Demons & Hellholes_A Grimmer Legacy novel

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Demons & Hellholes_A Grimmer Legacy novel Page 11

by Eleanor Rousseau

  We started going back the way I had come. We didn’t cross paths with anyone on the way to the stairs. Just as we reached the door there was another explosion. Clearly Grant had the foresight not to use the bombs all at once.

  We headed down the stairs, back to the ground floor. Then we headed in the opposite direction to the blasts, not towards the entrance. We stayed towards the back of the building, presumably were there would be less people.

  With any luck everyone would have evacuated the building. Of course, I was rarely that lucky.

  After a few minutes of walking three demons appeared at the other end of the hall, two male and one female. The man and women looked a little like snakeboy but they had blue scales and they were leaner.

  The other man had thick grey skin and a horn protruding up on his nose. Half rhino? They saw us and there eyes started glowing.

  “Oh no.” Avone mother backed again the door, shaking. She was freaking out.

  “I’ve got this,” I assured her, pulling out my blade. I shot as I walked towards the trio. The lizard people went down fairly easily but rhino guy’d hyde was too thick. So as he charged I dropped the gun and pulled my hood up.

  His expression became comically shocked as I became invisible. I threw myself at him, putting all my power into the thrust. With his momentum the blade sank deep into his chest. It also meant as he went down he fell in my direction.

  I tried to dive out the way but only got about halfway there before I was pinned by the hilt of my sword against my hip. I gasped in pain. “Ow, God.” I shove him up enough that I was able to get out from under the sword but my arms gave way before I could get my legs out fully.

  I reached to take down my hood. “He’s a heavy bastard,” I murmured.

  Avon’s mother knelt beside me and pushed at the demon, rolling him onto his back and off of me.

  “Thanks.” I rose unsteadily to my feet before stepping on the bastards chest and yanking my swords out. Then I put the sword away, after wiping the blood off on his clothing, and picked up my gun.

  “We need to keep moving,” I said, holding my hand against my hip, where the pain was concentrated. It almost eclipsed the slowly growing ache in my knee.

  “This way,” she started walking at a fast pace.

  I hurried after, trying my best not to limp. Luckily we didn’t pass anyone as we navigated the halls. After the first three turns I pretty much had no idea where we were. Thank goodness she seemed to know where we were going.

  However when we reached the stairwell two guards stood on either side of the door, these ones in human form. I took aim. Admittedly I’m a horrible shot but I got one in the shoulder and head, even though I’d been aiming at the chest, and the other one I caught in the thigh.

  I pulled the trigger again and just heard click. My clip was empty. Shit.

  The guard's eyes turned black and he began to limp towards me, drawing his sword.

  Now I was in trouble, his was way bigger than mine. I dropped the gun and pulled up my hood again. He paused and sniffed the air. I walked around him but he began to turn, as if he could smell me.

  I’d have to be fast. I took out the sword, becoming visible, and slid it between his ribs. I pulled down the hood before putting the sword away again. Then I walked back to my gun and pulled out the spare clip from between my breasts.

  I refilled the ammo and glanced over at Avon’s mother, “How are you doing?”

  She rubbed her collar bone nervously. “I’m fine.”

  I nodded, smiling reassuringly. “I don’t usually kill, but under the circumstance I’m pretty sure it’s either me or them. Plus, the bastards put me in a cage.”

  She gave an uncertain smile.

  “Come on.” I opened the door to the stairs.

  “Are you okay?” she asked when I faulted half way up.

  “Yeah, your son will heal me when we meet him.” I kept moving, thinking of anything but the pain.

  Why the hell couldn’t they install a lift? Demon’s didn’t really see to have a handle on modern technology. Which was probably a good thing, if any of the demons we had passed had been carrying a firearm I’d probably be dead meat.

  I burst through the door at the top of the staircase, to be confronted by three Daemons in human form.

  “Father said to guard the portal, on the off chance the boy snuck past him,” said the female in the middle of the room. “I have to say, this is an interesting development.”

  I shot the two men on either side of her but the two bullets paused mid air even as the two men collapsed. My eyes widened, “You’re not a Daemon.”

  “No, I’m a Hexenbiest.”

  Hexenbiests were half demon, half witch and usually more powerful than your average witch. “Let us past and we can go our separate ways,” I said calmly.

  “I think not. You must be the witch slut Tax told us about. I’m pretty sure he’d like you alive but it would save me some grief to just kill you know.” She tossed a throwing knife and as I dived out of the way it got caught in my shoulder.

  I cried out, dropping the gun. I yanked out the blade, it had left a tear in the suit. Amber was so going to kill me. Then I drew my sword and lunged.

  “You look like you’re on your last legs, sweetheart. If you give up now I’ll make it quick.” She caught my blade with her telekinesis.

  I kicked her in the stomach. My knee cried out in protest but she gasped and was knocked back a few steps. I slashed but she knocked it away and drew another throwing knife. I concentrated and melted it in her hand.

  Her eyes widened and turned black as she flicked the metallic liquid from her skin.

  “You’re not the only witch, bitch,” I snarled.

  She knocked the sword clean out of my hand and lunged to grab me. We grappled for a moment but it wasn’t long before both my knee and hip gave way. I cried out as we fell.

  She had her dagger at my neck when I heard the gunshot.

  The Hexenbiest slumped against me, causing the blade to nick my throat. I shoved her off me to see Avon mother holding my gun.

  I sighed heavily and pulled out my phone, texting Avon that we were at the portal before putting it back away. I pushed unsteadily to my feet, collected my sword from where it had fallen.

  Then I walked to Avon’s mother and she offered me the gun without a word. I put it away before reaching for the vials. “Ow.” I cut my finger on something. I found one of the vials and plucked it out.

  One of them must have broken. “Super.” Of course one of them was broken.

  I glanced at the door. Well, I’d done it once before.

  “Okay, if you drink this it will put you to sleep for ten minutes, long enough to take you to the portal,” I told her.

  “But you’re a witch,” she pointed out.

  “I’ll be fine, we need to do it soon.” Who knew when Avon would use the Axitross, or what effect it would have on me.

  She nodded and we stepped up to the door. I pulled it open, swallowing heavily as I remembered the last time I had gone through it. I wished Avon where with us. I gave the vial to her and she took it carefully before screwing off the top.

  She downed it and I grabbed her as she began to slump forward. Then I thought of the only place I wanted to be and let us fall through the portal.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Mother, are you okay?” Avons voice washed over me, familiar and comforting and I knew we were safe.

  “I’m fine, dear, check in the girl, she’s injured badly.”

  “Kia!” Avon’s face appeared above me. Hands touched my face and neck and soon warmth slowly began to fill me, I’d been so cold. Why was I so cold?

  “Take mother upstairs, Grant, the suit’s magic could interfere with my healing.”

  I was surprised when Grant didn’t argue or make a lewd comment. A moment later Avon was carefully peeling me out of the suit. Idly I wondered if he was right, or if her were just using it as an excuse to strip me. I closed my eyes, wi
shing more than ever that I had worn clothes under the suit but it had been tight enough as it was.

  “Look at me, little one,” he crooned softly.

  I blinked up at him.

  He leant down and brushed his lips tenderly over mine. “Stay with me.” He held a hand over the wound in my shoulder and I felt a soothing heat beneath his touch.

  Then he carefully pulled the suit the rest of the way off my body, his movement efficient.

  “Oh, love,” he breathed as he caught sight of the damage, his fingers lightly brushed over my hip.

  I winced.

  His hand pressed against the wound and I gasped but the pain was followed by that healing warmth. “I won’t be able to heal it completely now, there’s some fracturing to the bone that will need a little time to heal naturally,” he told me. Then his hand moved to my knee as he continued to use his magic on me. “That’s the worst of it,” he said, pulling a blanket over my body.

  I raised a hand to my head, all my muscles felt stiff. “Could you tell me what happened on your end?” I asked.

  “I will but first I’ll get you something to eat and drink. Healing uses up energy.” He leant down to kiss my forehead. “Your clothes are where you left them.” He walked over to the kitchen area.

  I rose to my feet carefully, holding the blanket around me whilst trying to keep the weight off my bad hip. I limped to the bathroom, snagging my clothes on the way, which I had left folded neatly on a chair.

  I put my jeans, bra and socks on but decided to put his shirt on, since it was still hanging up on the back of the door where I had left it. I limped back out and moved carefully to the kitchen.

  I winced as I took a seat but the pain was still a hundred times better than it had been.

  Avon stepped closer and cupped my cheek, leaning down to kiss me possessively. Then he placed a glass of Apple juice in front of me. I took a sip and he returned a moment later with a sandwich. If anyone would have told me a few months ago that I I’d be being nursed back to health by a Daemon I’d never have believed them.

  I smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Thank you. I’m not sure what we would have done without you, I owe you so much, I don’t know how I’ll ever make it up to you,” he nuzzled my neck and I let him.

  I reached up to touch his hair, “You could give me the Axitross.”

  He paused, “Okay.”

  “Okay?” I turned and looked up at him, surprised.

  “I’ve used it for what I needed, my father's forces are severely depleted. Even if he could come after us he’d be at less than half strength. In a fair fight, I could take him.” He seemed surprisingly confident of that fact, given that he was half human, but I knew better that to underestimate him.

  I nodded, “I also advise arming yourself with a gun, gives you a slight upper hand.”

  He gazed down at me and in that moment he looked very human. “Besides, I can’t use it when you are close and I intend to keep you close.”

  I smiled, “Thank you. It means a lot to me.” I could finally say I had succeeded in my mission. I’d done gone to hell and back, both figuratively and literally. I was a hell of a witch, even with my limited powers.

  Avon kissed my cheek, “Eat up, once you’re done I’ll take you home where you can rest until you're healed completely.”

  My smile widened a little, “I’ll make sure to keep the window open, in case you want to stop by,” I teased.

  “Boy, you’re never letting that go, are you.” Despite his words his eyes were warm.

  “You did try to decapitate my brother,” I reminded him.

  “I wouldn’t have if he hadn’t been in your bed.”

  “We fell asleep watching tv!”

  “Eat your food,” he growled menacingly.

  I smiled but did as I was told. The sandwich was good, ham and lettuce and after the first bite I realised I was ravenous. I washed down the sandwich with the rest to the drink and he leant to kiss my cheek.

  “I’ll tell Grant I’m taking you home and then we’ll go.”

  I watched him walk across the room to a door that had escaped my notice before. I hadn’t realised they owned more than this space. A few minutes later he reappeared and walked over to take my hand, wrapping his other hand around my waist as if he were worried I couldn’t support myself.

  Once I was sat inside the car he headed back inside to grab the Axitross’ container as well as my suit, putting them in the back seat before sliding into the driver's seat.

  “So, what happened?” I asked as he pulled out of the warehouse.

  “Everything went according to plan. You were right, the minute they saw me I was swarmed. I fought them off as best I could and was able to barricade myself in a room for a while. They had just broken in when I got your text.

  “I didn’t have a chance to check it but I knew it was from you so I waited five minutes before blowing them all to hell. Then Grant found me and we blasted our way to the portal. I noticed you killed the Hexenbiest, Vex.”

  “She wasn’t a friend was she?”

  He shook his head. “My half sister and believe me it was no loss.”

  My eyebrows rose. Damn, I wish I’d known, but then I don’t suppose there was anything I would have done differently. “Jeez, is there anyone in the Underworld that you’re not related to?”

  He smiled, “Is there a mercenary in the city that you’re not related to?”

  I laughed softly, “Fair point.”

  “How badly is your brother going to kill you when he finds you back?” he asked curiously.

  “Oh, it’s going to be bad. But I’ll act all pitiful, tell him I’m injured and then he’ll feel sorry for me and bring me ice cream.” Jay loved me and he could switch into overprotective mode faster than anyone I knew.

  Avon smirked, “It’s good to know we are not the only ones you manipulate.”

  “Oh no, I manipular everyone, I’m a total sociopath,” I assured him

  His eyes roamed over my body. “That’s kind of hot.”

  “You would think that you’re half demon.”

  He chuckled and I couldn’t help but smile back.

  “How did you even find out where I live?”

  “I followed when you went home the first time.”

  “Well, that’s kind of creepy.” I frowned, not so much irritated that he’d followed me than that I hadn’t noticed him doing it.

  “You didn’t seem creeped out when I had you against your bedroom wall.” He glanced at me, eyes dark with hunger.

  I bit my lip and pretended not to feel desire squirming low in my belly. “That was just cruel.”

  He chuckled, the sound deep and warm. I shifted in my seat, biting my lip. From the smug expression on his face I’d guess he knew exactly what effect he had on me. He pulled up outside my apartment and rested his hand on my knee. “Wait until I come round, I’ll help you play up the injury for the benefit of your roommate.”

  I grinned, how devious his mind was. “I knew there was a reason I liked you.”

  He smirked and climbed out before walking around to help me from the seat. He ducked under my arm and wrapped his arm around my waist to help me make my way to the door.

  It was unlocked so we walked straight into the kitchen. Maya sat at the table eating a large bowl of red jelly which was slightly odd because it was almost two in the morning. She glanced up at me. “Injuries?”

  “Kind of broken hip bone.”

  “Hip bone it’s a scientific term.”

  “I didn’t really think it was.”

  She nodded, “Okay.” Maya was a girl of few words and I loved her for it. She didn’t so much as spare Avon a curious glance, maybe she’d dismissed him as another one of my brothers.

  We continued on to my bedroom. I half felt that our performance had been wasted with only Maya to witness it. The Daemon sat me carefully down on the bed and leant down to kiss me deeply. “You get some rest, I’ll go grab your things from th
e car.”

  I pulled off my boots awkwardly and was carefully pushing my jeans down over my hip when he returned. He put the things down on top of my chest of draws and moved over to me.

  “Let me help.” He knelt in front of me.

  Warm pleasant tingles ran over my skin. “Skinny jeans might look damn cute but they’re a pain to get off.”

  He chuckled as he pulled them down over my butt. Oh my, was it perverted that I’d wished his hands had lingered there? “Sit back.” He was clearly trying to appear unaffected by his actions but the gruffness in his voice gave him away. I resisted a smile.

  I sat carefully and he pulled the jeans down the rest of the way.

  “Thanks,” I murmured, tired now despite the desire that had begun humming through me.

  “Help me get it off,” he said, holding up his wrist which still wore the Axitross bracelet. I reached up and carefully manipulated the metal before pulling it from his arm. He took it from me as he rose and leant down to kiss my forehead. “Sleep well, love.”

  He left and I climbed beneath my covers, falling into an exhausted sleep.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Wake up, you asshat!”

  I groaned at the shrieking voice that would have done a Banshee proud. “Amber.”

  “Look what you did to my suit, you terrible, horrible child!”

  Apparently I had gone from being ‘the baby’ to a terrible horrible child because of the minor damage I had caused to her beloved suit. Maybe if I destroyed a few more of her beloved possessions I’d eventually graduate to becoming an adult in her eyes. Of course, she’d probably disown me before I got that far.

  “I’m alive, thanks for checking in.” I pushed myself into a sitting position, wincing at the lingering pain in my hip. I should have taken something for the pain before I’d fallen asleep.

  I glanced at Jay who stood in the doorway. “Be a lamb and get me some pain killers.”

  He turned and walked out. I couldn’t tell whether or not he was mad at me too.

  I rubbed my hands over my face. “It’s only one little tear,” I said, turning my attention to my aunt.


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