Fire & Flesh: A Firefighter Romance Story

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Fire & Flesh: A Firefighter Romance Story Page 109

by Kerri Carr


  She had been on his mind all week and Nick just couldn’t seem to shake her image out of his mind. Solange Smith was a woman of a kind. She was not only sexy and young for such a place, but she was also very determined, her business among the best thriving ones in Elm Tree. Nick had wanted to go back to the saloon after that, but so much had been happening at the ranch, he had not gotten the time to go back. From the information that he gathered from the ranch hands, Solange had just appeared from nowhere and set up the saloon, and slightly later, putting up a brothel to supplement the men’s needs. Sex was the oldest trade on the market and so Nick understood Solange's business sense in opening the brothel in Elm Tree.

  He looked at his watch knowing that Gary Stiles would be here any minute. He had been a week at the ranch and it felt good that his friend was coming to visit him so soon. Gary was a dedicated biker, and had been one right from the time that they had met in the army, and so Nick knew that Gary would most likely arrive on his Harley. It would probably be brought to Austin by air and then he could ride all the way down here.

  “Everything in order in the fields?” he asked Jake as Jake came galloping into the compound, dismounting and tethering his mare by the barn.

  “Yes, we had a couple of rustlers down by the far end, but we scared them away with explosives,” he said as a matter of fact, as if it was the most normal thing to go blowing up explosives.

  “We are going to have to mend the fences on the borders of the ranch to prevent such things happening again,” Nick said as he turned from Jake to look at the far horizon at the setting sun. “An electric fence would probably do the trick here.”

  “I think that will be a good idea, Sir, because not a week goes by before we come across rustlers. There is even a time we had to chase after some of the cattle that had already been pushed by the fence,” the foreman said as Nick turned around on hearing a humming sound.

  At first there was no sign of anything in sight except the low hum, becoming louder and louder, and a cloud of dust in the distance. He nearly expected to see one of the neighbor’s trucks passing by when he saw a familiar Harley turning into the gate of the ranch house. Gary's huge frame was at the wheel of the Harley as it began rumbling down the gravel road that led to the ranch house, parking next to Nick's hired truck. Nick immediately forgot about Jake and hurried towards the bike.

  “Gary, it is so good to see you here,” he said, hugging his friend as his friend got off the bike.

  “Same here, bro. How is it going down here, and I must say, the heat could kill somebody,” Nate said, wiping his brow.

  “That is one of the reasons that you need to get yourself a Stetson when you are here, it keeps the sunburn away from your face. Come on in, I'm pretty sure that you are going to fall in love with this place just like I did,” Nick said, leading his guest into the house and noting the look on Gary's face when the aroma coming from the kitchen hit his nose.

  “Okay, wait a minute, I know that you have only been here for a week, but don’t tell me that you already got yourself a wife,” he said, raising his eyebrows to look at Nate, who broke into an enchanted laughter.

  “Hell no, where in the world can you get genuine wife that quickly, not even in Austin, my friend,” Nick laughed, slapping his friend on the back. “But back in town there is a pretty hot lady. She runs the saloon in town, and I think that she is into me.”

  “Well, it looks like we have our evening planned already, because we are going to the saloon tonight,” Gary winked at his friend as Maggie arrived to welcome Gary into the home. Gary seemed surprised at all the hospitality that he was getting here and he turned to Nick as soon as Maggie had gone back into the kitchen. “Looks like down here folks are very hospitable. I might start considering getting me a wife from these parts, and besides, I love the accent.”

  “Well, the field is open, but mind you, the only young lady that I have seen around here is Solange, the one from the saloon. It is as if the rest of them moved to the bigger towns and cities,” Nick said to Gary as they slumped into the couch.


  Solange was outside the saloon sweeping when she heard the low hum of an automobile. When she turned, she was completely surprised to see a motorcycle slowly rumbling down the road. It was one of those very expensive motorcycles and there was a man on it. He was not from around here, maybe about the same age as Nick DuPont, only that his body was a little stockier, and his hair was pulled behind his head in a ponytail.

  From the look of things, it looked like Elm Tree was beginning to get some sort of life over the past one week, and if things continued like this, she might never have to leave. Not bothering with the motorcycle again, she proceeded with the sweeping of her saloon terrace. She was a little surprised when the bike pulled up to the saloon, the guy getting off. She stood upright to look at the guy that got off the bike.

  He had handsome features, although not as refined as Nick, but she couldn’t deny that he also had the looks that could drive any woman crazy. She watched him removing his gloves as he walked over to where she was, stuffing them into the back pocket of his pants. She was still there staring at him when she heard the galloping of hooves coming their way, and when she tuned to see who it was, her heart skipped a beat. On a white stallion was Nick looking sexier than she could remember. She had only met him once but she was sure that she would never forget his face. A smile broke out on her face as he rode to the terrace of the saloon and tethered his horse onto one of the bars there.

  “That is pretty impressive for a horse,” the biker said to Nick, who smiled at the guy.

  “I told you that I've been riding horses since I was a child, but it never seems to stay in your skull,” Nick said, removing his Stetson and ruffling his sandy hair before putting it back on.

  His attention shifted from the biker to Solange, and Solange found her throat going dry. He walked towards her and she was sure that she could hear every piece of sand grain crunching under his boots.

  “Solange, how nice it is to see you,” he said, walking over to her and hugging her as she felt as if her heart had just melted.

  “You went and got lost, why didn’t you come back to see me?” she asked curiously.

  “Let’s just say that there was a lot of things that I had to take care of at the ranch,” he said to her as Gary walked up to them.

  “So, is this the lady that you were talking about, remember, the hot sexy one? When are you going to introduce me?” the other guy said, and Solange noted the way that Nick flushed with embarrassment at the way that his friend was so direct.

  “At times I think that you should really go back to school so that you can learn how to tame that tongue of yours,” Nick said to his friend as he turned to look at Solange. “I'm really sorry about that, my friend Gary here happens to have no brakes when it comes to talking.”

  “Well, at least it feels good to think that at least someone thinks that I'm hot and sexy,” she smiled at him. “Hello, Gary, my name is Solange.”

  “It is always a pleasure to meet a beautiful woman like you, Solange,” Gary said, taking her hand and pecking it lightly on the palm.

  Solange could not remember the last time that she had gotten this sort of attention from two equally handsome men, she was virtually in heaven. As soon as they were done with the greeting formalities, they made their way into the saloon, and Solange served them with beer.


  The evening was progressing nicely, and Solange was totally enjoying the company of Gary and Nick. In the beginning she had been reluctant to drink since she did not want to get too drunk on the job, but as the customers started to thin out as the evening progressed, she had decided to begin by taking a couple of shots of whiskey. She was on her fourth or fifth shot when the doors of the saloon were suddenly kicked open and into the building stormed three outlaws. They were wielding revolvers and wore bandanas as well as the Zorro type of masks.

  “Oh fuck, it l
ooks like we are being robbed today,” she said to Gary and Nick under her breath as the three men walked in, one of them smoking a cigar.

  “Good evening, everyone, we are not here to hurt anyone. We are just here to collect what belongs to us and we will be on our way,” the one with the cigar said, and Solange recognized him from all of the previous robberies. “So y’all had better take out all of your money and cell phones and put them onto the tables.”

  Almost everyone in the room, including Solange seemed to be in a panic except Nick and Gary. They did not even make moves to empty their pockets like the rest of the customers were doing.

  “You, open the cash register for us,” the man said, pointing his gun at Solange as she quickly got up and made her way around the counter. The other two outlaws went about collecting the loot that the customers had put on the table, and it was then that the man with the cigar noticed that Nick and Gary were just seated there drinking their beer as if nothing were the matter. Solange wondered if the men were drunk, or if they thought that the outlaws were actually joking or playing around with toy guns.

  “Hey, you two, do you understand English or not, I said I wanna see all of your money on the table,” the one with the cigar said, pointing his gun at Nick and Gary as he made his way to where they were.

  “Are you talking to us, because we don’t remember talking to you at all?” Nick asked in the most casual voice, Solange thought that he must be out of his mind.


  “Are you trying to act smart with me?” the outlaw said, walking over to Nick. “This should show you that nobody messes with the Falcons.”

  The outlaw made as if to hit Nick with the butt of his gun, and Nick could not remember ever being so furious. He dodged the gun, grabbing the man’s hand by the wrist and pinning it onto the table as the gun went flying to the ground. Out of instinct from their training in the army, Gary picked up the gun and shot at one of the other outlaws, sending him sprawling to the ground, and before the third one knew what was happening, Nick's boot had connected with his hand, sending his gun flying into the air. All of the customers in the saloon watched as if it was some sort of movie as Nick tackled the outlaw to the ground, jumping onto him before connecting a blow to his jaw. There was a snapping sound and Nick knew that he had disconnected his jaw.

  As the man writhed in pain on the ground, Nick dashed for the outlaw with the cigar, who seemed in a very big hurry to get out of the saloon. He tackled him, sending him flying through the air to land on a chair and onto the ground. Nick then walked over to him and placed his foot on the man’s chest.

  “What were you saying about the Falcon?” he said to the trembling man, as he pulled the mask off his face.

  “I was just messing around with you, we didn’t mean you people no harm,” the man said, his voice becoming a squeal as Nick brought his boot over the man’s throat and squeezed it hard.

  “Well, we don’t mess around with outlaws, okay?” Nick said, taking one of the guns that they had disarmed from the thugs and blasting the outlaw’s leg on the knee. The man screamed, his voice echoing along with the blast from the gun throughout the town. “Take that as a warning shot, because the next time that you come around here, I'm going to kill you. Now, get the hell out of here, all of you.”

  The men scattered out of the room with their bleeding injuries, helping each other. Nick followed them to the door and saw that they did not even bother with their horses because there was no way that they could climb and ride them in their states. Nick casually made his way back to the counter and took his seat next to Gary as the rest of the customers slowly began to get up from the ground, looking at Nick and Gary as if they could not believe what they had just witnessed. All of their stolen loot had been left behind.

  “Okay, I'm trying to think that I'm not dreaming, but then at the same time I'm not really sure. Did all of this really just happen, I mean, those outlaws are renown bad boys that come to rob Elm Tree every single month?” Solange looked like she could not believe it at all.

  “Well, I guess that you can say that we don’t like people that help themselves to things that are not theirs without permission,” Gary said to her. “Now, can we have a beer for everyone in here on me!”

  Everyone in the saloon cheered loudly and it was as if that was when the drinking actually began. People outside heard of what had happened and in no time, the saloon was packed to the rafters, Solange dashing around as Nick checked out her lithe sexy body. He had been longing for her from the moment that they had walked into the saloon, and he knew that today he was going to bag her whether she liked it or not. He could barely contain his cock all evening as it kept getting hard whenever she came too close. Something about the way that Gary was acting told him that Gary was also interested in Solange and it excited Nick as he thought of how things just might turn out as the evening progressed.

  “So, are we going to toss heads or tail, or should we both just go for it, because from what I can see, we are both after the same pussy?” Gary asked when Solange excused herself to go to the ladies.

  “I really don’t know, but you should stop making her look like a prize, I really like Solange, you know,” Nick said to his friend.

  “Oh no, don’t tell me that you are falling in love with the woman that we both want to bone,” Gary joked, pretending to frown his face.

  “Well, not really, but we could at least try and treat her with some respect, and not as some sort of object that both you and I are after,” Nick said, looking around the saloon and noting that most of the customers had already left, save for two men that were seated on the far end.

  “Okay, man, I understand you. I think that we’ll just leave it at that and see how it works out,” Gary resigned.

  Nick had never shared a woman with another man while having sex and it got him wondering what it would be like to actually share one with Gary. It would feel odd enough, but he was sure that Solange was going to enjoy it thoroughly. When it came to making love, Nick believed in making sure that the woman enjoyed it totally, so that the next time she would be the one looking for him to give her more.


  “Finally all the customers are gone apart from my two favorite customers and the most handsome men in Elm Tree,” Solange said as she locked the door and came back to the table where Nick and Gary had moved to. “Now, if you do not mind telling me, because I am a little curious, what exactly are you guys? I have never seen anyone standing up to the Falcons since I moved to this town two years ago, and yet you two acted as if they were nothing.”

  She was feeling high from all the booze that the two men had been buying for her. In the beginning she’d had a mad crush on Nick, but now she was not so sure who she wanted. Both of the men were equally very sexy, and both of them were showing an interest in her that got her aroused in ways that she could not explain. She sat at the table in between the two men, glad that she had worn one of her sexiest outfits, just like she had done every single day since meeting Nick.

  “You are a very curious lady and you ask too many questions,” Nick said, and without knowing it, she placed a hand on his lap, squeezing it slightly.

  “Mmm, mmm, you are trying to avoid the question that I asked you, Nick,” she slurred, looking at him and noting that he was looking at her hand resting on his lap.

  Her eyes followed his and she was shocked to see something thickening in his pants, a tent forming in his crotch. She looked away quickly, a flush of embarrassment forming on her face as she quickly pulled her hand away. Nick caught her hand before it left, pulling it to his crotch and pressing it over the bulge in his pants. Solange felt as if her whole body had melted as she touched the rock hard cock in the pants. Her heart was beating wildly as she wrapped her fingers around the pecker through the material of the pants, and began jerking it up and down. She was so engrossed with the dick that she was stroking, Solange almost jumped when she felt Gary's hand on her thighs, pushing under her skirt.

>   Solange parted her thighs a little wider to give Gary better access to her goodies, as his hand began making its way up her inner thighs. She was feeling so aroused, Solange was practically trembling. She could feel her heat spreading through her love slit, her moistness seeping into her thong and the thought of Gary touching her wet underwear only seemed to get her even more excited.

  “What was it that you were trying to ask me?” she said to Nick, trying to ignore the intense anticipation that she felt as she felt Gary's finger rubbing over her crotch, tracing over her pussy lips.

  “You really wanna know what I was asking, have you already forgotten-”

  As she turned to look up at neck, she felt his lips crashing against hers, his tongue pressing through her lips and into her mouth. She felt his tongue rubbing against hers in an erotically arousing way, just as she felt Gary pulling her thong aside as his finger pressed into her pussy lips. Solange felt as if she had died and gone to heaven. The pleasure that she felt was way too intense, she was sure that she was going to come a million and one times tonight with these two studs. If this was what she was getting after more than two years without sex, then the wait was worthwhile. Her other hand somehow made it to Gary's crotch and she found herself massaging two huge cocks at the same time. Both of the men groaned with desire as she pleasured them.

  “Guys, how about we go upstairs to one of the rooms, I think that there is a lot more privacy there because here everyone can see right through the windows,” she said, forcing her lips away from Nick's. “What do you guys say. We can have a lot of fun up there.”

  She squeezed both of the dicks as she said so, prompting both of the men to squint their eyes.

  “I think I have a better idea, let’s go to my ranch. We will bring you back in the morning if you like,” Nick said, rubbing his thumb over her lips as he looked into her eyes.


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