Moonbreeze (The Dragonian Series Book 4)

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Moonbreeze (The Dragonian Series Book 4) Page 30

by Adrienne Woods

  At lunch I waited for everyone at a table.

  Blake entered, hardly looked at me as he rushed to the buffet. I just stared at his back and jumped again as Becky and the rest plopped down at the table.

  I tried to pretend that I wasn’t staring at him again. This had to stop.

  I could see George mouthing something to Becky whose eyes were boring into my soul.

  “What?” I looked at George who was smiling.

  “Nothing,” he said with a smirk and I stared at Becky who was just smiling.

  “Why are you smiling at me like that?”

  “It’s nothing,” she whined a bit and got up to get her food.

  I sighed. I knew why they were smiling. “It’s not what you think, okay,” I said to George.

  “What are you talking about, Elena?”

  “I know you guys saw me staring plenty of times, it’s not what you think.”


  “Just stop it. All I’m saying is it’s not what you guys think.”

  “Whatever you say, Princess.”

  I giggled. “Stop calling me that, okay.”

  He chuckled too.

  “ARE YOU SURE they’re the right numbers on the barcode?” Tabitha sounded tired. It was like eight and I’d promised the librarian that I would lock up.

  I grunted. “Yes, it’s the right numbers. Check again.”

  “Blake, believe me I’ve checked through everything I possibly can. I’ve hacked into five systems that could get me into serious shit.”

  “I told you I’d take the blame. Not to worry.”

  “What is this for anyway? If I know what it’s for…”

  “You holding back?”

  “No. But sometimes the old barcodes are of things they don’t make anymore, if it’s discontinued or a better one comes out and they all get new barcodes. When the system gets too big, well, those barcodes are the ones that go first. Just tell me what it is, and I can find out if it’s something like that.”

  “No it has to be that one or it’s nothing.”

  “Well, then I’m sorry to say, but I can’t help you further.”

  I ground on my teeth. I knew she wasn’t holding back. She would do anything to spend more quality time with me. But I couldn’t tell her.

  “What was it?” She asked again.

  “Something I really want.” I couldn’t believe I’d said that, but it was the truth.

  “I’m so sorry, again. Well maybe if you are ready to tell me what it is, I’ll try again. But I can’t.”

  “Thanks Tabitha. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Still no luck with her?” She had hope in her tone.

  “I won’t give up,” I said and left the library.

  TWO WEEKS FLEW like that. I didn’t stare at Blake anymore. I came to the conclusion that he didn’t want me, thank heavens, the way George wanted Becky. I also ignored him completely again and the others didn’t think that it was funny this time.

  Around the end of the week in Professor Pheizer's class, Master Longwei’s voice filled the entire system.

  “Will Blake and Elena please come to the office?”

  I froze, as I’d never heard both our names in one sentence like that, ever. I saw Blake packing up his bag and putting away his books. He looked nervous too, but I didn’t stare.

  Why on earth did he want to see us both?

  “Elena,” Blake said a bit loud and I jumped out of it. “Let’s go,” he said and threw his backpack over his shoulder.

  I put my stuff away and threw my bag over my own shoulder.

  Blake had already left through the door, and I was glad that he wasn’t waiting for me.

  I kept my distance. I really didn’t want to speak to him about anything. I really just didn’t know why Master Longwei wanted to see us both. I hoped that it wasn’t another meeting.

  When I entered Master Longwei’s office he was already waiting, sitting on one of the two chairs in front of Master Longwei’s desk.

  I took the other one.

  “What is this about?” I asked, just wanting to leave.

  “You two need to sort out your differences. Irene is feeling ill. She said it’s this foretelling both of you are linked to.”

  “That time hasn’t passed.”

  “No, but if you can’t work together, Elena, we might as well kiss Etan goodbye and I have to say, I have family in Etan so I’m begging you to work though this, both of you and do what it is you two are supposed to do. Before that time comes.”

  “That’s it?” Blake asked.

  “Yup, the board needs to have a meeting with you soon Blake. Elena I need your answer of what it’s going to be. Do this once, like you said a couple of months back before you went missing, and be done with it.”

  “Fine,” I replied. I didn’t know why I said it as I’d promised my father I wouldn’t but I couldn’t stand up to the Ancients or the Council anymore. This matter had been discussed as far as it could. Now I just had to do whatever it was to keep their mouths shut. I saw Blake turning into a pillar as he just stared at me. I hated that.

  “Fine, as in fine you’re ready, or fine, you’ll think about it?” Master Longwei asked.

  “Master Longwei, I’ll never be ready but that doesn’t seem to bother anyone here. If Irene feels that the door is closing on this then I have no choice, just as I have had no choices in so many other things, but sure, whatever. Like you said, let’s just do it and get it over with.”

  I got up and left.

  “She is making progress Blake.”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “What, don’t you think so?”

  “That’s not what I said. She’s just never going to trust me. I can’t do this if she’s not going to trust me.”

  “Blake, you can’t force—”

  “That’s not what I meant!” I jumped slightly as he yelled and ran down the steps to go back to class.

  Becky wanted to know what it was all about.

  “Tell you later,” I said just as Blake entered; he looked really pissed off.

  Professor Pheizer just looked at him through squinted eyes and I made sure that I wasn’t looking at him.

  “Is everything okay?” Professor Pheizer asked.

  “Yes, Professor. Everything is fine,” Blake answered. “Or it will be one day.”

  NE DAY, WHAT had he meant by that?

  I huffed as I put my book about Enchantments down, and just stared at Sammy’s bed.

  They really were giving me my space as they were both missing again.

  Another memory filled my mind, the one that happened in Aviance, what felt like a lifetime again. He’d told me to not give it time. Now it was all he was speaking about.

  I stroked my face. This was seriously so messed up.

  Why did he have to fight against all this for so long? And now I knew that door would never open from my side again.

  I sighed.

  He was still the same in some ways.

  Sure a lot had changed. He was friendly to the others, and he participated in class and for some reason his nasty comments proving to everyone that he doesn’t need a rider had stopped.

  We still kept our separate ways, something that would never change.

  I knew it wasn’t going to be for long as we had this huge journey to get into Etan. It scared the living crap out of me just thinking about the Creepers.

  I’d seen them only at a distance the day Cheng had given me back my stories, and once on TV. They were deadly and my fear of them was fresh and strong.

  What if we couldn’t get through them? What if they ripped us apart just like they had all those scientists? How were we going to get through them? And the worst part, what was left of Etan?

  I couldn’t imagine it.

  I guessed because I had my own nightmare of a Wyvern city to deal with.

  I thought about Annie again. What if she was still alive?

  The door opened up and Becky and Sammy entered.<
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  Ever since I’d come back, the boys hadn’t been in the room. I wondered about that.

  “Seriously, you can let them in, Becky.”

  “Nah, they have better things to do with their time.”

  I smiled and pretended to read my Enchantment book again.

  “So, Irene is not well?” she asked and I could hear Sammy clearing her throat.

  “No, she’s not.” I sighed and put the book down. “They are literally forcing us to do this.”

  “I know you are not ready for this, Elena.”

  “It doesn’t matter Becky. Master Longwei is right. There are many families here that are begging us to free their loved ones. Jimmy is one of them.” I looked at her.

  “For what it’s worth, Elena. I wish, I could come with.”

  I started to giggle.

  “What?” She smiled. “I mean it.”

  “You thought the Sacred Cavern was a suicide mission, now you want to take on the Creepers?”

  They both laughed with me.

  “Guess you’ve rubbed off on us.” Tears welled up in her eyes and she looked back down to hide them.

  Gosh, I was so mean.

  “I miss the old Elena, but I don’t care anymore. I just want you to be okay.”

  “Me too,” I said and kept reading my book.

  I couldn’t handle this any more than I could handle all of my nightmares.

  It fell quiet again and we all just did our own thing. I hated the silence, just hated everything. We’d never been this quiet before, not even when we’d had to prepare for tests.

  At six, I went to Constance to speak to her about extra help. I was sure she knew of someone that could help me. It was sort of her department.

  I froze at the door as I heard Blake sounding really frustrated.

  “Are you sure? You know what she’s like Blake. She might hold back.”

  “No, she’s not.”

  Are they talking about me?

  “She searched every database, even hacked into five. I can’t find that barcode.”

  The image of Tabitha and Blake sitting in the library flashed through my mind.

  I looked at my barcode on my arm and turned around as anger flared up in me again.

  I rushed through the door of my room and Becky and Sammy flinched as angry tears rolled over my cheeks. I went through to the bathroom, wielded my shield and let out a scream.

  She knew, she knew and she told the one guy I didn’t want to know about my barcode. How could she do that!

  I stayed there for a long time. Just thinking of why he wanted to find the barcode. He was seriously disturbed. I swore it.

  Around six I went to the cafeteria.

  The boys were missing and Becky and Sammy didn’t speak one word, other than asking if I was okay.

  Half an hour later Blake and George entered.

  I heard them parting ways as Blake went to his normal table where Tabitha was waiting for him.

  “Hey you,” she said and Blake just chuckled.

  “So, how was it?”

  “Easy,” he replied through a grin.

  “That doesn’t surprise me. You seriously get away with everything.”

  “Elena?” George asked a bit louder and I jumped slightly.

  “What?” I sounded rude and all of them flinched. Do they know too?

  “Nothing,” George said.

  Why was he even doing this? It had to stop now.

  I got up and could hear Becky saying to George that something went wrong this afternoon.

  Blake and Tabitha were still talking.

  “A word.” I placed both my arms on the table and looked at Blake.

  He just stared at me. “What is it Elena?”

  He was such an arrogant ass. “Forget what Constance told you. Just stop it, okay. I’m not some sort of item that can be checked out or bought on a fucking online shop. Just stop!” I yelled at him and I could tell he knew exactly what I was talking about.

  “What is she talking about, Blake?” Tabitha asked.

  “It’s nothing.”

  I left and went to my room.

  THE DOOR OPENED and George lingered in the doorway as Becky entered. He said goodbye and left.

  “Elena,” Becky said standing right at my bed. “What was that in the cafeteria?”

  “It’s nothing,” I said and wiped away a tear. I felt so cheap.

  “Please don’t do this, just talk to us.”

  Sammy went to sit on Becky’s bed and just looked at me.

  “Fine, you want to know.” Maybe both of them would get a better idea of how much Blake had changed. He was psycho just like Seymour.

  I rolled up my sleeve. I hated the barcode. “There.” I shoved it in it their faces. “Are you happy now, knowing that I have a barcode? Your brother is searching for it, like I’m some sort of an item over the Internet.”

  Becky’s lips turned really thin and she stared at the barcode before she closed her eyes. Sammy just stared at me.

  “Elena, it’s not—”

  “Don’t, Sammy, just don’t.” I got up and went to the bathroom. I wielded my shield again and just cried.


  I BARGED INTO Constance’s office. She was busy with someone, or I should say, something. A Night Seeker. I hadn’t seen one in years.

  “Blake, I’m busy.”

  “What is he doing here?”

  “Leo, just give us a second please?” she asked and he picked up his cane and felt his way to the door.

  “What is going on in that head of yours?” I shook with anger.

  “Calm down. What is it?”

  “Elena knows that I know about her barcode, she threw a huge tantrum in the cafeteria, she thinks I want to buy her.”

  Constance looked at me and then she started to giggle. “I’m sorry, it’s not funny.”

  I just stared at her.

  “I know you are going through a lot right now, but she really thinks you want to buy her?”

  “She was livid with me, and it’s not funny.”

  My aunt really tried to not burst out again. “I’m sorry.” She snorted into her hands and when she was finally done she stared at me. “You think I told her?”

  “She said you did.”

  “She assumes Blake, maybe she overheard us, eavesdropping.”

  “Why would…” I trailed off. My aunt was right. It had been her this afternoon.

  “You know I’m right.”

  I crashed down into the chair.

  “I’m sorry that I laughed, but it’s a little bit funny.”

  I smiled and showed her with my fingers how little. “So what are you doing with a Night Seeker?”

  I MUST HAVE fallen asleep as the sun was setting when I opened my eyes. I felt so drained and was surprised to find both of them still on Becky’s bed when I exited the room.

  Sammy didn’t want to finish her sentence.

  “I’m sorry I flipped out at you guys.”

  “Come sit.” Becky tapped on her bed and I went over and sat next to her. It still felt a bit claustrophobic, but I had to push through all this, otherwise I was never going to feel better at all.

  I tugged at my sleeve, to hide the stupid barcode.

  Becky scratched her head and just stared at my arm. She was like me with Annie in the beginning.

  “Can I please see that again?”

  “Becky,” I begged.

  “It’s part of you now, Elena. Please.”

  I gave her my arm as a tear rolled over my cheek. I looked up at the ceiling as she inspected it.

  “Fucking bastards.”

  “It’s fine.”

  I sighed. I couldn’t look at her.

  “Here is mine,” she said and I looked down at her. I saw a red bruise mark with a barcode on her arm.

  It looked painful. Why would she do that?

  I just stared at her and then I grabbed her around the neck. She hugged me too and we all had the sniffles.

sp; “Why did you do that?”

  “We are with you till the end, Elena. I’m not going to make you feel like you are some sort of price check. But you already do, so now I am one too and so is Sammy.”

  I looked at Sammy too.

  “This was so stupid you guys.”

  “Not as stupid as you think.” Becky scrunched up her nose. “And I know you don’t want to hear this but,” she started to giggle. “You seriously think Blake wants to buy you Elena?”

  I knew it sounded stupid.

  “He wants to find out where you were. Barcodes are registered to a system, if he knows where the system is located, he knows where you were.”

  It didn’t make any sense why he wanted to know where I was now that I was back at home. It was too late anyway.

  “He may be a jerk but he’s not psychotic.”

  I laughed. “He just made me feel so cheap.”

  “I know he did, I’m so sorry.”

  Her Cammy rang. “I’ll be just a second.”

  George’s face appeared. “What is it?”

  “Blake wants me…”

  “Do what you want, George. Stop asking me for permission.” She put her Cammy down and George’s holograph disappeared as Becky grunted.

  “Okay something tells me that I missed a shit lot these last four months.”

  “Oh, don’t get me started,” Becky said and Sammy laughed. “It is as if we are living in the Twilight Zone.”

  I giggled. “Yeah, I know what that one feels like.”

  “So any plans on how you are going to do this?”

  “As fast as possible.”

  “Yeah, about that? The board granted another sort of journey with yours. So it’s like a two in one which might make you rethink that fast statement.”

  “What do you mean, granted another journey?”

  “Blake needs to find his orbs.”

  “His what?”

  “The Rubicon orbs.” Sammy opened her mouth finally. “We don’t know what they do, only he does, but they are spread across the world so he wants to find the ones in Paegeia.”

  “And I have to tag along in this? No.”


  “I’m not doing it Becky.”

  “It’s not going to be like that, okay. He said if he senses one close by then he would like to go after it while you guys are on your way to Etan. He’s not straying from the main mission.”


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