Under the Panther's Protection [Black Panthers 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Under the Panther's Protection [Black Panthers 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 5

by Leah Brooke

  Tying themselves to women who weren’t their mates had caused fights between them, drawing attention to the pack and getting the adults killed.

  Ed and Alice Tremaine had been friends of their parents and had gotten him and the others to safety when they were just small children.

  After reading the journal, they’d vowed not to repeat their parents’ mistakes.

  Joshua took a steadying breath.

  Before he’d met Fiona, only four of the pack had found their mates.

  Marcus and James were both mates to Bailey.

  Leland and Joe shared Glenna.

  Joshua’s chest tightened at the thought of sharing Fiona with another of his pack mates, but he knew that he’d have to accept it.

  If he didn’t, it could cause problems that could mean the end of their safety.

  Looking at each of his pack mates who’d gathered to eat, he watched them closely for any sign of reaction, seriously considering swooping her out of there and taking her as far away as he could.

  If any one of them found themselves taken in by her scent, Joshua was prepared to grab her and go.

  Thomas touched Joshua’s back imperceptibly, shaking his head as if to reassure him that he was no threat before reaching out to touch Fiona’s arm. “Hi. I’m Thomas. You’ve got the same eyes as Glenna.”

  Joshua growled, taking Fiona’s other arm. “They’re darker.”

  Especially when she was in the throes of passion.

  Unable to stand Thomas touching her at all, Joshua yanked Fiona away from him.

  After a warning look from Joe, his other pack mates, who’d stood aside watching the scene play out before them, followed Thomas’s lead and introduced themselves to Fiona.

  Barely able to breathe, Joshua watched each of them closely, looking for a sign that her delectable scent had an effect on any of them.

  Irritating him even more, his pack mates seemed to get an enormous amount of amusement from his predicament.

  Used to dealing with the fact that they all couldn’t fit in the kitchen, after introducing themselves, several of them went out to the deck to make room for more to file in, each apparently curious to meet Fiona and anxious to see the Alphas with their pregnant mate.

  Joshua didn’t breathe a sigh of relief until each one of the adult males met her.

  He was her only mate.

  For the first time since getting to the farm, Joshua began to relax.

  Eyeing them speculatively, Fiona turned to Glenna. “Something’s going on here. What is it?”

  Graham came through the door with a platter of burgers. “Sorry it took so long, Glenna. Eat up, honey.”

  After serving Glenna, Leland glanced at Fiona. “We can talk later. Right now, Glenna needs to eat in peace.”

  Joshua’s gut suddenly clenched, and not understanding why, he looked around at each of his pack mates.

  “Of course. You’re still craving red meat.” Something in Fiona’s tone had him turning to her, the tears shimmering in her eyes tightening his gut even more.

  He’d felt her misery.

  She really did belong to him.

  Fiona’s smile appeared forced. “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry I couldn’t do better.”

  Her pain had become his, and eager to console her, Joshua wrapped an arm around her. “You did great. Look at her. You made sure she went to the doctor and everything.”

  Her paleness, thinness, and the small amount of food that had been in their apartment came back to him, hitting him all at once.

  She’d even done without food in order to feed Glenna, and now he knew why she’d be so defensive.

  Affection for her grew into something much more, warming as it spread. Rubbing her back, he smiled down at her, ignoring his pack mates’ surprise. “It was our fault for chasing her away in the first place.”

  He looked up to glare at each of them in turn.

  Just because he didn’t go around grinning like the rest of them was no reason for them to look so shocked.

  “Good Lord.” Glenna didn’t look up, her concentration on layering pickles on her cheeseburger and squirted an obscene amount of mustard on top. “I’m fine. It’s my responsibility. I did it.”

  Her words sounded so much like what Fiona had said only minutes earlier that Joshua’s stomach rolled.

  He’d be damned before he let her get away the way Glenna had.

  Leland chuckled softly. “I think Joe and I had a little to do with it, too, honey.”

  Joshua tuned out the rest of their conversation and stared down at Fiona.

  Taking her hand, he grabbed one of the burgers from the platter, handing it to her before pulling her outside. “Eat. You’re too damned thin, probably from doing without so Glenna and the baby could eat.”

  “Joshua, I—”

  Aware that his pack mates’ keen hearing would allow them to hear their conversation, Joshua shook his head. “Just eat. We’ll talk in a minute.”

  Although Fiona had no intention of eating the burger Joshua had shoved at her, she found herself nibbling at it as they crossed the huge yard, with only the bright mood to light their way

  Joshua pointed in the distance. “There’s a ravine there. Stay the hell away from it. Hell, we need to put a new fence up, especially if there are going to be children running around.”

  Thinking about her new niece or nephew, Fiona nodded and took another bite of her burger, suddenly ravenous. “Where are we going?”


  His clipped tone told her that he’d become frustrated with her again.

  Despite that, he’d shortened his strides to match hers, and they continued across the yard toward some trees.

  Taking another healthy bite of her burger, she looked up at him, surprised to see him watching her closely. “What?”

  Joshua led her toward a wide dirt path, one that had tall grass on either side. “I’m just glad to see you eat. There wasn’t much food in the apartment.”

  Fiona finished off her burger, feeling much better. With her hand in Joshua’s, she looked around, surprised to see all kinds of berry bushes right before they came to a clearing where several houses stood dotting the landscape.

  “We started building houses for each of us, but we’re not done yet. Almost everyone lives in one of the outbuildings the Tremaines built to house all of us.”

  “How many people live here?”

  “Including the kids, the ones in their early twenties, there are about two dozen of us.”

  “Oh. Leland and Joe don’t seem too upset about the baby or the fact that they don’t know which one of them is the father.”

  Joshua’s lips twitched. “They’re both very happy about the baby, and both consider themselves the father. I feel sorry for anyone who suggests otherwise.”

  “I was worried about that.”

  “And yet you said nothing to me.” Joshua started toward a house built with varying shades of gray stone. “Not that your sister was pregnant or that you were worried about Leland and Joe wanting the baby.”

  Fiona focused on the one-story house, admiring how well it blended with the mountains in the background. “I’m not used to jabbering about my problems. What a beautiful house! Oooh! There’s a fireplace.”

  Joshua paused, turning her to look at him. “Yes. It looks like I’ll have to bring in some firewood.”

  “It’s yours?” Fiona gaped at him and began trying to pull him along. “Hurry up. I want to see.”

  Resisting her effort, Joshua pulled her back to his side, cupping her jaw to tilt her face to his. “It’s not jabbering. I want you to tell me your problems. It sounds like you’ve been keeping them to yourself long enough.”

  “My problems are none of your concern. It’s hard enough to believe, but we just met each other today.”

  It felt like they’d known each other much longer.

  She found herself attuned to him in ways she didn’t come close to understanding.

  Because of it,
the flare of anger in his eyes formed a cold knot in the pit of her stomach.

  “Don’t go there.” His voice had deepened, the warning edge tightening her stomach even more. “The length of time we’ve known each other doesn’t matter a bit with us. You feel it, too, so don’t pretend you don’t.”

  Fiona sighed and pulled away, turning her back to him to stare at the mountains. “It should matter. One minute I feel like I know you, and the next, I realize that I don’t know you at all.”

  Wrapping an arm around her from behind, he pulled her back against his chest, his hand flat on her abdomen. “If you stay, we’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other better. Are you warm enough?”

  With a shrug, Fiona leaned back against him, smiling at the feel of his warmth wrapping around her. “I am now.” Blowing out a breath, she weighed her options. “I’d like to stay until Glenna has the baby. If Mom and Dad hadn’t sold the house, I’d stay there. It sounds like Leland and Joe will let me stay at the house with Glenna, but I’ll have to ask to make sure.”

  He slid his hands higher, cupping her breasts. “Stay with me.”

  Tempted, she shook her head. “Joshua, I don’t think—”

  “Don’t think.” His lips closed on her neck, the slight scrape of his sharp teeth sending a shiver of delight through her. “Trust your instincts.”

  Fiona smiled at that. “My instincts got me into trouble before.”

  Lifting his head, he looked down at her. “That’s not entirely true, is it? You knew he was wrong for you before it ended, didn’t you?”

  She narrowed her eyes at him, earning a raised brow in return. “How did you know that?”

  “Because you’re the kind of woman who realizes her mistakes but is too stubborn to admit it—like staying in Ohio when you realized you’d been duped.”

  Surprised at his insight, she frowned. “Yeah. I guess you’re right.” Turning, she stared at the mountains again. “Stupid.”

  Although he continued to massage her breasts, there was no demand in his touch. Chuckling, he touched his lips to her hair. “Stubborn. You’re too damned hardheaded to trust yourself. We’re going to have to work on that.”

  Straightening again, he continued his arousing, but somehow soothing massage. “What do your instincts tell you about me?”

  Closing her hands on his forearms, she tilted her head back to look up at him. “My instincts tell me that you’re a very dangerous man and that there’s a lot about you that I don’t know. You’re a man with a lot of secrets, aren’t you?”

  Joshua’s lips thinned, his eyes narrowing to study her features. “That’s common in our line of work. That’s something I won’t ever discuss with you.”

  Lifting his gaze to the mountains, he took several breaths, obviously deep in thought.

  She took the opportunity to study him, taking in his strong jaw, high cheekbones, ridiculously long lashes, and the most sensuous lips she’d ever seen on a man.

  Apparently aware of her scrutiny, he looked down at her again, lifting a brow in question.

  Fiona smiled and turned back to stare at the view. “Don’t look so surprised that I stare at you. I’m sure you’ve had the same effect on many women.”

  “Most women are scared of me.” Chuckling, he bent to touch his lips to her ear. “Even your sister. Did you see how she cuddled closer to Leland for protection?”

  His lips brushed her ear, sending another thrill through her as he slid his hands under her shirt, unfastening her bra and pushing the edges aside before closing his hands on her breasts again. “You scared of me?”

  She sucked in a breath at the feel of his hands on her bare skin, closing her eyes and throwing her head back as sensation took over. “Terrified.”

  He focused his attention on her nipples, rolling them gently between his callused fingers. “Do you think I would hurt you?”

  Tilting her head aside, she smiled when he accepted her invitation, a moan escaping at the delicious feel of his teeth scraping over her neck. “Hmm. I think you could hurt me more than anyone ever has.”

  His tongue traced where his teeth had been, both soothing the area and heightening her arousal. “Hurting you would hurt me more.”

  Smiling at the sincerity of his claim, Fiona turned in his arms, lifting her hands to his shoulders. “Right now, Glenna is my priority.” Annoyed at the feel of her unclasped bra under her shirt, she eased one strap down her arm before pulling her bra free from the other.

  Smiling at Joshua’s perplexed look, she stuffed her bra into her pocket. “I need to be available in case she needs me.”

  Joshua nodded, taking her hand in his. “I understand that. You can spend the days with her, but I want you to spend your nights with me.”

  Fiona sucked in a breath at the erotic intent glittering in his eyes, the mental image of their naked bodies so sharp she could almost feel it.

  It weakened her knees so much that she stumbled.

  Joshua caught her easily, lifting her over his shoulder. “I have plans for your nights, and I’m sure Leland and Joe have plans for Glenna’s.”

  Fiona giggled, the sound surprising her. “Damn it, Joshua. I slept in these clothes and wore them all day. I need a damned shower.”

  “So do I.” Joshua crossed the wide front porch and headed into the house. “We’ll take one together. It’ll save time and give me a chance to get my hands on you.”

  Fiona couldn’t help but laugh, his playfulness contagious. “Joshua, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but you have a one-track mind.”

  He pulled off her shoes and tossed them aside before doing the same with her socks. “Only concerning you.”

  She got a brief look at a large unfurnished living room and the magnificent fireplace, sucking in a breath when he gripped the waistband of her pants and stripped them off.

  “You don’t have any furniture.”

  “I have a bed.” He ripped her panties off, growling softly and scraping his teeth over her hip as he tossed the torn material aside. “You bring out something in me.”

  She felt secure in his strong hold and alive in a way she hadn’t felt in a very long time.

  She deserved to have some fun, and it may as well be with the most captivating man she’d ever met.

  She couldn’t seem to resist him, anyway.

  If she kept an emotional distance, she wouldn’t get hurt.

  He carried her through a large bedroom, barely allowing her a glimpse of heavy, dark furniture, everything in shades of brown and blue, before striding into a surprisingly large bathroom.

  After kicking the door closed, he set her on her feet, stripping her out of her shirt before she could even catch her balance.

  His hands closed on her shoulders, his eyes indulgent as he steadied her. “You okay?”

  She pulled his T-shirt from the waistband of his dark jeans and slid her hands under it to caress his chest. “I have an ache. Maybe you can help me with it.”

  Surprise flashed in his eyes, followed by a slow smile that took her breath away. “Maybe I can.”

  He stripped out of his T-shirt, revealing a wide, muscular chest, sprinkled with dark hair, and heavily muscled arms covered with tattoos that continued to his chest.

  She stepped forward, her hands itching to touch him, but he shook his head, stopping her in her tracks. “I want to touch you.”

  “And you will, but for right now, I want to look at you.” He bent to remove his boots and socks, his gaze raking over her. “Once I get my hands on you, I won’t let go.”

  He unfastened his jeans, still watching her. “Why don’t you go start the shower?”

  She grinned, her heart pounding at the look of hunger in his eyes. “I think I’d rather stay here and enjoy the view. Besides, you just want to get a look at my ass.”

  He stripped off his jeans and boxer briefs, tossing them aside. “See? You already know me better than you think.”

  Fiona’s mouth went dry at the sight before

  Naked, he somehow appeared even larger and more threatening, his clothes hiding a body corded with thick muscle.

  His cock lengthened and thickened before her eyes, getting larger as he moved closer and paused in front of her.

  His thighs, as thick as tree trunks, framed his cock, making it appear even more menacing.

  Remembering how careful he’d been with her, even when she was lost in passion, she swallowed heavily and lifted her gaze to his.

  “Now I know why you didn’t let me take all of you.”

  Watching her closely, he took her hand in his and led her into the humungous shower, reaching behind her to turn on the spray. “You were very tight. It’s been a long time for you, hasn’t it?”

  Tilting her head back to wet her hair, Fiona ran a hand down his chest to his cock. “Hours.”

  Chuckling, Joshua lightly slapped her ass. “Smartass.”

  Cupping her jaw, he used his thumb to lift her face to his. “You know what I mean. Tell me.”

  Hoping to distract him, she wrapped a hand around his cock, unsurprised that she couldn’t close her fingers around it. “He was a bastard who couldn’t keep his dick in his pants.”

  Pulling her from the spray, he poured out a dollop of shampoo and began washing her hair. “He was an idiot, but I’m glad he’s not in the picture.” With his hands in her hair, he tilted her face to his and dropped a hard kiss on her lips. “If he were, I’d have to kill him.”

  Running her hand up and down the length of his cock, she thrilled at his groan. “Let’s talk about something a little more exciting.”

  He rinsed the shampoo from her hair, the gentleness in his hands in sharp contrast to the fire in his eyes. “I think we can make things a hell of a lot more exciting.”

  He pulled her hand from his cock and spun her to face the shower wall. “Be still. Keep your hands right there.”

  Fiona thrilled at his tone, the combination of velvet and steel somehow soothing and exciting at the same time.

  His masculinity gave her a sense of security, his strength in character as strong as the strength in his muscular body.

  With renewed respect, she turned to smile at him over her shoulder, her breath catching when he slipped his hands around her to caress her breasts while nuzzling her neck. “I want to touch you.”


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