No Fear (Bomar Boys Book 3)

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No Fear (Bomar Boys Book 3) Page 16

by Jess Bryant


  “Yeah.” He smiled at the question in her voice.


  Before he could figure out what she meant, he felt her breath against his thigh. His eyes flew open and he glanced down just in time to watch her little pink tongue dart out and lap at the tip of his dick. Pre-come had gathered there and she licked at it gently, circling the crown and then sucking just the tip into her mouth.

  And he snapped.

  That was the only word for it. The only excuse. She’d been pushing him all night and he just fucking snapped when he saw her pretty mouth circling his aching dick.

  Not like this, his brain screamed. He wasn’t coming for the first time with the woman he loved on her knees. It just didn’t feel right and he needed her closer, in his arms, where he could feel her heart beating as wildly as his and look in her eyes and know she was with him. He needed her close to make sure the bad memories stayed locked up tight as they made new and better ones together.

  He grabbed her roughly and hauled her up from the floor. Rachel let out a squeak of protest but he silenced her with his mouth. He shoved his tongue between her lips and kissed her as he settled her over his lap. It only took a moment for her arms to wrap around his neck and her tongue to twine with his. He could taste himself on her, the musk of his arousal, and mixed with her sweetness it made him wild.

  His hips punched up as he dragged her down and they both groaned. He could feel her heat and wetness through her panties. It would be better skin to skin but he didn’t dare push the thin fabric aside. If he did, he’d bury himself inside her before she could take another breath and that wasn’t the way he wanted it to happen. Even with the barrier of lace, Rachel stiffened against him slightly and he fought to grasp reality and reassure her.

  “Not gonna take you tonight, Rach. Not tonight. But I want to be as close to you as possible when I come. Need to feel you come with me.”

  He guided her back down and they both gasped as the head of his cock found her slit. The panties were a barrier, sure, but she was soaking wet for him again and the fabric molded to her folds. He slid against her, pressing her down until her sweet body wrapped around him.

  Rachel whimpered and her body immediately flexed, trying to take him inside despite the fabric between them. He held her hips between his hands and helped rock her against him as his dick twitched eagerly. He spread her open, her softness to his hardness, and knew the only thing keeping him from entering her as they ground their bodies together was that slip of fabric and his last shred of sanity.

  “Oh God…” Rachel dropped her head back on a moan as he pressed up and found her clit.

  “Yeah, that’s it baby. Let me hear you.” He dragged his lips over her shoulder where the shirt she was wearing had fallen aside and sucked at her sweet skin, “Tell me who you belong to.”

  “You.” She gasped.

  “That’s right. You’re mine, Rachel. This is mine. I’m gonna be the first and only man to ever sink inside you and when I do, it’s gonna be so damn good because you were made for me baby.”

  “Remy, please.”

  “No begging.” He bit her earlobe as her hips sped against his, grinding down hard, “You never have to beg me for what you need. Just ask. Just tell me what you want.”

  “Make me come. Oh God, Remy! Make me come.”

  He was so far gone, he could barely think beyond driving his hips up against her soft, wet core. She was dripping wet for him, drenching them both. His girl liked dirty talk apparently which was good to know because damn, he couldn’t seem to stop talking to her.

  “Fuck, you feel so good Rach. Better than any fantasy. I’m gonna come baby. I’m gonna come all over you. Mark you because you’re mine and I’m yours. All yours, baby.”

  “Remy!” She screamed his name as her climax ripped through her and he could feel the ripples pass through her body and into his.

  That was all it took. He’d held out as long as he could just so he could see that blissful look on her beautiful face and hear her cry his name. He released the tight grip he’d held over his self-control and bucked up against her again and again as she rode out her pleasure and then he exploded right with her.

  Rachel collapsed against him as the last tremors left her body and he could do nothing more than wrap his arms around her and hold her close. They were both breathing hard, panting. Their clothes stuck to their sweaty bodies and he realized they hadn’t bothered to fully undress. That was a damn shame considering how gorgeous she was but he supposed he could correct that mistake next time. Right now, he was too far gone to do much more than press kisses to her overheated skin.

  “Mmm, Remy.” Rachel mewled softly, rubbing her cheek against his chest, “That was…”

  “Yeah.” He agreed with a happy hum, “Just imagine how good it’s gonna be when I get inside you.”

  She pulled back enough to look at him and smiled, “We might not survive it.”

  Remy’s heart thumped hard in his chest as he stared up at her. She was so damn beautiful and she was his. If all the hell he’d gone through was what it took to get to this girl he’d gladly walk through it again. Her dark hair stuck to her forehead and neck where sweat glistened. Her lips were red and swollen for their kisses. Her eyes glassy and sated. He’d never seen anything more beautiful in his life.

  “I think we can survive just about anything so long as we’re together.”

  Her lips curled upwards again and she pressed a kiss to his mouth, “I had no idea you were such a sweet talker, Remy Bomar.”

  “Only with you.”

  “Mmm, I’m sleepy.” Rachel stifled a yawn and he chuckled.

  “Shower first. Bed second.”

  “Yeah, you got me all dirty again.” Rachel giggled, “You might have to shower with me. I’m not sure my legs will hold me up.”

  “Twist my arm, why don’t ya.” He found the strength to lift them both and Rachel squealed as she wrapped her legs around him. “Come on baby, let’s take a shower together.”


  “Uh huh.”

  “Then bed?” She bit her lip again and he knew what she was thinking.

  “Then bed, together too. You and me, in my bed. No more sleeping in the chair or on the couch. You belong with me.”

  Her voice was barely a whisper when she sighed, “I’ve never belonged anywhere.”

  “Yes, you have. You’ve belonged with me. I’m just sorry it took me so long to find my way back here and to you.”

  She softened in his arms, her eyes warm and watery again, so he paused in the hallway to kiss her. Soft and slow and sweet, he tried to tell her without words what today had meant to him. He knew they hadn’t fixed anything. Not really. They still had the situation with her brother to deal with and the fact that she still hadn’t told him exactly what Craig was threatening left him uneasy. But he’d meant what he said.

  They could face anything as long as they were together.

  Chapter Ten

  “What’s your favorite color?”

  Rachel bit her lip to hide a smile, “Blue?”

  Remy chuckled, “Was that a question? Were you asking me if it’s blue?”

  “No. Blue. My favorite color is blue.”

  “Hmm, like light blue, clear sky on a summer day blue, or more of a cerulean blue?”

  It was her turn to laugh, “You know the difference in sky blue and cerulean?”

  “Yeah, I uh… I’ve been working with Colt for a while now and whenever he’s mixing colors he’s always complaining that he can’t get Skylar’s eyes right. He swears it’s because they’re not cerulean, that they’re some special sort of blue specifically designed to torment him. I’ve learned a lot about colors since I started at Fine Lines.” Remy rubbed his foot against her shin, “So, which is it?”

  Rachel smiled at the sweet story about Colt and Skylar. She liked that something so tiny about their relationship could make her boyfriend smile when he talke
d about it. He didn’t smile nearly enough in her opinion but she thought it was very telling that this particular story had stuck with him. It was clear to her that he adored Skylar like a little sister but even more clear that he thought Colt doting on her was pretty special unto itself.


  “Neither?” He looked skeptical.

  “Midnight blue. That’s my favorite. Dark, darker than navy. The sky just before everything goes black.”

  Remy’s smile softened and his eyes warmed as he leaned forward to brush his mouth over hers. Rachel sighed into the sweet kiss as sparks flared in her belly. The knowing look on his handsome face as he pulled away hinted that he knew as well as she did that midnight blue was the color of his eyes.

  Dark and mysterious, hinting at unknown dangers, that was Remy. And when his pupils dilated and the black overtook the blue, it was like watching a lunar eclipse. It was beautiful. He was beautiful. But he was also the kind of man that would laugh if she told him he was beautiful so she didn’t bother.

  “Mmm…” She licked her lips, “Your turn. Favorite color.”


  They’d been playing this game since they woke up. Since it was Sunday they were both off work. They’d slept in and woken wrapped around each other. Both too content to move, they’d simply pulled the blankets over them and spent the past hour getting to know each other better.

  It had been Remy’s idea and she knew it was a good one. As convinced as they both were that they belonged together, as explosive as their attraction was, there were too many holes in their fragile foundation for either of them to feel steady yet. No matter how good their chemistry was or how deeply familiar their pasts were to each other, they both needed more.

  And they both wanted more. They wanted everything. With each other.

  Looking back on their night together, on their morning, Rachel’s only regret was that of all the things she’d told Remy, she hadn’t come clean about the most important secret she was keeping yet.

  She wanted to tell him. She did. But every time she worked up the courage, the words got stuck in her throat. Her mind would begin to whirl and that age-old fear she’d always lived with would get the best of her.

  She was safe here, in this trailer, with Remy, but when she thought of telling him the truth she started to think about what it would mean if she couldn’t stay here. She’d think about how angry Remy was going to be when he found out she’d known Craig was the traitor and hadn’t told him. She thought about how scared she’d been when her brother walked into the salon yesterday or when he’d confronted her outside the barn and she would remember his threats about what would happen to her when she didn’t have Remy protecting her anymore.

  But as scared as she was of Craig, the thing that scared her most was the thought of losing Remy. He had become so important to her in such a short span of time. He had come into her life just when she needed someone most. She trusted him. She loved him. And losing him would destroy her.

  So she’d kept her mouth shut. It was what she did best after all. She stayed quiet. She stayed out of the way and hoped nobody noticed her. She prayed that she was wrong and her brother being a traitor had nothing to do with the attacks on Colt. She prayed that Lincoln would figure it out for himself sooner rather than later and she wouldn’t have to choose sides.

  Because as much as she hated Craig, and she did hate him, he was still her blood. He had done awful, horrible things to her. He had slapped her, hit hurt, hurt her more times than she could count. He’d let people into her life that drugged her and tried to rape her. He’d ruined her childhood, taken her innocence and twisted her entire life into a nightmare but he was still her brother. Even if he was only her half-brother. He was her family. And she couldn’t be responsible for putting a gun to his head and pulling the trigger.

  She just couldn’t.

  “You’re doing it again.” Remy whispered softly, and his fingers stroking over her cheek brought her back to the present. They were in bed together, cuddling and talking. He was staring at her with that concerned crease between his eyes again. “You’re right in front of me but you disappeared for a minute there.”

  “Sorry.” She winced as she cuddled into his touch, “I’m back. I’m here.”

  “Where’d you go?”

  “N-nowhere, just… worrying, I guess.”

  His lips pursed when she stuttered and she held her breath, waiting to see if he called her out. Waiting to see if his patience with her obvious half-truths ran out. Because he knew the stutter meant something was wrong, he just didn’t know what. Instead, he only pulled her closer as he rolled to his back and drew her against his chest. He stroked her back and she only felt worse about lying to him when he tried to reassure her.

  “You don’t have anything to worry about, Rach. You’re safe with me. Nobody can hurt you here. I’m not gonna let anyone hurt you ever again.”

  She held on to him tight and forced the words out, “But what happens to me when you’re not around anymore?”

  “Am I going somewhere I don’t know about?”

  “No… just…” She blew out a rough breath, “People break up all the time, Remy. People leave. Y-y-you left once before.”

  He tensed beneath her and she immediately regret voicing her doubts. She hadn’t meant it to sound like an accusation. He’d told her why he left. She understood. She couldn’t use that against him. But it didn’t mean she wasn’t scared he would leave again, or leave her, when he knew the truth about her family.

  “I told you that I had to leave before. It was my only option. I ran because I thought it was the only way but I’m not a scared kid anymore, Rachel.” He twisted until she was looking up at him, “I’m not going anywhere. I’m done running away from my problems. I came home. I am home. Cash and Colt and the girls. You. You’re my home now and nothing and nobody could ever make me leave you.”

  She bit her lip to stifle a flash of tears as her heart swelled. Home. He included her in his family. He called her his home. And she had always wanted that, somewhere to belong, someone to belong with, someone to love her. But she’d been scared so long it was hard to believe it was even possible.

  She chewed on her lips, “I know you might not want to leave me but… what if… what if something happens to you?”

  “Nothing’s gonna happen to me, baby.”

  “You don’t know that. You can’t know that.”


  “No!” She shook her head when he said her name in that consoling tone, “I know you only fight for Lincoln to save your brothers but it’s still dangerous. Who’s going to save you?”

  “You are. You do.”

  “Remy, be serious.” She frowned, “I’m not as naïve or as innocent as you think I am. I’ve lived with Craig for years. I’ve seen the kind of men he deals with, works with, and some of those men are your cousins. They’ve been to my house. I’ve seen things, heard things. It’s not safe for you to be working with them, Remy.”

  His brows furrowed, “What cousins?”


  “What cousins, Rachel? Who’s been to your house? Who hangs out with Craig?”

  “That wasn’t my point. You know that right?”

  “Who, Rachel?”

  “Ugh, I don’t know.” She threw her hands in the air, “I’m bad with names and you all kind of look alike.”

  His lips twitched, “We don’t all look alike.”

  “Yes, you do. How many sets of twins are there? And the rest of you do resemble.”

  “If you mean we’re all handsome as hell, then yeah, I have to agree we probably do.” He laughed when she rolled her eyes, “What? We are.”

  “Yes, I know. I know all about the Bomar eyes and the Bomar dimples and the Bomar bone structure. I’ve heard all about the Bomar legends working in the salon. Girls talk. You’re all a bunch of dangerously sexy man-whores and as far as the women in this town are concerned, you’re all fairly

  “I may have heard those rumors.” His gaze turned serious when she huffed “But we’re not interchangeable to you, are we?”

  “You were… before… All of your cousins looked alike because I was scared of all of them, all of you. But then…”

  “Then you met me.” His lips twitched again.

  “Well, technically I met Colt first but…” Rachel squealed as he rolled them, pinning her to the bed, “Hey! I was saying something!”

  “Mmhmm.” Remy settled between her legs and she gasped when she felt his hardness. It took everything in her not to flex her hips up against him. She bit her lip and tried to focus on his words and not the way his strong body felt holding her down. She would have thought it would freak her out, being pinned, but with Remy it did something else to her entirely. “You were saying my brother’s name and I had to put a stop to that.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because hearing you say my brother’s name, ever, makes my fists clench but hearing you say his name here, in our bed, makes me want to put my fist through his handsome face.”

  Our bed. She bit down harder on her lips to quell the smile. He’d said our bed.

  “Remy Bomar…” She said instead, “Are you jealous?”

  She expected him to laugh it off. She thought he would make a joke or an innuendo. Instead, he surprised her by meeting her eyes and nodding seriously.

  “If that’s what you want to call this insane urge to deck my brother for ever having breathed the same air as you, then yeah, I’m jealous as hell.”

  “You do know that Colt only has eyes for Skylar right?”

  “Yeah, but what about you?” His eyes studied her face and that furrow appeared between his brows again, “Did you have eyes for him? A crush or something? You said you met him first and…”

  “I didn’t mean it like that.” She cut him off.

  “So you didn’t have a thing for him?”

  “No. I didn’t have a thing for him. He was just the first of you guys I actually got to know and… he’s not a bad guy.”

  “No. He’s not. He’s one of the good ones.”


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