take notice of these changes in her prior to standing face to face with her as she turned to acknowledge yet another dance partner.

  "My La...My Lady...," he stammered for words.

  "Excuse me, My Lord, but were you not the one who so eloquently, and just the previous day, delivered a message for the Princess Glinovia? And now you are struggling to find the ability to construct a complete and proper address to the ladies of the court?" she said as the two other ladies she was standing with chucked under their breaths.

  He stood motionless and staring at her. "Have you forgotten how to speak all together?" She asked him.

  Again, he stood motionless, except this time he looked toward the two ladies as if to ask for their assistance. The shorter of the two answered his silent plea, "We are very sorry, but you are alone in this."

  He turned his head to look again at Soliana who was now standing with her hands on her hips and head slightly bent to the right. After a brief moment, she broke the uncomfortable silence, "Well, it is just as good that dancing does not require speaking, or you would perhaps be the worst partner I will have had this entire evening," As she finished her statement, she grabbed his hand and lead him, stunned, to the dancing area.

  The moments following for him may as well have been the only moments of his extended life. No words were spoken, no hesitations were made, and no walls existed. There was nothing except her. His eyes never left hers and hers never left his. The hard, outer shell encasing her heart reflecting years of pain that he had bypassed for a few brief seconds in their battle upon their first chance meeting was beginning to soften as they danced. His deep longing for a connection based upon a single solidified soul expressed in two bodies was beginning to be filled with each effortless step and exquisite moment they spent as each other's partner. Beginning as separate but well-schooled dance partners, their individualities began to blend into a seamless singularity moving fluidly to the music. Their dancing was a perfect reflection of both the desire to take and longing to give. As the other dancing elves began to notice them, they parted the dance floor in an effort to allow the masterpiece of these two as one to develop to its fullest intent.

  Endlessly they danced and were watched, yet they were oblivious to the now hundreds of eyes upon them as they became bounded by the existence of the other. Reality, mortality, humanity became defined as the reflected connection seen through the eyes, heart, and very soul of the other. Truly and utterly, nothing else mattered to either of them. It was only this moment, for however long it lasted, that defined them and their futures. They were now, as the music ended, bound by a heart and soul that had found its match. As the last note faded from their ears, they stood, holding and staring into the very source of the other; unable to move as if the stars dictated they remain so as an example of the potential of every possibility formerly denied by our finite understanding of creation. Slowly, very slowly, the gathering elves began to applaud from a slow and deep appreciation that they had just been given evidence of the divine. As their awareness returned to the mortal realm, they walked from the dance floor, but were never seen apart for the rest of the night.

  He had been so focused on Soliana last night that the details of his dance with the Queen were all but pushed from his mind. He remembered that he did indeed dance with her, in part because it was the expected etiquette of being brother to the King, but he could not recall what song they had danced to, or which formal dance they performed. And now, because of the Queen's insistence that Eriboth was her secret lover, he was forced to defend himself against ten of King Rendunial's Red Guard, King Rendunial himself, and the King's First Protector, Soliana.

  As the thunderous hooves approached on the Green Road, he turned to see who was approaching. In the early hours of the morning, the sun behind him was at such an angle that it lit her hair on fire and caused it to almost blaze in radiance. As such, he was only able to see the silhouette of her and the other riders and did not see the King or the expressions on their collective faces until they had encircled him with weapons drawn.

  Confused, but still composed, Eriboth addressed the small company, "My King, it is good to see you this early, but I did not know my absence this time would cause your subjects to demand that you fetch me with weapons drawn. Surely you should know I would have returned at the simple request of one of your couriers."

  "Hold your silver tongue, Brother of mine! This is not a social call," the King spoke through gritted teeth.

  Seeing the King's hard expression and hearing his hard tone, Eriboth took a moment to appraise the countenance of all those present. Staring at him, Soliana's expression was set as a reflection of the King's anger and determination. There was nothing left behind her eyes to suggest they had met before, let alone shared a night to change them both. "My King, I sense a certain amount of animosity in your voice. I can assure you, whatever has brought it to the surface, my intent was pure."

  "Why?" The single word hung suspended in the air as a scythe trap might hang in a desolate crypt waiting to launch its devastation should an adventurer unknowingly approach too closely.

  Clearly the King had anticipated Eriboth's knowledge in regards to the offense as obvious. Sensing a very dangerous turn of events, dangerous because he knew not what the King referenced, he had to choose his words very carefully. But therein existed the problem. How could he possibly choose with care words to reference the unknown grave offense his brother and king was currently referencing? To exist in the moment, to purely experience the moment and act within it was the central aspect of The Way of Expression; however, in battle, while there are no predetermined patterns prohibiting a truly fluid and intentional response, there was still a knowable intent in one’s opponent. But without a solid point of reference upon which his brother stood to accuse him, Eriboth was left barren of direction. As such, his only path laid in the honesty of his ignorance. “Rend, it is with
the utmost intent, containing everything that I possess, that I must assert my ignorance regarding the offense I have offered you.” Seeing The King sitting silently upon his horse, unmoved by Eriboth’s implied request for clarity, he continued, “Please, Brother,”

  Interrupting him before he could finish, the king spat as he spoke, "Do not call me that! I am no longer your brother! I am your King and you will address me as such! Why?"

  This was spinning much beyond his ability to control and he was trying to hide his absolute shock, but his hesitation at answering had been perceived as evasiveness instead of bewilderment. Soliana spoke next echoing the King's anger, "Answer your King!"

  Collecting himself from the dual verbal assault from the two he held closest, he exhaled, "My King, I can clearly see I have caused you a great offense. And there is no greater intention within me but to answer your request. However, My King, I am unable to do so because I lack in understanding regarding the offense I have committed. I bid thee, please inform me so that I might answer your request and apologize from a sincere position of understanding."

  With the conclusion of his response, one that he felt was both honest and sincere, it was the Lady Soliana who advanced her steed holding her sword inches from his exposed neck and spoke, "You would do well not to mock the King while he holds your life in the balance."

  Eriboth's hands abruptly went up in surrender as he stood silently awaiting the King to answer his request, "Do you deny dancing with the Queen last night?"

  "No. It was visible by all."

  "Do you deny that you retired to your room after the festivities had ended?"

  "No. There were several who witnessed me entering my room."

  "Do you deny that you spent the night alone?"

  "No, My King, I do not deny that I was alone in my room for the duration of the night."


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