No Fear (Bomar Boys Book 3)

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No Fear (Bomar Boys Book 3) Page 11

by Jess Bryant

  She was his and he would protect her.

  Chapter Seven

  Rachel could feel Skylar watching her. It was that same overprotective, almost motherly stare of caution and concern. She’d been getting it all day, or rather since the day Skylar hired her. But right now, today, the look was too much. She felt like she was about to crack wide open and all of her secrets would come pouring out. She’d held it together all day but this, right here, it was too much.

  Too much trust. Too much love. Just… too much.

  “Stop looking at me like that. You’re freaking me out.” She bit her bottom lip, her hands shaking.

  “Yeah, stop freaking her out, Skylar. The girls holding a pair of clippers to my head and I don’t wanna end up with a reverse Mohawk.”

  Despite her nerves, Rachel smiled at the client sitting in the salon chair in front of her. Though, technically, she supposed calling him a client was a stretch. He certainly wasn’t her client and the idea of accidentally cutting all of his hair off and making him bald only made her nerves worse.

  Bentley Bomar was Remy’s cousin. He was Lincoln’s younger brother. He was Skylar’s temporary bodyguard and he was her guinea pig.

  Rachel held the buzzing clippers away from him when she saw him shoot Skylar a skeptical look in the mirror. She expected him to get up and run the other direction considering she was very clearly having a breakdown and she was wielding a weapon near his head. But Bentley didn’t move. He simply grinned up at her reassuringly when he caught her eye and shrugged.

  “I could totally pull off a reverse Mohawk.”

  Rachel laughed because yeah, he probably could. He was a Bomar and like every single other one she’d met, he was absolutely gorgeous. Like his brothers and cousins, he was tall and muscular, blue-eyed and tattooed, but unlike them, he always seemed to be smiling. Always. He was the only Bomar boy that had never made her shiver with fear, which she thought was probably how he had gotten stuck with his current assignment.

  That thought ruined her momentary smile and she dropped her eyes.

  Bentley had started hanging out at the salon after Colt was attacked. Skylar had told her the boys didn’t feel comfortable leaving their women unprotected with the person responsible still out there somewhere, running around free.

  The fact that Rachel now knew who that person most likely was made her sick to her stomach.

  She could put a stop to all of it, right here and right now. All she had to do was open her mouth and tell them what she’d learned last night. All she needed to say was that she’d overheard her brother meeting with some very unsavory characters to discuss plans to hit the Bomars where it hurt.

  But no matter how many times the words found their way to the tip of her tongue today, she’d stopped herself from saying them and she didn’t know why.

  She couldn’t explain her completely unfounded allegiance to a man that had hurt her more times than she could count. He didn’t deserve it. He deserved whatever punishment the Bomars felt like dishing out. But of course, as soon as she thought that, she thought about how Craig would no doubt end up in an unmarked grave and how he was the last family member she had. She thought about how she hadn’t actually heard Craig say anything about the attacks on Colt or his shop. She didn’t know for sure that he’d been responsible for hurting the man her only friend loved. And she couldn’t sentence him to certain death if she wasn’t sure, could she?


  The sound of her nickname snapped her out of her dark thoughts and she glanced up in time to see Skylar slinking towards her slowly, as if any sudden movement would frighten her. Her gaze whipped around to find Bentley staring at her as well, his brows knit seriously and his smile nowhere to be seen. A manic laugh worked its way up her throat and she covered her mouth to keep it in as tears welled in her eyes.

  She’d made the only known happy-go-lucky Bomar scowl. She was that much of a downer. God, she was terrible.

  “Okay, hey, it’s okay. You don’t have to do this now.” Skylar moved quickly once she was close, taking the clippers from Rachel’s shaking hands and putting them down on the counter. “It’s too much today. I get it. Sorry I pushed.”

  That only made the sobs worse and Rachel spun away to hide the tears that escaped and ran down her face. Skylar was apologizing to her. Her boss felt bad for giving her the amazing opportunity to learn a skill and a trade that she could use for the rest of her life. Her friend felt bad for trying to help her. And she was keeping secrets that could get them all killed if she wasn’t careful.

  “No. I’m sorry.” She shook her head and wiped at her cheeks. “It’s stupid I just… I got overwhelmed.”

  That wasn’t another lie, she told herself as Skylar engulfed her in a hug and she simply held on for dear life. She was overwhelmed. Her entire life had changed overnight, literally, and she couldn’t find her footing.

  Today had been too much. Not just everything that had happened with Craig last night and her worries about what she would eventually have to do about him. She was also worried about Remy and what they were doing and how intense her feelings for him were. And then she’d had Skylar worrying about her and hovering over her and not pushing her for answers about why the hell she’d left a note saying she might end up dead. It was all too much acceptance and support and love when she’d never had any experience with those things in her life.

  “It’s okay.” Skylar brushed her hair back as she pulled away, “I’m sorry I pushed.”

  “No, it’s… I know you were trying to take my mind off things and I appreciate the opportunity, really I do it’s just…”

  “You’re not ready. It’s okay. You can practice on Bent some other time.”

  “Really?” She sniffed and wiped at her cheeks, embarrassed by the flash flood of tears.

  “Really.” Bentley nodded easily, his grin crawling up his handsome face so that his dimples reappeared, “Put me down for a reverse Mohawk anytime sweetheart.”

  Rachel managed a small smile for him as Skylar went back to his side to take the apron off. She listened as they argued good naturedly over exactly what kind of hairstyle it would take to make him ugly. Personally, Rachel wasn’t sure there was a haircut capable of that but she kept her mouth shut and simply enjoyed the normalcy of their conversation

  She wished she hadn’t freaked out. If it were any other day, she would have loved the opportunity Skylar had given her. For months she’d been shadowing Skylar’s every move in the salon, listening and watching and taking notes. Her boss had told her to think of her as a mentor and had been teaching her the basics so she could become a stylist someday too. She was eternally grateful for the chance to learn a skill, a trade that she would be able to use for the rest of her life. But she knew she wasn’t really ready for true hands-on experience and the only reason Skylar had offered up Bentley as a guinea pig was to get her doing something.

  Rachel had been in a fog all day. Ever since she walked in the door this morning, she’d been thinking so hard about what not to say that she hadn’t said, or done, anything. Skylar had been understandably upset and hit her with questions hard and fast but when she’d all but shut down, her friend had stopped the inquisition and simply been there for her. She was thankful for that. She wasn’t sure what she would have ended up saying to Skylar if she had continued to push.

  Explaining away the bag of clothes had been easy. It had been there for months. Skylar had known it was there, that she kept a spare set of clothes at the salon just in case she spilled dye on her or something like that. It was the other items, the ones Skylar hadn’t known about that had scared her. And Rachel didn’t blame her. Finding a stash of cash and a gun would have been bad enough but that note… Rachel regret that note more than anything else she’d done last night.

  It had been stupid. If she hadn’t left the note Skylar never would have known anything was wrong, wouldn’t have looked in her locker and wouldn’t have found the money or gun. She never should
have written that letter. She knew that now. But last night, in the grips of her panic and fear, she’d only been thinking that if she couldn’t find Remy or couldn’t convince him to help her that Craig could kill her and nobody would ever know how or why.

  Now it seemed ridiculous to think that Remy ever could have turned her away. He’d taken her in with nothing but a look and sworn that he would protect her at all costs. He’d told her that she was important to him, special to him, and that he wanted her for himself. But last night she hadn’t known that what they shared was anything more than attraction, at least on his end, and so she’d written that note.

  It hadn’t been too incriminating. She’d only said that if something were to happen to her that Skylar should look at Craig, that she should have someone go to the trailer to look for evidence, but she hadn’t said why her brother should be suspected in her disappearance or what evidence there might be. She was the only one that knew there was a second note, hidden in the vent of her closet where she’d taken her money from that would incriminate Craig for all sorts of things she’d heard over the years.

  She knew, logically, that she should have told Skylar the truth. She should have told Remy the truth. But she was still so scared that they would blame her somehow, for being related to Craig, that they would abandon her and she truly would be all alone, or that Craig would still find a way to hurt her despite their protection. So she’d kept her mouth shut, at least for the time being.

  According to Skylar, Lincoln was close to figuring out who the traitor was in his organization. If that was the case, it was possible she wouldn’t ever need to tell anyone what she knew. Lincoln would handle Craig on his own and she wouldn’t even need to get involved. Lincoln was clever and conniving. He would figure it out himself soon enough, at least that’s what she told herself.

  “What do you think Rach?”

  She looked up and realized she’d zoned out again, “What?”

  Bentley smirked, “Damn girl, you give my ego a helluva beating you know that?”


  Skylar giggled when Bentley grabbed his chest just above his heart and feigned being wounded, “First female not to fall for that sexy Bomar smirk, oh however will you survive?”

  “First female? Hell, first human being. My charm works on anyone with a pulse… except for her.” He scoffed playfully. “You at least used to flirt right back. I’m losing my touch. Clearly.”

  “If I flirted back now, you’d end up in a lot more pain than that pretend heartache, Bent.” Skylar teased back.

  The bell over the door dinged before Bentley could respond and they all turned to watch Jemma’s slightly rounded belly push through a moment before she followed it inside. She’d popped early and all signs pointed to another set of Bomar twins from the way she was growing. The pretty redhead was the absolute picture of pregnancy, glowing and beautiful, but she huffed unhappily as she had to duck under the large, tattooed arm that was holding the door open for her.

  “I told you I could get it myself.” She complained.

  “And I told you there’s no reason for you to be banging that damn baby against doorframes just because you’re hardheaded.” A stern voice answered with an exasperated sigh. “If something turns up wrong with that thing on your next checkup your boy’s gonna come after me and I don’t wanna have to put him down, okay dollface?”

  “You act like it’s a given you could take Cash in a fight.” Jemma pursed her lips and gave the man trailing her an indignant snort, “You’ve never seen him when he’s fighting for me.”

  “Your delusions about love are adorable as always.”

  Rachel couldn’t help but smile as the arguing duo finally made their way inside and the door swung shut behind them. They were a strange looking pair. She’d seen Jemma with Cash hundreds of times and though he was big and she was tiny, it somehow looked just right. The petite and pregnant redhead standing beside the big, bearded Bomar looked like a poorly planned comic strip.

  She knew the name of this particular Bomar now. Ford. He had been the one Remy left her with last night at the fight, the one that he’d asked to protect her. He was the one that had left her with his twin after warning her away from Remy. Rachel took a step back away from him instinctively and didn’t miss the way his lips pursed with displeasure as they skated over her.

  “Ladies.” He nodded as his gaze tracked past Skylar and then came to rest on his little brother who was still sitting in the salon chair, “Hard at work as usual huh Bent?”

  “Hey, don’t start. I was ordered to take a seat.”

  “Uh huh.” Ford didn’t seem all that convinced or concerned since he turned his attention back to the girl at his side, “We’re here. You’ve got twenty minutes and then I’m taking you home.”

  Jemma’s eyes narrowed dangerously, “You’re not the boss of me.”

  “No, the boss of you is at work, that’s why I’m babysitting. Twenty minutes dollface and then you’re going home even if I have to carry you out of here.”

  “Ford, you’re a Neanderthal. A sexy Neanderthal but a Neanderthal no less. Has anyone ever told you that?” Skylar grinned as she crossed the room and took her best friend by the arm.

  “Only this one, every day, minus the sexy part.” He smiled down at Jemma and Rachel struggled not to laugh.

  It was suddenly clear to her, in that moment, that the brash and bearded Bomar was enjoying himself. He liked fighting with Jemma and from the way the redhead grinned back at him, she knew it too. They had clearly forged a friendship through the bodyguard role he’d taken up in her life. It was clear he cared about her, and the baby, and that made Rachel feel bad for automatically fearing him based on nothing but his last name and dangerous looks.

  “Bent, get out of the chair. Jemma needs to sit.” Skylar ordered and the younger Bomar boy jumped out of the way instantly. “Actually, if you don’t mind, why don’t you guys go outside and have a smoke or something. We could use some girl time.”

  “I don’t think…” Ford started but Jemma waved a hand at him.

  “I told you I need to talk to the girls and that doesn’t require your presence. Go across the street and get me a bottle of water and a carton of Bluebell if you want to feel useful.”


  “Ford.” She said simply, a heavy stare backing his name up.

  He held his hands up, “Fine. I’ll go buy your damn ice cream but your twenty minutes starts now.”

  She stuck her tongue out at him again. He smirked and turned back for the door. Bentley followed.

  “I’ll go with you.”

  “Good call.” Skylar smiled at him.

  Rachel watched the two Bomar boys leave the salon and felt a sinking suspicion that she’d been set up. Skylar had just sent the bodyguards away so they could have girl time. Her and Skylar and Jemma. Clearly her boss hadn’t simply pulled back when Rachel refused to answer questions. She’d regrouped… and then she’d called in reinforcements.

  Turning to face the pregnant redhead and the willowy blonde, she knew she was right from the looks of caution on their pretty faces.

  “Hey.” Jemma was the first to speak, a soft smile painting her face.

  “Hi.” Rachel couldn’t help but return the smile, “It’s good to see you again.”

  “I wish I thought you meant that.” Jemma’s smile dimmed as concern flooded her hazel eyes, “I hope you don’t mind but Skylar called me this morning and told me a little about what’s going on. I’m here to check on you, Rachel.”

  This wasn’t a friendly visit. She’d known it. But hearing them say it made her insides curdle. This was an intervention. They wanted to talk to her about Craig, about what he’d done to her, or at least what they thought he’d done.

  “I-I’m okay.”

  “No, honey. I don’t think you are.” Skylar sighed and moved around Jemma’s chair towards her, “I don’t know exactly what happened or what’s going on but I’m not stupid and I know
what abuse looks like.”

  Rachel swallowed hard, “I-I don’t…”

  “I asked Jemma to come because I thought you might want to talk to someone that’s dealt with abuse personally.”

  Jemma must have seen the questions on her face because she sighed, “My ex was an abusive piece of shit. He liked to drink and when he did he got violent.” Jemma twisted the ring on her left hand and sighed, “Even when he wasn’t drinking, he verbally abused me for years.”

  She hadn’t known that and she blinked in surprise. Jemma had been in an abusive relationship? She seemed so strong, so confident and sure of herself. Rachel couldn’t imagine her putting up with abuse, not for a second, let alone years.

  Still, she shook her head, “I d-d-don’t know what you mean. I’ve never even had a boyfriend.”

  Skylar frowned, “He doesn’t have to be a boyfriend for it to be abuse, Rachel.”

  “And trust me, I get it if you don’t want to say the words.” Jemma shrugged, “I couldn’t say it for… well, for a long time. I denied it to everyone, even to myself. What it took for me to be able to accept I was in a bad situation and that I needed help… I don’t want that to happen to you.”


  “I didn’t have any friends around me when things got really bad.” Jemma continued, soft but firm, “I didn’t have anyone that I could turn to, that I could talk to. That’s not the case for you. You have Skylar and you have me. We’re your friends and you can tell us anything. We’ll never judge you. All we’re gonna do is try like hell to be here for you, Rachel.”

  Tears pooled in her eyes before she could blink them back. Friends. They were her friends. Sometime after Skylar hired her, she’d realized that the blonde cared far more than a casual employer would. She’d known that Skylar was her friend, almost like a big sister, but she’d never realized that Jemma was her friend too. Sure the feisty redhead came by the salon all the time and they talked and hung out, chatting over dinner and drinks, but she’d always known Jemma was there to see Skylar. She was just the girl that tagged along with them on occasion. Here, now, with the two of them looking at her like they were worried, like they cared, she realized for the first time in her life, she had real and true girlfriends.


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