Mary had a little harem

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Mary had a little harem Page 10

by Arizona Tape

  Mary briefly wondered where that thought came from but she had no time to ponder.

  “What are you looking at?” Nico asked, her voice just a bit lower than usual.


  In a fit of confidence, Mary stared the pixie in her eyes and swallowed the lump in her throat. “You.”

  A smile graced Nico’s lips and she took a step closer in the already small space. Her hot breath fanned across Mary’s lip and for the first time, Mary recognised the odd feelings that had been circling through her whenever she looked at Nico.


  She brushed her fingertips across the pixie’s taunt stomach and was surprised at just how soft her skin was. None of the men she’d been with were ever this smooth.

  “Mary,” Nico whispered, her hands snaking around the slightly taller woman’s waist.

  “Yes?” Mary replied, her breath hitching in her throat. Electricity sparkled in the tiny gap of air between the two of them and she knew something was about to happen. Something new and exciting and utterly exhilarating.

  “Don’t tempt me,” the pixie warned, but every bit of her tone seemed to beg otherwise.

  “You’re the one who is half-naked.” Mary trailed her fingers up the silky skin and wondered if every part of Nico was as smooth as this.

  The shortest of the two flashed a grin and quickly unclasped her bra. With a soft thud, it fell between the two women.

  “Now I’m half naked,” she corrected, closing the gap between them.

  Mary shivered, a spark jumping from Nico to her that set the coals in her stomach on fire. This was so different, but somehow, it felt familiar.

  The burning in the pit of her stomach and the slickness between her thighs was familiar. And yet, she couldn’t exactly figure out why this woman had such an effect on her.

  Maybe it didn’t matter.

  Nico captured her lips with hers and Mary melted into a fanning hot kiss.

  No, it didn’t matter.

  She curled her arms behind the beautiful woman’s waist and shivered from the hand creeping under her own shirt. With a little tug, they broke the passionate kiss just long enough for Nico to strip Mary’s shirt away. Handily, Nico reached behind the other woman and the second bra tumbled onto the ground.

  Even if it was something Mary had never done before, kissing Nico felt as natural as anything. The smoothness of her skin, the soft little whimpers she made, the urgency she felt in every kiss. Nico was dainty but there was nothing frail about her. The muscles in her arms flexed as she pressed Mary against one of the walls. Caught in the small changing room, one of them knocked the tiniest chair over and the other accidentally got tangled up in the curtain.

  Clumsily, Mary knocked her forehead against Nico’s and the two women burst out in giggles. Nico pressed her palm against Mary’s plump lips to muffle the snorts, but that just seemed to intensify the laughter. And the soft groans from the other side of the wall of someone clearly trying to fit into a pair of too small jeans didn’t help them rein in the laughter.

  Little lights flickered playfully in Nico’s dark eyes and Mary noted just how beautiful she actually was. The lust dancing across the pixie’s face was enough to stop Mary’s laughter and with the passion flaring up in her stomach, she pulled Nico back into her. With curled up lips, she captured the other woman in a long kiss, erasing all traces of laughter.

  Talented fingers brushed over her bare stomach and Mary held her breath, filled with anticipation for what was to happen. Her belt buckled and Nico snaked her hand into the band of her trousers. She curled her fingers up and for once, Mary was very happy she didn’t wear the skinny jeans she had planned to wear.

  With a muffled groan, she buckled so to give Nico better access and the pixie certainly didn’t waste any time. Eager, she slipped a finger between Mary’s folds, listening tentatively for the soft sighs to turn into a gasp. Almost instantly, she bumped against the little button hidden between Mary’s thighs and rather smugly, Nico felt Mary’s inhale sharply.

  There was an experience and familiarity about the way that Nico’s fingers brushed and circled around Mary’s sensitive bundle and it made her weak to her knees. Glad that the changing room came with a little chair, she practically fell down on it and Nico followed her down. With a tug, she pulled the jeans completely down, exposing Mary’s smoothness to her.

  Before Mary even knew what was going on, she felt a hot breath against the inside of her thigh. She gasped raggedly, holding her breath as not to snap the pixie out of whatever trance she was. She didn’t want to startle the beautiful woman and chase her away. But she needn’t worry.

  A wetness pressed against her own and with a quick flick, Nico’s tongue dove into her folds and protruded against her core. Mary could feel just how slick she was and she would’ve been embarrassed if it didn’t feel so good. Careful, she placed a hand on Nico’s head and threaded her fingers in her short hair. She didn’t want to be rude and push her face down, but equally, she didn’t want her companion to stop.

  But Nico had no intention of stopping. A grin spread across her face as she felt Mary shudder with every flick, every circle, every little bit of pressure she put on her bundle of nerves. Without any resistance, she slipped a finger deep inside the panting woman and immediately felt her squeeze tightly in response. Attentively, she increased the pressure on her clit and Mary almost buckled off the chair.

  Mary wasn’t a particularly loud person during sex, but she quickly put her free hand over her mouth, as not to scream out and get caught by the ongoing shoppers around them. The idea of Nico going down on her was almost as sexy as the actual act and she couldn’t even recall the last time Kurt did this to her. She had forgotten just how much she liked it.

  With every movement of Nico’s talented tongue, Mary felt the pleasure build in her stomach. She tensed and clenched around the slender finger inside her wetness, desperate to feel Nico inside her. It was oddly vulnerable to have an almost-stranger look and kiss her there, but after this, Nico would no longer be a stranger. No, Mary intended to do this again and from what she could feel, Nico seemed good with repetition.

  Almost embarrassingly quick, Mary felt the undeniable built-up in her lower stomach and she knew what was about to come. That she was going to climax, right there with Nico’s tongue flicking across her clit and her fingers curled deep inside of her, brushing over the sensitive spot again and again and again.

  She clamped her hand harder over her mouth, biting down on her own fingers. A rush washed over her and she tensed around Nico, hoping that the tightness wasn’t hurting her fingers. Almost audibly, she hit the high note and her mind went blank for just a split second. The intense rush filled her head and she would’ve moaned out loud if it hadn’t been for the strangers in the changing rooms around her.

  With a grin, Nico flicked her tongue over the pulsating clit and Mary squeaked, squirming out from underneath her. She nudged the pixie up by tugging gently on her hair and tried to focus her eyes on the beautiful face in front of her.

  It took a moment to regain her words and catch her breath. But as soon as the fog lifted from her mind, she pulled Nico close for a deep kiss. Their tongues danced and Mary tasted her own excitement on Nico’s lips. It was oddly intimate, even for the circumstances they were under.

  “You look very proud,” Mary noted as soon as she found the ability to speak. Little lights danced in Nico’s eyes as she subtly wiped her mouth.

  “This was fun,” she grinned, leaning in for another kiss.

  “Also a bit random,” Mary added, wondering how exactly they went from awkward conversations in the guys’ kitchen to having fun in a changing room.

  “I’ve been watching you,” the pixie admitted, smiling sheepishly. “That sounds a bit creepy. I just meant… I think you’re beautiful.”

  The other woman laughed breathily and pressed another kiss on Nico’s lips. “It’s a little creepy, but I don’t mind. I think I liked you before too, I
just wasn’t sure that was what it was.”

  “How so?”

  “I thought you annoyed me, but I think I was just annoyed you weren’t with me. Or weren’t really paying me attention.”

  Nico blushed, reverting to her shy self. “I didn’t want to steal the guys’ thunder. They were all fawning over you and I didn’t want to… Add to it, I suppose?”

  This time around, it was Mary’s turn to grin smugly. With a satisfied rumble passing through her, she pulled Nico up. For a moment, she hesitated as she wasn’t too sure what to do next. She didn’t exactly have a lot of experience with this particular kind of sex.

  Nico pulled her wandering hand away and intertwined their fingers. “You don’t have to do anything in return.”

  “But I want to,” she protested, the idea of touching Nico and making her squirm very appealing to her foggy brain.

  “Later, maybe. I’m actually running late.”

  “Oh…” Mary said, hoping to hide her disappointment. Even if it wasn’t Nico’s intention, that just made her feel like she was in a ditch and run type of situation. Quickly, she pulled up her pants, shielding herself from the pixie. It was a little ridiculous after what Nico had done, but Mary wanted to hide herself somehow.

  “I don’t want to hold you up…. Umm… Thanks, I think?” she muttered, trying to keep the sadness out of her voice. She and Nico never discussed what this was and it wasn’t fair to make the woman feel bad just because she wasn’t meeting her unspoken expectations.

  Nico sensed the disappointment hanging around Mary and quickly pulled her in for a kiss. Gently, she pressed her lips on hers in a very different kind of gesture than the fanning hot ones, hoping to reassure the sad woman in her arms.

  “I’m not running away, I promise. But the guys are waiting for me.”

  “The guys?” Mary tilted her head, the anguish slightly lifting.

  “Yes. Noel, Louis, Sam? I believe you’re familiar with them?”

  Mary snorted, hiding her flushed cheeks in her hands. “Yes, I know them.”

  “Want to come along? And then maybe later, I can show you my place?” she asked, waggling her eyebrows invitingly.

  “Ooh really?” Mary handed Nico her shirt and bra, not even bothering with the shippy shirt. This wasn’t the time to buy more clothes when she wanted to get her out of them.

  They slugged the curtain open and earned themselves a glare from one of the store assistants. Mary wasn’t sure whether that was because she heard them or if because they had been hogging the changing room, but she didn’t care.

  With their hands intertwined, the two women hurried out the store and took the long bus to the outskirts of town. Every now and then, they glanced at each other with a glimmer in their eyes and Mary was certain this was the start of something new.

  A nippy wind brushed under her coat and she was more than happy when they rang the doorbell to the familiar house.

  “Hello!” Nico chirped, greeting Louis with a fist bump as she entered the house without waiting for an actual invitations.

  “Yo.” Louis stepped aside to let Nico in and his eyes fell on Mary. “Mary?”

  “Surprise?” Mary grinned, following Nico inside so the cold wind no longer had any grip over her.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked, but it didn’t sound like he minded. In fact, he seemed rather happy to see her. With a grin, he pulled her into him and pressed a kiss on her lips. “Hmm, you taste interesting.”

  “I had an interesting afternoon,” Mary said vaguely, catching Nico’s eyes and winking playfully at her.

  Louis pointed at the two women. “Did you come here… Together?”

  Mary tapped her nose. “You are quite the detective.”

  “Together together?” he asked, raising his eyebrow as he inspected the brunettes. His imagination went in overdrive as he tried to identify the flavour on Mary’s lips. It was familiar and yet…

  “We did yes,” Nico added, taking a firm stance. “Does that bother you?”

  “Nope. I think it’s hot.”

  “Oi!” Mary scolded, but she didn’t actually mind. If what she and Nico had turned on her men, then it was just a bonus. She was sure they would work their frustrations and fantasies out on her.

  “What’s going on?” Noel’s head peeked from around the kitchen door as he looked into the hallway. “Nico! Oh, and Mary?”

  “Hi, Noel,” Mary smiled, skipping over the carpet and pressing herself against his chest.

  “Hello,” he smiled, his face softening as he looked at her. She curled her arm around his neck and delighted, he bend down to kiss her gently.

  “This is a nice surprise.”

  “It really is,” she sighed, nestling in his embrace. She really did love the softness about him. He was so different from the usual douchebags she was attracted to.

  “Hello, hot stuff.” Sam slapped her ass as he passed by and Mary glared at him. He definitely was a lot more like her usual type. Almost, but not entirely.

  The blonde guy turned around and Mary moved from Noel to Sam. He pulled her possessively into him and captured her lips passionately. He flicked his tongue against hers and she melted into his muscled self.

  “How are you?” he breathed, only slightly pulling away from her.

  “I’m okay,” Mary smiled, realising why he was different from real douchebags like Kurt. Sam actually cared.

  “I didn’t realise you were joining us,” Noel said, straightening out his shirt.

  “It was unplanned. I ran into Nico in the mall,” Mary explained, exchanging a look with the pixie. Nico smiled and just like Mary expected, Sam picked up on something.

  “What’s going on between you two?” he asked.

  The pixie peeled Mary out of Sam’s arms and curled her own around Mary’s waist. She checked if the brunette was okay and when Mary nodded, they leant in. Sam’s wolf whistle disappeared to the background as Nico’s nose brushed over hers. She parted her lips and granted Nico entrance as they deepened the kiss.

  “Hot,” Sam commented, leaning against the counter as he watched the two women.

  “Way hot,” Louis agreed, shutting the kitchen door with a slam as he joined Sam at the kitchen counter.

  “You said it,” Noel muttered. This was a new development and he was all for it.

  A little breathless, Mary pulled back and stared at the three men, hoping they were okay with it. The tent in Sam’s pants seemed like an acceptance, just like the wolfish grin hanging on Louis lips, and the beaming smile colouring Noel’s face. She turned to look at Nico and caught a glimmer in her eyes.

  Yes, she could get used to this.


  “Does this fit me?” Mary asked, twirling around so Nico could get a full look at her outfit.

  “You look—” Nico smiled, bending forward so she could fix the ears on Mary’s head. “There! Perfect.”

  Mary admired the little pompom clipped to her pink shorts and the leg warmers around her ankles. “I don’t look ridiculous, do I?”

  Nico kissed her shoulder. “Just a little, but mostly, you look cute. And sexy.”

  “I’m an easter bunny,” Mary deadpanned, staring at her reflection. The pink bunny ears were a nice touch to the costume, but it was rather funny.

  “Hey, it’s not as bad as being an egg!” Nico protested, fastening the bow around her neck.

  “You make a cute egg though.” Mary pulled the pixie into her and pressed a soft kiss on her pink lips.

  “Ladies, save it for after the party!” Louis called as he entered the room. “I need help with my tie.”

  Mary quickly pecked Nico’s lips before she moved to the second egg of the group. He had taken it upon himself to dress as the smartest egg of them all and was going full out in his tuxedo.

  “Isn’t that a bit over the top?” Mary asked as she folded his tie around his neck. She used it as an excuse to curl her arms around his neck and kissed him as she straightened out the fa
bric of his shirt. The stubble on his chin chuffed a little over her skin and she knew he had done that purposefully. He knew just how sexy she found his five o’clock shade.

  “If I have to be an egg, I want to be be the best looking egg of the bunch,” he reasoned, buttoning up his cufflinks.

  “Hah, you can try but you have nothing against me,” Sam challenged, entering the attic in his own navy blue tuxedo. He fastened the bow in his pocket and clacked the heel of his shoe.

  “You also look very smart,” Mary complimented, moving from Louis to the blonde guy.

  “Hello, bunny,” he grinned, squeezing her tail. He pulled her into him and kissed her with the same passion as he always did. With her head spinning a little, Mary was quite happy to see Noel exit his dressing room.

  “I look like a twat,” he muttered, angrily poking the bow on his head. Mary snickered. He was the only guy to actually wear the bow on his head and it looked adorable. She skipped over to him and pulled the pink bow down. With a kiss, she fastened it on his shirt like the other men.

  “There, that’s better.”

  “Thanks,” he smiled, leaning in for another kiss. He still wasn’t used to having a steady girlfriend, let alone one who actually joined in in dressing up for the costume parties that he and his friends loved. He glanced in the mirror and cringed at how ridiculous they all looked as eggs. But it was fair payback for when they made Mary dress up as Cupido for the Valentine’s party they attended a couple of months back.

  “Ready to go?” Mary asked, staring at the four people she absolutely adored. Even if they hadn’t been together for a long time and they were still figuring out the balance, they were slowly but surely settling into a nice rhythm.

  She stared at Louis, Sam, Noel, and Nico and couldn’t believe it all started out with a Christmas tree in an elevator. But boy, was she glad it did.


  Also by Arizona Tape

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