The Battle for Houston...The Aftermath

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The Battle for Houston...The Aftermath Page 27


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  Meanwhile, General Patterson was busy. He watched the four helicopters take off, each flying one man to Capitol Hill. He could monitor the inside of the hangar, but not much else, so he had several air force technicians watching the old screens and trying to detect any changes to Gulfstream V by comparing them to blueprints they had found.

  The search aircraft were beginning to land. He had changed the flight plan of the closest Hurricane Hunter to Alaska, to not refuel in Hawaii, but at Elmendorf. He also ordered the second Hurricane Hunter into Resolute Bay to refuel and be prepared to sound Canadian if anybody called them on their radios.

  He spent a long while on the satellite phone to Admiral Rogers. He found out that the navy could have its only two old, but operational, Tang Class submarines in the Pacific off the coast of Alaska within a week. They would be aided by the only destroyer in San Diego harbor, where the two submarines were stationed. Admiral Rogers said that he had been in contact with Admiral Rodriquez in Bogotá. The general was to tell Carlos that his uncle was out of hospital, in a wheel chair, but Admiral Rodriquez had already ordered three of his light frigates to head through the Panama Canal and up to San Diego at full speed. They were fast, and once through the canal could catch up to the U.S. ships in 72 hours, by the time they reached Alaska.

  It was a gamble to target Alaska as the enemy’s base of operations, but he didn’t have much choice; at any rate, he knew the enemy base would be somewhere in the cold north.

  General Patterson had learned much from General Allen, and to be ahead of events was his number one priority. Nobody knew what this third threat on the U.S. homeland would entail, but he wasn’t going to wait around to find out.

  * * *

  The second meeting began after coffee and snacks. The visitors entered and were seen greeting and shaking hands with the members of government they knew. Carlos whispered to Preston that the whole area was being taped, to look for evidence of collusion between current government officials and the visiting CEOs.

  “I’m sure many of the people here had already been on the payroll of Westbrook and Bowers,” Preston quietly shared with Carlos and Mike Mallory. Martie and Sally were chatting with the other girls, and the former members of government certainly had no time or interest in the newcomers. Several members of both Houses had already looked disapprovingly at Preston and Carlos; they were not politicians.

  Bowers, of Brűche, gave a 20-minute speech, describing how he, and America, had lost so much since New Year’s Eve, and that with aid he, his company and the other drug companies could be up and producing within a year. He detailed what was needed in his several plants across the country, another dozen around the world, and what he wanted was a lot.

  Westbrook took the floor after him and said much of the same thing; that he and MonteDiablo had proven to the world that their products were the best, and even reminded the listeners that the president himself was instrumental in getting MonteDiablo products into all of Africa only a year or so earlier. Without his modern agricultural products, the world would starve, and it was the job of the United States of America to feed themselves first, and the rest of the world second.

  There was to be a question and answer session afterwards, but before the president concluded the meeting he explained what he wanted. “We are still a free country, and we have the right to vote. You have heard these two men give you reasons why their programs should be given priority as we proceed with reconstruction and of the list of advancements. Some of you know these men, some of you don’t. Many did business together before the end of last year. Many of you don’t know how big a job it is to reconstruct our country, nor have taken any interest in the reconstruction. Many of you have been hands on. There is not one member of our armed forces in this room today. They will take orders from me and from you, the people in this room. Forty-eight million Americans have survived this international mega-disaster, and these are the people we must answer to, to help them survive and grow this country into the strong, powerful nation it used to be. If you feel these corporations here today proposed the best avenue for us, then vote for them to be at the top of the to-do list. If you feel these companies do not represent the best methods forward for the greater good, then vote against them. Before we vote, we will now have a short question and answer session of only ten questions, five from current members of congress and five from the new people in the room. You all have directions on how to use the still-working, I might add, voting buttons on your chairs. The “for” and “against” votes, as usual will come up on the screens afterwards. I will let the temporary Speaker of the House decide who asks the questions.”

  It took a while before the first hands were raised.

  “Congressman Elders, Montana. Mr. Westbrook, how will your products produce a better crop than what our farmers are currently using?”

  “All our growing products, being genetically modified organisms, are more refined to resist disease and drought. We have designed all of our U.S. and international products to be hardy, with a greater chance to survive pest, droughts and most other conditions farmers have come up against for the last couple of centuries.”

  “Congressman Brown, California. Question for Mr. Bowers: The survivors in this country have not had the availability of drugs for six months now. Why would they need to take your drugs?”

  “The American population is used to taking drugs. They might have weaned themselves off many drugs temporarily, but when disease and bodily malfunctions become rampant again, they will be glad the drug industry has been put back on top. Think of chicken pox, malaria, typhoid and other insect-carried or air-carried diseases that could destroy the rest of our population. Yes, my company didn’t make any of these drugs or vaccinations, but it will be our first priority once we are given the necessary aid to manufacture life-saving drugs and vaccines.”

  The questions went on, there was little argument about positives or negatives, and Martie managed to get in the ninth question. The speaker was being careful who to ask and had passed over Mike Mallory, Preston and Carlos for three questions.

  “Martie Strong, North Carolina. A question for both of you men; if we vote to place your companies at the top of the list for reconstruction, are you going to repay the American people by giving all your new products to the population for free?” She sat down.

  “Bowers was the first to answer. “I will answer for my company, the other two drug companies represented here today, and Mr. Westbrook and his company. Prior to today’s meeting, we met with the president to outline what we need to operate our four international corporations. First, the U.S. dollar must be brought back as the international currency of choice; second, all banks must be reinstated to help farmers pay for agricultural supplies; third, Medicare and Medicaid must be brought back to help our customers pay for needed drugs; finally, every American should be paid a minimum wage so that they can purchase what they need. In other words the world’s monetary system, its bartering system, and banking systems must be made live so that people can start paying for what they need.”

  There were many hands and again Mike Mallory, Preston and Carlos were overlooked. Michael Roebels wasn’t going out without a fight and stood up to ask a question.

  “Please sit down,” the Speaker stated arrogantly. “I have not yet made a decision.”

  “Since several months ago the president asked me to oversee the country’s reconstruction efforts, I think I have the right to ask a question, Mr. Speaker.” The House speaker ignored the statement and picked another member of the Senate.

  “Mr. Speaker,” interrupted the president. “I think Mr. Roebels has a valid point, and the members of the House have already had their five questions. Mr. Roebels, go ahead please.”

  “Michael Roebels, California. Mr. Bowers, it seems that you are far ahead in your ideas of our country’s current reconstruction. To date we have Silicone Valley and one small part of San Francisco under electrical power. To power the
entire United States could take anywhere from one to three decades. As you well know, Mr. Bowers, the government, the treasury, the banks and other financial institutions need electricity to operate. Second, the farmers already have enough growing crops to supply our reduced population for this summer and plan to have the country’s food plants and bottling and canning operations operational before winter. These programs are at the top of the list. Surely getting your corporations up to speed should not be placed as a higher priority than our current actions.”

  Bowers answered, “Mr. Roebels has brought up some good points. First, yes, food is a priority and Mr. Westbrook’s company can feed the world; second, a point you didn’t bring up—without electricity country-wide, hospitals won’t work, the sick will not be cared for, people will continue to die and our population suffers. I hear you do have electricity and computers, and we feel that our companies should have everything you have to offer, for at least the next few years, to get us up and running so that we can help the world survive. I’m sure you, Mr. Roebels, will understand that our program is the right one and the president, the leader of this country, will aim this reconstruction program in the way it is supposed to be. That is his job, Mr. Roebels, not yours. It will be the job of the Congress, to make sure that people like you can survive. I have asked the president to prioritize the formation of a new House and Senate as soon as possible and that should take priority over anything else, other than keeping our fellow citizens alive.” Unabated he turned towards the President of the United States. “Mr. President, I think we are done with this line of questioning.”

  Preston was angry. He was really pissed off at this man’s arrogant attitude toward the president and Martie’s father, and stood up.

  “And if we vote no, that your projects don’t take priority, what happens next, Mr. Bowers?”

  The Speaker banged his gravel and asked for the question to be ignored and that Preston sit down.

  “No!” stated Martie standing up next to Preston. “Let him answer it Mr. Politician. There was much agreement, and the Speaker looked for guards to evict the trouble makers. There were none.

  “I think Mr. Bowers should answer the question, Mr. Speaker,” added Mike Mallory standing up. There was agreement as a dozen more stood up muttering the same.

  The gravel sounded, and for the second time the president intervened.

  “I think that is a logical question, Mr. Speaker, and since Mr. Bowers just stated that as president, I am currently in charge of this country—and that includes this Chamber—I order you, Mr. Speaker, to allow the question.”

  Preston and Bowers were the only people left standing.

  “Who are you young man?” Bowers asked smiling.

  “Preston Strong, North Carolina,” Preston replied.

  “I will say this once, Mr. Strong. We will not have another meeting about this issue whether you vote for, or against our needs. We know that certain members of Congress will vote for us and most of you unelected citizens will vote against us. But I will give you one word of warning Mr. Strong, if we don’t get our companies up and running very soon, this country won’t survive.”

  Preston noticed that the man’s smile remained frozen on his face. He was sure of himself, and Preston realized that he didn’t actually care.

  “That sounds like Armageddon,” Mr. Bowers, Preston countered. There was absolute silence.

  “Take it how you want, Mr. Strong. Mr. Westbrook and my other colleagues are not going to stay around to hear the vote. All we have done here today is to bring our message of reconstruction to Washington. If Washington doesn’t hear us, then we will have to accept that. Mr. President, members of Congress, and public citizens, have a nice day. We are out of here.” And without another word the four men left the Chamber. There was absolute silence as they left.

  The vote ended the way Preston knew it would; the president had ensured the outcome by inviting more members of the public than members of government. The vote ended with nine for, and forty-seven against. Many in the meeting were shocked at how many politicians had actually voted for the corporations.

  Not far behind the four visitors, Preston and several others headed out to be taxied over to Andrews. The four men were a speck in the distance once the helicopter Preston was in left the ground. General Patterson had already been told the four men were returning and they were already on their helicopter’s radio finding out if both their aircraft had been refueled and were ready to depart.

  Preston, Carlos, Martie and Sally were in the first helicopter to land, and it was directed close to the operations room where the general was waiting for them. They entered as the first Gulfstream trundled out of the hangar and was cleared for taxi and takeoff.

  “It seems that Mark Weinstein and Paul Proker, the CEOs from the drug companies Hearst and Decibel are the first out of the door,” stated General Patterson as the four entered. “Also, Westbrook and Bowers are having one long argument in the hangar. There was a slight problem with a small malfunction in their aircraft. And it is not the one Mo and Lee got into, so it’s not our fault,” he smiled.

  “They must have swapped aircraft,” stated Preston.

  “It seems so. Bowers and Westbrook had a discussion with one of the Chinese engineers when they returned, and the cameras showed Westbrook telling Weinstein and Proker to get aboard, take half of their guards, and take off first. Bowers had a long conversation with the pilots while the luggage was switched around and I think they are on to us being inside that aircraft.”

  “So they are taking the safer one,” stated Carlos. “No honor amongst thieves,” he added.

  “We have all aircraft refueled and airborne, except the Hurricane Hunter in Alaska,” continued the general. “The aircraft is still an hour out from Elmendorf, and I was told would need 90 minutes to refuel. The Gulfstreams will take five hours to get there anyway, so I think our web is ready to keep our eyes on them. We have two AC-130s in Canadian airspace, one more on the U.S.-Canadian border, three C-130s over Greenland and Iceland, in case they outwit us and head for Europe, and two more C-130s over the center of the country. I don’t believe they can get out of our web without our knowledge.”

  “Where is the second Hurricane Tracker?” Preston asked.

  “She is also in Canadian airspace about 50 miles northeast of Resolution Bay and in an hour will turn around and head in a southeasterly direction towards Vancouver. I want her to have as small a radar footprint as she can throw out, hopefully keep the two Gulfstreams on her higher frequency weather instruments, and look like a routine flight from northern Canada to western Canada. I heard about the arrogant way those two men strutted around talking to you guys, and I’m sure they will expect to see other aircraft in the skies. If they go through the same corridor where they came in, I want them to think that they are seeing routine flights around the country; they won’t realize that our delicate weather instruments are watching them.”

  For three hours, tabs were kept on both aircraft. Mo and Lee arrived to join the men while Buck flew the rest of the North Carolina crowd back home in Lady Dandy.

  The two Gulfstreams were 60 minutes apart and both flew out over St. John’s, Newfoundland, as any of last year’s civilian aircraft flying to Europe would have done. The first one disappeared off the Andrews radar twenty minutes before it reached the Icelandic coast, but was picked up by the radar of the C-130 fifty miles east of Iceland and flying on a regular route from Europe which would take it into JFK.

  “Gulfstream losing altitude rapidly, currently at 23,000 feet and turning east, directly towards us. I haven’t got the visual on the second Gulfstream yet,” one of the C-130 crew stated into a satellite phone, and not the aircraft’s radio.

  “Stay on your course and keep the aircraft on radar, we still have the second Gulfstream on several other units,” replied General Patterson, allowing the conversation to be on speaker.

  “Roger that. Our altitude is Flight Level 21 and they have desc
ended through 17,000 feet, 100 miles ahead of us.”

  “Turning slowly and I’m sure thinking that this is for our information, in case we are watching,” General Patterson added.

  “Aircraft is down to 10,000 feet and still heading due east, 9,000, 8,000, 7,000, 6,000, and looks like she is going to go below 5,000, 4,000, 3,500. She is starting to turn south at 2,500 feet and in a steep dive as her altitude is still dropping. She looks like she is leveling out at 1,000 feet and the Gulfstream is now heading south and twenty miles out from the Icelandic coast at a slow 350 knots. It looks like she has leveled at 900 feet, and about 40 miles north of the southern tip of Iceland. We can just keep her on our screens. Hold on, she is turning eastwards. The Gulfstream is turning towards the north, twelve miles out from Reykjavik and going even lower to 700 feet, still at 350 knots. If she gets any lower we will lose her.”

  “She will expect you guys to have seen her go down, head towards her position where she began to descend and complete a dozen circles. What is the weather like?”

  “Clear, beautiful day, high stratus clouds, visibility 100 miles,” was the reply.

  “OK! Charlie-130 act like you are worried where she is; complete a dozen circles. We want them to think you are looking for aircraft debris, and then resume your course into JFK. That should give you twenty minutes before the second Gulfstream gets to the same location and you will be only 50 miles west of them, if they try the same trick.”

  Much like playing a game of chess, General Patterson moved his web to tighten around the Canadian coast, so that if the Gulfstream did head in that direction at 700 feet, somebody would see them.

  The second Gulfstream, seeing the C-130 on their radar screen, continued past Iceland and an hour later disappeared from view on all radars.


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