Fire & Flesh: A Firefighter Romance Story

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Fire & Flesh: A Firefighter Romance Story Page 22

by Kerri Carr

  He winked at the crowd and laughter erupted. I watched the proceeding as one fireman after another was brought to the stage. It was announced that some of the firemen were from neighboring fire stations and had volunteered themselves for the sake of charity. I watched, enjoying the show as each man walked on stage wearing a sexy version of their fireman’s uniform, the helmet, trousers with suspenders and bare-chested. They performed from standing stiffly for the women to bid on them to others dancing suggestively on the stage.

  The twins were indeed auctioned together and they caused an uproar so loud the auctioneer had to threaten to take them off the stage if the women didn’t behave. I laughed so hard, I cried but given their fun nature, they gloried in the attention, giving a display of muscles and pecks moving. I rolled my eyes at their antics. The woman who won them, a forty-something year old woman squealed in delight as she went to collect her prizes. God help her! If she only knew what was in store for her.

  “Tucker Marshall.”

  Distracted from the woman walking away with her prizes, my eyes roamed the stage hungrily for an eyeful of Tucker. He walked onto the stage dressed the same as the other men and stole my breath. I knew I still loved him and my heart beat wildly in my chest, watching him walk onto the stage with quiet confidence. He didn’t need to put on a show but stood there, his fingers hooked in the front loops of his trousers, an inspiration that would rival Michelangelo’s David.

  As a local bidding for Tucker flew to a ridiculously high rate faster than expected. Then I heard a familiar voice from back in high school bid a ridiculous amount which no one else would challenge. I spun around and located the owner of the voice. Sarah Campbell. No less a tramp today than she was back in high school. Okay, she was a decent owner of a women’s clothing store but would always be a tramp in my book. Was she and Tucker an item? Had they hooked up the minute I’d left town?

  I was so incensed I had no idea what I was doing until it was already done. Having stood, I had just bid two weeks’ profit from my shop. Head swiveled around to me and gasped. My cheeks reddened and I wanted to duck under my chair but I remained unmoved. The whispers started and I knew what it meant. Those who knew us from the time of our relationship was filling in the others who didn’t know. Sarah glared at me, her pouty botoxed lips twisted in malicious acceptance of my victory. She reclaimed her seat sulking.

  “Going once! Going twice! And sold! Miss Rozanne, will you come collect your prize?”

  I couldn’t avoid looking at him any longer. To all the world, he still looked the calm and poised man he was when he’d first walked on the stage but I knew Tucker. I knew he was not as relaxed as he looked, saw the tick at the corner of his smile and the conflicted emotions in the depth of his baby blues. His eyes asked the question. Why had I bid on him? I was no closer to the answer as I did what the auctioneer suggested and went to collect my prize.


  “All done, what else is there to help you with?”

  How about another of those “feel good for days” orgasm you used to give me back in high school? I thought as I observed Tucker who was sliding out from beneath my kitchen sink. Bare-chested. What was with these firemen and their aversion to wearing shirts? He was wet where water had dripped down on him from the leaky faucet.

  Look away, Roz. He’s the forbidden ex. The one you never run back to. Too much drama.

  “Umm, I think that’s it,” I told him. Better to get him out of here quickly and ease the overworking of my heart. Ever since he had stopped by an hour ago, asking me what I wanted him to do for me, having bought him for the next twenty-four hours, I had been in a perpetual state of panty meltdown. I’d walked out on him to change my underwear once already and was in danger of having to change it a second time.

  “The rule of the auction is twenty-four hours,” he stated in a frown, getting to his feet and filling my small kitchen with his ominous presence. “Last thing I want is for you to accuse me of cheating another time. So, think of something.”

  “Are you saying you never cheated on me? Not even once?”

  He glared at me. “Are you hard of hearing? I told you a thousand times, Roz. I never cheated on you.”

  I stared at his chest and bit into my bottom lip. Did I dare ask for what I wanted from him? What if he turned me down? I would feel humiliated. How could he not turn me down? I’d left him. He still was mad about it. I peeked up at him through the curtain of my lashes to find him frowning at me. My eyes skittered away quickly.

  A deep growl from him made me look at him again and damn if I didn’t feel the liquid oozing into my underwear. He had that “I wanna fuck you, Roz” look he always gave me when I would tease him.

  “You got those same damn eyes,” he snapped at me. “I can read everything that goes through them. And I believe I know what you want.”

  My first instinct was to lie but I was a big girl now with a big girl attitude and I would face what I felt head-on and deal with the consequence of it later.

  “And you want it too,” I stated simply.

  “I never stopped wanting you Roz. When you came to town with that damned husband of yours, I had to stay clear of you or whoop his ass for having you when you should have been mine.”

  At his confession, I snapped. Drawing closer to him, I raised on my tip-toes and fitted my mouth to his. He didn’t respond but pulled away. When I would have stepped back, he held my harms, trapping me against his body.

  “The other day I saw you with Adrian,” he stated. “Did you fuck him and Ryan?”

  I gasped and tried to pull back. How did he guess?

  “I know their game, Rozanne,” he continued. “They wanna tag-team everything in a skirt. Did you let them?”

  “I didn’t know you were still around,” I whispered. “I didn’t know I’d ever see you again.”

  Silence reigned between us for a while before he growled, “Damn you to hell, Roz!” and kissed me hard. The familiar hunger for him that I’d tried to bury all these years rose inside me. Eight years without this. Eight years without him. How had I survived when he was the extension of me? Always was.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck as we feasted at each other’s lips. His hands roamed my body hungrily, cupping my breasts, squeezing and rubbing the nipples through the material of my blouse between his fingers.

  “You still drive me crazy,” he groaned. “I’m so hard for you baby. I’ve missed you, missed the way it always was between us.”

  “Oh Tucker, me too,” I gasped, clutching his arms as he brought me over to the kitchen table.

  “I got to be inside you now, Roz. I’ve waited long enough. Eight fucking years.”

  “Yes! Oh yes!”

  I spread my legs eagerly for him as I reclaimed his lips. This was my Tucker, the man I’d pledged my love to while he took my virginity under a tree by the lake. Back then, I’d promised to love him forever and despite me moving away, I’d honored that promise. I never stopped loving him.

  We were both impatient as he pulled the sides of my blouse either side ripping off the buttons. I moaned in his mouth at the feel of his hands on my naked breasts, scooping them out of the lace bra. From my breasts, he flicked up my short skirt, a skirt which if I was honest with myself, I would admit to wearing to tease him a little. I’d always loved teasing him, watching him burn with lustful desires for me.

  He dipped his hand into my panties and started rubbing hard at my clit. Groaning and rocking against his hand, I reached for the front of his jeans, unsnapped and unzipped his trousers. Before I could grasp his cock, he had me recline on the table and draped both my legs over his shoulders. My hands splayed into his hair as he sucked my pussy through the transparent front of my underwear.

  “You still shave in a landing strip,” he growled with approval before parting the material and sweeping his tongue over my clit. He licked at the nub and even with just one tongue, he was still better than two dudes eating me out. And it wasn’t necessarily physica
l either. The way I felt about him would have made the worst sex feel great because I had a whole lot of heart invested in it.

  Without warning, he removed my legs from his shoulder and stood, positioning the head of his cock against my entrance. One hard ram and he was buried deep inside me. My eyes rolled back in my head. Fuck, that first thrust always got me so good. He didn’t stop, but clutching my hips, continued heaving the impressive length of his rod inside me. My back rubbed against the wooden surface of the table and I knew I would be red there when we were through but I couldn’t have stopped him if my life depended on it.

  “Oh God, Roz,” he groaned, bringing my legs up high in the air. He guided my feet to his mouth and sucked on my toes as he ground deeper and deeper into me, his ten-inch dick- and I knew because I’d insisted in measuring it—touching my cervix.

  “Oh Tucker!” I gasped, trying to grasp at the table but not able to get a firm grip. “Oh yes! Oh Tucker, you feel so good.”

  The tightening in my womb alerted of my impending climax. My body jerked, my toes curling up and my eyes rolling over to the whites. Above me, Tucker groaned and slammed his pelvis against mine one last time before spilling his seed into him. I clenched by vaginal muscles around him, tightening and releasing my hold on his cock, milking him of his seed.

  The silence in the kitchen was only interrupted by the sound of our harsh breathing as we struggled to come down from our high.

  “Roz, I think it’s about time we try that conversation we had eight years ago over again.”


  Sitting across the table from Tucker was very distracting especially when we had just fucked each other into oblivion on said table. At his announcement that we needed to talk, we’d both fixed our clothes and I got us two bottles of Corona from the refrigerator. I had already gulped half my bottle and we hadn’t spoken a word yet. Eight years ago, I had left with a whole lot of misunderstanding between us but was it too late to try and make amends? The passion was still there between us and I was convinced that would never go away but I was worried about everything bad that had gone down between us.

  I decided it was up to me to begin because I was the one who had left.

  “I should have never left,” I admitted to him.

  “No, you did the right thing,” he disagreed.

  I stared at him in surprise. “You’re glad I left it?”

  “No. Believe me Roz, you broke my heart when you left. I was angry with you for years. Until recently to be honest.”

  “I wasn’t sure you loved me,” I confessed. “You- you never said it.”

  “Didn’t mean I didn’t feel it,” he said, hurt coating his words. “Roz, I loved you more than I’d ever loved anyone in all my life. You were my girl and you left.”

  I swallowed back the tears and looked down on my hands on the table.

  “If I could do it all again, I wouldn’t have left.”

  He shook his head in disagreement. “Leaving was the best thing. If you hadn’t left you would have ended up resenting me and this town and I’d rather you leave than resent me. At least you came back on your own and saw the value of the town. You needed to get the city heat out of your system.”

  I stared into his eyes, mine brimming with tears. “I was so stupid,” a sob tore from my throat. “It was just hard being in a town where everyone knew your dirty laundry. My dad, my mom, I just wanted to get away. I never wanted to get away from you Tucker. I wanted to leave the town but I knew you loved it here and wouldn’t be comfortable in the city.”

  “If I’d loved you enough, I’d have gone with you that day,” he stated.

  “No, if I’d loved you enough, I would have never left,” I corrected,

  We both smiled sadly at each other followed by a pregnant silence. Where to go from here? Was there any path at all that led to a converging one after this?

  “I just have one more question, Roz.”

  “What is it?” I asked curiously.

  “Did you really lose the baby or abort it?”

  I reached for his hands on top of the table and covered them with my own, squeezing. “I lost the baby just as I told you I did. Tucker, I loved you and that baby was conceived out of what we felt for each other. We didn’t plan for that baby but I wanted it as much as you did. But I miscarried, the same night you were kissing Sarah.”

  “That’s why you were so mad about it.”

  I nodded. “I called you that night, I called your phone when I started bleeding and you didn’t answer. I had to drive myself over to the doctor’s office.”

  He hung his head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I would have been there for you had I known, Roz.”

  Before we could say anything else, the doorbell rang, interrupting the mood. I pulled my hands away from him and stood.

  “I’m not expecting anybody,” I announced, walking out the kitchen to get the door. Tucker trailed after me.

  I couldn’t quite disguise my groan when I found Adrian standing on the porch, a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

  “Adrian, what are you doing here?” I asked in alarm.

  Before he could respond, Tucker, pushed himself from behind me to stand beside me at the entrance of the door.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” he repeated the question.

  “The same thing I suppose you’re doing here,” Adrian responded. “Vying for Roz’s attention.”

  “Except Roz isn’t available for you to be vying for her attention,” Tucker announced. “Now beat it.”

  “Hey, she’s fair game until she turns down my attention.”

  “I have been turning down your attention!” I exclaimed. “Really, Adrian, I’ve told you before that there can’t be anything between us. I’m already in love with someone else.”

  “There!” Tucker announced. “You heard it from her mouth, now scram!” He slammed the door shut in Adrian’s face before the man could respond. I heard Adrian’s steps retreating and his muttering.

  “Did you mean that?” Tucker asked me. “Or were you just telling him that for him to leave you alone?”

  “What do you mean?” I asked, pretending like I didn’t know what he was talking about.

  “We’re on a rocky incline here, Roz. Now is not the time to play coy. If we’re going to fix this thing between us, we’ve got to be honest with each other.”

  He was right. “Yes, I mean it,” I answered this time looking into his eyes so he knew I was speaking the truth. “I’ve never stopped loving you, Tucker. I know I made a whole lot of mistakes but I did promise to love you forever, didn’t I?”

  He drew me into his arms. “As did I make a lot of mistakes too, Roz. I’ll never let you go again because I love you too. I should have told you that when we were younger and now I’ll never stop telling you. I love you Rozanne.”

  Overjoyed, I kissed him, tears running down my cheeks. I was confident I’d made the right choice this time. Regardless of whatever obstacles we would face, they could be overcome by our love.


  “Oh damn,” I cried staring at the two lines drawn on the homemade pregnancy test. Not again! We’d been back together only two months now. Too soon to have be pregnant with our second baby but I couldn’t help the joy I felt in my heart. We were going to have a second chance at being parents. How would he feel about it?

  “Roz, where are you?”

  Ah well, I would find out now. We’d made a pact to each other never to lie or keep back our feelings ever again and so far, it had gone great. I had no intention of keeping this pregnancy from him. One thing I’d learned over the past two months was that Tucker had a big heart, big enough to only occasionally make it hell for the twins who I had hooked up with once when I’d just been to town. The twins had asked for a transfer though and I suspected everything would be better once they were out the picture and not a constant reminder of the one day they’d sandwiched me between them.

  “I’m up here!” I called out to him, walk
ing into my bedroom, palming the small tube.

  His footsteps bounded up the stairs and I sat on the bed by the time he burst through my bedroom door eagerly. I was used to this constant energy from him. He always wanted sex and I wasn’t complaining. Not when it was so doggone good.

  I dropped myself back on to the bed and reached for the top button of my blouse.

  “Come on lover,” I teased him, my eyes twinkling.

  He walked over to the bed but instead of joining me, he pulled me up to a sitting position and re-buttoned my shirt, all the way up to my chin! Well that was a first.

  “Put those boobies away or you’re going to distract me,” he said, pulling me to the edge of the bed to sit.

  “Tucker, what are you doing?” I asked curiously.

  He dropped to one knee and reached into his pocket, bringing out a beautiful engagement ring with a solitaire diamond.

  “Tucker, it’s beautiful,” I gushed. “Is it for me?”

  He scowled at me. “Of course it’s for you. Who else? Damn, now you ruined everything. I had it all rehearsed about how to ask you to marry me, now I’m so nervous, I can’t remember the words. Simply put though Roz, I’ve loved you since the day you bumped into me at high school. And I don’t want to wait another eight years before I make you my wife. So will you marry me?”

  “Oh Tucker, yes!” I cried in joy. He slipped the ring onto my finger and I admired it.

  “Now we can get these buttons undone,” he stated and kissed me.

  “Tucker, wait,” I tore my lips from his. It was difficult to gather my thoughts and say the right words when his hand had gone under my skirt and was slipping into my panties.


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