No Fear (Bomar Boys Book 3)

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No Fear (Bomar Boys Book 3) Page 32

by Jess Bryant

  She went through the motions. She brushed her teeth. She combed her hair. She twisted it up into a messy top-knot and refused to think about how many things she would have to buy to replace what had gone up in flames in the trailer. She’d left almost everything behind when she went to Remy’s but she’d always thought if she needed something, she could pick it up when Craig wasn’t around. Now all of her belongings were a smoldering pile of ash. Even little stuff like her headbands and scrunchies, not to mention her makeup were all gone.

  Rachel stared at her reflection again and winced at the reminder that she had no makeup to cover up her face. She’d never worn a lot of makeup anyway but she’d had concealer since the day Craig moved in with her. She’d needed it to cover the bruises because even if he’d tried to put them where nobody would see, he’d lost it more than once and smacked her across the face. She touched her cheek lightly and swallowed hard. This was the last bruise Craig would ever put on her body. He could never hurt her again. He could never hurt anyone ever again thanks to Remy.


  She smiled softly when she heard his voice from the other side of the bathroom door. She’d been in here for a while. He must have gotten worried. She slid the door open and leaned against it. Her heart swelled in her chest at the sight of Remy’s broad frame taking up the entirety of the small doorway. His eyes were dark and his mouth was twisted into a grim line. He hadn’t shaved this morning and the dark stubble on his handsome face made his rough edges even rougher. He opened his arms and she went into them instantly.

  He held her tight and some of her fears slipped away. They were going to be okay. They were going to get through this. Together.

  “Easy, baby.” He cupped the back of her head and pulled her back just enough he could look down into her eyes, “You okay?”

  She nodded.

  The furrow between Remy’s brows only deepened and he stroked his thumb over her jaw, one of the only places he could touch that wasn’t bruised, “I don’t know how that could be true but I promise you… you will be.”

  “I know.” She cuddled into his touch.

  She loved this man so much. There was no hesitation in the way he touched her. He made her promises as if he would never let her down. And he hadn’t. Not once. From the moment she met him, he’d done nothing but be there for her. Be her friend. Be her shoulder. Be her strength. Now it was her turn to stand tall and be strong for him.

  “I’m okay. I am, or I will be. I told you, I only need you.”

  “You’ve got me, baby.” He kissed her forehead, “And you’ve got a lot more than just me.”

  She pulled back to look up at him again, “Huh?”

  Remy smiled, a sheepish thing full of white teeth and dimples, “My entire family wants to see you. They want to hug you and hold you and see that you’re safe. They love you, Rachel. Just like I do.”

  She felt tears well behind her eyes again, “Everyone?”

  “Everyone.” He nodded, catching a stray tear that escaped from the corner of her eye before it could fall, “Colt told Sky what happened last night, as least as much as he knows. She’s been texting me all morning to see if she can come over. She must’ve told Jemma too because Mama Bear has left a half dozen messages.”

  “Oh… I… I should probably call them back.”

  “I wasn’t done.” Remy smirked, “Bentley said if you need anything, to call him and he’ll get it for you. Ford called, he actually called instead of sending a text. My cousin that never says ten words if he can help it actually called to check on you and wanted you to know he packed a small bag with a couple of things he thought you might want before he burned the trailer. And Lincoln…”

  A loud banging noise interrupted Remy and Rachel jumped a foot off the ground. He winced and pulled her close and she blushed immediately when she recognized the loud noise for what it was. Not a gunshot. Not a threat. Someone was knocking on the door of the trailer, that was all.

  All of Remy’s kind words that had been wrapping around her heart, were forgotten. She forgot how amazing it felt to know that she had family that cared about her. Not just Remy. Not even just Skylar and Jemma. She had Colt and Cash. Bentley was her friend and Ford was… well, she thought he just might be the big brother figure she’d always wanted and never gotten in Craig. She had family, but that knock on the door was a threat that could take it all away.

  “The cops?” She felt her bottom lip tremble.

  “If it is, we’ll get through it.” Remy kissed her forehead when the knocking came again, “Just tell them what we discussed. Nothing more. Short one word answers are best.” He managed a small smile for her, “You’re quiet and shy, remember?”

  She rolled her eyes and he chuckled. His joke helped to lighten the mood just a little, just enough that she could breathe. He gave her a questioning look but she nodded that she was ready and let him take her hand. They walked, together, to the front of the trailer as the banging came again.

  “Coming.” Remy called before covering the last few steps and unlocking the door. It swung outward and morning light spilled in along with a cold breeze. Rachel shivered but Remy didn’t move out of the way to allow whoever was outside in. His lips turned down into a scowl and he shook his head, “I told you to give us some time.”

  “I did. I gave you all night. Now move aside and let me in. It’s cold out here, Remington.”

  Even if she hadn’t recognized the voice, she would have known from the condescending tone who was on the other side of the door. There was only one person that called Remy by his full name. It wasn’t the cops. It was someone far more intimidating. Lincoln Bomar was here.

  Remy had been about to tell her something about Lincoln, and now here he was. Had he been worried about her too? Like his brothers? Or was he here to cover his bases and make sure the untrustworthy new girl kept her mouth shut about what she’d seen last night? She figured it was probably the latter but she still nodded when Remy shot her a questioning look. Whatever Lincoln wanted, they couldn’t just send him away. Dealing with him now would be the first step to putting the events from last night behind her.

  “Fine, but you better be nice.” Remy growled as he moved aside to let his cousin inside.

  “I’m always nice.” Lincoln snorted but when he stepped inside, he wasn’t smiling.

  Rachel steeled her spine when he immediately turned to face her. Lincoln looked like hell. He looked like he hadn’t slept at all. His short hair stuck up in every direction. There were dark circles under his beautiful eyes. Stubble covered his jawline and he was still wearing the same clothes he’d had on when she’d seen him last night. He looked rumpled and tired but that wasn’t what made her stomach clench. It was the worry that was clear in his bold gaze as he looked her over, top to bottom.

  His jaw clenched as he took in her bruises and then he was moving. Lincoln was in front of her in three long strides before Remy could even think to step in front of his cousin. She didn’t back up. She didn’t even flinch when he raised his big hands and cupped her face. She wasn’t scared of this man, she realized. Not anymore. She knew he wasn’t here to hurt her.

  “I’m sorry.” He whispered and his voice was rough, “I’m so sorry, Rachel.”

  “It’s… it wasn’t your fault.”

  Lincoln’s eyes latched onto the bruise on her neck, “Ford told me what happened, as much as he knew anyway since he let that bastard trick him and wasn’t there to protect you. He should have been there. He should have been there and that fucker never should’ve touched you.”

  She swallowed hard at the anger in his voice, “It wasn’t his fault. Please, don’t blame Ford.”

  “I have to blame someone, sweetheart.” Lincoln’s grip on her face tightened a fraction of an inch and then he seemed to catch himself and he released her completely and stepped back, “If that fucker were still alive, I’d gut him for daring to touch you. Nobody messes with my family and gets away with it. Nobody.”

  Rachel raised her eyebrows but kept her mouth shut. Yesterday, Lincoln had stood in almost the exact same place and called her a liar and a traitor. He’d accused her of only being with Remy to protect herself. Today, she was one of them. She was family. Which reminded her of what it took to truly be considered a Bomar. She had to protect them, just as they would protect her. She’d earned her place.

  “He’s already dead, Link.” Remy spoke up, “And it wasn’t Ford’s fault he got past us. Ford saw something and went to check it out. It’s more than Colt or I saw. He was a sneaky, rat bastard and he got what was coming to him. It’s over.”

  “You’re right.” Lincoln cleared his throat and turned to face Remy for the first time since he walked into the trailer, “He’s dead and it is over, at least for you two.”

  “What?” Rachel squeaked as she glanced between the two men. “Wh-what does that mean?”

  “Bug wasn’t working alone. I’ve still got the rest of the Santos Peridos crew to deal with. That’s on me. Not you.” Lincoln shook his head, “It means, you two have done your part to protect the family and now we’re going to protect you by getting you out of the family business.”


  “Out?” Remy’s brows knit together. “What are you talkin’ about Link?”

  “You’re out. Done. Free. As clean as your little brothers from this day forward. I hereby baptize you from the Bomar curse.” Lincoln made the sign of the cross and then shrugged when nobody laughed at his joke, “You did your part for the family. You killed our traitor and your girl nearly lost her life helping us. I figure that entitles you to one request and we both know that’s going to be your freedom.”

  Rachel gaped at the offer Lincoln was making. In Lincoln’s eyes, Remy had done something for the family last night. He’d handled their traitor problem. He had blood on his hands and in the Bomar family that meant he was owed something in return. Lincoln was offering him the one thing that he knew Remy wanted most.

  No more fighting in the cage for the family. No more looking over his shoulder. No more wondering if saving Colt had truly been worth it. No more worrying how much would be enough to earn his own freedom.

  It was as close to a declaration of love as Lincoln had probably ever come. The man took loyalty seriously. He protected his family at any and all costs. He was their leader for a reason, because he put them first. He was putting Remy first now.

  She glanced at the man she loved and saw his features twisted into disbelief. Her heart squeezed tight in her chest when his eyes narrowed on his cousin. That was her Remy. She could practically see his mind racing, trying to find the loophole, trying to discern what the trick was behind Lincoln’s words. He didn’t trust his cousin or an offer that seemed too good to be true.

  “Out?” Remy repeated, his head cocked suspiciously.

  “Yes. Out, Remington. You’re out.”

  “No more fighting?”


  “You’re just letting me out of the deal we made for Colt?”


  “And it’s not gonna come back on my brother if I don’t keep my end of the deal?”

  “You’re keeping your end. I’m not keeping mine. You’re out.” Lincoln growled.


  “I fuckin’ told you why.” Lincoln narrowed his eyes in return, “I’m giving you something you want. I expected a thank you, not the third degree.”

  “I’m not going to thank you for having a shred of decency left in you.”

  Lincoln tossed his hands in the air, “I don’t know why I even fuckin’ bother with you. I really don’t.”

  “Guys…” Rachel inserted herself between them when she felt the air shift and crackle with tension.

  “I fucked up! Is that what you want to hear, Remington? I fucked up with you and I fucked up with Colt. I thought keeping you close the same way I do the other boys was the answer to your problems but it wasn’t. It isn’t. So if you want out, want to be free of this life and this family, fuckin’ go. We don’t need you. I don’t need you. So you’re out. Change your last name if you fuckin’ hate us all that much but I’m done trying to do right by you.”

  Rachel winced when Lincoln exploded. If it had just been anger, she might have moved away from him. She might have put herself in front of Remy. But Lincoln wasn’t just angry. He was hurt. She may not know him well and he would most likely deny it if she said so but Remy’s refusal to accept his help or his offer hurt Lincoln. He was hurt and he was lashing out just like every other man she’d ever known.

  Except for Remy.

  She moved towards her boyfriend and put a hand on his chest, “Remy, please…”

  “No.” Remy growled at her, “I know you see the good in people, Rach, but he’s not one of the good guys. He’s not doing this out of the goodness of his heart. There’s something in it for him. There must be.”

  “Fuck you, Remington.” Lincoln scoffed. “You’d rather keep climbing in the cage? Fine, but that’s on you. You don’t get to keep blaming me for your shitty life just because you’re too scared to walk away.”

  “I’m not walking away from my responsibilities again!” Remy snapped.

  “Remy, stop. Please.” Rachel begged.

  “We ain’t your responsibility.” Lincoln talked over her, “The boys, the family, they’re my responsibility.”

  “Cash and Colt…” Remy started but Lincoln scoffed again.

  “Aren’t your responsibility anymore either. They’re grown men. They’re out. They’re clean. They have their own lives.”

  “No thanks to you.”

  Lincoln’s jaw clenched but his voice became deadly calm, “You’re right. They have their own family now and that doesn’t have shit to do with me. I love those two like they’re my own brothers but they are better off without me in their life so I’ve stepped back and let them go. I’m willing to do the same for you.”

  “Just like that?”

  “Just like that.” Lincoln shrugged though he looked no less tense, “You put yourself on the line for us. Your girl put herself on the line for us and she ended up hurt. She could’ve ended up dead. I don’t want that on my conscience. It’s dirty enough as it is.”

  Rachel winced at what she hoped had been at attempt at levity, “Nice.”

  “No, sweetheart, I’m not.” Lincoln shook his head at her and then looked back up at his cousin, “But I do care about my family. The fighting? The lying? The constant danger? You weren’t made for it Remy. Neither were the twins. So get out while I’m still offering and take care of your girl.”

  Remy was quiet as he stared at his cousin and Rachel held her breath, wondering if he would take the offer. Accept Lincoln’s apology for all that he’d done wrong in the past. Admit that he did want out and that this was a kind gesture. Anything. But when he remained quiet and didn’t move, she saw the same realization cross Lincoln’s handsome face and it hardened even further, turning cold and distant as he accepted that he couldn’t get through to his cousin.

  “Fine.” He snorted. “Fuck you too, Remy. You won’t accept my generosity then the original deal stands. We’ll see you for fight night next week. One of the boys will deliver the details. You won’t have to talk to me again because I’m done trying.”

  He turned to leave and Rachel spun on her boyfriend. She wasn’t letting this happen. Maybe Remy and Lincoln could never go back to being friends after everything that had happened. Maybe that was asking too much. But Remy had told her that he trusted Lincoln more than anyone once. Lincoln had broken that trust but he was here and he was offering an olive branch and she wasn’t letting Remy throw it back in his face.

  “Damn it Remy, he’s trying to do a nice thing! Just accept it and let’s move on with our life.” She shoved against his chest and he took a step back, “You want out. He’s giving it to you and you’re throwing it back in his face.”

  “Because he’s not…”

  “No! It’s my t
urn to talk!” She raised her voice, “He’s your family. I know right now you might not want to hear that but he is. You’re a Bomar and he’s your family. I don’t have any family left! They’re all gone. Every one of them! I don’t have anyone and you’re not going to take this one that I just found away from me!”

  “Rach, that’s not what I’m doing.” Remy winced and reached for her but she smacked his hand away.

  “It is.”

  “It’s not. You have me. You have the twins and the girls and…”

  “And you’re just going to turn your back on the rest of your family because they’re not who you want them to be? You’re better than that Remy. You’re better than your father.”

  He winced and she knew her words had finally hit home. Hating Lincoln for who he was even when he was trying to do the right thing was something Decker would do. Not Remy. He was a good man. He was just so used to seeing the bad in Lincoln he refused to accept this offer for what it was.

  “I love you but you you’re making a mistake.” She reached up and cupped his face, “You told me that your family was my family now. Remember?”


  “Remember?” She raised her voice.

  “Yeah, I remember.” Remy sighed.

  “So Lincoln, he just offered you the chance to stop fighting and live your own life your own way and you’re going to accept his kind gesture because you don’t get to think the worst of my family.”

  Remy’s eyes softened for the first time since Lincoln had come into the trailer and she breathed out a sigh of relief. She’d finally gotten through to him. Somehow, something she’d said had gotten through to him. The tension in his shoulders deflated and the resolve she’d seen on his handsome face faltered.

  “Okay, baby.”

  She searched his face, “Okay?”

  “If that’s what you want, that’s what you get.” Remy blew out a rough breath, “Clean slate, right?”

  “Clean slate.” She nodded hopefully.

  Remy looked over her head, “Clean slate?”

  There was a loud, scoffing sound behind her and she turned back to face Lincoln. She’d honestly thought he would keep walking. Her outburst must have stopped him in his tracks because when she met his gaze he was standing just inside the open door of the trailer.


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