Fire & Flesh: A Firefighter Romance Story

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Fire & Flesh: A Firefighter Romance Story Page 60

by Kerri Carr

  Chills ran down Phoebe’s spine, despite the warm temperature of the shower. She couldn’t remember how long she had been waiting for someone to say something like that, for someone to be that sweet. But how could she trust a vampire?

  “My mom said that vampires sweet talk women to get close to them,” Phoebe said. “Just so they can bite them.”

  “Oh you mean like this?” Justin swept her up into his arms. He was slippery and wet but she wasn’t going anywhere. She remembered what they were like, just hours before. Phoebe tightened her arms around him. She looked up at him. She closed her eyes. She tilted her head to the side as she waited for a kiss. Then he bit her.

  It would be inaccurate if she said she wasn’t expecting it. The possibility of a bite was always on her mind. But still, it shocked her. Her eyes flew open as his mouth latched onto her and his fangs slid into her delicate skin.

  She felt the puncture but it didn’t hurt. Instead, it did the opposite. It filled her with intense pleasure. Her toes were curling underneath her. Her body was shaking. Her core screamed for more, whatever this pleasure was. Her body was on fire.

  And she was cradled so close to him, right next to his sculpted chest. If she had to choose, this would be the way she chose to die—filled with pleasure, in the arms of a beautiful man. She felt the blood leaving her body as he gave a slurp. It sent a shudder down her spine. It was hard to explain. Like the thickest, vanilla milkshake on a warm, spring day after you’d been craving ice cream for weeks. It felt so good she wanted him to slurp her right on up.

  As soon as he started, he stopped. His mouth pulled away. He straightened up. Phoebe reached up and touched the side of her neck in a daze. It was clean. There was nothing there. No puncture wounds. No blood. Had it even happened at all?

  “See?” Justin breathed. “If I wanted you to be dead, you would be dead. But I can control it. And Penny, I promise. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  He moved in closer. Phoebe didn’t move away. She smiled as his eyes swept over her body hungrily. Then he grabbed her face in his hands and looked straight in her eyes, gaze boring down deep into her soul.

  “I only want to bring you pleasure.”

  He kissed her so hard it took her breath away. This would be the real cause of her death. This long, slow, searing, deep kiss.

  They didn’t part for a long time. Her heart threatened to beat out of her chest. Her lungs begged for oxygen. But she wasn’t letting go. If this was her last kiss, she was going to make it count. She couldn’t imagine anything else worth living for after she had experienced this.

  Finally, he pulled away from the kiss with a small growl. It was the hottest sound she had ever heard. He pressed his forehead against hers. His hair dripped against his face while he murmured.

  “Stay with me… I want to be with you. Please be mine. You’re what I have been waiting for.”

  Phoebe wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed him harder.


  Phoebe smiled as Justin pushed her back against the tile. His mouth was attached to hers, body pressing her up against the slippery surface. She could feel him getting excited against her stomach. She reached between them to wrap her hand around his member. It felt so good in her hand. She stroked him while they kissed frantically under the water. His hips jutted against her. She sighed out in pure pleasure.

  Justin grabbed her hand, pulling it away. He bit down on her lower lip. It felt delicious. She moaned, her nipples hard against him. She could feel him everywhere, as his hands traveled all over her. When they made a stop between her legs, she gave a shuddery gasp.

  Then he turned her around. Her bare breasts brushed against the tile as he stroked them from behind, then down her belly. She cried out, feeling his fingers again. They knew just what to do, how to move, what to touch and press. The whole time, his manhood rubbed against her from behind. He whispered in her ear, “You have such a beautifully sweet ass.” She could feel him there. Phoebe only moaned. She wanted more.

  Now that she knew what he could do, she was only craving him. Justin seemed happy to oblige. He spread her legs apart and then entered her from behind. Phoebe gasped once he was buried inside her once again. She bent over slightly to get a better angle. Justin didn’t hesitate. He followed her lead, taking her hard and fast from behind. Phoebe slapped the wall, giving a wet smack that echoed through the shower stall. She moaned and moved with him the best she could. It was different than the first time, rougher, but just what she needed. Now she was allowing his vampire instincts to show and it was even better than she imagined. It was fun to be with someone who could be dangerous but gentle at the same time. He gave her ass a little smack. She yelped in a way she had never experienced before.

  “More…” she gasped out. She didn’t have to ask. He kept going as he groped her breasts and licked and nibbled over that spot on her neck he bit. It felt so good, she thought she was going to melt into a puddle and slide right through the shower drain.

  But he wasn’t done with her yet. He pressed his face down against her shoulder as he continued to bury himself in and out of her. She could feel his hips start to shake. She was close but she needed a little more.

  Phoebe propped her foot up on the edge of the tub, opening herself up more for him. From there, he was able to move inside of her even deeper and harder. She wanted to feel him everywhere. It was like he was drilling down deep inside of her, directly to her soul. She nodded and groaned. This was it. She could feel it building up again. That explosion. They weren’t being very quiet. She didn’t care.

  Justin pulled out and turned her around. Her heart was beating wildly. She was glad because she wanted to feel him. Her lips met his once again as he pushed back inside of her. Now she was ready. They were going to experience this together. And then it came.

  The orgasm was even better this time as they bodies shuddered together. She felt him flooding her inside, the shower washing it away just as quickly. Her whole body was on fire but at the same time it felt like she was on a cloud. There was no one else on this Earth except for the two of them.

  It didn’t matter who he was. Or what he really was. She could feel it. The intense way he cared about her. And she only wanted more.

  She didn’t want it to end. But all good things always did. Phoebe clung to him, suddenly not trusting her legs. After two such intense sessions of lovemaking in one day she was scared her legs might give out on her. Her body was still being racked in waves of pleasure.

  Justin seemed to understand how she was feeling because he picked her up without a word. He carried her out of the shower and sat her on the bathroom counter while he got a towel. She smiled into his eyes as he gently toweled her off.

  “It’s intense,” he said, kissing the side of her face. “But you get used to it.”

  “I hope I don’t,” Phoebe said. “I want every time to feel like the first time.”

  Phoebe flinched when the door burst open. Her dad and brother were staring at them, weapons drawn.

  “This is the third time today you’ve seen me naked!” Phoebe yelled.

  “Stay away from her,” Brad said.

  Justin shook his head. “Kill me if you must. But my intention is not to hurt Penny. It’s only to love her.”

  “I can’t let you go with my daughter.” Phoebe’s dad said.

  Phoebe slipped down from the counter. She stood in front of him, stark naked, but still her own person.

  “You are not in charge of me,” she said. “Justin can handle you on his own.”

  She walked right past them. Then, behind her, the sounds of a scuffle.


  Phoebe stood up, her heart racing just as fast as Justin was skating. The whole place was going crazy, people screaming and yelling. Then there was the countdown.


  The buzzer sounded. The game was over. Confetti rained from the ceiling. Phoebe jumped up and down, yelling Justin’s name. He looked over from the
rink and blew her a kiss.

  Now Phoebe was proud to call herself a hockey fan.

  The Troy Ice Kings won the city league championship. The ending game had been a blow-out. But that didn’t stop Phoebe from running over to Justin as soon as he was finished and giving him a big kiss.

  “You’re amazing!” she said, wrapping her legs around him as he held her up effortlessly.

  “You’re amazing,” he said back, rubbing his nose against hers. His locks were sweaty but she ran a hand through his hair anyway and laughed.

  The Troy Ice Kings did have a few advantages. A few of the players were vampires and vampires were naturally faster and more agile than humans were. But Phoebe wasn’t going to tell.

  “We have to celebrate tonight,” she told him.

  “You got it, baby,” Justin said, with a big grin. “I know just what we’ll do.”

  Phoebe grinned back at him. She was already craving him, despite what they did every night. It had been two months since she had met him. Two months since they both stormed out of the house after Justin fought off her vampire-hunting brother and father. Two months since she found out the truth and became her own person. Two months of bliss. She was never looking back. Except, she could feel him in the stands. His eyes watching her. Phoebe looked up, tall in Justin’s arm.

  Her brother was sitting in the top of the stands, staring down at her. Of course, his team lost a long time ago. She knew why he was here. He still wanted his chance to kill Justin.

  Phoebe knew it wouldn’t happen. She wouldn’t let him. Maybe one day they would be a family. But for now, she had made her chose. She chose never-ending happiness. After all, vampires had an eternal afterlife.

  Phoebe touched the side of her neck as Justin kissed her happily. She couldn’t feel it anymore.

  She knew the real reason her brother was watching her. Because now she and Justin would live happily together.



  Another bonus story is on the next page.

  Bonus Story 19 of 44

  Inextinguishable Love


  Captain Gary Damon is a thirty-seven-year-old African-American heroic firefighter who keeps feeling the guilt of his fiancée's death because she had died in a fire incidence that occurred after the plane she boarded crashed in Lagos. As a result, he finds it very difficult to move on since her death and it affects his demeanor at work adversely. So much that his company's management thinks he is suffering from PTSD and recommends a forceful leave for him.

  Instead, Captain Damon finds himself being drawn into action on the very first day of his leave, and then he encounters business tycoon, Eleanor Richards, a thirty-four-year-old white American, inside her burning Spa.

  He rescues her from the fire and she rescues his soul from the eternal damnation of not finding love.


  Gary Damon sat still inside his royal blue Chevrolet in his driveway as the rains continued to pour down heavily and tormented anything that stood in its way before it reached the earth. The rain had started just as he turned into the busy highway to head home from work. It was the first rain of the season and the weatherman had forecasted it correctly over the radio as Gary drove to work that morning. But its intensity showed the rains were too anxious to travel down South from the heavens. It wasn't the furiousness of the rain that prevented Damon from stepping into his apartment since he had parked in the driveway over twenty minutes ago. Rather not. The emotions, the smell and sound of the rain were what kept him motionless on his seat and trapped deep in his thought.

  What he was feeling at the moment was a direct contrast to what he felt as he started to drive away from work. Gary had wanted so much to get home, get a quick shower and doze off comfortably on his couch while catching up on his favorite show. However, as soon as the rain started to pour down, he found himself being driven toward an address in his memory lane. Someplace where he had tried to leave sealed and never visit again after many months of battling to move on with his life.

  But here he was thinking and helplessly wishing he could have another chance at fighting to keep her by his side. But his wishing was like hopeless seeds that would never germinate. Gary knew for sure that his fiancée, Debby, was gone forever and nothing he did could bring her back. As a result, he tried not to revisit memories about them because it always brought untold agony and it made moving on very difficult for him. Still, he tried.

  The radio station he had tuned into earlier was playing Mirrors, one of his favorite Justin Timberlake’s track, but he was oblivious to its beat and sound. His emotions were becoming overwhelmed while he remembered the last time he and Debby were caught unaware by the rain.

  That day they had both gone for an evening stroll together and were on their way back two hours after, when it started to rain heavily. He remembered how they were a few blocks from his home in the quiet neighborhood of Detroit and instead of Debby picking up the pace as he had, she pulled him instead into a warm embrace and kissed him passionately. That unexpected romantic event lived almost as an immortal memory. It was one of his best moments with her.

  He could still remember the olive oil scent of her, and he could suddenly perceive it in the interior of his car like someone had just sprayed it with her fragrance to keep him longer in memory lane.

  Gary’s mind shifted from the smell of Debby’s hair to the taste of her lips. He was beginning to savor the thoughts of the juicy appetizingness of her lips and sweetness of her kiss when a sharp tone jerked him back to reality. It was his phone’s ringtone.

  Gary picked up the phone reluctantly from the gearbox where he had tossed it earlier. He planned on silencing the sound and letting his voicemail give the caller an option of leaving a message, but when he realized it was his boss, Mr. Matt Pierson calling, he hit the receive icon on the screen.

  “Gary, are you home yet?” his boss asked too quickly in a deep baritone voice even before Gary could say a word. It didn’t take him by surprise. His boss, Mr. Pierson was very straightforward and blunt. He always skipped the formalities in any conversation he initiated, regardless of who he was talking to.

  “Yes Chief,” he replied politely and adjusted himself to prepare for whatever Matt had to say next. Gary knew his boss so well to tell when he was placing a courtesy call. This wasn’t one.

  "I thought I would be able to make it back in time after the council's meeting before you left the station to begin your leave."

  “Didn’t know you wanted to see me,” Gary said formerly, “I would have waited.”

  "No, you didn't. But I needed to remind you of the importance of the management's decision to insist you went on this compulsory leave," Chief Matt said and paused. "I know it's hard for you to accept it, but you have to realize this is not all about you. It’s for the good of the team too. No general loves to lose his best warrior and the same applies here. I don't want to lose you to an issue that is going on in your personal life."

  Gary could sense the concern in his boss' voice. Although it was very mild being that Mr. Pierson was a man very notorious for being very unemotional, he could still tell the thirty-year old veteran of the New York Fire Department was worried about his wellbeing. And he understood why.

  Besides his commitment to work as a firefighter with the New York Fire Department, nothing remained the same for Gary after Debby’s demise. Nothing. And for the first time in his life, he felt broken in body and spirit. He wished he didn’t have to exist anymore, but life wasn't willing to show him the way out yet unless he wanted to show himself out by every means possible.

  It was well over a year since she died. Still, Gary felt dejected, heartbroken and deflated. Although he remained active at work, he was no longer the happy and inspirational individual he used to be, and it didn’t take long before his colleagues and seniors to feel the impact of his sudden change in demeanor. But no one could blame him for approaching life with a saddened attitude since after the pl
ane crash that killed the only love of his life.

  Up to the early days in his final year in college, Gary never found that special lady who was willing to build a future with him until he met Debby.

  He had met her at a friend's party when she was in her sophomore year at the University of Washington. Their love wasn’t like the cliché Hollywood scripted love-at-first-sight. It developed steadily until he had graduated. It was during that time he realized there was something different and special about her and when he finally fell in love with her, it was the best thing that ever happened to him. It was inexplicable, but it always gave him joy like a river that never dried out. Well until she was snatched away from him.

  “Gary, you with me?” the authoritative voice of the chief crackled in his ear.

  “Yes…yes sir,” Gary responded hastily.

  “Good. Like I had said, take the time to figure things out and return as the Gary Damon we all know. I need my most competent captain back. Take it as a personal plea from me."

  "Yes, Chief."

  "Good. Travel if you have to, but return safe and in your best self. I wish you good luck straightening things up in your personal life. Goodnight Gary," Matt said and ended the call even before Gary could reply to his last statement.

  Gary stared at the screen of his Samsung for a few seconds before he took a deep breath and exhaled. Everyone around him was worried about him, and now, even the chief had joined the line.

  After Debby’s funeral, the management gave him a few weeks to piece his broken world together and settle into reality before he resumed duty. But barely one week after, Gary nearly lost his mind to the solitude he could afford without any work to distract him.

  As a result, he was pressured by friends and family to move from his quiet Bronx neighborhood—the borough he had moved into with Debby from Detroit after he got employment with New York fire service—to somewhere else in New York City. Still, her memories didn’t blur out with the change of environment, and the more he thought of her, the more he found himself drowning deeply into a grave sadness and loneliness. And then he returned to work, but he was mandated to see a psychologist first to be declared mentally fit to return to duty. Since then, all attempts to persuade him to take a leave, mourn Debby for an eon, and finally move on from her was rebuffed until now, when it came as an order. He feared the worst, but he had no choice but to obey and he also had to try to move on with his life and leave the past behind him.


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