Hard To Handle (Teach Me Book 2)

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Hard To Handle (Teach Me Book 2) Page 3

by RC Boldt

  Zach turned toward the older woman, pensive. “From your lips to God’s ears.” His smile was tinged with sadness.

  “What’s this sexy talk about putting your lips on someone’s ears?” Zach turned to see that Foster had joined them in the kitchen. Laney’s brother, with his tall, muscular build, leaned against the counter, brown eyes watching them curiously.

  “Oh, stop,” Momma K. reprimanded, clicking her tongue at her son. “Why do you have to make everything dirty?” Foster grinned and Zach could see the corners of Momma K.’s mouth quiver, restraining a smile.

  “I’m just asking. You two seem so cozy in here. So, ’fess up, Mayson. You trying to make a move on my mother?”

  Zach’s eyes went wide in disbelief while Momma K. swatted her son with the dish towel draped over her shoulder. “Foster Bryant!”

  With a laugh, he held up his hands. “You can’t blame me for asking. The dude’s been around quite a bit lately. I’ve seen his car in the driveway a few times.” Foster fixed his gaze on Zach with a pointed expression.

  “It’s none of your business what we’re doing.” Foster’s mother’s hands were on her hips, lips pressed thin in irritation. “Now, lower your voice before your sister hears you!”

  Foster’s eyes flicked toward his mother before returning to Zach. “Are you boning my mother? Because I’ve never witnessed her allowing another dude to cut her guanciale before.” He gestured to the cured meat Zach had been slicing and chopping upon the large cutting board.

  Zach stared, slack-jawed, at Foster. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Foster held his gaze and Zach swore they were engaged in some sort of insane stare down—one which he had to win because, as much as he adored Momma K., there was no way in hell he was trying to sleep with the older woman. Good grief. Noooooooo.

  Foster threw his head back in a laugh, smiling widely, walking over to him. He placed a hand on Zach’s shoulder. “I’m just messing with you, man. But, one quick thing?” Foster brought his right arm up in a flex and kissed the large bicep muscle; the short sleeve of his shirt pulled taut around it. “I might not be in the SEAL teams anymore but this, right here, has enough power to incapacitate you should you do anything unsavory to a certain tall brunette.”

  “Foster Bryant!” came Momma K’s reprimand. And another swat with the dish towel. A swat which didn’t faze her son who not only outweighed her but also towered over her five foot two frame.

  Zach met Foster’s gaze. “Message received. Loud and clear. Now, close down the gun show, dude.”

  Foster scoffed. “Close it down,” he mumbled as he began walking out of the kitchen. “My guns are like Waffle House. Always open and ready, twenty-four hours …” Foster’s voice trailed off.

  Zach and Momma K. looked at each other before turning back to preparing the Spaghetti alla Gricia, both chuckling quietly. No doubt about it, there was never a dull moment in the Kavanaugh family.

  And he wouldn’t change it for the world.


  “I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS IS it!” Laney squealed excitedly.

  “Stop moving. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a joker-like smile,” Tate warned her, waving the lip liner at her before going back to work on applying her makeup.

  “I can’t believe it, either,” Raine mused, staring at her reflection in the mirror.

  The three girls were getting ready at Raine and Mac’s beach house for the wedding. It was going to take place a few steps away from the walkway leading from Mac’s back decks down to the beach.

  Raine’s chiffon dress was sleeveless with a nearly off the shoulder, wide V-neck. It was fitted in the waist and the skirt flared ever so slightly to hit just barely below her ankles and had beaded starfish around the waist. Her long, black wavy hair was held back with a sparkly, beaded headband.

  Laney turned to their best friend now that Tate had finished with her makeup. “You look so beautiful, Raine.”

  “You are one seriously breathtaking lady.” Tate came to stand by the mirror beside her.

  “Mac is going to die when he sees you walk toward him.” Laney’s eyes became a little misty as she reached for her best friend’s hand. “I’m so happy for you guys.”

  Reaching to grasp Raine’s other hand in hers, Tate smirked. “I should probably let you know about the little wager that’s going on.” At Raine’s questioning look, she continued, “It pertains to whether a certain tough guy will crack even a little during your vows.”

  Giving a little laugh, Raine shook her head. “You guys are terrible.”

  Just then, a knock sounded and Raine’s father called through the bedroom door, “Raine, honey? Are you about ready?”

  “Yes, Dad,” Raine replied. “I’ll be right out.”

  The door opened a crack, startling them, until they saw who was squeezing in the room. It was Adam, Raine’s best friend from high school. He had been doing his medical school residency rotations the last time he had visited Raine, and they were all grateful he had been able to make it to the wedding.

  Raine put her hands on her hips, giving her friend an admonishing look. “No men are supposed to be in here.”

  “Pffft. I’m pretty sure that archaic rule only applies to hetero men.” Stepping closer, his eyes glistened as he smiled down at her. “You look exquisite, beautiful, gorgeous, and all the other adjectives I can’t come up with right now. And I’m not even going to start with how freaking jealous I am about you marrying that hot piece out there. I love you, sweets.”

  “Right back at ya, babe.” After a pause, Raine added, “But between you and me, I’d refrain from calling Mac a ‘hot piece’ to his face.”

  He waved her off. “Whatever. Just remember to try your best to head to the guy at the center of the arbor and not for me.” He let out an exaggerated sigh, running a hand down the front of his button-down shirt. “I know, it’ll be tough, buuuuuut …”

  Raine snorted, shaking her head at him. Then, she looked toward Laney and Tate, taking in their attire. Raine had let them choose the bridesmaid dress style they preferred, and Tate had a strapless, ankle-length, coral-colored dress while Laney had chosen the halter-style version.

  Tate’s short, blonde bob was adorned with a small, sparkly barrette on the side whereas Laney’s longer hair had been styled into an elaborate up-do. She had recently added some golden brown highlights to brighten up her light brown hair.

  “You ladies look amazing,” Raine told them affectionately. “I’m so glad to have you two by my side.”

  Laney waved a finger at her friend’s teary eyes. “Don’t you dare ruin your makeup.” Her own voice came out a bit choked.

  Tate draped her arms around both of them. “Now, let’s get you down that aisle.”

  Heavy arms dropped upon their shoulders. “This is the most female action I’ve had in a while. Let’s get you down that aisle right now, Raine, before I switch my preference to women.”

  A collection of groans sounded. But, as Laney smiled to herself, she knew without a doubt she wouldn’t trade her friends for anything in the world.

  After feeling a pinch on her ass, she amended that. She might trade in Adam.

  * * *

  Zach was standing on the lower, outer deck of the house laughing while the guys gave the groom grief, as was typical. This group of guys were a pretty cool bunch, even if there was a great probability they had first-hand knowledge of how to kill a person with their bare hands.

  The guy they referred to as Hendy was easily around six foot four and had shoulders that could give the Greek god, Atlas, a run for his money. Roman “Doc” Watts, another SEAL friend of Mac and Foster, worked for Foster and had been with him since Laney’s brother had started his security consulting business upon leaving the Navy. There had been brief mention that Doc had just gotten out of a long-distance relationship but, surprisingly, no one had given him shit over it. As far as Zach could tell, that was unusual for this bunch so it must have been a really touchy subject.
  Miller Vaughn, the other former SEAL who worked for Foster, had been on call tonight and had to take care of a glitch with the security operating system down at Mayport Naval Station. This was probably a good thing since he and Tate caused everything around them to go into a deep freeze. Hell, he’d thought he and Laney were bad; the animosity rolled off those two in Category Five hurricane-like gusts.

  Zach hadn’t yet met the other man who worked for Foster, a guy by the name of Kane, a former Green Beret. Apparently, he had flown back to Texas for the birth of his first nephew.

  “You realize this is your last chance to make a run for it, right, man?” Foster joked, nudging Mac’s shoulder. Mac had on a dark blue polo, tucked into his khaki pants, with his typical, leather flip flops. The rest of the guys had been grateful to Raine and Mac not making formal attire mandatory for the beach wedding, especially since Florida weather could be unpredictable. It was still humid and in the seventies, but luckily they had the nice breeze coming off the ocean. Zach had chosen a short-sleeved, dark gray button-down shirt and paired it with khakis and his usual leather flip flops.

  Lawson sniffed around Mac. “Do you smell that? I do believe that is the smell of fear,” he smirked, while Mac merely shook his head, chuckling.

  Mac’s eyebrows raised, grinning. “You’re just jealous I get to have a gorgeous woman all to myself and in my bed for years to come.”

  “You sure you want to do this, Mackenzie? Strap yourself to that little, dark-haired beauty for a life sentence?” Zach winked.

  Mac’s gaze met his, and the only way Zach could describe the expression on his friend’s face would have been … wonder. “Out of all the men in the world, she chose me.” He slapped his hand against Zach’s chest with a smirk. “Just you wait and see, man.”

  “Gentlemen, I do believe we’re ready,” Momma K. told them. “Get situated and I’ll give the go-ahead to the girls.”

  The men walked down the steps of the deck, heading down the wooden walkway leading to the beach. All along the way, Zach watched as the men ahead of him walked into one another, shoving each other into the railings, elbowing one another just to try and get ahead. Zach chuckled as he watched the former teammates. Lawson caught up to Zach and Adam, gesturing to the group of men in front of them.

  “Bunch of seriously lethal dudes, there. But when you get them all together in one spot, they’re suddenly like seven-year-olds on the playground at school or something,” Lawson muttered under his breath.

  Adam cut him a sharp look. “I wouldn’t say that too loud, if I were you, Laws.”

  “Too late. Heard it,” Hendy called out from what had to be ten yards ahead of them.

  Lawson didn’t miss a beat. “I love you, man.”

  “Love you, too, cupcake. You’re lucky that beard of yours makes me all hot and tingly. Otherwise, I’d have to kill you,” Hendy called back over his shoulder. Loud laughter proceeded from the group.

  Lawson looked over at Zach and Adam, stroking his blond beard, and whispered, “Told you this thing was magical.”

  They all stepped upon the tightly packed sand of the beach to see the arbor set up with intertwined white and blue orchids, the pastor’s podium centered just behind the arbor’s opening. The men lined up to wait for the bride to be escorted by her father down the walkway from the house to where they waited.

  The wedding was small with only a handful of guests that included Raine’s father, Momma K., and Lawson’s parents. Mac had recently reconnected with Hendy, whom he had gone through SEAL Qualification Training years prior. Mac had mentioned the two had lost touch when they had been assigned to different SEAL teams, and then deployments interrupted staying in touch.

  “I’ll just take my place right here so my girl knows who she should really be marrying,” Hendy joked, shoving Mac out of the way, causing the pastor, who had been standing behind the portable podium, to widen his eyes nervously. Zach couldn’t blame the guy. Two large, tough looking men who appeared like they could snap you in half with their bare hands, rough housing before the wedding? Poor man was probably wetting himself.

  “Now, boys,” Doc told them. “We all know that once she comes down this way, she’ll be blown away when she sees this,” he gestured to himself, “piece of man-candy.” They all laughed while Foster pretended to gag.

  “Nice try, candy man,” Mac slapped him on the chest, steering him back out of the way so he could take his place. He looked over at Adam. “You standing on my side or Raine’s?”

  Adam stammered, caught off guard by Mac’s question. “Uh, I-I assumed–”

  “Dude,” Hendy slung an arm over Adam’s shoulders, “don’t you know what they say about assumptions?” He let his arm drop to slap Adam on the ass. “Now, get over here with the rest of us men. Just try and resist falling in love with me.”

  Adam appeared stunned for a moment as he lightly rubbed where Hendy had slapped him. Zach could attest to the fact that these guys had no idea how much power they packed with their little gestures. Poor guy was probably going to have a bruise on his ass for days.

  “I’m more worried about you falling in love with me, to tell you the truth,” Adam tossed back with a cocky grin.

  Hendy threw his head back, the sound of his deep belly laugh making them all grin. “Oh, man. No guarantees. No guarantees, at all.”

  Zach knew it meant the world to Adam to have acceptance from these men, especially Mac. From what Raine had mentioned, he didn’t have any support or acceptance from his own family.

  Everyone quieted as their attention had been drawn to quite a sight to behold. Raine was walking down toward them, her father at her side, and Zach had never seen her look more beautiful. Her eyes were locked on her future husband who was currently … wait a minute, the man actually looked like he was about to shed a tear.

  Damn it. He’d just lost ten bucks to Foster. He had really thought this tough, former Navy SEAL would take it like a champ. Who would have thought?

  Suddenly, Zach’s attention was pulled in another direction when he saw Laney line up with Momma K. and Tate beside her. She was breathtakingly beautiful. Damn, his chest felt tight just looking at her.

  As the ceremony proceeded, Zach continued to be … well, entranced was really the only way to put it. He couldn’t seem to pull his gaze from Laney. Her hair was twisted up in some sort of classy tousled look, glints of golden strands strewn amongst her brown hair. She wore a halter-style dress that showed off her graceful, slender shoulders. She had some eye makeup that made her hazel eyes more attention getting. And her lips were painted a soft shade of pink, making them look unbelievably kissable.

  “Let my arms be your shelter and my heart be your home …” Zach heard the vows Mac and Raine were speaking to one another, but his gaze had somehow become locked with Laney’s.

  They both stood there on that beach, on separate sides but each one supporting their friends. It was as if, for one moment, the two of them were calling a truce; not one born from the need to accomplish lesson plans for work or to appease their friends. No, this was an unspoken agreement. As if they both understood the beauty of what they were witnessing there on that beach.

  Laney’s lips tilted up, offering him a small, genuine smile, and he felt himself return it with a quick wink.

  It was in that very moment that Zach knew he was witnessing something utterly beautiful.


  THE CELEBRATION WAS OFFICIALLY IN full swing as everyone chatted on the large decks overlooking the ocean. Guests were indulging in food and drink, trading stories or just basking in the joy of being part of Raine and Mac’s special day.

  The sound of a clinking glass quieted the guests’ chatter and Foster spoke to announce that he had a speech prepared.

  Oh, boy. This should be interesting.

  Foster cleared his throat. “Most of you know that Mac and I went through BUD/S together and ended up on the same team. We survived a lot of tough sh– er, stuff. We used to
joke around, making ‘forecasts’ when we were on deployment. Like, when we were over in Iraq or Afghanistan, we’d forecast there was a ninety-nine percent chance a dust storm would occur, that it would be over a hundred degrees that day … or that Hendy would get one of his lady friends to send him a bunch of hot, naked pics.” He held up his hands. “Sorry, Ma. But it’s true.”

  “Lies! Those are lies, Momma K.! I’m still a virgin and pure as newly fallen snow!” Hendy called out in mock outrage, laughter from everyone following.

  “As I was saying,” Foster turned his attention to the newly married couple, “I had ‘forecast’ of my own, from the start, about these two. They are two remarkable individuals who complement each other beautifully, and let’s be honest, there’s really no one else who could put up with Mac.” Laughter followed this remark as they all knew how stubborn Mac could be.

  “You can get it annulled, gorgeous! Come to your senses and marry me instead!” Hendy’s voice rang out.

  “Hendy.” Mac’s tone was stern, but even Zach could see the corners of the man’s lips twitching.

  “Yes, sir,” came the immediate, subdued response from his friend.

  “Please, raise your glasses in a toast to many, many years of happiness for Raine and Mac.” Foster raised his glass, giving a quick nod to Mac before adding, “You did good, man.”

  “To Raine and Mac!” everyone toasted.

  Zach sipped his champagne and attempted to discreetly check on Laney’s location. He spotted her just as she set her drink down after the toast, turning to make her way down the steps of the lower deck, heading in the direction of the walkway to the beach. Before he could proceed to follow her, Foster sidled up to him.

  He held out his palm. “Pay up, buddy.”

  Rolling his eyes, Zach pulled out the ten dollar bill from the pocket of his khakis. Slapping it into his friend’s palm, he muttered, “I really didn’t see that one coming.”

  Foster shrugged. “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.” Then he walked off, most likely to collect from Lawson, as well.


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