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Soulshift Page 10

by Arizona Tape

  "Okay," I replied, raising up on the tips of my toes and pressing my lips against his. It took him a moment to respond, possibly because he wasn't used to someone else initiating, though I did briefly worry that he didn't want to.

  His hand tangled in my hair, while his lips moved against mine, igniting a trail of fire throughout my body. I couldn't believe we were still standing in the hallway. Or that it'd only been minutes since he'd walked through the door. This kiss felt like it was lasting for an age. It was a forever kiss, filled with passion and desire, as well as longing and affection. It said everything that it needed to, and told a whole story with just a touch.

  "Devon," I moaned against his lips, pushing my body against his, where he gladly held me to her.

  "We need to stop, Ayra." He spoke into our kiss, the sound vibrating against them and making the kiss even better than before. If he kept doing this, I was going to self combust with the sensations. And he hadn't even touched me properly yet.

  "We do?" I returned, pushing my body into his again. It had the desired effect, and his hand tightened further in my hair, his other hand pressing me against him more firmly.

  He growled, the sound making me all kind of fluttery. He was going to be the death of me. A slow, sensual, amazing explosion of a death. And I'd welcome every moment of it.

  "Don't tempt me."


  He growled again, and his hand left my hair, instead, he palmed my ass and hoisted me upwards so my legs were wrapped around his waist, his hardness pressing against me, even through our clothing. Yes! This was exactly the way I wanted this to go.

  Devon trailed kisses along my cheek, down to my neck, and I tipped my head back to give him better access. I briefly wondered if dragons bit during sex like vampires did. I hoped not. I didn't mind the biting really, but I could live without it, and anything that reminded me of my vampirism was a no go as far as I was concerned.

  "Bedroom?" I asked hopefully and he growled again. That was a promising sign as far as I was concerned. His mouth left my skin. Hmm. So there was a disadvantage of moving location. He walked us down the hallway, me still wrapped around him, my hands exploring the expanse of his chest and anxiously unbuttoning his shirt. The less obstacles there were in my path once we got to the bed, the better as far as I was concerned.

  Devon dropped me onto the mattress, his eyes watching me hungrily as I laid back on the soft bedding. He stripped off his shirt, letting it fall to the floor, the rest of his clothing quickly following. My mouth began to water. I knew I'd seen him partially naked at the lake, but that was different. Seeing him take his clothes off for me, to be with me, was so much better than that.

  When he'd stripped down to his boxers, he crawled up the bed, caging him under him with his arms. Yes, yes, yes, this was actually going to happen.

  I reached out and cupped his face, drawing it down to me so his lips touched in a slow and sensual kiss. He didn't rush this one, there was no need. And hopefully, because I'd initiated this swap, it'd be on me to swap back too. At least, I hoped that was the case. I didn't want Tate to get stuck in this moment instead of me. That'd go from two people enjoying themselves, to three people being miserable.

  The thoughts were chased away by Devon moving back to my neck, kissing along the sensitive skin there. I was glad he had. If I kept thinking about swapping, there could be a chance I'd accidentally end up switching back, and that was the last thing I wanted.

  "How fond are you of these clothes?" he asked, his voice husky and full of promise.

  "They're not mine," I pointed out, giggling slightly. Damn it, Ayra. When did you become a giggling little girl? Pretty much when I had a smoking hot dragon perched above me. Pun intended.

  "Right, yes," he responded, something akin to disappointment written on his features. I suspect I just missed out on having them ripped from me and scattered all over the bedroom floor. One day.

  Instead, he lifted my top slowly, revealing my taut stomach to him. Higher still and he drew it over my head, but I refused to look down. I had no idea if Tate had worn sexy underwear today. And knowing my luck, she'd be wearing the comfy stuff that every woman had and loved, but would hate for their new partner to see.

  Wait...was Devon a new partner? I'd never slept with him, true, but Tate had. And this was her body. So was he a new lover or an old one? I needed to stop thinking so much.

  Warm hand at the band of my leggings did the job of chasing my thoughts away, and Devon drew them down my legs slowly, his fingers brushing against my skin often. He was doing that on purpose, the sneaky dragon.

  He rose back up my body, a wicked smile on his face that I was sure I was going to enjoy. He was looking devious to say the least, and whatever plans he had for me, I was good with them.

  "Are you sure about this, Ayra?" he asked, stressing my name. It was super sweet if anyone asked me. He knew what the situation was here, and he truly cared about it being the right one.

  "Yes. If you are," I replied.

  "Have you ever..?"

  "Only with Sian," I admitted, glancing away. Though not quick enough to miss the look of satisfaction on his face. So he liked the idea of being my first man. My only man. We both knew it I think.


  "Yes," I answered, my cheeks colouring. "But I'm in Tate's body..." I reminded him, before cursing myself. Why had I brought her up now? The moment my dark hair was fanned across the pillow underneath my head, and I was mostly naked in front of the man who was my mate, wasn't the time to remind him of his fiancée. No. Ex-fiancée. Thank all the heavens above.

  "It's still you I'm going to do this with." He nuzzled against my neck, and a shudder flowed through me.

  "Good." My voice was barely audible through the desire, but I didn't care in the slightest. He trailed his hand over my skin and unhooked my bra. Turned out I was grateful for Tate's choice in underwear when I realised it had a front opening clasp. I whimpered as his fingers danced over my breasts, sending shots of desire straight through me. He peeled off my knickers too, closely followed by his boxers, leaving him completely on display to him. I licked my lips,, that was a sight I could get used to.

  Devon trailed his hand up the inside of my thigh, coming close to where I wanted it. Except his fingers weren't going to be good enough. They weren't what I wanted. Not this time at least.

  "No, I want you, all of you," I murmured, my breathing already heavy and out of control.

  "Are you sure?"

  He was so sweet that it almost hurt, and I cupped his face again, letting his eyes meet mine.

  "Yes, I'm very sure. I need you now, Devon."

  My use of his name seemed to be his undoing, and he guided himself to me, watching my face intently. With an aching slowness, he entered me, and I arched up into him, the sensation unlike anything I'd ever felt before. This felt right, it felt safe, and it felt like where I was meant to be.

  Chapter 19

  Swapping had become easy after the first time I'd figured it out. All I had to do was focus on Tate, and on her dragon, and we'd swap. Things were a lot easier as a result. I'd left a note for Tate, by her computer naturally, saying I'd try swapping at six pm every evening. In other words, pretty much the exact moment I got in from work. That way, the two of us spent as much time with Devon and Sian as possible, without risking any of our other commitments.

  And it seemed to be working. I didn't think I'd ever seen Sian as happy as she'd been in the past couple of weeks, and I certainly knew I was happier. Things had progressed well on both sides.

  The only disappointing thing was that I couldn't see Devon every night. It depended on his shifts as to whether I saw him or not. Living there full-time would definitely be preferable, but it was still kind of satisfying to have him climb into bed with me in the early hours of the morning and pull my close into his embrace.

  I was falling hard and fast. No, that was inaccurate. I'd fallen hard and fast. I hadn't told him I loved him yet, but I kne
w that I did. My emotions so much stronger than any I'd ever felt for Sian. Maybe that should make me feel guilty, but it didn't. There was too much rightness in this situation.

  I paced nervously, waiting for the cake I was baking to finish. I'd left Tate a note saying I'd switch with her later tonight, I wanted the time to make some preparations for our birthday tomorrow. When I'd told Sian this morning, she'd just laughed and shook her head. Apparently, it was just the kind of thing she'd expected.

  I wasn't really sure what to do with myself. This wasn't my home anymore, and we all knew it. But I also wanted to do something for the other couple. It was their home, and I was really depriving them of time together by needing to work. Though saying that, I always felt a slight tug towards my vampire body just before switching back. At some point, we needed to figure out a more permanent solution. This worked for now, but it wasn't going to forever. I could hardly start a family with Devon if I was spending some of my time in a different body. Knowing my luck, we'd swap out of our bodies at the exact point in time I went into labour. If that was how it even worked for dragons. I hadn't quite plucked up the courage to ask Devon about it yet, even if we were doing plenty of practice for starting a family. My cheeks heated as I thought about it. I'd always been under the impression that sex with Sian was the pinnacle of sensation, but with Devon, it was something so much more.

  The buzzer sounded, and I pulled the cake out of the oven. It was perfectly cooked, if I did say so myself. I stuck it on the wire rack and began mixing up the glaze for the top. I couldn't put it on yet, not while the cake was still hot, but I just liked to be prepared.

  A key turned in the lock, and Sian entered, a big smile on her face.

  "Hi, Ayra," she greeted instantly. I frowned.

  "How did you know it was me?" I asked, whisking the glaze more.

  "You're baking. It's a pretty big giveaway."

  "Oh, right, yes."

  "Not raisins this time, right?" she teased. I grimaced in return. No, I wasn't making that mistake again. Tate had left me a friendly note telling me some of her likes and dislikes, apparently my cookies had been one of them. She had said she appreciated the gesture though, hence the cake I was making now. The cake that had a lot of chocolate in it. No way was I making that mistake again.

  "No, no raisins, I learned that lesson."

  "She was only teasing," Sian said more seriously.

  "I know, but I don't want her to dislike anything." It was a weird feeling really. Caring for someone I'd never met. All I knew of Tate was what Devon and Sian had told me about her. And yet she came here to live my life every single day. It was surreal.

  "That's sweet, Ayra."

  "Is it?" I didn't think so. It was more just a courtesy in my mind. "Do you have anything nice planned for tomorrow?" I asked, changing the subject. Sian's cheeks turned a shocking shade of pink, one that matched the bag she had clutched in her left hand.


  "She's a lucky woman, Sian."

  "Thank you." Her voice was soft, and accepting. She was in as deep as I was. "Why doesn't this feel weirder?" she asked, taking a seat on the opposite side of the breakfast bar to me. I shrugged, then touched the top of the cake to discern if it was cool enough to glaze. It wasn't.

  "Because it's how it's meant to be? I'd rather this than being filled with rage and jealousy though, don't you think?"

  "Yes, I think you're right."

  "So, any plans?" I asked again, pulling two mugs out of the cupboard and holding one out as an unspoken question. Sian nodded.

  "I'm not sure yet. I was going to ask Tate, but I think just movies and takeout."

  "The perfect birthday." I smiled at her. The two of them were going to have a great time I was sure. Particularly if that bag held what I thought it did. Sian really knew how to bring her a-game with lingerie.

  "Very much so." She drifted away slightly, probably picturing her plans for tomorrow. Okay, that thought was a little weird for me, I was going to try and ignore it if I could. "What about you and Devon, any plans?"

  I pulled a face.

  "That good?" Sian laughed. Well, she could. She didn't have a stupid ceremony to do. One that most dragons spent years preparing for, whereas I'd just had weeks.

  "There's this traditional fertility ceremony thing I have to do."

  "Oh, does that mean tomorrow night is the night?" Sian waggled her eyebrows at me and my face flamed read. "Oh, Ayra. Already?"

  "Yes," I admitted quietly, already feeling guilty for how long I'd made her wait.

  "He really is special, isn't he?" She smiled sadly. Yep, so she knew exactly what me sleeping with Devon already meant. But it'd felt right. Perfect even.

  "He is," I replied simply, checking the cake again and being relieved to find it cool enough. I stuck a plate under the cooling rack, I didn't want to get any of the glaze on the work top accidentally, and tipped the bowl over the top of the cake. The thick glossy chocolate glaze poured out, and I spread it around with a palette knife, trying to think of what to say to Sian.

  "So this ceremony..." she prodded. Well, that solved that one, I'd just wait for Sian to continue the conversation.

  "It's a family thing apparently. Which isn't going to be fun. Tate's parents are...they're worse than mine." Sian pulled a face. She'd met my parents, so she knew exactly what I meant by that.

  "Please tell me you don't have to..."

  "Oh all the heavens no. Devon said that used to be a part of the ceremony, but he'd already said it wasn't happening when he still thought it was Tate going through with it."

  "That's good then?"

  I laughed in response to her making it a question. "Yes, can't say having sex in front of strangers was something I was looking forward to."

  "I don't know, it could be fun." She smirked and I laughed more.

  "I'm not into that."

  "I know, but still could be fun."

  "What you and Tate want to do is up to you two, but keep Devon and I out of it."

  Sian joined me in laughing. I liked it. We felt like proper friends. Once I'd calmed down a little, I grabbed the white chocolate I'd been melting on the stove and swirled it through the glaze of the cake. I picked up the cocktail stick I'd set aside earlier and used it to draw a spider's web kind of design. It wasn't intentionally a web, but I thought the pattern looked pretty, and I liked to make things pretty.

  I stepped back and admired it, glad that I wasn't going to have to be the one to ruin its look by cutting into it to eat.

  "It's beautiful, Ayra," Sian said, admiring the cake with me.

  "Thanks. And chocolate."

  She laughed. "Have you finished it?"

  "Yes." I untied my apron and hung it up on the hook by the fridge, before picking up the pots and dumping them in the sink.

  "Leave those, Ayra," Sian said softly.


  "Leave them, go spend time with your man."

  "Are you sure?" I asked, nervous about it for some reason.

  "More than sure." She smiled warmly at her, and I returned it.

  "Thank you, Sian."

  "You're welcome, now go get him."

  I laughed, closing my eyes and picturing Tate and her dragon again. Except, maybe it wasn't Tate's dragon at all. Maybe it was my own.

  Chapter 20

  I opened my eyes to find myself stood in the kitchen with Devon in front of me, a look on his face that said he was up to no good.

  "Evening, Ayra," he said, grinning widely.

  "Hi, Devon." I smiled shyly. I wasn't sure what it was about him, but it brought out this side of me. He pulled me to him and kissed me sweetly.

  "How was your day?" he murmured against my skin.

  "Better now I'm with you," I replied, cursing myself for my cheesiness. Oh well, he knew what I meant.

  "Mine too."

  "Are you off from the hospital all weekend?" He'd told me he was already, but I just wanted confirmation. I was a little on edge about th
e ceremony tomorrow and what it entailed. Devon had explained it all in great detail while we'd been relaxing on his bed the night before, but creeping doubts were still making themselves known in my mind. What if I couldn't shift when I needed to? Or what if his family figured out I wasn't Tate? Or worse...if Tate's family figured it out. I hadn't spent that much time with them over the past couple of weeks, but the time I'd spent with them had been awful. I didn’t know how Tate had managed for all those years, it'd have driven me nuts.

  "Yes, I'm off all weekend. And it'll be fine, Ayra. We've practiced shifting, and practiced the words..."

  "I know, I just really don't want to let you down." I glanced away from him, unable to meet the dark blue eyes that were filled with such earnest. By all the heavens, this man really loved me. Not that he'd told me that yet. Then again, I hadn't told him either.

  "You won't, Ayra. You couldn't possibly let me down." He smoothed a thumb over my cheek and gently tipped my head back, looking deep into my eyes. His lips touched mine, sending sparks throughout me. He was tender, and loving. More importantly, he was mine.

  "I hope not," I whispered against his lips as we ended the kiss.

  "You won't. Now what do you want for dinner, it's your birthday eve, it's your choice."

  "You?" I suggested playfully, receiving a low growl in response. Oh how that sound got to me. I loved it. I loved him.

  "That's not going to build up your strength, Ayra."

  "Are you sure? I always feel very refreshed after a nibble of Devon." It was like Devon had unleashed something in me. A side that was no longer afraid of showing I was interested in the physical side of the relationship. And who could blame me? I didn't think anyone could if they saw my man without a shirt on. Or anything on...


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