ASH: Westside Skulls Motorcycle Club: (Westside Skulls MC Romance Book 4)

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ASH: Westside Skulls Motorcycle Club: (Westside Skulls MC Romance Book 4) Page 10

by Cooke, Jessie


  It had been a long week, or as Ash had just put it to Sledge...a long “fucking” week. As they pulled up to the clubhouse after the all-important run to Costco to pick up a few last-minute things for the barbecue, Ash didn’t know whether to be excited or annoyed by the sight of the hundred or so bikes, trikes, trailers, and luxury cars outside the clubhouse. The party was supposed to be for the MMA fighters in from Vegas, but word had gotten out and suddenly every affiliate within a hundred miles was on their doorstep as well. Any other time he’d be ecstatic. Ash loved a good party. But again, it had been the week from hell and he was physically and emotionally exhausted.

  After leaving Bruce and a disabled red Mustang along the side of a road as far up into the Sierra Nevadas as they could make it, Ash had spent the next few days dealing with police, social services, and the Wicked Witch of the East...Allison. That’s not even to mention the teenager whose moods could put any rapid-cycling bipolar off her meds to shame. But, moods or no, Ash had to give credit to his sister, Charlotte May Bennett, for her intelligence, and a savvy he would have never guessed that she possessed.

  Charlie hadn’t just randomly run away and shown up on his doorstep. Although she didn’t do a great job of planning her transportation for what she now referred to as “The Great Escape” from New York...she had put some planning into the outcome. She informed the police and social services, when they came to take her home, that her attorney had already filed papers for her emancipation in California. Listening to his sister and the social services people, he learned something new that day. In New York, the court has to be the one recommending emancipation and it cannot be done based on the request of a minor or her attorney. In most states, the age one can request emancipation would be sixteen, which Charlie would be soon, but wasn’t yet. In California however, the legal age to request emancipation was as young as fourteen, as long as all the other criteria were met.

  Unbeknownst to Allison or Ash, Charlie had been planning this since practically the day their father passed away. The family attorney who realized that, very soon, Charlie’s side of the fence would be the one most lucrative to him, had jumped on it, and done an excellent job of schooling her. In order to file the petition in California, she had to be a resident...but the attorney had found a loophole for that. Asher Bennett III owned property in California. Therefore, Charlie now owned it, and was considered a resident by virtue of the taxes she would be paying on said property. It was twenty acres in what was called “The Bluffs” up above Fresno. There was no house on it, but before she even left the East Coast, the attorney was already in the process of purchasing a fifth-wheel RV in her name so that by the time they went to court, she could be living on the property. For now, it was parked out back with the rest of the trailers. Ash wasn’t sure how he felt about that either.

  The only snag in her plan had been transportation to California. Thanks to her age, she’d been unable to buy a plane ticket and fly out. Her attorney suggested a bus or train, but being the obstinate child she still was, rather than the adult she hoped everyone believed her to be...she’d chosen to ride with a “friend” instead. Thankfully, Randy was harmless enough, but Bruce had almost ruined all of her plans. However, since it behooved both the club and Charlie that the police and social services know none of that...Bruce and the wild party were never mentioned. Charlie was also able to produce a letter from the headmaster of her private school that said that although she was only about to enter her junior year of high school...she already had enough credits to graduate.

  That was the cherry on top of her almost sixteen, she’d managed to meet all the criteria California would demand of her before they’d consider emancipation. Ash’s little sister might not be the most mature person in the crowd, but no one could ever call her stupid. Because of her plans, Charlie refused to return home and because of all the legal paperwork already filed, social services and the police had washed their hands of the whole messy affair. They had decided instead to leave her fate up to the long as Ash agreed to look after her until the hearing. He’d taken that to Wolf, and thanks to the fact that Wolf was a huge advocate for family, he had agreed. The RV was brought over and set up and Charlie had recently moved into it.

  Ash realized that no one outside of the club would believe it...but his life as an enforcer for one of the largest and most powerful MCs in California had been a peaceful oasis compared to what Charlie had stirred up. He didn’t believe she was capable of taking care of herself, even with as much money as God...but, besides the fact that she pierced his armored heart with her big, blue eyes...he also knew that if they refused to let her stay, as soon as she did turn sixteen she’d start all over again. Another time, and one of the Bruces of the world might just get lucky...and Ash wasn’t going to risk that. So, for now his little sister was his neighbor and every man in the club knew she was underage and Ash’s it was hands off. But he did worry about how many asses he’d have to whoop when it came to the fighters and affiliates that would be there for the weekend. He wished he could count on his sister informing them of her delicate age...but he didn’t trust her any more than he would a snake in the Garden of Eden. He would have to keep a sharp eye on her all weekend, and just the thought of it was exhausting.

  “Damn, how long were we gone?” Sledge said, as he parked next to Ash, turned off his bike, and looked around at all the unfamiliar vehicles.

  “I know, right?”

  “Looking forward to some fresh new blood,” Sledge said. What Ash knew he meant was “fresh hot pussy.”

  “I hate to burst your bubble, but Jacob and those guys brought their old ladies, and the Sacramento and San Gabriel chapters are here, and they usually bring theirs as well. All those old ladies are likely to scare off any stray pussy that might normally be hanging around.”

  “Fucker,” Sledge said.

  Ash laughed. “I’m not happy about it either. I’m just stating the facts.” Ash got off the bike and opened his saddlebags, where the condiments they’d gone to pick up were stashed.

  “Facts fuck up my fantasies on a daily basis,” Sledge said. “Let me have this for five minutes.”

  Chuckling, Ash said, “Okay, brother, you’re probably right...probably all kinds of fresh, unattached pussy in there.”

  “That’s better.”

  “Yeah, you chase the pussy while I circulate and make damned sure the horny bastards in the crowd are aware that my sister is fifteen and if they value their balls, they won’t even give her the time if she asks.”

  “Don’t worry brother, I don’t think there’s a Skull in there that won’t make sure of that. She’s already becoming like the little sister we all never had, or left behind, or what the fuck ever. Now come on, man, let’s get our party on. After the week we’ve had, we deserve it.”

  Ash tried to absorb what Sledge was saying, and to believe it. He did need a day of relaxation before the new week started and the problems of the club and his sister hit him in the face once again. He carried the bag of condiments inside and Sledge followed him. The place was packed with men and women leaning against the bar, playing pool, watching the big-screen TV, and most of all just relaxing and having fun.

  He carried the bag into the kitchen and found most of the old ladies and the club girls that were to be trusted, getting the side dishes ready for all the meat undoubtedly already on the grill. “Hi, Ash.” He looked toward the voice, tried not to grimace, and said:

  “Hey, Gracie.” Gracie gave definition to the term “club whore,” and Ash was surprised Blair let her stay around. There wasn’t a man in the club...unfortunately even most of the married ones...that hadn’t had some piece or the other of Gracie at one time. She had set her sights on Bruf for a while, but once she realized he was serious about the boss’s sister, she’d moved Ash. He wasn’t interested. She’d given him a blowjob a time or two, but he had never fucked her and had no desire to. Turning his back to her he
said, “Blair, where do you want this stuff?”

  “Just stick the whole thing in the fridge, Ash. Thanks.”

  “No problem. Have you seen Charlie?”

  “She prefers Charlotte.” Ash had just pulled open the refrigerator, and Gracie’s admonishment about his own sister sent a chill down his spine that he knew the refrigerator hadn’t produced. He closed the door and calmly turned toward the intrusive club whore.

  “How would you know what my sister prefers?”

  “Oh, we had coffee together this morning. She’s a sweet girl. I think she and I could be good friends...”


  “Gracie, why don’t you take this potato salad out for me?” Blair was holding out a giant plastic bowl full of salad, but Gracie’s eyes were still on Ash.

  “No? You don’t want your sister and me to be friends?”

  Gracie was not only a whore who had made her way through every man in the club, some twice and more than one on the same day more often than not, but she was a gold-digging whore at that. She was at least twenty-eight years old and had never worked a day in her life. She somehow always managed to find someone to take care of her. She’d been brought to the club by one of their nomads who had been supporting her for several years when she was barely legal. He left her there and for some reason, no one had the heart to kick her out. She did enough around the club to at least earn her keep...but Ash got the feeling she was looking for a lot more.

  “Exactly,” he said.

  “Gracie...” Blair tried again. The rest of the women in the room had stopped chattering and Ash and Gracie now held their rapt attention.

  Gracie had her hand on her hip, which was cocked to the side and barely covered by the cut-off jean skirt she was wearing. Her big boobs swelled up out of the tank top she had on and whether or not she was wearing a bra was iffy. “What are you trying to say?”

  “I’m not trying to say anything, I’m just saying it. I don’t want you and my sister to be friends.”

  “Ash, Gracie...maybe now is not the time...” Always the counselor, and the peacemaker, Blair kept trying.

  “Why not? You think she’s better than me?”

  “On top of other things, like the fact that although you act like a teenager, you’re almost twice her age. You’ve screwed every...”

  “Ash!” Blair raised her voice and finally got Ash’s attention. “This is really not the time.”

  He sighed. “Fine. Sorry, Blair.” He looked back at Gracie and said, “Stay away from Charlie,” before heading toward the exit that led to the hallway. He was definitely leaving that fresh pussy to Sledge tonight...he’d just about had his fill of women lately. He turned out the door and toward the great room and collided with someone. A little squeak drew his attention downward, where he found Mackenzie sprawled out on the floor. “Fuck me. Can this day get any better?”


  “What are you doing here?” Ash hadn’t spoken to Mack since the day he’d called to tell her Charlie was okay and in California. That wasn’t to say he hadn’t wanted to. He ached to hear her voice...and even more so to touch her. But that was all the more reason not to, in his mind. He had to put that distance between them once again that he’d struggled so hard in the past to attain, before the thoughts and dreams of her drove him insane.

  Wiping hair out of her face she said, “Charlie asked me to come.” She turned over and started to struggle to her feet. The pervert in him was tempted to stand back and watch her. She was wearing shorts...jean shorts...and her ass and legs looked phenomenal. The part of him that was still decent, however, couldn’t do it. He put his hand out to her and tried to ignore the feelings that simple touch sent through him, as he pulled her to her feet. She smiled at him once she was up...and again, those damned feelings. “Thank you. That was quite the greeting.”

  Her pretty eyes were locked into his and it took him way too long to realize he was still holding her hand. He let go of it at last and said, “Sorry...I was just, surprised. Why did Charlie ask you to come?”

  She shrugged. “I haven’t seen her yet. Do you know where she is?”

  “You came all this way without knowing why?”

  “Well, yeah, I told Charlie she could call me if she needed anything, and she did. I wasn’t going to quiz her on the phone about what she wanted. Besides, she’s technically my boss these days.”

  Ash rolled his eyes and said, “Don’t remind her of that, please. She already thinks she’s queen of the world. But I was looking for her too, so you can come with me if you want and we’ll see if we can find her.” Ash wouldn’t admit it, but he didn’t like the idea of Mack at the party any more than he did Charlie. It was worse, actually. With Charlie he had a reason and a right to tell the brothers and the fighters to keep their hands off...but Mack was not his to protect. He led her down the hallway to the back of the great room where some of the guys were playing pool. Tex was there, parked in his wheelchair, rooting his MMA buddies on. Ash introduced Mack to Jacob Wright and his brother Eli, who was an attorney and not a fighter, but was in a relationship with one of the fighters, a huge Hulk-looking guy named Lance. Once those introductions were made, he turned back to Tex and said, “Tex, how are you?”

  The fighter, young and strong and spry only a few weeks before, held a shaky hand out in Ash’s direction. As Ash took it, he watched the young man struggle to form his words and say, “Doing good, Ash, how the hell are you?” It was painful to see him in this condition and it refueled Ash’s anger and his desire to find who had done this to him. Wolf had a few leads, and he’d already told them they’d be having church first thing on Monday morning to talk about them. Ash couldn’t wait to get the bastards.

  “I’m hanging in there, Tex.”

  “Who’s the pretty lady?” Tex’s words were said slowly and deliberate and his limbs were shaky, but his eyes were still capable of filling with lust when he looked at a beautiful woman. Ash smiled and said:

  “This is an old friend of mine, Mackenzie. Mack, this is Tex, he’s a fighter.”

  Tex lifted his right hand again and it shook until Mack took it. “A famous MMA fighter,” he told her with a wink.

  “Well then, it’s a pleasure,” she said, smiling too.

  “You’re just friends, huh?” Tex said. Ash suddenly found that despite his fondness for the young fighter and the kid’s current condition, another irrational wave of jealousy was building in his core.

  “Yeah, but she lives back east...” Tex wasn’t listening to him. He was looking at Mack again.

  “You play pool?”

  Mack blushed slightly at the battered fighter’s flirtatious tone. “I do, but I’m looking for someone right now. Maybe later?”

  A few of the unattached men behind Ash echoed Tex’s agreement to Mack’s words. Without thinking about it, Ash spun around and glared at them all, stifling the growl that seemed to be building in his chest. He realized that if he’d been an animal, he might have even pissed a circle around her. They fell silent and went back to their game. Ash turned back to Mack and said, “We’d better go find Charlie. It was good to see you, Tex. We’ll talk soon, okay?”

  “Yep,” Tex said before turning to Mack again and with another wink saying, “And I’ll see you here later, right?”

  Mack blushed again. Was she really flirting with a twenty-year-old in a wheelchair? “Sure,” she said, furthering Ash’s annoyance. With a sigh he hoped no one heard, he headed on toward the exit door. He could feel Mack following him as he stepped through it. The early afternoon sun was bright and there was a slight was a beautiful day...but all Ash really saw were the fifty or so men hanging around playing horseshoes, drinking beer, and waiting for the meat to come off the barbecue. Making a snap decision that he knew would at least dissuade a few of them, he took Mack’s hand and led her through the crowd toward Wolf’s house and the trailers beyond. Mack seemed surprised, but Ash played it off like he was just leading her through. Once they wer
e past the leers of the single men, he let go of her hand, but kept walking. She followed him to Bruf’s and Sabrina’s trailer and waited at the bottom of the steps as he knocked.

  Charlie pulled open the door, holding the small baby boy, Mason, on her hip. “Hey,” she said to Ash, flatly. But her blue eyes landed on Mack behind him and her face lit up. “Hey, Mack! You came.”

  Ash looked back at Mack and watched her smile at Charlie. “Of course I did. Who’s your cute little friend?”

  Charlie looked at the baby with genuine affection. It was one of the few things that convinced Ash she was not simply the self-absorbed teen that he saw her as. Sabrina raved about how good Charlie was with Mason and how most of the time she didn’t even have to ask the girl to look after him, Charlie always volunteered. “This is Mason,” she said. “We were just getting ready to go over to the barbecue. Come on in.”

  Ash and Mack followed her into Bruf’s and Sabrina’s trailer. Charlie had moved into her own and she’d spent her first night in it the night before. It was another reason Ash was so exhausted. He’d sat quietly out behind Sabrina’s and Bruf’s trailer most of the night, watching Charlie’s trailer, to make sure no one came or went while his sister was alone. Ash looked at Mason. The little boy had nothing on but a diaper, and he was grinning from ear to ear. He reached out to touch him and the baby screamed as if Ash had pinched him.

  “What did you do?” Charlie asked him.

  “I didn’t do anything. I just touched him.”

  “Well, don’t. I don’t think he likes you.”


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