Broken: A Mountain Man's Romance

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Broken: A Mountain Man's Romance Page 107

by Mia Ford, Bella Winters

  “It’s not easy when they treat us like numbers. They depend on us and not the other way around. We are not blind and we see clearly the way they treat us. Some are destined to wallow in obscurity for the rest of their lives. You are my strength in an otherwise chaotic world. We need each other and I can’t stress that enough.” I could see how much he was shoveling it and it was a bad habit when he thought he had done something wrong.

  “What did you do? I’ve known you a long time and your guilty conscience is written across your face. Don’t leave me in suspense.” I was worried he had done something stupid to get himself fired.

  “I took a deep hard look at myself in the mirror a couple of months ago. I didn’t like who was looking back at me. I took a page from your book. I found a way to stick it to them. I didn’t even do them the courtesy of being there in person to proffer my resignation.” Losing his job was going to leave him with an identity crisis and I wasn’t sure I could watch him drown himself in the bottom of a bottle.

  “I have no problem with you leaving your job. It was killing you one day at a time. They will realize what you were worth after you’re gone. I hope you have a plan. Leaving a job and starting over is a good way to reinvent the wheel. It’s better if you have something to go to.” I took off my high heeled shoe and moved my stocking feet into his lap.

  I had to get his mind off of his troubles and the best way to accomplish that was to physically please him in some way. He was startled by my bold initiative. He looked around playing bashful, but another part of his anatomy had awakened to my touch.

  “I’m almost 40 and I can’t take the risk of leaving a good job with nothing to go to. Everything is being kept quiet on a need to know basis. My lips are sealed. This will be something to make the tongues wag over the water cooler when it gets out. It kills me not to be able to talk to you about this.” We both had secrets and I couldn’t break the trust of my mentor.

  “It sounds to me we both have something we might want to celebrate. My happiness can be translated into doing something brazen. I feel the way that you are responding. I hope this doesn’t have anything to do with Samantha.” He was very forthcoming about her seductive charm and how she couldn’t keep it in her pants.

  The checkered tablecloths hid my anxious need massaging the length of him through his pants. It had swelled and made me smile with the grace that the waitress hadn’t come around to take our order. He sat there immobilized clutching the table with his fingers turning white with the effort.

  “You can’t possibly be thinking about doing something here.” He wasn’t pushing me away and was enjoying the added component of my 2 feet working in conjunction with the other.

  “We are in our favorite booth. There is a huge planter in front of us. The only way anybody is going to know what we are doing is by coming back here. The lighting is dimmed by candlelight. Don’t think about it.” I could feel him basking in the glow of my heated digits.

  “We will be banned. I say the hell with it. This is the most action you have given me in months. I’ve never complained, but I have missed you terribly.” I didn’t want to believe he could find comfort with another, but Samantha was not subtle about her intentions.

  “We have been burning the candle at both ends. You should consider having a lengthy vacation penned into your contract. I will do the same thing and we can coordinate our schedules.” I didn’t know what he expected of me, but I could understand how his needs were not being met.

  “I’m afraid I’m going to lose control in my pants. The embarrassment will take me back to high school.” I was giving him a reason to think of something other than work.

  The waitress came over and he did the courtesy of ordering for the both of us. There was nothing on the menu that didn’t tickle my palate. I took a sip of the champagne. It gave me the liquid encouragement to forge ahead. The waitress didn’t seem to notice the way that his voice jumped an octave.

  “I’ve never done anything like this before. You’re the first to feel what it’s like to see me become unhinged. There’s really nobody to blame for our unhappiness. It takes two to play the game. Nobody’s going to help us to find our way back to the fire we once had. Rekindling that flame is necessary.” He had found out he didn’t like what he had at work and had decided to change it.

  “I didn’t think that you were experienced with your hands. I guess nobody knows anybody. I like there’s a bit of mystery between us. It makes things more interesting.” I could echo his statement, but I was too busy inserting my dominance over his anatomy.

  He gasped and picked up a napkin to place it over his mouth. It was interesting to see him fall apart with my feet claiming him as a victim. It was easy to give him something of a unique experience. It was fun to watch him shift in his seat and push up against the pleasing sensation.

  “This isn’t me, but I’m making the exception for you. The wild side has never been my strong suit. It makes me smile to think that we can continually surprise each other this way.” I was biting my bottom lip and chewing on the idea of getting into a compromising position.

  I had seen him in the throes of ecstasy too many times not to read the signals. I stopped and waited with bated breath. His eyes fluttered and he looked at me stunned that I didn’t follow through on my promise.

  I got up and moved to his side of the table with my knees on either side of him. My panties were soaking wet. My skirt up made for a nasty reminder of my excitement on the crotch of his pants. It was a good thing he was wearing dark pants.

  “You are fucking crazy. I didn’t think you had it in you to do something dangerous. Deep down, I knew there was something there lurking and waiting to come out. I’ve done my best, but the ultimate decision has always been yours.” I was rubbing the wet material of my panties along the protrusion of his animalistic instincts.

  He grabbed his instrument and I looked down to see him revealing his Glory 1 inch at a time. The head emerged with the rest of the shaft bulging obscenely between his legs. My promotion was in the bag. This was my way of feeding the elation I was already feeling. I pulled my panties to the side and let his knob touch me.

  “A woman has all the power. It has always been about what we are going to do with it. Driving on the other side of the road into oncoming traffic is exciting.” I was giving him skin to skin contact in the most delicious way possible.

  His insatiable need was evident on his face by the way that he was trying to line up the target. I was fighting him, quite content in rubbing one out between us. It was the teasing gesture clouding his judgment and pushing all reason aside. Insanity was on his quivering lips. The vein was quite profound down the back.

  The extreme way it was throbbing told me a story worth more than 1000 words. His pleasure was folded around my own. The long shaft was touching me in direct contact. The explosion in my brain spread throughout my body. I leaned forward and had the semblance of mind to bite into the material of his custom Italian shirt.

  I moaned in submission to the orgasm holding its hands around my throat. I moved in a circle in his lap, grinding to the beat of some invisible music in my head. It was like drums going off against my temples. This was nothing like cheap perfume and women selling themselves on the street for money.

  It was a dirty act and something to keep things fresh between us. Bryce was looking at me strangely and I knew what was going to happen when I rolled the dice. Dating was an exercise where somebody could win or lose. We weren’t strangers getting to know each other for the first time.

  The streetlights outside flickered, but then I realized it was my eyes blinking back into focus. We heard somebody clearing their throat and looked up to find the waitress sheepishly looking around trying not to stare.

  “I came over to tell you the main course is going to be a few more minutes. It looks like you found something to do in the meantime. Your privacy is still intact. Nobody seems to know what is going on back here. I get off in an hour and I plan to use my
boyfriend until he has nothing left to give. Thank you for the private viewing.” I didn’t even know we had an audience.

  She left us to scurry back into the kitchen with her hands holding onto the tables to support her sexually inebriated state. I got a text message from Mr. Jacobs. He wanted me on a plane within the hour to go to Phoenix to iron out some details with some prospective clients.

  “Damn it… It looks like I’m going to have to go out of town for a couple of days. We are going to have to put the celebration on hold. I have enough time to have dinner with you and then I have to get to the Airport.” He took my hand and sucked my fingers without saying a word.

  “I know this is part of your job. I will never stand in the way of your career aspirations. We have the same mindset when it comes to succeeding in business. I’ve learned a lot from you over the years. I hope you know life is nothing without you. The love I have for you is eternal. It burns brighter than any star in the Cosmos.” He leaned against my chest and I cradled his head in my hands stroking his hair.

  It was tempting to lure him into the bathroom for a quickie. Dinner was longer than expected. It was delicious, but dessert was going to have to wait. I gave him a kiss with a whispered promise of something more. My days of jet-setting across the globe were almost over.

  Chapter four


  “I came in the back way. You wanted this to be a surprise. Sending Charlotte away is going to make her angry when she learns the truth like everybody else.” Mr. Jacobs had his hand on the door with the staff gathered outside waiting for his big announcement.

  “Your personal life is your business. I don’t feel very good about this, but you made a compelling case. Bringing your clients with you sealed the deal. How could I refuse millions in untapped revenue per year? Charlotte is just going to have to get over it. I made no contractual obligations.” I knew this was a landmine and I had stepped on top of it waiting for it to send me to hell.

  “I’m going to be her boss. Do you really think she’s going to take that lying down? I’ve had my doubts. I almost rescinded your offer several times over the last few days. She won’t forgive me and I’m going to be in the doghouse. There’s no telling how far she will take her vendetta. I’m hoping she can dispense with her animosity long enough to be professional.” I moved my hands over the scant amount of hair I had and put both hands behind my neck in frustration.

  “She has never let her personal feelings get in the way of business. I like to keep people guessing. Charlotte was the first candidate in the line of succession. She deserves more than you slipping in at the last second to undermine her promotion. Your proposal and no no-nonsense approach is something that has been vastly lacking in this company for too long.” He flung open the door.

  I faced my lover and my accuser all in one tiny little package. Her face turned white and she stared not amused by me standing behind Mr. Jacobs.

  “I would like you to meet your new CEO, Bryce Livingston. I want you to make him feel right at home. There will be changes over the next few months. This place is in good hands with Bryce. He has the endorsement of the Board of Directors. We all know how they never agree about anything. Charlotte, I would like you to take him personally underneath your wing to get him up to speed. I know this comes out of left field, but his ideas will revolutionize this company. Get on board or get out of the way.” He grabbed his gray overcoat and left the office after throwing the grenade into the middle of his employees.

  Charlotte showed her anger by turning red and looking at me like she wanted to kill me. I went into the office and closed the door, but I knew I was going to have to face her sooner than later.

  “Mr. Livingston, there are a few matters you must deal with personally. Charlotte will be in shortly to go over the pertinent details. Welcome aboard. I don’t bring coffee or do shorthand.” Dorothy was matronly and she was going to be responsible for keeping my schedule.

  “Send her in when she gets here. I know this is going to be an adjustment for everyone. I would like to make this a painless transition. I do have designs on cutting out the fat. There are two positions which will no longer be filled. Take these pink slips and place them on their respective desks.” I had monetized production by cutting expenses and divvying up their duties to the rest of the staff.

  “I see that you have chosen wisely. Wyatt and Chelsea are the last of the old guard. A generous severance with a golden parachute will help to soften the blow. I will have security on hand in case they have ideas about becoming disgruntled employees. I’ve never gotten personal with any of them and this is the reason why.” Dorothy made her exit and I was waiting for the backlash, but nothing happened.

  The office was going to be redesigned with my tastes. The leather chair had to go for something more practical. I would keep the desk, but his personal trinkets had to be wiped clean. I was going to start with a blank slate and have my interior director go over my options.

  I felt the gust of cold air followed by Charlotte standing at attention like a good soldier. I had to do something to make things right, but I didn’t even know where to begin. A heartfelt apology was a good place to start.

  “Charlotte, I know this hurts you and that’s the last thing I wanted to do. I betrayed you and I can’t blame you for hating me. We are going to have to work together. Let’s try to make the best out of a bad situation. I know this is going to sound like a platitude, but I do love you with all of my heart.” Her shoulders sagged, but I could still see the seeping inferno about to explode inside of her.

  “I’m going to give you two weeks to fill this role. Don’t expect me to smile. You took what was rightfully mine. How can you do this to someone you claim to love? That’s all I’m going to say on this subject. I have an obligation to help you navigate these choppy waters.” I wanted to hold her, but she was reluctant to show me any kindness.

  “This business is a tree with a few rotten apples. I’m getting rid of the dead weight. They do nothing to push this business and rely on their seniority to give them a free hall pass. The rest of the staff will take up the slack. We’re going to have to spend long hours together for the next two weeks.” She had made her bed and leaving was going to leave me scrambling to find a replacement.

  “This whole thing could have been avoided. The office you are standing in was supposed to be mine. Nobody knows it and I can’t tell them without looking bitter. I can’t remember the last time I felt betrayed to this degree. I almost couldn’t breathe when the announcement was made.” I probably would’ve felt the same way had the roles been reversed.

  “We can do great things together. This can be a true partnership. I don’t get held up on titles. I reward good work with very big bonuses and company stocks. I want you to reconsider leaving. I know the wound is still fresh, but I need you to think about this company. We’ll order some takeout to get a jump on the current business.” I think underneath she knew I was right, but the anger she was feeling was burning away any good judgment.

  “I may have to work with you, but I don’t have to like it. I’m wondering what was going on in your head. How did you think this was going to go? Don’t tell me you were expecting me to jump into your arms with gratitude and acceptance.” My career was living on borrowed time.

  I was going to have to make a big splash to convince Mr. Jacobs he had done the right thing.

  “I’ve been watching the market diligently and I’ve seen one stock showing potential. I want us to watch this one stock. We can suggest to our clients to trust that we know what we’re talking about. Sell it to them and they will buy with enough financial incentive.” It was innocuous stock but was gaining traction with rumors of a merger.

  “You’re talking about the one in Hong Kong.” I had mentioned it, but the merger was going to make it a feeding frenzy.

  “Two companies are going to join forces and become a juggernaut.” I was behind her and put my hands on her shoulders to feel her cringe away in disgust.

  “I won’t be known as the office whore. I don’t know what this means for our relationship. Getting some distance will help me to formulate the best course of action.” I wanted to make some kind of grand gesture to make it up to her.

  “We need to separate this business from our personal lives. I know it’s not going to be easy. Don’t give up on us. I don’t know what you want me to say. I was prepared to decline, but he made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. I wanted to see what my options were. I found the grass greener on the other side.” I sat down in the chair and felt instantly relaxed which was counterproductive in my opinion to a good working relationship.

  I could easily take a nap, but I stood and paced in front of the window overlooking the big apple. It made me feel powerful but socially awkward around my girlfriend.

  “I can’t see how to get past this. I still love you, but I don’t like you very much. They say time heals all wounds, but I’m not sure they were referring to this.” I felt her shiver with my hot breath on the back of her neck.

  “I will do whatever I can to make this up to you. I’m just going to have to put on my thinking cap. I know you can rise above this for the sake of morale. Working with me tonight will help to solidify our working relationship.” I had pushed her into a corner and she was acting like an animal coming out with her claws bared ready to fight to the death.

  “This isn’t going to work. Kind words are not going to cut it. This was a monumental mistake on your part. I can’t even imagine being close to you. I love that you have ambition, but not at my expense.” She moved like liquid fire and I was engulfed in the heat of her anger.


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