Martha (The Marriage Market Book 5)

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Martha (The Marriage Market Book 5) Page 19

by Stevie MacFarlane

  “That’s a story for another day,” Dalton said, looking at Dr. Martin who nodded his head in understanding.

  “Suzanna!” Effie cried, hurrying down the dock.

  “Effie! Oh, it’s so good to be home,” Suzanna squealed as she threw herself into Effie’s arms.

  “Good and it is home, at least for now,” Effie replied. “Now that the brides will all be out of Hugh’s house, he and Amelia are returning home. Grace and Jonah will stay with them until their new home is finished and you and Dalton will stay with me and Sam. Isn’t that wonderful?”

  “It will be as long as your husband doesn’t corrupt mine any further,” Suzanna whispered in Effie’s ear. “How is Amelia? No baby yet?”

  “No not yet, but any day now. Poor Hugh is beside himself. It’s enormously entertaining.”

  “Is Tempest well and Grace?”

  “Yes, yes everyone is fine,” Effie insisted as she linked arms with Suzanna and led her toward the carriage. “Dalton, I’ve sent a man for the wagon for your trunks. Come along now and he’ll make sure they are delivered to the house.”

  “I thought we’d take rooms at the Payne,” Dalton replied. “We don’t want to inconvenience anyone.”

  “Nonsense, it’s all been arranged. You and Suzanna are staying with me and Sam. Oh, Suzanna, I have so much to tell you,” Effie gasped. “You simply won’t believe some of the things that have gone on around here while you’ve been away.”

  “I can’t wait to hear all the gossip,” she replied, watching her husband bring up the rear and roll his eyes. Suzanna stuck her tongue out at him and waved to Jane and her family as they climbed into the doctor’s carriage. It was good to be home.

  They stayed up half the night talking, until their husbands put their foot down and insisted they come up to bed. The next morning, both women were yawning through the service as they waited for it to be over so they could witness Martha’s wedding.

  She was the loveliest bride in her ivory satin gown. Her dark hair gleamed and tiny flowers were woven into her upswept curls. While Tempest had been unable to help with the reception, she made up for it by having the church filled with candles and huge bouquets of flowers.

  Martha had one attendant, Charlotte, who walked up the aisle before her and took her place to the left of the altar. Ethan looked tall and handsome in a new dark suit and he beamed with pride as Martha made her way to the front of the church.

  It seemed nearly everyone in town was in attendance. Ethan’s brother stood beside him. Amelia and Hugh were in the front pew with Tempest and Duncan and Sam and Effie. Jane and Dr. Martin and the children sat behind them with Ellie and Mr. Ferguson and Clara and Lucas. Marshal Hadley, Suzanna and Dalton and Molly and Angus were seated in the third row.

  Across the aisle Mr. and Mrs. Jorgensen and their family took up half of the pews and the rest were filled with loggers and townsfolk.

  Alice and Clarence could hardly keep Delia in the pew she was so excited to see her first formal wedding in a church, “with candles and flowers and everything,” she cried in awe.

  Quietly and reverently vows were exchanged, followed by a chaste kiss as Ethan led his new bride from the church.

  The reception was quite lovely as well and all too soon it seemed the cake had been cut and the last glass of champagne raised in toast. For once it was a lovely night and Ethan lifted his bride into the carriage to the cheers of the crowd.

  Tucking her arm through his, Martha rested her head on his shoulder.

  “It was a lovely wedding; don’t you think?” she asked.

  “It was perfect, Älskling,” he replied.

  “Do you want to know what the best part was?” she asked.

  “Yes, tell me what the best part was,” he encouraged.

  “Right now,” she breathed. “This is the best part. You are my husband and we are going to our very own home. And Ethan, I am not afraid,” she whispered with a giggle. “In fact, I can’t wait.”

  “Ah, this is good,” he laughed. “You were right, Martha,” he said, picking up her hand and kissing it. “There will be no fear now, only the pleasure we find in each other’s bodies. I am happy we did not wait. Perhaps we will make a child tonight, ya?”

  “Perhaps, but it will not bother me to wait a while, Ethan. I want to give you plenty of time to help me get ready,” she admitted.

  He was quiet for a moment, trying to understand what she meant. Then he smiled. “I understand what you ask, my love, I can hardly wait. If I could bare your lovely breasts this very moment, I would.”

  “Can we not go any faster?” Martha breathed as a shiver took her.

  Ethan snapped the reins. It had been a struggle, getting her to the altar. At times he feared she’d never go through with it, but his Martha was well worth the wait. He was a lucky man and he knew in his heart she would give him many fine children, but maybe she was right. There was no rush and he certainly wanted to make sure her nipples could take hearty suckling before the first one came along, he thought grinning. Suddenly, he snapped the reins again, loving the sound of her giggling beside him.

  “It could take weeks, maybe months of practice,” he teased. “We better get home and get to work. Besides your breasts, we need to have plenty of the other as well. I am a big man. We will have large babies, Martha. I will need to take you often so you are not so very tight when they arrive.”

  “Yes, Ethan,” she sighed happily. “Whatever you think is best.”


  Three months later.

  Clara Webster Armstrong held tightly to her husband Lucas’s arm as they disembarked from the ship that carried them from San Francisco back to Seattle. It seemed they’d been gone forever and she’d missed so very much.

  Ellie had married Mr. Ferguson, but was a frequent visitor to Seattle, especially now that Amelia had had her baby. The little girl stole the heart of everyone who saw her and according to Martha, Hugh was fit to be tied.

  Grace was pregnant, Effie and Sam were still insisting they were not ready for children of their own and the word was Dalton was trying to get Suzanna with child, but so far had not been successful. Dalton was frustrated, Suzanna was delighted. She adored her life and wasn’t in any hurry to complicate it as she supervised every detail of the construction of their new home.

  Clara wondered if Suzanna knew a trick or two and decided she would ask her, for she herself was in no hurry to procreate. In her opinion, Lucas had not suffered nearly enough for the way he’d tricked her into marrying him.

  She loved him now, the wretched man, but that did not excuse his behavior. Not only had he not taken her virginity the night she spent in his room, he never actually touched her after they married that next morning until they were ensconced in a luxurious hotel suite in one of San Francisco’s better hotels while on their way to Texas.

  Clara had no reason to be nervous that night. She assumed her maidenhead was long gone, so when he finally took her in his arms and proceeded to make love to her, she was nothing but responsive. After all, she might as well get some small pleasure out of being Mrs. Lucas Armstrong. It was not until he moved between her thighs, covered her mouth with his lips and thrust home that she knew the truth of the matter. His mouth absorbed her scream of pain and outrage, but before long she was moving with him, seeking the pinnacle of pleasure and reaching it easily. It was galling to say the least and she had yet to get even.

  Oh he’d apologized, over and over in fact, but Clara still resented the way he’d gone about things. Now her revenge was at hand, and for some reason she was not certain she’d done the right thing.

  As it happened, she adored his family and life on his parents’ Texas ranch and they’d stayed longer then they’d intended. Lucas was a kind and loving husband to her and even though he frequently threatened to ‘tan her hide,’ he never did. It became a standing joke between them and she laughed when he scowled and warned her she was pushing him too far.

  Since they’d bo
arded the ship, his excitement to get back to his business began to increase, causing her a bit of remorse which, in turn, made her a might touchy. Last night he actually slapped her bottom as he ordered her to bed in a firm, no nonsense tone, informing her she was too cranky for words. Clara scrambled up on the bed and promptly turned away from him. He did not attempt to make love to her. Apparently he really was put out with her and she found she did not like it. She much preferred her happy, teasing husband.

  In any case, it was too late now. What she’d begun before she left Seattle could not be reversed.

  Lucas was just lifting her into a hired carriage when Marshal Hadley rode up on his horse.

  “Welcome home, Lucas,” he said, tipping his hat somewhat reluctantly to Clara.

  “Thank you, Cole. Is everything all right?”

  “I just wanted you to know I had nothing to do with this. In fact, I tried to stop them, but it seems your missus here gave the ladies a signed paper before you left giving them permission. Judge Creighton figured it was ‘legal enough’ that he didn’t want to challenge it. I’m mighty sorry I couldn’t do anything.”

  “What are you talking about?” Lucas demanded of Cole while looking at Clara with narrowed eyes.

  “I reckon you’ll have to see for yourself,” Cole replied, tipping his hat before riding away.

  “Clara, what have you done?”

  “I went to Texas with my husband,” she replied, smoothing her skirts and patting her bun into place. “Can we please go home? I’m tired.”

  With a snap of the reins, Lucas turned the carriage toward his saloon. There was quite a crowd of people standing on the boardwalk. As they drew closer, he could see all the little women gathered to one side. Hugh stood by Amelia’s side, holding their child. Even the elder Mr. and Mrs. Jordon were present.

  Ethan met the carriage.

  “I want you to know I’m sorry about this and ashamed to admit my wife had much to do with it, but there was nothing I could do. The judge sided with them, so the men’s hands were tied, at least as far as stopping them. If it makes any difference, I believe all have paid a price for their disobedience.”

  Lucas stared at the building that once housed The Bucket of Blood. It was now whitewashed with new windows and a fancy double door. At some prearranged signal he watched Charlotte Hadley pull a rope and the canvas came down, revealing a brand new sign complete with flowers and stenciling. It read:

  Clara’s Tea Emporium for Ladies

  Assorted Imported Teas, Cakes, Fragrances, Brick-A-Brack

  A Place for Pleasant Conversation and Relaxation

  “Come along, Lucas,” Clara said, smiling as Ethan lifted her from the carriage. “This is our Grand Opening.” Moving onto the boardwalk, she climbed onto a soap box with Effie’s assistance. “Thank you all for coming,” she said to the crowd. “Now we all know The Bucket of Blood was an eyesore and a place for drinking that frequently saw violence erupting. With the opening of this emporium my husband and I hope to change the nature of this small part of Seattle.

  “As you can see there is now a lovely dress shop next door, owned and operated by my dear friend, Martha Jonas Jorgenson. There you may purchase lovely ready-made women’s dresses and clothing of all kinds as well as have your own or Martha’s designs brought to life. My hope is that by doing this we will encourage other women to go into business, thereby attracting more women to this part of our great country.

  “As we approach statehood, Lucas and I feel it is important to welcome all who choose to migrate here, even those less fortunate than ourselves. In that vein we will also be offering help to women and children who have fallen on hard times. We hope the prosperous members of the community will be generous with their donations to our new Ladies Aide Society, which is housed behind the dress shop.

  “So, please come in. Look around, and rest your feet from shopping with a cup of tea and sweet cakes made by our own Marshal Hadley’s wife, Charlotte. She’s wonderfully talented. Her cakes are not only tasty, but almost too beautiful to eat. Open the doors, Martha and welcome our guests.”

  Loud applause followed her speech and soon she was surrounded by members of the community, congratulating her. Lucas was nearly getting his hand shaken off and received many kisses on the cheek from grateful women who welcomed the end of his saloon. Several times he tried to get to Clara, only to be side-tracked by the enthusiastic public.

  Clara was only too grateful to put off the fury she was sure would be directed her way.

  “How’s he taking it?” Martha whispered as she ushered women into her shop.

  “I have no idea,” Clara replied, smiling widely. “How did the living quarters come along?”

  “They’re beautiful,” Grace offered, wiggling her way between two women both trying to get in the door at the same time.

  “Grace,” Jonah, scolded. “Be careful before you get hurt.”

  “Oh, he’s such a worry wart,” Grace said giving Clara a quick hug. “I’m so happy you’re home. Have you seen Ellie?”

  “No, is she here?”

  “Yes, she came all the way from Portland for this. I’m sure you’ll run into her sooner or later.”

  “Amelia,” Clara cried, seeing the crowd part for Hugh and his baby daughter. “How are you? Let me see this little princess. Oh, she’s lovely. What have you named her?”

  “It was a fight,” Amelia laughed, beaming up at Hugh, “but I won and we named her Temperance. I feel it’s much like Tempest, but milder,” she continued with a giggle.

  “Oh, that’s a wonderful name. I’m so pleased she’s healthy and you look beautiful.”

  “Thank you, dear Clara, and I will stop in frequently, but now it’s almost time for the baby’s feeding, so I really must be going. I’m thrilled to have been a part of this, even though I couldn’t do much. Hugh will be making a generous donation to the society very soon, won’t you dear?”

  “Apparently,” he replied with a grimace. “Come along, Amelia. She’s fussing.”

  “I’ll see you all soon.”

  “My goodness, we’re busy,” Clara said, taking off her gloves and looking around at the tables already filled with customers. “However will Charlotte keep up with all these lovely cakes?”

  “Molly is going to help her bake them,” Effie replied.

  “Molly? Good grief we’ll go under so fast Lucas’s head will spin.”

  “No, she’s learned to cook from Angus and is quite good at it,” Effie assured her with a laugh.

  “Thank goodness,” Clara sighed, her shoulders relaxing. “I knew this was going to be a lot of work,” she said nervously, “but I had no idea.”

  “It won’t be this busy all the time,” Charlotte assured her as she passed by with a pot of tea. “It’s only because it’s new and exciting.”

  “I hope so or Lucas will have to work right alongside of me or I’ll never keep up.”

  “Speaking of Lucas, he’s fast approaching with a very determined look on his face,” Ellie offered, coming up behind her.

  “Ellie,” Clara cried, turning to hug her. “I’m so happy you’ve come.”

  “You’re welcome, but I’ve seen that expression a few too many times and my suggestion is for you to go upstairs and see your new living quarters. They’re just lovely and so warm and homey. Charlotte is certainly talented. He’ll follow you, of course, but better this discussion takes place in private,” she whispered. “Good luck.”

  “Thank you,” Clara answered, already making her way toward the stairs. She was only on the third step when she felt a strong hand take her arm.

  “Let me escort you up, my dear wife,” Lucas said through gritted teeth.

  “I was hoping you’d ask,” Clara said pleasantly. “We really should see this together.”

  “I agree.”

  As soon as they opened the door at the top of the stairs they both froze in stunned silence. What had been a dark, gloomy, completely masculine suite of rooms had bee
n transformed into an area of light and beauty. Feminine touches were everywhere and there wasn’t a speck of dust.

  The heavy drapes were replaced with light and airy curtains that swayed in the breeze. Comfortable over stuffed furniture invited them into the sitting room. The small kitchen was spotless and bright with yellow flowers stenciled along the walls.

  In the bedroom the massive bed remained, but it was covered with a colorful wedding quilt and mounds of pillows. Each side of the bed had a stand. Ethan’s held a shining crystal lamp and a small stack of books and Clara’s a bouquet of flowers in a pretty glass vase.

  Stunned, they wandered back into the sitting room where they collapsed onto the sofa.

  “I love it,” Clara whispered in awe. “It’s like a real home.”

  “I do too,” Lucas added, resting his head back against the soft cushions. “What I do not like is being tricked.”

  “Oh really and what do you call what you did to me if not trickery?” Clara asked, turning sideways and resting her feet on his lap.

  “That was different.”

  Clara snorted and unpinned her hat, tossing it on the side table.

  “It was different. You did this for revenge. I did what I did for love,” he insisted.

  “Love? You barely knew me? We barely knew each other,” she pointed out.

  “I don’t care. I was attracted to you the first time I saw you and fell in love with you the second you passed out in my arms that day I was washing teeth and blood from the porch,” he said with a smile.

  “Ugh, don’t remind me,” she said, wrinkling up her nose.

  “I had to have you,” he admitted. “You’re lucky I didn’t cart you up here that very day.”


  “I mean it,” he stated firmly. “Something in my heart just said, she’s the one, don’t risk losing her and I began plotting immediately to win you.”


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