Monroe, Marla - Finding Her Men [Men of the Border Lands 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Marla - Finding Her Men [Men of the Border Lands 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Marla Monroe

  Something cold dripped on her ass. Then Grant was smoothing it around her little rosette, pushing inward a little each time. It didn’t bother her so she concentrated on Luke’s cock, going down as far as she could. Then she relaxed her throat and took him farther down and swallowed around him.

  “Fuck! That feels amazing.”

  She swallowed around him again, then came back off him, raking her teeth lightly over his cock as she did. When he threw back his head to bump against the headboard, she knew she was getting to him.

  Suddenly Grant’s finger pushed into her ass a little ways with more lube. He pumped it in and out, just breaching her inner ring. The pressure wasn’t bad as he slowly added more of his finger until he was all the way to the webbing inside of her ass. It burned a little, but nothing she couldn’t handle.

  When he added more lube and a second finger, the burn turned hotter and the pinch a bit stronger. She panted as he slowly pumped them in and out of her back hole. She realized that she’d stopped sucking on Luke’s cock and resumed with the idea that it wouldn’t get much worse. When she began to suck harder, hollowing her cheeks with each draw of her mouth, he grabbed her head with his hands and pumped his cock farther into her mouth.

  “Valerie. Let go of Luke for a minute. I want to add another finger and I’m scared you’ll bite him.”

  Luke quickly pulled out of her mouth and stroked her hair.

  “Breathe out, baby, and push back.”

  She followed his instructions and nearly screamed when Grant began to work three fingers into her ass. She moaned as she tried to push out to let him in. It hurt, but she endured it, thinking it would get better once he was all the way in. Finally he was pumping them in and out of her in a slow rhythm that began to feel better with each push. Soon she was pushing back against his hand as he thrust inward.

  “All right, Valerie. Climb up on Luke’s cock.”

  Luke scooted down the bed beneath her body. She took his slippery dick in her hand and held it still so she could impale herself on it. She had to work to get him started, and then fuck him up and down to finally seat herself all the way to his groin. It was deliciously tight and pulled on her soft tissues. His groin hair tickled her clit and she could imagine if she ground her body against his that it would rasp over it quite nicely.

  Grant gently pushed her down on Luke’s body and spread the globes of her ass apart. Then the cold feel of lube coated her anus once again. This time she felt the spongy head of his cock pressing against her back hole. She didn’t think anything of it as he pressed forward until it began to burn. She whimpered but continued to pant and push out.

  “Easy, honey. Just breathe through it until I get all the way inside. It will feel so good once I’m there.”

  Valerie wasn’t so sure about that. The burn turned into a sharp pinch, and more pressure than she could imagine. She cried out in pain and Grant stopped.

  “Do you need me to stop? I’ll quit if you’re hurting too much, Valerie. Tell me what to do.”

  “No, don’t stop. Please, keep going.”

  She ground her teeth and pressed outward until he slipped past the tight ring and into her ass. He slowly began to fuck her there until he had his entire length inside her back hole. The burn had morphed into a pleasure that seemed almost more than she could stand. Now she felt full. So full that she didn’t know where one of them ended and the other began. Never had she imagined something so naughty could feel this good.

  The pressure built. She tried to move around them, but couldn’t get any traction with them buried balls deep inside of her in both holes.

  “Please, do something. I need you to do something. Please.” She whimpered and tried to sit up.

  “Let us do the work, baby. Stay still.”

  Luke held her upper arms, anchoring her to him, and began to pull out as Grant pushed further inside of her. Then Luke was pulling out and Grant tunneled back in. Over and over they rocked her between them.

  Nerve endings she’d never known before fired to life and added to the thrill racing up her spine. Nothing could have prepared her for the sensations of two cocks stroking over sensitive tissues at the same time. Before she knew it, her climax rushed up on her and threw her over into a bliss unlike anything she’d ever envisioned. Sparks ignited throughout her body and lightning danced in front of her eyes, and then there was darkness.

  Chapter Nine

  Grant felt Valerie’s muscles contract around his cock, squeezing the life from it. He filled her back hole with his cum, curling his toes and bending him over her body as he did. He was vaguely aware that his brother had shouted out his own climax. All Grant knew was that in that moment, he truly felt love for the first time. She’d trusted him twice with her body. Once when she had given him the papers to her ownership and now when she’d allowed him to take her ass. The trust that took was amazing to him.

  “She’s passed out, Grant. Do you think she’s okay?” Luke’s winded voice reached him from below.

  Grant kissed her back then rubbed it over and over again.

  “I think she is. Let me get something to clean her up with.” He carefully withdrew, groaning as he did. He still couldn’t quite catch his breath.

  After padding into the bathroom, he wet a bath cloth with warm water and took it back into the other room to clean her up. First, he helped Luke pull her from his body. Then he ran the cloth between her legs, taking away much of the evidence of their passion. He hated to do it. He liked seeing his cum on her body. But it wouldn’t feel good when she woke up to a cold, sticky mess there.

  He tossed the cloth in the bathroom and crawled into bed with them. Luke had pulled the covers from beneath them and spread them over Valerie’s sleeping form. Grant pulled her back into his arms, not caring that it only left her arms and legs for his brother to hold. He could have her later. Right then, Grant needed her body close to his. He didn’t want her far from him ever. Somehow, he thought Luke would understand.

  Grant struggled to understand his feelings, but the more he thought about it, the more the word love came up in the mix. He didn’t want to believe that he’d fallen in love, and fought the feeling. In the end, he had to acknowledge it. Then he buried it. He didn’t want to think about it right then. Instead, he concentrated on the feel and warmth of her skin next to his.

  He knew the instant she woke up. Her body stiffened and then she moaned as she yawned and stretched against him. He had to let her go for her to fully stretch out. He did so reluctantly.

  “I can’t believe I passed out like that. I’m sorry, guys.”

  “Don’t be sorry. We didn’t hurt you, did we?” Luke still sounded worried.

  “No. It was wonderful. It stung and burned at first, but then it turned into something really good. I want to do it again.”

  Grant chuckled. “Maybe another time. I’m too tired to do much more than fall asleep. You wore me out, honey.”

  She grinned then looked over at Luke. “What about you?”

  “Don’t look at me. I’m in the same boat. Give me a night to recuperate. Then I’m your man, baby.”

  She reached out and took his hand in hers and squeezed it. “We need to get some rest. Luke and I have to check on the cattle in the morning and may be gone for some time. We’ll take the horses.”

  “And the rifles,” she added.

  “And the rifles,” he repeated.

  * * * *

  Early the next morning, Valerie had breakfast ready for the men by the time they made it downstairs. She poured up the coffee and set it on the table in front of them. They discussed what they were planning to do while they ate.

  Before they left, Grant took her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes. She knew what was coming next and sighed.

  “Please stay in the house while we’re gone. The wolves are out there, and are deadly. I don’t want to have to worry about you and not be able to concentrate on keeping Luke and me safe.”

  She was surprised.
He hadn’t demanded it. In fact, he’d actually said please. She nodded her head.

  “I promise. I won’t go outside.”

  Luke added, “And don’t open the door for anyone. Not even our neighbors that you met.”

  “Okay, I won’t.” She watched the smile light up Grant’s eyes for just a second, and then it was gone. Back was the usual neutral stare that she had grown used to over the weeks.

  They pulled on their boots, coats, gloves, and hats before picking up the rifles and leaving. She locked the door behind them and watched as Luke and Grant headed toward the barn. Once they were out of sight, Valerie cleaned up the dishes and wiped down the kitchen before heading for the bathroom to start another round of cleaning.

  Hours later, she had just finished the bathroom and picking up the bedroom when a chilling howl sang out and was joined by another one. She shivered, wondering why they were howling during the day. They usually only did that at night. She prayed the men were okay. She checked the doors and windows to make sure they were locked, then added another log to the fire.

  Picking up a book, she settled herself on the couch to read as long as there was enough light in the room to see by. Then she sat closer to the fire until it was time to start dinner. The men would be back soon. They had promised to get back before dark. She looked at the clock ticking on the mantel. It was closing in on three o’clock. She wound the clock to be sure it wouldn’t stop running and headed into the kitchen.

  An hour later, she began to fret. It would be dark in little while. Surely they would be back soon. Dinner was about ready. She hesitated about making coffee so soon. She would wait another thirty minutes.

  A little later, she started the coffee. When the clock said a quarter to five, she began to pace the kitchen floor. Something had to be wrong. She couldn’t believe they would wait so late to come back knowing she would be worried about them.

  She heard the thunder of horses’ hooves and barely managed to keep from throwing the door open to be sure they were both all right. She waited and waited, wringing her hands until finally she heard the stomp of feet on the porch. She looked out the window but couldn’t tell anything in the waning light.

  The door handle rattled, and then the sound of a key in the lock let her know it was her men. She nearly sank to the floor in relief when both of them walked through the door. Then she saw the blood on both of their shirts.

  “What happened? Where are you hurt?” She began searching for the injuries on them.

  “Whoa! Easy, baby. We’re okay. It’s just a scratch on Grant.”

  “How bad a scratch? There’s blood on both of you.” She began looking over Grant and found a long rip in his shirt where the blood was the darkest. “Come over to the sink where I can clean it. Luke, bring the light.”

  She tore the shirt the rest of the way and stifled a groan. It was a fairly deep slash about five inches long. It would need stitches to heal properly. She turned on the water to let it get hot.

  “What happened?”

  “Wolf jumped us. We killed it, though,” Grant said.

  “Luke, do you have anything to put stitches in him? He’s got to have them. It’s deep.”

  “Yeah, we’ve got a stocked first aid kit. I’ll go get it.”

  “Luke can stitch pretty well.”

  “I’m doing it. I sew and have stitched up Esther’s men before.” She wasn’t about to let Luke do it. Men weren’t normally very good with a needle.

  Luke brought in a large plastic bin and sat it on the table. He pulled out supplies and set them up.

  Valerie finished cleaning the wound with hot water, and then she picked up a bottle of peroxide and poured it over the wound. She knew it didn’t hurt, but it wouldn’t feel good, either. After that she had Grant sit at the table with his back to her. Luke brought over the two lamps and sat them around for optimal light.

  “Luke, do you have whiskey? He’s going to need some. This will be a lot of stitches.”

  He nodded and found the whiskey in the back of a cabinet and handed it to Grant. She watched him take a healthy swig, and then another.

  “Tell me when you’re ready.”

  “Go ahead. It’ll take a lot to get me drunk enough not to feel it. I’ll drink while you stitch.”

  “I’m sorry, Grant. I know this is going to hurt.”

  “Just get it over with, Valerie,” he said in a resigned voice.

  She began stitching, wincing with each prick of the needle. Grant cursed loudly until he eventually got drunk enough that he was feeling no pain. Finally, she put in the last stitch. Luke brought over a pan of hot water and she rinsed her hands before cleaning off Grant’s back. They cut the rest of the shirt off of him and Luke helped him upstairs while she cleaned up the mess.

  Her hands were shaking as she emptied the pan of water and rinsed out the sink. She stood with her arms braced, leaning on the sink, trying not to completely lose it. Then she felt Luke’s hands on her shoulders. He whispered soothing words in her ear before moving her hair aside and kissing her neck around to her cheek.

  “Let’s go to bed, baby. Grant’s going to need some extra warmth.”

  “I’ll be up in a little bit. I need to put the food up so we can have it tomorrow.”

  “I’ll wait on you.”

  She hurried and put everything away, then followed Luke upstairs to the bedroom. She peeled off her clothes, wishing for a bath, but knowing it was better to go ahead and get in the bed. She slipped beneath the covers and crawled almost on top of Grant to keep him warm. Luke spooned her from behind and they fell asleep.

  * * * *

  Early the next morning, Grant woke up to a serious headache and pain in his back. He remembered what happened and groaned. Then he realized he had a body almost on top of his. He ran his hand through her long black hair and thought about her sewing him up the night before. He’d heard the sniffles while she took care of him, and knew it had cost her a great deal to do it.

  He carefully attempted to move out from under her to go to the bathroom, but she woke up and turned sleepy eyes toward him.

  “Are you okay? Do you need something?”

  “Go back to sleep, Valerie. I need to go to the bathroom.” He stood up and found he was a little bit shaky. Slowly he shuffled toward the bathroom.

  Once he was finished, he grabbed some clothes and pulled them on. He tried to get his shirt on but found that it pulled at his stitches. Gentle hands took the shirt from him and put his arm through one sleeve then helped him with the other one on his good side. He gingerly buttoned it up. He would have to stay close to the fire without the thermals on under his clothes, but there was no way in hell he’d ever manage to get them on.

  “Thanks.” He winced at the gruffness in his voice.

  “How about some coffee and something to eat? The stew will be good and filling.”

  “Sounds good, but you don’t have to get up so early. You were up late last night.”

  “Not so late. It probably felt that way to you.”

  He watched as she headed downstairs. He followed at a more sedate pace. His back was killing him.

  Once he was in the living room, Grant tried to pick up a log and realized it was too heavy and pulled on his stitches. He cursed and sat down on the couch. He hated feeling like an invalid.

  He could smell the scent of coffee and the stew he knew would be simmering on the stove.

  When Valerie returned he was staring at the embers, disgusted with himself.

  “What’s wrong?” She began adding logs and setting up the kindling to start the fire.

  “That’s what’s wrong. I can’t even start a fire without pulling on these fucking stitches.”

  “They won’t be in but for about seven days, maybe less if you’re careful with them.” She ran a hand across his forehead and frowned.

  “You’re running a slight fever. Come on and eat.”

  He stood up and swayed a little bit. She steadied him, but didn’t try
to walk him to the kitchen. He wouldn’t have let her. Once he was settled in a chair, she served him the stew, toast, and a cup of coffee.


  A few minutes later, Luke walked into the room, his hair still mussed from bed. He watched as Valerie shook her head and tried to smooth it down when he sat at the table. He pulled her into his lap for a kiss. She slapped him on the shoulder.

  “Let me up so I can get your breakfast. You’ve got to be starved.”

  “I could eat.”

  She fixed his and gave him a cup of coffee, and then fixed a bowl for herself. They ate in silence. The only sounds in the kitchen were spoons raking over the bowls.

  Grant had a terrible headache from all the whiskey he had consumed the night before. He wished they had some painkillers of some kind to take, but medicine was out of date everywhere and too dangerous to try.

  Once they were finished, he watched Valerie clean up. Grant stood up and headed for the living room. He sat in his chair with his body slouched away from the back. When Valerie walked in, she suggested he lie on the couch. He scoffed at the idea.

  Luke repeated her suggestion.

  “Grant, get on the couch. If you fall asleep like that you’ll bust your stitches when you fall.”

  “Fuck.” He got up, thought, and sat on the couch next to Valerie. “Are you going to move?”

  “No, you can rest your head on my lap.”

  He started to say no and get up, but he changed his mind and sighed. Then he lay down on his stomach and settled his head on her lap. She brushed his hair out of his eyes and gently massaged his head and neck. It wasn’t long before he was asleep.

  Chapter Ten

  Seven days later, Valerie sat in the same position at the table as when she put the stitches in to take them out. They pulled and Grant cursed, but soon she pulled the last stitch and smiled at the closed wound. It had healed up nicely. She was sure it would have a smaller scar than if Luke had sewn him up.


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