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Crusader (Impossible #9)

Page 8

by Julia Sykes

  “I can’t talk about the case, but I will say you won’t have to worry about people using in the London BDSM community for much longer.”

  “You and Finlay are about to make a bust?”

  “We have an idea who’s behind it. We’ll stop him.”

  Crap. He does know about Dimitri.

  “That’s good,” I said, concealing my worry. I couldn’t let Hugh get to the Russian before I did.

  He paused, considering me. “Whatever happened with your job must have been pretty rough. Is that why you have problems with Dominant men? Or did you really have an abusive ex?”

  “Both,” I whispered.

  “You don’t have anything to fear from me,” he promised softly. “I would never hurt you.”

  He leaned in to kiss me again, but I turned my face away. I couldn’t surrender to him, not when I was so close to spilling my secrets. Another touch of his lips might make me lose myself completely.

  “Can I go now?” I asked shakily.

  His brows drew together. “You want to go?”

  His cock was still fully hard against me. And my pussy burned for him. My body hadn’t wanted anyone this badly since Danny. The painful intimacy of my connection with Hugh terrified me.

  “Isn’t the interrogation over?” The question was edged with bitterness. “You’ve determined my innocence. Now let me go.”

  He frowned and took a step back. Without his weight holding me in place, I almost collapsed. I forced my weak knees to support me.

  “I’d like it if you left me alone from now on,” I said as steadily as I could manage.

  He nodded stiffly. “If that’s how you want it.”

  “It is. Goodbye, Hugh.”

  He didn’t follow me out of the room. As I walked away, I tried to convince myself I didn’t miss his heat.

  Find Dex, I told myself. I needed my partner. I needed my friend.

  We caught sight of each other at the same time. It seemed he was searching for me as well. His lips twisted in disapproval when he saw me coming back out into the public area. He must be pissed about me leaving his sight line again. I really should try to be a better partner.

  “Sorry,” I said as soon as he reached me.

  His brows lifted. “You’re apologizing?”

  “Don’t look so shocked.” I landed a light punch on his arm. “Anyway, I had to go with Hugh. He didn’t exactly give me a choice.” I lowered my voice. “He told me he’s MI5 and demanded I answer some questions.”


  “And we’re good. I threw him off. He doesn’t suspect me anymore. I’m sure this time. He’ll leave us alone from now on.”

  “Don’t look so sad about it, then. This is a good thing.”

  “I know.”

  “Well, I have something that’ll turn that frown upside down.”

  “What?” Excitement fluttered in my stomach.

  “An address. Barbara – the woman I was with – she has a friend who deals Bliss.”

  “You fucked a girl who’s involved with drug trafficking?” I accused.

  “I didn’t know at the time,” he said defensively. “Anyway, I had a nice little chat with her friend, and he gave me an address where he picks up his product. If you hurry up and get dressed, we can go back to the flat and grab my SIG before we check it out.”

  My eyes widened. “You have a gun here in the UK? How?”

  “I’m FBI. They let me check it through in my baggage.”

  “Please tell me you brought a piece for me.”

  He hesitated.

  “What? I can handle a weapon, Mr. FBI.”

  “It’s not that. I just don’t like other people using my guns.”

  “Oh my god, you’re one of those guys? Do you call your SIG ‘baby’?”

  He blushed.

  “You’re giving me a freaking gun. I’ll promise I’ll be careful.”

  “Fine,” he grumbled. “But you better give her back to me in the same condition.”

  “Her?” He scowled, and I held up a hand. “Okay, I’ll refrain from mocking you further. But seriously, it’s an inanimate object, not a woman.”

  “Do you want my gun or not?”

  “Want. Let’s go get your girls and check out that address.”

  * * * * *

  “Are you sure this is the place?” I asked, peering skeptically at the charming Victorian house. The windows were dark and no cars were parked in the drive, but it looked like a small family home, not a drug den. Then again, it was located far enough outside the city that the property didn’t share a wall with any neighbors.

  “This is the address,” Dex confirmed. “Let’s check out the back. We’re not splitting up.”


  We stuck to the shadows around the side of the house, the soft grass muffling the sounds of our approach. The small courtyard in the back was just as dark as the front. It was nearly midnight. There was a chance whoever lived here was asleep, but the absolute quality to the silence suggested otherwise. The place was likely empty.

  I tested the handle on the back door. It opened easily.

  “Wait,” Dex hissed. “Why is it unlocked?”

  “Because our luck is just that good?”

  He shook his head in exasperation and pulled his SIG. I did the same. He watched the way I handled his gun with a sharp gaze. I rolled my eyes and eased the door open, cringing when aged hinges squealed.

  I paused, holding my breath. When no one started shouting in alarm, I continued on. Dex crowded in behind me, taking up most of the space in the small kitchen.

  I flicked on my flashlight and pointed the beam into the next room.

  Nothing. Just a dining room table with quaint place settings. We moved through the rest of the rooms in silence.

  “I guess no one’s home,” Dex said in an undertone once we had made a full circuit.

  I shook my head, refusing to give up on our first real lead. “We’ll go through again. Check the closets this time.”

  “Okay, but then we get out. Whoever lives here might come back.”

  He stuck by my side as I carefully opened each door, only to find storage boxes and innocent racks of clothes. In an act of desperation, I checked the cupboard under the stairs.

  My flashlight beam disappeared into darkness. A set of concrete steps led down into a black basement. My heart rate ticked up a notch, and I started down the stairs, gun at the ready. Dex cursed under his breath, but he followed close behind me.

  Cold enveloped me as I descended. My light cut a thin slice through the blackness, but it wasn’t enough to illuminate our surroundings. The place was unnervingly quiet. I recognized the scent of stale sweat and urine.

  I reached the bottom of the stairs, and my light fell on a switch set into the cinderblock wall. I flicked it on, just as Dex barked “Don’t!”

  But there was no need to be alarmed. We were the only people in the basement.

  Fuck! All that tension, just to hit a dead end.

  “Clara?” Dex said uncertainly. He glanced back at me from where he stood in the center of the room. A large manila envelope lay on the floor at his feet. “It has your name on it.”

  He bent to pick it up.

  “Wait!” I cried, worried he would trigger some sort of trap.

  Nothing happened. I heaved in a breath and held out my hand.

  “Let me see.”

  He eyed me warily. “Maybe I should-”

  “It’s addressed to me, damn it,” I snapped, snatching it out of his hand before he could pull out of my reach.

  Sure enough, Officer Clara Peterson was scrawled across the front in black marker. My fingers began to tremble, so I ripped open the envelope before fear could get the best of me.

  A glossy photograph slid out into my hand. My stomach turned before my mind could fully process what I was looking at: an image of the basement. Only, in the picture it wasn’t empty. Three women huddled in the corner, their wrists bound behind them
. Tear tracks were carved through the dirt on their faces, and they were painfully thin.

  Two indelible words were scrawled across the photo: Too late.

  My hands fisted, crumpling the taunting note. My chest rose and fell rapidly as I drew in air through my gritted teeth.

  “What is it?” Dex pried the photo out of my curled fingers. His expression twisted into something terrifying when he took in the contents of the envelope. He grabbed my upper arm and dragged me back toward the stairs. “We have to get you out of here.”

  I tried to pull away. “No! We need to look around. We might be able to get a lead on where he took them.”

  Dex speared me with a glare that dared me to question him again, and he didn’t let go of my arm. “We won’t find anything. Dimitri left that for you. Do you really think he would be so careless as to accidentally leave behind clues?”

  I opened my mouth to argue, but he continued on over me. “And even if he did, they’ll lead you right where he wants you to go. You’ll walk straight into his trap. I’m not letting that happen.”

  “But we have to find those women!”

  “They’re already gone, Clara,” he said harshly. “I won’t let you go with them.”

  The image of their haunted faces burned in my mind. My stomach lurched. “Oh, god.” I hastened past Dex up the stairs and bolted out into the night. I barely made it outside before I retched.

  Dex touched a tentative hand to my back. “Hey. We have to go.”

  I swallowed against the bile in my throat and willed my gut to stop twisting. When my body was under my control again, I nodded to my partner and followed him. We cut across the yard behind the Victorian house and made our way to the street. We jogged a few blocks to the center of the village before we found a cab to take us back into the city.

  I only barely managed to bottle up the fury that threatened to tear its way up my throat in an enraged shriek. Dex watched me worriedly the whole ride back to our flat. Even when we were alone behind our locked door, I didn’t speak to him. I thought I would be sick again if I opened my mouth.

  I went into my bedroom and threw myself onto the tiny bed. My pillow swallowed my anguished screams. Only when my throat was raw did they taper off to angry sobs. Hatred burned through my veins.

  I was going to make Dimitri hurt before I put him down.

  Chapter 9

  “You don’t look so good.” Dex eyed me warily. “Maybe we shouldn’t be out tonight.”

  “Hugh and Finlay might be closing in on Dimitri. I’m not going to miss my shot. We’re staying.”

  I scoped out the bar and immediately identified the lanky Dom from the boat party – James. He didn’t seem to have learned his lesson from Hugh and Finlay. He swayed and blinked slowly as he watched people gyrating on the dance floor.

  “Is that the asshole who gave you the address?” I asked harshly.

  “No. You want to check this one out? I’ll see if I can find Barbara again.”

  “Good. I’ll meet you back here later.”

  “Don’t go off alone again,” he cautioned.

  “Don’t fuck a mark again,” I retorted. I knew it was a low blow, but my emotions were only barely under control. “Sorry,” I muttered.

  “Are you sure you’re good?” he asked, concerned rather than affronted. “We can leave if you need some time.”

  “No, goddamn it! I’m fine.” I started to stalk away, but quickly corrected to a sensual saunter as I approached my target. He gave me a wide, lazy grin.

  “Hello again, little sub,” he greeted.

  “Hi,” I said softly, batting my lashes at him. “Listen, we talked about partying before. I don’t suppose you’re still up for it?”

  “Sure. What kind of party you looking for, love?”

  “A blissful one.” I smiled coyly. “Can we take this chat to a private room?” I trailed my fingers down his bare chest. “I’d like to have some fun.”

  I’d like to make you squeal. Dex wouldn’t be pleased that I was going to the back by myself again, but I was determined to find another lead. I had to get to those women. Even now, my stomach turned at the memory of their gaunt faces and hollow eyes.

  Too late. I flinched away from the thought. I wasn’t too late. I would save them. Somehow.

  And I’ll start with questioning this fucker.

  Clammy fingers closed around mine, and the Dom started guiding me toward the corridor that led to the private play spaces. I followed eagerly, my adrenaline spiking in anticipation. My shot at redemption might only be a few sharp questions away. If he could lead me to one of Dimitri’s men…

  “What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing?”

  I recognized the feel of Hugh’s hand closing around my arm instantly. He pulled me back into his hard body, tearing my fingers free of James’ loose hold. The man turned, puzzled. Then his brows lowered.

  “You again! Fuck off. She’s with me.”

  He reached for me, and Hugh put his body in front of mine, blocking his path.

  “Finlay!” he barked. “Deal with this.”

  The Scot appeared out of nowhere, grabbing James’ upper arm and dragging him toward one of the private rooms.

  “What the fuck?” he exclaimed. “Get off me!”

  Finlay said nothing. He shoved the man into the nearest room. The door slammed closed, but I heard the unmistakable sound of flesh hitting flesh through the wood. I got the feeling James might not make it out of the club in one piece.

  “I told you to leave me alone!” I shouted at Hugh, shoving past him.

  The air whooshed out of me when my abdomen collided with his shoulder. The bastard had me in a fireman’s lift.

  “Hey!” I squirmed, trying to kick out at him. His arm closed around the back of my legs, and his free hand cracked across my thigh. I shrieked when the stinging pain registered.

  “And I told you I was handling this. Did you really think I would let you keep interfering in my investigation? You have no idea the kind of danger you’re putting yourself in.”

  “I don’t care!” I cried out the truth, twisting against his grip. He slapped me again in reprimand.

  “Then I’ll make you care. You’ll be very, very sorry when I’m done with you. You won’t put yourself at risk again.”

  I punched his lower back. He grunted, and the world shifted. When it stopped spinning, I found myself draped facedown over his lap, my hands secured at the small of my back by one of his large hands.

  Another blow landed on my thigh, and I hissed in a breath. The pain felt good.

  I deserve it. I let those women down.

  I needed pain. I needed some sort of absolution, even if my sins would never be fully erased until Dimitri was dead by my hand.

  I bit Hugh’s leg. Through his leathers, it wouldn’t cause much damage, but it had the desired effect. The slap stung even more fiercely than the ones that had come before. He gripped me hard, holding the heat in while his fingertips bit into my flesh with bruising force.

  “You want me to punish you,” he said roughly. “I won’t let you top from the bottom. This won’t be pleasant for you.”

  “Fuck you,” I flung at him, goading him further.

  His fingers twined in my hair, jerking my head back so he could look into my eyes.

  “I will gag you if you speak again,” he threatened in an utterly calm tone.

  My mouth snapped closed, and a shiver of dread pebbled my skin.

  “Better. Now be a good girl and stay still. I don’t want a blow to land somewhere I don’t intend it to.”

  I swallowed and went completely still, surrendering.

  I had a moment to register cool air kissing my exposed ass before the first true hit blazed white-hot against my skin. A strangled cry tore up my throat at the searing pain. He didn’t show me any mercy. More blows rained down, until the harsh sting burned deep into my flesh, branding me.

  Something snapped inside me, and I lost my tight grip on my c
ontrol. I shed some of my guilt in fat, wet tears. When the first sob wracked my chest, he stopped.

  “No,” I begged. “More.”

  “You’ve had enough,” he told me.

  “I need it. Please.”

  He spun my body so I was cradled in his arms. His deep blue eyes were creased with sadness.

  “I’ve punished you for your foolishness and your rudeness. My job is to correct your behavior, not to help you torture yourself. I won’t hurt you for the mistakes you’ve made.”

  “You don’t understand,” I said desperately. “I deserve it.”

  His thumb brushed across my wet cheek. More tears spilled over it. My own self-loathing was tearing down my defenses more effectively than Hugh’s firm hand. Or maybe it was his tenderness that was getting the better of me. I longed to make him understand, to convince him to punish me for my sins. The disgust that would twist his handsome features might break me, but I would deserve that too.

  “Tell me what happened,” he urged, his voice holding the low ring of command.

  “I let my own vendetta cloud my judgment,” I admitted softly. “I involved a civilian in a sting, and she was captured. They violated her, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. It was my fault. I did that to her.” I was nearly hyperventilating by the time I finished confessing. My fingers curled into his arms, clutching at him beseechingly. “Please punish me. I need to hurt.”

  He didn’t look at me with horror or judgment. He simply appeared sad. His hand stroked through my hair in a soothing motion.

  “No,” he refused. “I won’t hurt you, pet.”

  I let out a despairing sob and punched at his chest. He gently grasped my wrists and pulled me closer, tucking my face against his shoulder. I wept, my body shaking with the intensity of my cries as I remembered Charlotte’s screams that night in the warehouse. Had the women in the basement screamed too? They must have.

  I shuddered. Who knew where they were now? Dimitri had them. I needed to find him before he sold them and they disappeared forever.

  “I let my own vendetta cloud my judgment.” Hadn’t I just said those words to Hugh? Now, it was happening all over again. My determination to take down Dimitri on my own might cost those women their lives. If I told Hugh the truth, we could work together to find the Russians. We could put an end to Dimitri’s sick crimes.


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