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Progeny Page 36

by Shawn Hopkins

  He looked out the window and down across the snow-covered street, his mind set on nothing, barely noticing the flurries floating past him. And then his eyes fell across a notepad that rested beneath the window. It was open to the last entry, which recorded fragments of another obsession that his experience had spawned, a theological theory that believed certain verses in Genesis, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Isaiah suggested the presence of a time gap between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2. Basically, in opposition to the Chaos theory, it held that God created the heavens and the earth perfectly and all at once, and that the first verse of the Bible was the account of this (which seemed to be in perfect keeping with His nature, the idea of God creating anything “void and without form” somewhat foreign to His creative ways). The verses following, according to the theory, didn’t offer a further description of the initial (and complete) act of creation, but rather described a re-making or remolding of the earth after cataclysmic events had turned Satan’s reign to ruin. After listening to every debate he could get his hands on concerning the theory, John found that it actually answered a lot of his questions concerning the things he’d learned while on the island — a distant self-proclaimed golden age over which Satan ruled, the long astronomical and planetary cycles, the evidence of cataclysm both on earth and other planets, the ancient maps revealing Antarctica without ice, the megalithic sites astronomically aligned to much older skies, all the ancient texts… In fact, John was surprised at how often creationists referenced the ancient writings in order to prove that there had been a universal flood, while at the same time (and in complete disregard of the same logic), writing off all other details as mere pagan mythology. However, the theory did raise as many questions as it did answers, and though Brian said the Hebrew of the text did allow for such an interpretation, he cautiously added that it was by no means a necessary one. Though, when considering the Scriptural evidence supporting the theory, it became very compelling. In fact, despite all the unmarked doors such an idea opened, John couldn’t find another Scriptural basis that would explain what he’d seen, of the Google images he had printed out and tacked up on the wall above the computer — images of the ruins at Baalbek, the Great Pyramid, the Valley Temple, Tiahuanaco, Sacsayhuaman hill, Easter Island, Stonehenge, and scores of other mysteries all pointing to some unknown but highly advanced civilization that existed at a time when earth’s magnetic poles were supposedly occupying very different areas of the globe.

  And by now, John also knew what Ronald had implied when suggesting he take a closer look at the passage in Genesis where God separated the waters above from the waters below, the reason God refused to claim it “good” as He had His other acts. He learned from a book that the spirits of the people that had lived under Satan’s reign (benevolent demons, according to Hesiod) had been trapped beneath the face of the deep, but that when God recreated the world, separating the waters, their spirits were let loose from the deep and thus gained free reign of the atmosphere. Only the author, being a Christian man, didn’t claim (as Hesiod and Ronald did) that these spirits were benevolent, but were instead very much in keeping with the biblical concept of demons. It was a theory very similar to what the Book of Enoch suggested happened to the spirits of the Nephilim in the Flood, and something that John sneered at when he’d first read about it. But the closer he looked at the Bible verses, the harder it was to find some other meaning in them, and the more he wondered…

  Unable to stop himself, he leaned forward and snatched the notepad from off the windowsill and began flipping through it. It was unbelievable how much information there was on all this stuff. Chadwick hadn’t even scratched the surface of it while attempting to educate them on the island. And, of course, actually seeing the monuments he’d mentioned only made everything that much more intriguing. It was one thing to hear of a stone monolith weighing a thousand tons, but it was something entirely different to see a man standing beside one. Such images pulled off the internet and photocopied from archeology books left the mind numb with incomprehension, begging to know how, why, when, and who.

  And then there was the Book of Enoch, which John found to be more than interesting. Indeed, the book did wonders in filling many of the gaps found in Genesis, specifically in regards to the fallen angels and their shenanigans. Enoch, being Noah’s grandfather, is said in 68:1 to have passed his books of knowledge to his grandson, thus explaining how the record hadn’t been lost in the Flood. It was also the only Christian text that John knew of that could explain all the advanced mysteries found in prehistory. Not only did the mythologies themselves credit giants for such anomalies, the mingling of men and gods (or fallen angels and women) permeating these accounts, but the Book of Enoch (along with Genesis six, Jude, and Peter) seemed to actually reinforce such explanations, recording how the fallen angels taught men all the secrets of heaven — from astronomy and math to warfare and abortion. And what other biblical explanation was there for such an infusion of advanced technology, the impossible building of the pyramids, Britain’s henges, the ruins at Baalbek, the giant Olmec heads… As far as John was concerned, the technology needed to accomplish these feats either had to be credited to aliens or angels. After all, most experts believed that all this esoteric knowledge had been delivered to man in complete form, originating from a single outside source. But then Chadwick said that, for the most part, aliens, gods, and angels were probably just different names for the same fallen entities.

  He skimmed the notes for the thousandth time, rehearsing to himself that the book was rediscovered in Abyssinia in 1773 by a Freemason and eventually translated in 1821. Jude and James both quoted Enoch in their epistles, and until the Council of Laodicea in 364 AD, it was widely regarded by the church as part of Holy Scripture. Once condemned, however, it faded into history, promising an anathema on anyone who decided to read it. After its discovery in 1773, its first publication in 1821, and the popular 1912 edition published by R.H. Charles, portions of the Greek text began to surface, and then seven Aramaic fragments were discovered with the Dead Sea Scrolls. With all the strange things that Scripture had to say about the antediluvian world, and the words of Jesus that His return would be marked by a relapse into such days, it made more intriguing the Book of Enoch’s proclamation that it was, itself, written for some future generation — especially in light of its stunning parallels to the book of Revelation. Included in John’s notes were lists of books that had been written on the Nephilim, Satan, and fallen angels. He was surprised how popular the topic had been among theologians throughout the 1800s.

  And then there were the more bizarre theories about Enoch. That, according to the Book of Heavenly Luminaries (a part of Enoch), the angel Uriel had communicated to him the knowledge of how to construct these megalithic sites, and that he used the sites as observatories which enabled him to both predict and monitor the happenings in the heavens as well as the geological changes on earth… which was how he predicted the cataclysm that brought Noah’s Flood.

  His laptop chimed and freed his attention from the notepad. He tossed it back on the windowsill and spun in his chair to open the new email. It was from Chadwick.

  Currently in Oregon investigating a vitrified tunnel that had mysteriously been carved forty feet above the ground and into the solid rock face of a mountainside in Vail, Chadwick was attempting to uncover the true reason why the government had sealed off its entrance the night of its discovery. Of course, he was convinced that Nephilim had to be involved somehow, and he was determined to prove it. His next book depended on it.

  The Masonic elements of Enochian tradition had begun to really intrigue Chadwick when he learned that the book of Genesis actually recorded two different Enochs, the Enoch who walked with God for three hundred years and was the son of Jared and the father of Methuselah, and the Enoch who was born to Cain and had a city named after him — the same city whose ruins were said to be in Baalbek, destroyed by a flood and later rebuilt by a race of giants. Whereas before he had associated all
Enochian tradition — from the Bible to the Pseudepigrapha and from witchcraft to Freemasonry — with one Enoch, now there were two candidates. And that fascinated him, especially since the legends seemed to branch off and run in separate directions, the Occult in one and Christian sainthood in the other.

  John absentmindedly glanced at the dollar bill pinned to his wall that Chadwick sent him in the mail, all of its secret esoteric symbols and meanings highlighted in red marker. But even more disturbing to him than the presence of the tiny Moloch owl, was the hovering capstone on the reverse of the nation’s Great Seal itself. It was an image that gave him the creeps ever since seeing it drawn onto Ronald’s map of the Bermuda Triangle… The Doorway to Hell.

  He clicked on the message. It read:

  Hey, did you know that the Secret Service walks behind the President and wipes clean anything he touches so as to never leave behind a DNA sample? At least that’s the rumor. I wonder why (wink, wink). Enjoy the latest!

  — Chad.

  P.S. I channeled Apollyon last night and got him to grant us a hundred year reprieve! Just kidding. I’m not really channeling my chained relatives! So, instead I was thinking we could all get together, have a Rapture party…

  John smiled despite himself. It was the theme of Chadwick’s debut work, Hijacked by an Angel, a book claiming that fallen angels were now actually occupying seats of power throughout the globe, masquerading as diplomats, presidents, kings… He believed, or at least for his book’s sake he believed (John could never quite tell), that they were nothing short of the puppet-masters sitting behind the scenes and orchestrating the emerging New World Order.

  There was an attachment with the cute note, and it was titled, PENTAGON. John saved it to his computer, to the folder with all the others and, despite knowing that he wouldn’t read the whole thing now, opened it once the download was complete.

  Somehow, Chadwick’s experience on the island sparked an obsessive investigation into the esoteric origins of Washington DC’s architecture. He was going to have a whole section of his new book dedicated to it. And, whatever he discovered, he felt the need to pass on to John and Henry. There were already around forty documents in a folder that John named, CHAD_MASON. Most recently he’d written about the Ellipse in Washington — the Meridian Stone, Jefferson Stone, the Washington Meridian, Meridian Park… He told how DC’s major sites were connected within a grid that was measured out in megalithic degrees, and that the secret ground plan beneath the streets was a pure example of megalithic geometry. In fact, he had written, the entire layout of DC revealed a very special relationship with astronomy and astrology, specifically to the Zodiacal sign of Virgo and the planet Venus. Of course, he hadn’t found this too surprising since he’d already known that the entire framework of Freemasonry rested on astrology. But John had been surprised to learn that the blessed Constitution was signed right when the sun, Mercury, and Venus were all on Virgo and that Mercury and Venus had been directly overhead at the exact moment the signatures were applied to the sacred document. He also hadn’t been aware that in 1793, when George Washington laid the cornerstone of the Capitol building dressed in his Masonic apron, the sun and Mercury were again in Virgo, and Venus was rising as the morning star. He never learned that the Washington Monument was erected to be the sun’s setting point on the spring and autumn equinoxes whenever the sun occupied Virgo. It was a link that Chad insisted connected its function with the properties of the Thornborough henges, Stonehenge, the pyramids, Rosslyn Chapel, and all the other astronomically aligned megalithic sites.

  And then there was Chadwick’s further explanation of Washington’s relationship with the constellation Virgo. Virgo being the immortalization of the virgin goddess, Isis — the World Mother often used as a symbol of Justice and found standing between the pillars of Freemasonry’s Jachin and Boaz. Isis, being the “Mother of the gods,” was also one of the names given to Venus and, when rising as the morning star, had been revered by and named “Lucifer” by the followers of Pythagoras.

  But it was Chadwick’s associating the Roman Libertas (revered as the Statue of Liberty) and Columbia (the district in which the nation’s capital resides, and most commonly recognized today as the icon for Columbia Pictures) with the virgin goddess of Virgo that John was most disturbed by. There was another document that Chad had sent detailing the Jesuits’ role in establishing the country and how the Catholic perception of the Virgin Mary was eerily similar to that of Isis, causing many in the esoteric arts to think of them as the same. Was it then a coincidence, he had asked, that the capital was built right between and occupying both Virginia and Mary-land? Or that the shape of DC was a diamond with its four sides aligning with the cardinal points — the diamond, according to esoteric tradition, representing female divinity and the anatomy through which life is both created and born?

  There was a lot more written about the Federal Triangle, Sirius, the street plan of DC, the Capital Building, and the founding fathers, but John couldn’t remember half of it. It didn’t really surprise him once he sat back and thought about it. In a way, it was actually obvious. Like Henry had said on the island, Satan is the one running the show; he is the current prince and power of the air, the ruler of this age. And a simple Google search revealed just how many of the world’s cities (let alone countless other things) were named after mythological gods and goddesses (or fallen angels and their progeny).

  He clicked on “PENTAGON,” wondering what more Chad could possibly add to his already overwhelmed sense of reality, and began skimming its contents. Right away he learned that the Pentagon was a perfectly built, modern-day megalithic structure and that the circle surrounding it was actually a scale model of Stonehenge.

  Now that was something John wasn’t expecting.

  He read on and further learned that it was also two and a half times the size of the Thornborough henge. From there, Chad noted FDR’s personal involvement in its construction — his cousin the Chairman of the National Resource Planning Commission and running the DC Fine Arts Commission. As a side note, he stated that FDR was a 33rd degree Mason and that his New Deal was probably meant to be the fulfillment of the reverse seal on the dollar bill (which he had also been involved with). Then the document got even more interesting when Chad began laying out the initiation ceremony for the 32nd degree of Freemasonry, explaining how it focused primarily on the military importance of a pentagon, its purpose for each of the five corners clarified — and, of course, the US Armed Forces was comprised of five components. The ritual states that there’s a triangle in the center of the pentagon, and amazingly, an equilateral triangle fits precisely within the Pentagon. He finished the section by recording that the ground for the Pentagon was broken on September 11, 1941.

  John rubbed his eyes, the bright light from the monitor straining them. He knew from Chadwick’s previous emails that the Masons believed America to be a type of New Jerusalem that would herald in the New Order, and he found it just a little disturbing that this arcane knowledge that had presumably been practiced before the Flood and had been taught by fallen angels (one of the reasons for the Flood, according to Enoch) was still in use today, marking the most elite places in world government. And, as Chadwick said, it was Freemasonry’s Royal Arch of Enoch that claimed the Order to be the caretakers of such antediluvian knowledge. Was it then just another coincidence that Freemasonry has always been suspected of trying to bring about a New World Order, one that their enlightened Masonic Christ will reign over? That the five Revolutionary War cities — Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington — shared the same ley line as Stonehenge? Again, the words of Jesus came to mind. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man…

  But then Chadwick started talking about a stone that marked the center of DC and served as the point of a thirty-three-degree triangle connecting it with the Pentagon and the Capitol. He said that whatever was in the chamber beneath the stone had come from Rosslyn Chapel
and could be something that pertained to Enoch’s secrets, about the astronomical observances that told of the world’s next cataclysm…

  John closed the document, unable to digest all of it at once. When it came to Chadwick’s emails, it usually took him a few days to get through them — as would be the case this time as well.

  Suppressing a series of chills, John moved his gaze up past the picture of him and Henry holding a large tuna they’d caught in August and set it on the calendar, to the box outlining the present day. He had drawn an obelisk within its frame six months ago. The winter solstice.

  John reached for his cup of coffee as the image of the Mayan calendar wheel suddenly took over the monitor in the form of a screen saver.


  Did the earth really go through this precessional cycle that the ancients somehow knew to measure, incorporating its code into their literature and architecture? Evidently, even mainstream science said that it did. And then, as Chadwick asked, would it not make sense for the Creator-God to set His creation in motion at the start of such a cycle rather than at some random point between? After all, He created such cycles as a component of universal order. Why then create a starting and finishing point if neither were ever to be exercised? And why set the Zodiac in the sky but not let the earth witness the completion of its ages? It was speculation, of course, but reason enough to at least comprise another puzzle piece. Could the winter solstice of 2012, the expiration date of the Mayan’s five thousand one hundred and sixty-year Fifth Sun, as well as the end of the near twenty-six thousand-year precessional cycle (a time in which the sun and the earth will align with the galactic equator, the sun eclipsing the center of the galaxy), serve as the beginning of the Apostle’s apocalypse? And was it just another coincidence that the church was preaching that the signs of the times were crystal clear, and that Hollywood had been capitalizing on a world consciousness that seemed to be expecting such an approaching doom? Had Noah’s Flood been the melting of the Ice Age, the poles shifting and displacing the earth’s crust, and now the synergy of creation was about to swing full circle for another scheduled transition? Could 2012 be the date the angel would open the bottomless pit and release havoc on the earth? And what of all the apocalyptic rhetoric in the Bible that John had jotted down in his notepad? The mighty storm rising from the ends of the earth, the sun given power to scorch people with fire, people being seared by intense heat, the moon shining like the sun, sunlight becoming seven times brighter than normal, the heavens and earth once more being shaken, great distress unequaled from the beginning of the world, flashes of lightning, rumbling, thunder, an earthquake like none other since man has been on the earth, men fleeing to caves in the rocks when the earth shakes…


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