Demons & Hellholes_A Grimmer Legacy novel

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Demons & Hellholes_A Grimmer Legacy novel Page 14

by Eleanor Rousseau

  “And it would seem my son is one of those few.”

  “At first it was just a game, to see if I could manipulate a Demon Blood, which I could, of course. But then he earnt my loyalty. I wouldn’t imagine you’d know much about that.”

  “All my men are very loyal.”

  “I have yet to see a reason why that might be.”

  “Are you trying to distract me from my purpose of being here?”

  I was, most definitely. “I should have guessed you were too primitive to appreciate the value of good conversation.”

  “I’m starting to see how you manipulated my son so easily.”

  “As people go he wasn’t the easiest, I’m just very good.”

  He chuckled and my hands clenched on the rope. “I don’t doubt that.”

  “I’m worth more to you unharmed.”

  “And why would that be?”

  “Because the moment you cross that line there’s no coming back. You cross that line and there will be a long list of people who want you dead and will stop at nothing to make it happen. For as long as I’m here there will be a chance that I get loose and kill you.”

  “You overestimate yourself.”

  “You underestimate how badly I need to pee right now.”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “This is the second place I’ve been held captive and at neither place did I have access to a bathroom. I’m a witch, not a robot, I have needs and unless you want to have to deal with soiled sheets you’ll let me use the damn bathroom.”

  He opened the door, “Escort the lady to the bathroom.” Then he glanced back at me. “I’ll see you soon.” He walked out.

  “Thanks, lamb!” I called after him.

  Two demons walked in, both were snake creatures, either one could have been the same one as I had seen walking with Tax. They both took out blades to cut me loose and one grabbed me by the waist.

  “Hey, careful. I’ve got damaged bones.” I gasped as I was pulled to my feet.

  The one holding me hissed, “You’re lucky broken bones are all you have.” He dragged me away from the bed and to a door at the side of the room.

  The other guys tossed the door open and they both shoved me inside, “Jesus, clearly you guys missed the week at school were they taught manners. Close the door in your own time.” I straightened, wincing.

  “We’re not letting you out of our sight.”

  “Okay, you guys don’t mind the sight of blood do you?”

  One raised an eyebrow, “Blood?”

  “Yeah, it’s that time of the month, you know how it is. I’ve got the feeling it’s a heavy flow day.” I waved my hand in the region of my lower abdomen.

  They shared a look and shut the door.

  I smiled.

  After I had finished my business I cleaned up and tied the two ends of my ripped shirt together. Then I searched for anything that could have been used as a weapon. There was literally nothing, short of me yanking pipes out and I tried that. They would not give.

  I guess I’d just have to do it the old fashion way. I opened the door, swung a kick at one, hit my target and then hit the other with a back kick. Hit the target again. They both went down like a sack of potatoes.

  It was a good thing boys have one very obvious weak point. I yanked the machete from one of their belts and ran for the door. I slammed it shut behind me and melted the lock closed. Shit. I really hadn’t thought this through.

  I started running. At the end of the hall there were two guards at the stairwell. I paused. Then I kept running. When faced with almost impossible odds sometimes the best you could do was go bat shit crazy and hope for the best.

  I slashed at one then the other and while they were still stunned I stabbed one. The other grabbed at me and I sank the blade into his arm. Then I swung the side of blade at his head. It hit with a loud thud and he sank to the ground.

  I shoved the door open and tripped down the stairs.

  When I reached the bottom of the staircase I stepped out into another hall. I had two options, right of forward. I started to go forward but then three men appeared at the other end. I turned and ran the other way.

  “I so tired of fucking halls,” I growled.

  A Demon Blood appeared in my way.

  “Step off or I’ll run you through!”

  Surprised, he jumped out of the way. The blade I was swinging might have also had something to do with that. I kept running until suddenly I came to a dead end.

  “Nowhere to go, pet.”

  I span around.

  Marax walked calmly towards me.

  I straightened my spine. It felt like someone had jabbed a knife into my hip and I was exhausted. “I warned you, keeping me here was only going to cause you trouble.”

  “I like a challenge.”

  “Let’s see how challenging you find a stab wound.” I marched forward.

  I swung the blade and he knocked it aside like it was nothing, then he started walking closer. I backed up. When my back hit the wall he rested a hand on my injured hip and pinned my body with his.

  I whimpered softly.

  “You know, I think you might just be the first challenge I’ve had in a long time.”

  “Avon,” I moaned softly.

  Marax growled. “You belong to me now, not him.”

  “Get the fuck off her!”

  Relief filled me, almost dropping me to my knees, it would have if Marax wasn’t still pressed against me.

  Marax eyes widened in shock and he span around.

  I did fall then, the pain overwhelming me. I looked up, my gaze meeting Avons eyes. He looked, pained. Fear, anger and agony were at war across his featured. My relief turned to fear as I realised he wasn’t really here.

  “How are you astral projecting?” asked Marax.

  “Her family has a few tricks up their sleeves, most of which they plan on using against you. You can’t comprehend the things you’ve unleashed.”

  I glanced at his wrist, he wore the band that allowed for astral protection. It was a brilliant device but there was a condition, if you were looking for someone and you didn’t know their location you had to wait for them to invoke your name, which I had just done.

  “I don’t fear a brood of halflings.”

  “You should, they have artefacts far more deadly than this.”

  “They can’t even move through the portal without risking damage to themselves.”

  “You and I were both wrong in believing that.” He walked closer, moving through his father to kneel in front of me. “I have to go so we can mobilize. Stay strong, love,” he whispered.

  To my humiliation a sob escaped my throat. “Don’t go.”

  “I’m so sorry.” His form started to become more transparent.

  “No, please!”

  His eyes glittered with what might have been unshed tears as he disappeared.

  Marax looked down at me as I blinked back tears. “So you do love him.”

  “I love most people in my life, and they love me, it’s why we fight and it’s why they’ll end you.”

  “How sweet.”

  “It’s not sweet, it’s just the way it is.”

  He stepped closer, “I better take you back upstairs before you injure yourself further.”

  He lent to grab me but I clawed at his neck. My nails weren’t manicured but I didn’t cut them as often as I probably should so they had some length to them.

  He cursed.

  “I’ve had just about enough of you, you prick. Just leave me the hell alone. Go! Unless you want me to arrange your anatomy like I did for the snake boys,” I was yelling.

  His expression was conflicted. I wrapped my arms around my knees and glared at him. “I’ll be back, with weapons.”

  “Make sure they’re good, I’m not going anywhere easy.”

  He scooped up the machete I had acquired as he walked away. As he did two guards appeared at the other end of the hall. “Watch her,” he snapped.

/>   I rested my chin on my knees and pouted. I was tired and hurt and I missed Avon. I wanted him to come save me because I had tried, I had tried so hard to save myself but it wasn’t working.

  I was just more hurt and tired and I wanted to go home. I wanted to go to a stupid family dinner where I’d be subjected to everyone pushing their views on my. I wanted to hang out with Grant and laugh at his lewd joke. I wanted to have lunch with Anthony and I wanted Avon to catch me having lunch with Anthony because it’s kind of a turn on when he got all jealous and possessive.

  “You look like a girl who’s lost all hope.”

  I glanced up at fox guy.

  “I’m just tired.”

  He slowly reached to scoop me up into his arms. “I’ll tell him no one can touch you until you bone has had more time to heal.”

  “You think he’ll abide to that?”

  “I’ll stay close by just in case.”

  I shouldn’t have trusted him and I didn’t really, I was just exhausted and currently he was the lesser evil. “Did you call?”

  He nodded, “And I happen to have mention my current location.”

  I blinked, “You did?”

  He nodded again.

  I bit my lip, would Avon know his father would bring him here to heal me? I had to believe he would. If not then hopefully he could tell where we were just from the interior of the building during his astral projection.

  There was a good chance that he would, the walls here were dark grey and shimmers slightly, whereas in the other building all the walls were all black, with the exception of the living quarters.

  “Thank you. I wouldn’t have let Marax touch me and I didn’t want his goons to drag me back.”

  “Understandable.” He reached the stairwell and started to carry me up. “It’s no trouble. You’re rather small for a witch. I’m my experience they more often resemble Amazonians.”

  “Yeah, I get that a lot. It does have the benefit of everybody underestimating me.”

  “I believe Terance and Abanone just learnt that lesson rather effectively.”

  Ha. Terance.

  “Snake boys?” I asked.

  He nodded.

  “They’re lucky I left them alive, ever if I did stunt the old family tree.”

  He laughed, the sound an odd chuffing noise. “I so hope he does save you. I know what I said before but after hearing him I know he’s not going to stop until he get’s you back. I heard the same determination in him when he spoke of his mother.”

  I smiled a little, “He got her out.”

  He sighed heavily, “Yes he did, and that’s the whole reason you’re here, he’s not going to let that go any time soon.”

  He carried me to the room where two new guards stood. After walking inside he lay me carefully on the bed. “How’s the wound?”

  “Feel’s like someone has stabbed me, repeatedly.”

  “That’s what you get for trying to pull something foolish like that.”

  “It could have worked if he hadn’t cornered me.”

  “Nonetheless, the Demon’s will not be happy with you. You killed some of their own, injured others. If they get a chance they will hurt you.” He walked over to the side of the room where an armchair had been left. He sat down.

  “You’re not going to tie me up?”

  “If anyone asks I tried but you resisted. Get some rest, I’ll stay right here and wake you up if anyone else comes in.”

  I fully intended to protest but there was no way I was getting out of here with my energy levels so depleted. And this was probably the best chance I would get to rest in relative safety.

  Keeping my boots on, because fuck Marax, I slid beneath the covers and fell asleep.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Wake up, girl, someone's coming.”

  I leapt from the bed and stood, on the opposite side to fox guy, startled. The door flung open and Marax frowned at me as he entered the room.

  “She bit me,” said fox guy, presumably in explanation as to why I hadn’t been restrained.

  I blinked, still trying to gather my senses. Marax glanced at him before turning back to me. “I’ll bite you too,” I warned, glaring for good measure.

  “We’re moving location now.”

  What? Why would they move, this was one of their strongholds. “But I was just getting comfy.” His eyes darkened and his aura practically screamed with the threat of violence. I jerked back until my spine hit the wall. Fear squeezed my gut, making me sweat as I struggled to calm my racing heart. “Stop it,” I gasped.

  “Will you do as I say?” His voice was like a razor blade across the skin.

  “Fine! Just stop.” The fear, it wasn’t a rational thing, I reacted without conscious thought, almost petrified by it.

  His aura shrank and his eyes lightened. Apparently he enjoyed my suffering.

  I took a deep shuddering breath. “Bastard.” If he took me outside then there was a good chance I could get away. But I’d still be in the underworld and Avon wouldn’t know how to find me, neither would my family. I walked reluctantly towards him.

  “Don’t think about trying anything.” He growled, grasping my upper arm. He then began to drag me down the hall, not even waiting to see if I would comply this time.

  I had to walk fast to keep from tripping up. Other demons passed us and the two who had been guarding my door followed us out. After exiting the stairs we went straight. Clearly, last time that was where I had gone wrong.

  We must have been walking half the amount of time I’d run while searching for the way out when we came to the actual exit. I huffed softly. “He’ll find me,” I stated defiantly as we stepped outside.

  “If he finds anyone it will be me and then I will punish him for his betrayal,” said Marax.

  “Says the man who’s running away from his own stronghold,” I sneered.

  “I am not running, I’m simply changing location.” But his expression tightened at my dig.

  “It’s a coward's move,” I said as he pulled me across the courtyard.

  He glanced away dismissively. “It’s a smart move.”

  “It’s not what I would have done.”

  He stopped abruptly and turned to me, fury blazing in his dark eyes. “And what would you have done?”

  “The same thing I did when your son needed help, the same thing I always do. I would have stepped up.” I was no match for him physically, or on a magical level, so words were the only weapons I had at my disposal now.

  “And just how far did that get you?” he asked smugly, letting his gaze travel over my body in a way that made me taste bile in the back of my throat.

  “I have been kidnapped far too many times for one lifetime and do you know why I always get out?” Anger rose in my chest, effectively beating out fear, for the time being at least.

  He raised an eyebrow, “Why?”

  “Because I face the things that threaten me head on. I don’t run away like a coward,” I spat the last word like it was a curse. As far as I was concerned he was a coward, one who picked on defenseless human females.

  But my words hadn’t been entirely true, one time I had run away, because I’d been was scared and young but a lot has changed since then. I wasn’t the same scared kid who’d been locked in a cage and I refused to be ruled by fear.

  He backhanded me and I fell on my ass, pain flaring in my injured hip.

  I glared daggers up at him, “Hurting me won’t make anything I say less true. You have the castle, you have power, why the hell do you need me?”

  That terrifying aura swirled around him again and I whimpered instinctually. “You have taken everything from me and by the Gods you will assist me in replacing what you stole!”

  I scrambled away from him, my heart pounding furiously against my ribcage. “Avon,” the name was a soft plea as it left my lips.

  He appeared in front of me and glanced around, quickly assessing the situation. “No. Love, you have to keep him here for just
a little while longer.”

  “I’ve tried, I need you.”

  “I’m coming, I’ll be there soon, little one,” he crooned softly.

  I met his gaze, saw the stark panic there and understood. “You’ll be too late.”

  “Hold on, love, just hold on for me.” He reached for me but I felt nothing. “Look at the gates,” he whispered before disappearing.

  I glanced up at Marax who had let his aura drop somewhat. “Come, now,” he ordered.

  “You cannot order me around, I don’t belong to you!” I snapped, shoving myself to my feet. I was tired and I was hurt but I’d die before I became a slave to the likes of him.

  He walked closer but I just straightened my spine. He grasped my chin, forcing me to meet his gaze, “And just who do you belong you? My son?”

  “Your interior decorator might be stuck in the stone ages but the rest of the world has moved on. I don’t belong to anyone.” I pulled out of his grasp and started to back away.

  “There’s nowhere to go, pet.” He even looked gleeful at the thought that I might resist.

  “That’s your problem, asshole, you’re constantly underestimating me.” I reached back until my fingers brushed the cool metal of the entrance gate.

  He paused halfway to me and glanced at the gate behind me. He must have realised it wasn’t iron because he started to move faster. When he was close enough I sank my power into the metal.

  As it pooled at his feet I pulled the magic back, encasing his boots in solid metal. He growled in outrage. “Get her!”

  The two guards that had been following us and the three who had been guarding the gate started towards me. I was also able to trap the three on the inside in the metal but by that time the last two were almost on me.

  I ducked away as one tried to grab me and scooped up a part of the still malleable metal and threw it at him. I let it harden before it hit him and it knocked him back. I scooped up some more and aimed it at the other guy's head, it hit him and he went down.

  I took his sword from his hip holster and stabbed the other one. “If you know what’s good for you won’t come after me,” I called back before running into the surrounding forest.

  After five minutes of running through forest that all looked the same I had to slow down. My lungs were burning, my muscles ached and I was trembling slightly. “Avon, please, I don’t know where I’m going.”


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