Fire & Flesh: A Firefighter Romance Story

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Fire & Flesh: A Firefighter Romance Story Page 138

by Kerri Carr

  “How did you do it?” William asked. “Without a compass or map?”

  “The sun,” Metimeh answered simply. “It’s all you need.”

  Metimeh’s answer made Anna wonder if all of the technology she and William used was necessary. Metimeh had gotten them back to Cairo without any of it.

  “We have to write a book,” William joked. “No one would believe us anyway.”

  He was right, Anna knew. At best, their story was incredible. Anna wouldn’t even believe it if someone else told her. She wanted to get her camel to run but it was probably just as tired as she was.

  “I can’t wait to sleep in our bed,” Anna said with a dreamy look on her face. She turned to Metimeh. “Will you sleep with us?”

  Metimeh nodded but she wasn’t sure. “I’m still a virgin,” she said quietly.

  “It’s okay,” Anna said. “We all were once, too.”

  Once they reached the actual city, William jumped off his camel and walked the rest of the way to their house. Unlocking it, he breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn’t sure how long they had been gone—days, weeks, perhaps even a month—but everything looked the same and for that, he was grateful. It would be easier to transition back to regular life.

  “This is your home?” Metimeh asked. She stepped across the threshold of the house and the door closed shut behind her. She looked up at the walls, lined with papers, pictures, and a picture of a man with a beard and long hair.

  “I want to sleep for a whole year,” Anna said. She began removing clothes as she walked to the bedroom.

  Both William and Metimeh stared at Anna as she winked at them over her shoulder.

  “You coming?” Anna asked.

  Metimeh glanced at William and moved first. She followed Anna into the bedroom, where Anna helped her take off her clothes.

  “I’m so nervous,” Metimeh whispered. Was she really going to do this? Was she going to let William and Anna take her? Do what they wanted to her? Yes, yes she was.

  “We won’t hurt you,” William said.

  Metimeh turned around and gasped at William’s nakedness. His cock was already erect. It curved a little and Metimeh shuddered.

  “Come,” Anna said, taking Metimeh’s hand and leading her to the bed.

  There, Anna began to kiss Metimeh slowly. Her hands roamed Metimeh’s body, gently twisting her nipples. Metimeh moaned. When Anna’s fingers parted the folds of Metimeh’s pussy, Metimeh shuddered and leaned in.

  “Feels good, right?” Anna whispered. Her fingers circled over Metimeh’s clit and then she gently stuck a finger into Metimeh’s tight hole. “Hmm,” Anna moaned. “Lay down so I can taste you.”

  Confused, Metimeh did as she was told.

  William crawled onto the bed and nudged his cock along her lips. “Open,” he commanded.

  Metimeh opened her mouth and William slid his cock inside. He tasted salty, somewhat metallic. She hallowed her mouth and sucked, not sure what else to do.

  “Yes,” William sighed. His eyes closed and his head rolled back. “Just like that.”

  Anna spread Metimeh’s legs and flicked her tongue along Metimeh’s pussy.

  Metimeh gasped. “Ohhh!” Her hips jerked and she tried her hardest to squirm out of Anna’s reach but both Anna and William had a hold on her. William thrust his cock deeper down her throat but she took it all.

  “She’s ready,” Anna said, licking her lips as she knelt upward.

  “Ready?” Metimeh asked when William removed his cock from her mouth and changing places with Anna.

  “Ready for your first cock,” Anna said with a smile. “It may hurt. I got you as ready as possible. Squeeze my hand if you need to.”

  Metimeh became incredibly nervous and second-guessed the whole thing.

  “Ready?” William asked.

  Metimeh nodded but it wasn’t a convincing nod and her heart beat so fast she thought it would jump out of her chest. She felt the tip of William’s cock at her entrance and then he slowly pushed in. Anna was right, it was painful, and Metimeh winced until William remained still.

  “How does it feel?” Anna asked. She rubbed lazily on Metimeh’s clit.

  “A bit painful,” Metimeh whimpered.

  “It’ll get better. Just relax.”

  Metimeh relaxed and soon, she began to meet William’s every thrust. A flutter in her lower stomach was the only warning she had before she shattered into a million pieces and let out a loud cry.

  “How was that?” Anna asked.

  Metimeh breathed heavily and it took her a moment to remember where she was and what she was doing. When she finally remembered, Anna had leaned over and taken William’s cock into her mouth and sucked him fast and rough. Metimeh watched amazed. Within a matter of moments, Anna made William spurt a white, gooey substance.

  “What was that?” Metimeh asked.

  “Semen,” Anna replied. “Or seed.”

  William laid down on the bed and quickly fell asleep.

  Metimeh giggled at the snoring William. “Does he always fall asleep right after?”

  Anna laughed. “Yes. He’ll be asleep for a while, too.”

  The two of them laughed and talked for a while longer until sleep overcame them. The last thing Metimeh remembered before she entered dreamland was William pulling her closer to his chest.


  Six months later…

  Anna never imagined she would return to England. When she stepped off the ship in Southampton, her surroundings felt unfamiliar even though the people at the docks were her people, English. But she knew that neither she nor William nor Metimeh would be staying in England, that was for sure. Neither of them were meant to stay in one place. They were nomadic by heart and Anna was already planning their next trip across the Atlantic to America.

  “Where is the sun?” Metimeh asked.

  William laughed. “Sun in England? Ha. If you blink, you’ll miss it.”

  Metimeh giggled. She wasn’t used to the dreary weather that met them when they arrived, but she would get used to it for as long as they remained in England.

  “What is the name of the ship we will be going to America on?” Metimeh asked William.

  “Titanic,” he answered. “Supposed to be a mighty fine ship. Unsinkable!”

  Anna rolled her eyes. “I don’t believe that. They are tempting fate with a nickname like that.”

  The small house that belonged to William and Anna in southern England overlooked the ocean. It was secluded, remote, ideal for the three of them. No nosy neighbors, no London expectations. They could live the way they wanted tom, not completely free of fear of judgment, but close enough.

  “I love the sound of the ocean now,” Metimeh said. She opened the one of the windows in the reception room and poked her head out. She could see the waves churning and knew the storm wasn’t over yet.

  “Do you miss Egypt?” Anna asked.

  Metimeh thought before she answered. “Honestly? A little bit. But not enough for me to return just yet.”

  Anna smiled and pecked Metimeh on the lips. She was so happy that Metimeh was with them. Anna didn’t think she had room in her heart to love again, especially when her dear Haji died, but the love she felt for Metimeh was there. She couldn’t help but wonder if everything that happened to them happened for a reason. She considered the possibility that it was all Haji’s doing from the other side. Whatever the reason, she was happy.

  “Have you ever been to America?” Metimeh asked, breaking Anna’s thoughts.

  William shook his head. “We haven’t. But I’m looking forward to it.”

  Metimeh smiled. “Me too.”


  Another bonus story is on the next page.

  Bonus Story 44 of 44

  Chronicles of Gar


  The occupants of the planet of Gar, located somewhere in the subterranean galaxy, have through their own question for science and desire for perfection, found themselves on the
brink of extinction. Only on the far away planet, Earth have they found a species that can save them.

  Jesh Jenks, first daughter of the Superintendent of Gar, doctor and presumed leader of the 100, never wanted to come to this new planet. She knows she cannot fulfill the mission, primarily because she does not have sex with guys.

  Gedha Raol, an engineer and Jesh's best friend from childhood, is on the mission, too. He needs to figure out how to fall out of love with his best friend while fulfilling the mission and keeping her happy.

  Alexis Donovan is a human female journalist who has made several wrong choices in sexual partners and she has become confused.

  When they land on the wrong continent and Alexis crashes into their lives, they all learn to find joy and satisfaction in the little things.

  Chapter 1

  On Gar, the 100, the Beginning

  Somewhere in the subterranean galaxy was the planet Gar, a humanoid population, one that you could call a "civilization," at least compared to the other thirteen hundred planets known to contain life forms.

  The inhabitants of the planet Gar, also known as the Garrish, are the most advanced species save for the Counians on the Nexus. Every planet surrounding them knew of their prowess in architecture and machinery. What they didn’t know was that the Garrish had made incredibly bold strides in developing as a species and splicing their genomes with other planetary specimens, to enhance their species and become the most advanced in the universe. Well, while big dreams were really good, they back fire sometimes, just like with the occupants of Gar.

  Despite their advancements in technology, or perhaps because of it, the inhabitants of the planet Gar have managed to maintain their picturesque terrain. Their lands and open spaces are filled with beautiful vegetation and mountains, providing them with quality foods enough to preserve them and boost their economy with intergalactic trade of several proceeds from their fields and nature. They managed to cultivate a specific trade-worthy product for each and every of the "civilizations.” As a result, Gar remains relatively peaceful since most of the Galaxy depends on them.

  With colorful lands and semi-sophisticated infrastructure, the Garrish are ruled by a well-governed system, similar to a monarchy.

  The Queen Mother, from whose bloodline all life on Gar is believed to derive from, is regarded as the most pristine. From mother to daughter, the title is passed down with genetic manipulation. It is ensured that a daughter would always be produced. Little is known about why they don’t manipulate genes to reproduce, and opt for more conventional methods such as sexual intercourse, and sometimes, though rarely, test tube fertilization, although it takes about a year for the average female to give birth.

  There is an old folktale that the pioneer Garrish scientists were terribly sexual creatures. Hence the lack of development on the ways at which they reproduce.

  The incumbent Queen Mother is the most loving in the last thousand years. But she hardly has the final authority on matters concerning the Garrish. The Queen Mother herself is revered almost in a religious fashion.

  The office of the Queen is mostly ceremonial, as power truly lies in the hands of the Council and at the helm of affairs, the Superintendent.

  Many scientists speculate that the frequency of alterations done in favor of modifying the look and basic nature of offsprings has resulted into impure and overstrained genes in the last generation of the Garrish, leaving them unable to reproduce. Most females often lose their pregnancy in the first trimester with few actually making it to the final month and surviving. Those who do survive, die off after a few years.

  In their attempt to have offspring, the entire population has turned to intensely sexual creatures, engaging in wild and daring sexual adventures.

  As more and more pregnancies were lost, it became a growing concern of the Garrish.

  After fifteen years without producing a single child who lived past the first year, the Queen Mother summoned a meeting of all the powers that were on Gar, presided over by the incumbent Superintendent, Jeshunasha Y Jenkins.

  "It's no longer news that our population is no longer what it used to be. Although many, including myself, have refused to say this, we face extinction," Queen Ghaele said as she opened the meeting, the urgency of the matter not affording her time for pleasantries.

  "We have fueled the experiments of the scientists with more than enough resources, but still no results. Gahl, what is to be done about our inability to increase our numbers?" she says to Gahl who's in charge of the science division for all of Gar.

  "Most of our efforts have proved abortive, since we cannot reproduce among ourselves. We've spliced our genomes with the specimens we've gathered from the entire Galaxy and most have failed," Gahl says in response to the Queen.

  "Most have failed?" the Queen asks.

  "The Superintendent has more to say on the issue," says Gahl.

  "Your eminence, as terrible as it sounds, all hope is not lost. We've closely followed the progress of the science division laboratories, and it seems our only alternative might be one that seems far-fetched but might—" Superintendent Jenkins begins, but is interrupted by the Queen.

  "What do we have to do? Sanction it at once! We can no longer stand idly by as our race goes into extinction!" The Queen had always been passionate about the issue, probably because she didn’t have a daughter despite all efforts and the people were beginning to seriously lose faith in her.

  "But we cannot afford to be hasty and do things out of desperation," the Superintendent says, somewhat hypocritically as she had two daughters, the smallest of which was the last child to successfully reach teenage years.

  "At the beginning of the millennia, our kind boasted of a blossoming population, and now we're down to our last nine hundred. Nine hundred!” the Queen stands up, her growing irritation showing. “The last child was born fifteen years ago! If we sit idly, we would be extinct by the turn of the millennia. So do not speak to me about desperation Superintendent, that ship has sailed!" the Queen says emphatically, her anger causing a palpable tension in the room. Council members shift and adjust in their seats, not used to this kind of reaction from their pacifist Queen.

  "Well a particular planet has been identified to contain compatible DNA to ours and with a little help from our science division, there's a chance that we could successfully remove all traces of their own DNA and completely replace them with ours," Gahl stands up gingerly to continue when it becomes obvious the superintendent was no longer speaking.

  "Well?" the Queen asks, beginning to calm down. She waves her hand indicating that she is not displeased with his speech.

  "Umm, the planet is called Earth. Our scientists have been studying them closely for a while and we seem have compatible genomes. We will make a few modifications of course. They are far behind in technology and are unaware of other life forms similar to theirs, although they seem to be close. If we were to plan for habitation, we would need—" Ghal stops as the Queen interrupts with a raised hand.

  "How long would it take for our kind to reach their solar system?" she asks.

  "It'll take approximately one week, longer depending on the turbulence in the asteroid belt—”

  “Let it be done!" the Queen snaps as she brings the meeting to a close.

  Chapter 2

  Welcome to Earth! Virginia? Jesh

  They were lost. She just knew it. Everything bad that could possibly happen in this new world would probably happen to her. It was her curse. She didn't want to come, she told them, and she’d protested and disagreed, loudly, but the Superintendent, who also happened to be her mother, was having none of it. As S.P Jenks said, she had to set an example on this expedition. She was to lead, be strong for everybody and apparently answer all their stupid questions.

  Would there be two suns on Earth like in Gar? No, that was the first thing they'd taught them before they entered simulations.

  Were they going to drift in the air because of the lower gravity levels? Aga
in, no, refer to above said lessons. Would the people of Earth be welcoming and kind? How was she to know? It's not like she'd been there before.

  She couldn't even worry about any of that now because she was lost. They were lost, not they, all the five hundred people who'd come down to Earth with her and her friend, Gedha. Their pod was separated from the fleet after a slight turbulence during entry. It wasn't supposed to happen. The engineers had worked tirelessly to ensure everything would go well. They were masters of technology and space travel after all. She was no engineer, so she didn't know what went wrong, where they were and why all the equipment was not working. She was a doctor however, so she knew how to take care of Gedha, check his vitals and resuscitate him with minimal damage.

  "Ugh, I feel like five small children entered my head and are playing a symphony," he groaned as he struggled to sit up.

  "Take it easy, you have a concussion," Jesh replied as she gently helped him sit up. She needed him back on his feet as soon as possible, rather make that right now. He was an engineer and one of the best. He'd be able to figure out where they were and how to get their pod to work again. They had to get back to the rest of the people she was apparently supposed to lead.

  "What? No, no, this cannot be happening. Are you sure you've checked properly?" Jesh was on the verge of hysteria. Calm down Jeshunasha, her mother's voice sounded in her head. Face problems with poise and dignity Jeshunasha. She snorted as her mother's voice continued.

  "Please confirm our location Gedhansi. We need to get back to our people," she said trying for the poise her mother was always talking about.

  "We're on a mountain, in a place called Virginia, in the United States of America."

  "USA? We're in the USA?" All her false poise collapsed. "We can't be in the US. Please, we were supposed to land in North Africa. How the hell did we get here?"

  "I don't know. Probably because we detached as soon as we entered the atmosphere and were traveling at high speeds, consider acceleration due to gravity, atmospheric pressure and a host of other variables. If you give me a little time, I can come up with concrete facts."


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