Darcie Desires a Drover: A Historical Western Romance (Brides with Grit Book 7)

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Darcie Desires a Drover: A Historical Western Romance (Brides with Grit Book 7) Page 10

by Linda K. Hubalek

  Lyle looked at Reuben. “Are you sure you want this read out loud in public? I suggest we move over to my office to hear the contents.”

  “You can’t read the letter now! We need to get on the train before it leaves,” Mattie squeaked.

  Dagmar strolled over to Lyle. “I’ll go get their trunks off the train. They can always take a later train if they are still going to New York.” He lightly squeezed Gabe’s shoulder in support before he left.

  “All right, let’s go to your office. It’s just down the street,” Reuben motioned to Lyle.

  As Reuben started walking down the street, he realized Darcie was quickly walking in the other direction. “Darcie,” he called out while jogging to her side and putting his hand on her shoulder to stop her. “I want you to hear what the letter says. The way Mattie is acting, I’m assuming it’s a good thing for us.” It hurt seeing Darcie look so miserable and resigned to their separation. He wrapped his arms around her and Amelia to convey his need. “Please, Darcie,” he whispered in her ear. “I love you and I will make the five of us a family. I might have to go to Rochester to clear this up, but I will get a divorce from Mattie so we can marry. She hasn’t been my wife for years, and she’s never going to be so again.”

  “I’m scared I’m losing you, Reuben.” Darcie’s fresh tears soaked through his shirt, causing him to hold her more tightly. Then she pulled back to look at his face. “But I want you to do what’s right for Gabe. He comes first.”

  All Reuben could do was shake his head to confirm her statement, because as parents, they both agreed their children came first.

  “Please come in with me to Lyle’s office, Darcie. I’ll still need your support as a friend if everything goes haywire with the reading of this letter,” he pleaded and sought her eyes for her agreement.

  Darcie sighed and walked back to her family. “Flora, will you take Amelia for me? I’m going with Rueben.” Darcie handed her daughter over, then took Reuben’s hand. “Okay, let’s hear what Gabe’s step-father has to say.” Then she hesitated and asked, “Do you want Gabe and Mary to hear the letter, too?”

  “Lyle,” Reuben called out to get his attention. “Can you quickly scan the letter to see if the children should hear the contents, too?”

  Mattie miss stepped and would have crumpled to the ground if Adam hadn’t had a hold of her arm. “Please don’t let them hear it. They’ll hate me,” she wailed.

  Lyle was silent for a few moments while he read through the letter. “It states his wishes for both children, and explains why. I think the children have a right to hear it—if they want to do so. If not, I’ll take care of Ringwald’s instructions through Mr. Abercrombie,” Lyle answered Reuben, ignoring Mattie.

  “Gabe and Mary, it’s up to you,” Reuben said looking at one, then the other. “And if either one of you don’t want to hear it, that’s fine,” Reuben suggested.

  “I want to hear it,” Gabe clearly stated. He squeezed his sister’s hand and said to her. “If you don’t want to, I’ll tell you the main part of the letter later.”

  The girl’s face was red, looking ready to cry, poor thing. What would the letter reveal about her parents?

  “Fine. Let them hear what the lawyer had to say. Maybe they’ll learn a few things about Reginald they should know,” Mattie huffed.

  “Mary? It’s your choice,” Lyle softly said to the girl.

  She looked down, not meeting Lyle’s eyes but nodding, indicating she wanted to stay.

  Lyle led the way to his office, stopping to unlock the door before they could enter. “I just went down to the post office to mail some letters, and found the letter from Abercrombie. I’m so glad I got it before you left, Reuben,” Lyle shook his head, probably glad he could help his client. “I don’t have enough chairs for everyone in the front room, so I guess three of you can sit down if you want and the rest will have to stand. He waited for someone to take a seat, but all parties remained standing.

  “All right, I’ll read the letter now,” Lyly cleared his throat and read out loud.

  “Mr. Elison, please pass this letter onto Mr. Reuben Shepard.”

  “Dear Mr. Shepard,

  I’m sorry I wasn’t available when you visited my office about Reginald Ringwald’s letter to Gabriel. As Reginald’s lawyer and friend, I want to explain his wishes to you.

  To state it bluntly, he thought you had died in the war, and he married Matilda at her request. Reginald was shocked when you arrived home after the war, then knowing what Matilda and her parents had done to ensure his marriage to her. He realized she had married him for his money, not for her love of him.

  Reginald started two accounts in the Rochester Bank after your visit in 1865.

  One bank account is for you. Mr. Shepard, and Reginald faithfully added what would have been your war pension, plus fifty percent of the income Matilda received on her marriage to you from her parents.”

  “Half of...? What?! He’ll get five thousand dollars?! I’ll contest that in court!” Mattie fumed.

  “Please be quiet, Mrs. Ringwald, so Mr. Elison can continue,” Adam warned her.

  Five thousand dollars? Did she just say…five thousand dollars?! Reuben felt the room start to spin until Darcie squeezed his hand to make him focus on Lyle.

  “Thank you, Adam. To continue…

  “Gabriel was listed as the beneficiary in case of your death. Reginald hoped you would eventually return so he could give the money, and an apology, directly to you.

  “The other bank account is in Gabriel’s name, with you, Mr. Shepard, as the beneficiary if something would happen to Gabriel. Reginald put twenty-five percent of the income Matilda received on her marriage to you in Gabriel’s account, which, as yours, has been drawing interest since 1865.”

  Lyle paused to look at Mattie, then continued.

  “Reginald’s will states the money in his bank account will be split three ways. One third each to Matilda, Mary and Gabriel. The children’s money is in a trust and available when they turn eighteen. And Gabriel is Mary’s benefactor, not Matilda. The bulk of Reginald’s estate, excluding the house Matilda lives in, goes to his two brothers.

  “To be sure Gabriel received his letter, which revealed your name and your bank account information, Reginald stated in a letter directly to Matilda, that if she interfered and Gabriel did not get his letter within a month of Reginald’s death, she lost her split of the money and the house, which Reginald had bought from her father. The house would be sold and the income would be split between his two brothers. Gabriel’s letter instructed him to come to my office to show me Reginald’s hand-written letter, then Reginald’s bank account would be divided three ways according to his wishes.

  “In researching to be sure he was indeed married to Matilda, Reginald found out a judge had been paid to declare you, Mr. Shepard, dead, and to annul your marriage, even though Gabriel was proof that your marriage had been consummated.

  “Looking into the matter now myself, I found that Matilda’s marriage to Reginald had also been erased a few days after Reginald’s death, but this time the person has been caught.

  “I pray Matilda will do the right thing and give Gabriel his letter by the time this letter reaches you. Gabriel will not have to come back to show me the letter if he can identify the special mark only he and Reginald shared which was hidden in the letter. If Gabriel has not received the letter by a month of Reginald’s death, please telegraph me right away so I can proceed with Reginald’s wishes.

  “Sincerely yours,

  “Robert Abercrombie, Attorney”

  The room was quiet, everyone shocked at what the letter said.

  Reuben stared at Mattie when Lyle finished reading the letter. But Mattie looked defiantly back at Reuben, looking as though she hated him with all her being. She knew what Reginald’s will said, but kept the letter away from Gabe anyway. And why? If Reuben had renewed his vows with Mattie within the month of Reginald’s death, did she think she’d control e
veryone’s money? Reuben bet that was her scheme all along when coming to Kansas so soon after her husband died. How could I have been so stupid?! I fell for her act twice!

  Reuben hated to look at Darcie, worried she’d think him stupid, too. When he did, she wasn’t paying any attention to him, but standing with Gabe and Mary instead. Mary’s face was crushed into Gabe’s chest, and her brother was rubbing her back to comfort her. And Darcie was slowly rubbing Gabe’s back. Darcie was a good mother and automatically worrying how the letter affected them. Darcie was such a contrast from the children’s scheming mother.

  Then it dawned on him. He wasn’t married to Mattie after all. He was free to do what he wanted. The nightmare of his past lifted off his shoulders.

  Lyle cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention, “Mrs. Ringwald, do I answer back that Gabriel has received his letter, or do I tell Mr. Abercrombie to split Mr. Ringwald’s bank account in half instead of thirds and put your house up for sale?”

  If looks could kill, the town’s undertaker would be busy this afternoon. Mattie was fuming mad, not embarrassed for being caught trying to steal the money her husband had given to others. Fortunately, Reginald didn’t trust his own wife, and Mattie was now paying for it.

  Mattie looked at the door, and Adam stepped in front of it. It didn’t matter if she did get out the door and try to run, Reuben would physically tackle her on the boardwalk, he was so mad at what she had put their son through.

  “Mrs. Ringwald? Do you have the letter in question? I advise you to hand it to Gabriel if you do,” Adam put in his two cents’ worth now.

  She didn’t answer verbally but pulled open the strings of her reticule. Mattie pulled out a folded envelope and thrust it at Gabe. “Here. Look it over and see if you find your secret mark you two had,” she hissed.

  Gabe took it, seeing the envelope had been opened. “You read my letter, Mother.”

  “I had to see what my dear husband said to you.” She folded her arms, waiting for proof it was indeed Reginald’s letter.

  After a minute of silence, Lyle asked, “Is this the original letter from Mr. Ringwald, or has it been forged?”

  Gabe had a faint smile on his lips. “It’s real.”

  “So what’s the mark to tell it is so?” Mattie questioned.

  “I’ll never tell, Mother.” Gabe walked to Lyle’s desk. “Here’s the letter, Mr. Elison. Now you can get back to Mr. Abercrombie.”

  “Thank you, Gabe,” Lyle shifted papers on his desk. “There is one more thing which must be decided before anyone travels back to New York.”

  Reuben held his breath. What would Mattie say to his request? And would Darcie still want to marry him and adopt Gabe?

  “Mrs. Ringwald, Mr. Shepard had asked that you sign over your parental rights to Gabriel Shepard, to him. Do you so agree? You would then have no contact with your son unless you had permission from Mr. Shepard until Gabriel is eighteen. After which time, Gabriel is an adult and makes his own decisions.”

  “Still planning on marrying your little Irish maid and having her be Gabe’s new momma, Reuben?” Mattie asked sweetly, but with a hint of irritation.

  “This request has nothing to do with any future plans between Mrs. Robbins and myself. It is to protect Gabe from you, as long as Gabe wants it in place.”

  “Get out your pen and bottle of ink, Mr. Elison, because I’ll gladly sign to get rid of Gabe. He looks too much like Reuben.”

  The gasps in the room made Mattie smile instead of cringe. Reuben looked at Gabe to see his narrowed eyes staring at his mother. This moment would haunt his son forever, but hopefully, he was old enough to understand this was his mother’s lack of compassion, not about his worth.

  “I want Mary to stay with me, Mother. I’m in charge of her affairs now,” Gabe defiantly stated, not realizing it wasn’t quite as easy as he proposed. Mary still had one living parent, and the girl was only twelve years old.

  Mattie turned to her children hand on her hip, eyeing them like they were two stray dogs. “Well Mary, do you want to stay in this backward frontier town with all these immigrants, or return to New York with me? I really don’t care.”

  “How can you say that to your daughter?!” Darcie asked incredulously. She moved to stand in front of Gabe and Mary as if to protect them.

  “Because I don’t care. In fact, it might be easier for me to marry a wealthy man if I don’t have her underfoot. Maybe I’ll send her to live with one of Reginald’s brothers since they inherited all the money I should have gotten,” Mattie retorted.

  “Sign over your parental rights to Mary to me then, right now. I would love to have Mary as my daughter. You go back to your life in New York, free to do whatever you please.” Darcie’s face was red from anger and her eyes narrowed with determination.

  “Huh. Really?” Mattie put a finger on her screwed up mouth, pretending to seriously think about it. Would she really give up her daughter?

  Gabe pulled Mary from his chest to look in her face. “Please say you want to stay with me, Mary. Would you want to live with Mother without me there to protect you?”

  “Protect her? You think I’m some kind of monster?!” Mattie’s hands were on her hips now as she leaned toward Darcie and the children. Mattie looked around the room when no one spoke a word.

  “Fine. Mr. Elison, fill out the papers I need to sign her over to her new mother. I’m going over to the depot to change my ticket to the next train, and throw their things out of my luggage. I’ll be back to sign the papers before I leave,” Mattie pushed past Adam, yanked open the door and stormed out of Lyle’s office.

  Was Mattie this mean to her children all the time? Why didn’t he get Gabe out of that household sooner? Reuben questioned himself.

  Darcie had pulled Mary over to the chairs, and they sat together, Darcie hugging and murmuring words he couldn’t hear. Mary clung to Darcie, sobbing from the hurt and confusion her mother had dealt her.

  Gabe stood next to them, keeping a hand on Mary’s shaking shoulder.

  “Should I go ahead and fill out the papers, or will Mattie come back apologizing, wanting Mary to return home with her?” Lyle looked between Reuben and Adam, confused at the woman’s outburst and what to do because of it.

  Gabe looked at Reuben a minute then turned to Mary. “Sis, Clear Creek is about as opposite a place to Rochester as you can get, and it was kind of hard to adjust at first. But now in only a short time, I have friends, honorary grandparents, aunts and uncles who really care about me. Tate and Amelia love me as a big brother…and… Darcie would be ten times a better parent than our mother ever was. Please stay here with me,” Gabe pleaded on his final request.

  Mary pulled out of Darcie’s arms to stare at her brother, then Reuben and finally at Darcie’s smiling but tear-stained face. “Do you really want me?” Mary’s whispered words to Darcie about cracked his heart.

  “Oh child, I’d love to have you as my daughter. I already love your brother and he loves me… most of the time.” Darcie nudged Gabe’s shoulder, reminding him of the good and bad times they’d had to this point. “There will be some trying times as we adjust to become a family, but it will be so worth it.

  “Reuben?” Darcie pulled him into the conversation. “Do you want to add anything to convince Mary to become part of our family?” All three of them looked up at him. Here was his chance to make things right for Gabe, Darcie and him.

  He got down on his knees in front of Mary and gently took her little hands. “Sweetheart, I promise I will love and protect you always, just as I will do for your brother, Darcie, Tate and Amelia. It sounds like your father was a good man, and you need to keep the good memories of those years in your heart. But, sadly, he’s gone now. Darcie and I would be honored if you’d be our daughter, Mary Shepard.” Reuben wasn’t going to bring up the possibility she could be his daughter now. He’d have Lyle check her birth records first, and decide what to do after that.

  Mary took a deep breath before an
swering, “Okay, I want to stay.”

  “How soon can we become a family?” Gabe looked puzzled now, realizing there was work involved besides signing some papers.

  While Reuben was wrestling with the same thought, Darcie spoke up. “Recently some of our extended family, Sarah and Marcus Brenner, adopted eight orphaned children. Besides conducting a marriage ceremony for the couple, Pastor Reagan had a kind of ceremony to bless the new family.

  “Reuben, could you see when Pastor Reagan can do a wedding and family ceremony for our family, too?” He couldn’t help grinning. Darcie was accepting his proposal!

  “We need a house first. We can’t all fit in Pa’s bunk room”, Gabe added, thinking how small the room was with the two of them in it.

  Reuben reached for Darcie’s hand while Gabe started plotting their future. It was finally going to happen! And he had a lot to do to get ready now.

  “So where would we live? Would it be on the ranch?” Gabe turned from talking to him to Mary instead. “Just wait ‘til you see the Bar E Ranch, Mary. There’s dogs and cats, chickens, horses and more cows that you can count.

  “I know how to ride a horse and help with the cattle drives. The ranch horses are named for the Galaxy and I like to ride Saturn or Leo. Uncle Dag’s horse is Comet and Aunt Cora’s is Moon. I’d like to ride Dipper one day, but he’s still a bucking horse so I have to get better at bustin’ broncs first.”

  “Uh, it’ll be a while before you’re ready to ride Dipper, or Snot,” Reuben chuckled, looking at Mary’s reactions to the horses’ names. At least she had quit crying now.

  “Maybe we should live in town. Instead of being a drover, maybe I’d open a shop in Clear Creek.” Thanks to the money Reginald set aside for Reuben, he could plan for the future of their combined family.

  “And I believe we need to conduct a family meeting for everyone’s input before we make our decisions of where to live and what we do. Don’t you agree, Poppa Reuben?” Darcie wisely injected to tease him.


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