Bought and Bound

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Bought and Bound Page 3

by Lyla Sinclair

  Dimitri came in and looked into my bowl. “I see you were hungry. Do you want more?”

  “No. I’m full. It was really good.”

  “Yes, Acacia doesn’t always follow instructions well, but she makes a good stifado.”

  I nodded, unsure what to do next.

  “You can go to bed in my room. I’ll get my clothes out tonight and sleep in Oren’s room.

  He’s gone God knows where again.”

  Disappointment set in. I didn’t want to sleep in Dimitri’s big bed alone.

  “I have to go to a business meeting very early in the morning, but I’ll be back by nine or so.”

  I wanted to ask him about his business and where he was going, but I had no right to know anything about him. “Can you tell me where we are?” I asked instead.

  “Athens,” he said, as if it should be obvious.


  I’d had trouble falling asleep. In fact, I didn’t know I’d dozed off at all until the bedroom door opened the next morning and there he was again, this time in a black button-down dress shirt and black slacks. An ensemble that would have turned some men pale and pasty. But it only served to make him look more handsome…and more dangerous.

  Was it possible that he got better looking each time I saw him? I’d never known a man who made such an impression by simply standing in a doorway.

  I suddenly remembered I was naked. My towel had come off and I’d fallen asleep on top of the covers. I reached for the edge of the bedspread to try to pull it over me.

  “No,” he said. “Don’t cover yourself.”

  The bottom of the bedspread dropped from my hand at his command. He paced toward me, his eyes locked on my body. My heart raced. Would he tell me to pleasure him in some way now?

  I wanted to touch him again. I prepared myself to be ordered onto my knees to suck his thick cock.

  Instead, he sat down on the bed next to me. A part of me wished he would stop staring so intently at my body. As far as I was concerned, my only stand-out part was my ass and I was lying on that.

  His gaze met mine and I saw the same look in his eyes I’d see before. A moment of wonder, of vulnerability, followed by a narrowing, a look of anger…a memory perhaps. I hated being the woman who stirred up painful memories for him, but I couldn’t take my gaze from his.

  “Close your eyes,” he said.

  I obeyed, reluctantly.

  The feather light touch of a finger rested on my jaw for a moment, then skimmed down my neck, over a breast, trailing a path down my stomach and over my hipbone. His palm seared my upper thigh. If only it would move over just a bit. My clit begged me to ask for a morsel of attention in its vicinity, but I resisted the urge.

  Gradually, his hand moved up again, warming my skin as it passed over. He cupped a breast.

  “Small, but absolutely perfect.” He sounded as though he was speaking to himself, so I didn’t reply.

  He began circling a nipple. I sucked in a shaky breath. He moved to the other breast and repeated the motion.

  “So tempting,” he said. He squeezed my nipple between his thumb and forefinger so hard, pain mixed with pleasure shot through my abdomen and stopped at my clit.

  “Ohhhhh... ” I cried out. My eyes flew open and I was met by his dark, sultry gaze.

  As if performing an experiment, he reached for the other nipple and squeezed equally hard.

  I moaned and my pelvis thrust itself up without permission.

  “Hmmm…” he mused. “Perhaps we should see what that sadistic brother of mine gifted me with after all.”

  He walked over to the large unopened box, placed his fingers under a flap and ripped the top off as though it was a sheet of paper. The muscles in his arm bulged and new heat flooded through me.

  He peered into the box and chuckled. “I’m not sure I know what any of these things are,” he said. “Except maybe this one.” He reached in and when his hand emerged, it held a riding crop similar to the one Paris had used on me at Alexis’ party.

  I gasped. He turned and he must have seen the expression of need in my eyes. “Ah, so you have experience with one of these?”

  The thought of telling anyone what had been done to me that night at the “pajama party”

  made my face flush.

  “I’ve never held one,” I hedged.

  “So, you’ve had one used on you.”

  “Not by choice, “I answered quickly, but that wasn’t the truth, was it? I could have left the party many times that night, yet I stayed.

  “What does that mean?” He looked concerned. It wasn’t right to make him think I’d been abused when I had derived such pleasure from that night.

  “I was, sort of, tricked into the situation.”

  “But I saw the look on your face when I pulled this out. Trick or not, you enjoyed it, didn’t you?”

  I didn’t reply.

  “Who was this man who tricked you? What was he to you?”

  Was he a little jealous or was that wishful thinking on my part?

  He stared at me, waiting for an answer.

  “It wasn’t a man,” I said in a near whisper.

  He raised his eyebrows. His mischievous half-smile made my breath halt in my chest. He was so beautiful. “In that case, I demand the whole story.”

  “I’d rather not talk about it.”

  He lifted the crop with his right hand and snapped it into his left palm. My pussy squeezed.

  “I don’t believe sex slaves are allowed to refuse their masters’ requests.” He lifted something wrapped in plastic from the box. He appeared to be reading some instructions.

  “Interesting…” He pulled the wrapper off as he came toward me. It looked like a long black bar. “Seems this is what they call a ‘spreader.’ Come here.”

  I stood and met him at the foot of the bed. He positioned me mid-way between the bed and the front wall.

  “Now spread your legs.” As I did, he began pushing the bar between my feet. “Further.”

  When my stance was wide enough, he secured the bar to each of my ankles. I had no choice but to stay that way.

  He picked up the riding crop. “Now bend over and grab your ankles.”

  As I bent over slowly, I began to quiver. I dreaded the pain that was coming, yet my pussy was already wet with wanting.

  “Hmmm…how many lashes do you think a slave should get for disobeying a master?”

  I suddenly realized that, with his muscular arms, his lashes might be much stronger than Paris’s.

  “Two?” I said hopefully.

  “Fair enough.”

  I was somewhat disappointed that he’d agreed so easily.

  The whip sliced the air, and I felt the first sting on my bottom. It hurt, but he was going easy on me compared to what I got before. I relaxed a little.

  A second sting followed. My ass muscles tensed, but the sensation was very tolerable.

  “There,” he said. “That was for disobeying me. But I still haven’t heard the story. I’ll just continue until you agree to tell me what I want to know.”


  I was still holding my ankles, which were spread as far apart as they could be without causing me to do the involuntary splits.




  Ouch again.

  Every flip of the whip stung like a bee. Pain seared through me. One sting after another, and yet, I didn’t want him to stop.

  And I certainly didn’t want him to know the perverted pleasure I’d gotten at the hands of a group of women I didn’t even like.


  Tears pooled in my eyes. I wasn’t sure I could take much more.


  A pained whimper escaped me. Although deep in my throat, it was louder than I would have expected.

  He stopped.

  I peeked between my legs to see what he was doing just in time to come eye to “eye” with the butt end of the whip.
I watched as it slid up my inner thigh and touched the entrance to my pussy.

  Mmmm… Such heavenly contact. I needed something there so badly.

  But it left my pussy and slithered around on my ass.

  “Do you feel it?” he asked. “That’s how wet you are for this whip. Quite the little freak, aren’t you?” He chuckled.

  “I’m not—” What was I about to say? That I wasn’t a freak? I knew I was. But it wasn’t fair because I never would have been if it hadn’t been for Eric and Alexis. Or at least I wouldn’t have known I was.

  “Your ass is pink,” he said. “Are you ready to tell me about it?”

  I was silent. How would I explain that I was a totally innocent, normal person going about my business when I was tricked, not once but twice, into bizarre situations which my body thoroughly enjoyed, despite my mind’s misgivings?

  “No?” He walked around in front of me. “Maybe you’re too comfortable.”

  Comfortable? In this position?

  He put one hand under my chin and lifted until I was no longer bent over.

  “On your knees,” he commanded. “This deluxe model is supposed to swivel at your ankles

  ‘to allow for a variety of positions.” He sounded as if he was quoting the package.

  He held out his arms so I could brace on them as I lowered myself to the floor with the bar still spreading my ankles wide.

  “You see, it works. My dear brother spares no expense when it comes to matters of


  Now I was on my knees, which were kept several feet apart because of the spreader on my ankles.

  “Lean down on your elbows.” When I complied, I wished his bedroom was carpeted. The hard wood floors were much worse than the whip.

  “That’s a beautiful sight,” he said from behind me. He was still for a moment, then he came around and held a smart phone in front of my face.

  Oh my God! He’d taken a picture of me from behind. Now I could see exactly what he was seeing. With my knees apart and my ass slanted up in the air, I was fully exposed to him. My glistening pussy lips open, my ass cheeks spread wide.

  “You have the most impressive rear end,” he said. “Round and full, yet not overly so. A perfect specimen of a bottom.”

  I was too mortified to feel complimented. I’d never seen myself like that before.

  He walked away for a moment and came back with a chair. “At least one of us should be comfortable,” he said. But he didn’t sit right away. He left again and came back with a new blindfold. This one was more like a sleeping mask.

  He slipped it over my eyes. “It will be more exciting if you don’t know what’s coming, don’t you think?”

  My chest heaved. I was excited…and frightened. I heard the chair move slightly as though he’d sat down in it.



  The lashes had begun again, but this time in a slow rhythm. My ass had already lost whatever numbness it had achieved on the last round, so these hurt much worse.



  With each lash, he allowed me just enough time to recover full feeling, to realize how sore and burned my bottom felt, before he delivered another.

  I couldn’t stop myself from panting and moaning in pain.

  He paused. “Still not willing to tell me?”

  Tears trickled from my eyes and absorbed into the bottom of my blindfold, but I said nothing.

  “Let’s see what else is in the box.” I heard his measured footsteps make their way back to my torture trove. I couldn’t imagine what else could be in there. But a man who would buy a slave for his brother was capable of practically anything.

  “Interesting…” he said again.

  I heard him return to me. He pushed something hard between my hands, forcing me to spread them a few inches farther apart. He attached it to each of my wrists. Apparently, he’d put a smaller version of the spreader bar on me, locking my arms in place.

  It was a bit less comfortable, but I decided I could take it…

  Until his sleeve brushed my stomach and pain sliced through one nipple, then the other.

  I whimpered. He’d put some sort of clamps on me.


  “Ow!” The whip had hit the back of my thigh, where I was more sensitive.


  On my ass, thank goodness. I breathed a sigh of relief.


  On my thighs. I moaned.

  But with each new pain sensation came an equal pleasure shock that vibrated through my entire body. What was wrong with me? I was a freak.

  “Are you ready to tell me your story now?”

  My elbows hurt. My knees ached. My bottom felt like I’d sat on a wasp nest. My nipples were in agony.

  But fresh cream pooled in my pussy.

  “No,” I said.

  He stood and walked away. I heard him rifling through the box again… What more could possibly be in there?

  “I’ve heard of these, but I’ve never seen one in person,” he said.

  Plastic rattled. I assumed he was opening yet another package. The room went silent. What was he doing now?

  After about a minute, I heard him return to me. Something hard and gooey raked through the crack in my ass. It prodded my resistant little hole.

  “Uh-uh-uh…” I half sighed, half whimpered.

  “You’d think spread wide like this, it would be a bit more cooperative,” Dimitri said. “But it’s puckered up like it just sucked on a lemon.” He chuckled at his own joke.

  The pain in my elbows was radiating up into my shoulders, yet my main focus was what was going on behind me.

  The pressure resumed. Whatever was trying to gain entrance to my ass wiggled and prodded causing twinges of need in my clit.

  “Ahhh…” I moaned.

  He pressed harder.

  I wanted it inside me, yet I was afraid.

  It broke through and pushed into me. The muscle around it screamed out in agony. “Oh, no!” I cried. This felt much bigger than anything Alexis had put in there. It was excruciating.


  “All right,” he said.

  And he left the room.

  Chapter Three

  I couldn’t believe he’d left me. Surely he knew I’d meant for him to take the object out of my ass, not that I wanted him to leave.

  I tried to change positions to lessen the pressure on my elbows, but when I did, it increased the pressure in my ass.

  This was too much. I ached all over. My ass cheeks stung. My nipples and my poor little hole throbbed.

  And worst of all, my clit and pussy were desperate for attention.

  I tried to move again, but the spreader had my knees so wide, I couldn’t even roll onto my side.

  “Dimitri!” I cried. I hoped no one else was in the house. “Dimitri!”

  I heard manly footsteps outside the door. It opened. “Yes?” he said calmly.

  “Please. I can’t take any more.”

  He shut the door behind him and came over to me. He paced around behind me.

  “Are you ready to tell me the story?” he asked.

  “Please. It’s personal. I was tricked into something. It’s too embarrassing.”


  The whip slashed across my backside, but, much worse, it made contact with the plug in my ass, pushing it in further. I was certain it got thicker toward the back because it stretched me even more. Maybe it was more of a dildo than a plug.

  “You won’t tell me your name. And you won’t entertain me with your story.”


  I screamed out when the plug shoved in further. “Please?” I whimpered.

  “All you have to do is agree to tell me one or the other. If you do, I’ll release you and put you in my soft, comfortable bed.”

  His hand snaked between my thighs. His finger slithered through my slit.

  “Ohhh!” I jumped from the
pleasure shock.

  “I’ll even pleasure your body, my little whore. I’m sure you want to come.” He dipped his finger into my soaked pussy and spread the cream over my clit.


  He swirled around and around, ever so lightly. “Do you agree?”

  “Yes…anything.” I replied.


  It should have felt strange being in Dimitri’s bed with him, yet it didn’t really feel that way at all.

  After he’d removed all the sexual paraphernalia, he’d led me over to the bed and tucked us both in.

  When I had trouble beginning my story, he’d put the blindfold back on, saying these things were easier to tell in the dark.

  So, I told him—about Alexis’ girls’ night slumber party. About Paris and her whip and Tiff and her…special skills.

  However, I ended the story without any mention of Eric. For some reason, I didn’t want to talk to Dimitri about being with another man. I didn’t even want him to know I’d ever been with another man, which was ridiculous since I’d gotten here by selling myself into prostitution.

  When I was finished, he pulled the blindfold off. I kept my eyes closed a moment longer, afraid to look at him. Afraid he’d see me as a freak now that he knew the extent of my perversions. I opened my eyes as he turned on his side toward me. Our heads were on separate pillows, but our faces were only inches apart. He touched his finger to my chin and turned my head until I was gazing into his eyes.

  “Now that was arousing,” he said. A sense of relief washed over me. Since the first night on the yacht with Eric and Alexis, I’d been afraid any normal man would find my cooperation in their games disgusting.

  “Not sick?” I needed further validation from him. “Not perverted?”

  “Who’s to say what’s perverted in the bedroom? And we learn what turns us on from

  experimentation. For instance, I never knew I could be aroused while administering a whipping, or by a story…yet I am.”

  He took my hand in his and guided it down to his thick shaft to prove his point.

  My palm glided over his silky smoothness. I curled my fingers around him to experience his strength…his power.


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