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Score Page 10

by Mj Williamz

  The band slowed the tempo and Ronda moved to take Gayla in her arms.

  “I think we should sit this one out. Besides, I’d like some more champagne,” Gayla said.

  “Sure.” Ronda fought to hide her disappointment. She escorted Gayla back to the champagne table. They each got another glass and sought a place to sit. They found an empty table and were relaxing when several doctors walked up and started talking football.

  Ronda sat up straighter and engaged with them. They had some questions about some of the players who had been traded and who was still on the team. Some had questions about investing in the team. Gayla fielded those questions. She was more informed on that subject.

  The doctors excused themselves and Ronda leaned back in her chair.

  “This has been a great night. Why can’t more of these shindigs be like this?”

  “I think they’re all fun. I guess you just like it because more people than usual are asking you about football.”

  “Yeah. Who knew doctors could be so much fun?”

  “You might want to lower your voice when you say that.”

  “Oh, yeah. Right.”

  They laughed. And looked around. No one seemed to have heard Ronda’s declaration.

  “I think you got away with one there,” Gayla said.

  “I know, right? I’d better be more careful. Now, you ready to dance some more?”

  “Actually, I’m getting pretty tired. Would you mind if we called it a night?”

  “You know you never have to ask me twice.”

  “You were wonderful tonight,” Ronda said when they were in the car. “I don’t know how that society stuff comes so natural to you.”

  “Yes, you do. I was raised in that environment. Society is in my blood.”

  “I guess I forget that because you’re such a normal person.”

  Gayla smiled.

  “I think if you quit judging and tried getting to know more people in society, you’d find they’re all normal people. Actually, I’d think you’d know that by now.”

  “I don’t really take the time to get to know the people at the parties. I smile when appropriate, but that’s about it.”

  “Well, maybe we should work on that.”

  “Yeah, maybe.”

  The car dropped them off at Ronda’s house. Gayla sat on the porch while Ronda went inside and poured them a couple of drinks.

  “I love your house,” Gayla said when she returned.

  “Thanks. It’s home.”

  “It’s so you.”

  “Yeah? How so?”

  “Bigger than life.”

  “Is that how you see me?” Ronda said.

  “I think that’s how you see yourself.”

  “I’m just me,” Ronda said.

  “To me, you are. You let your façade down with me. And I’m not sure why.”

  Ronda was getting uncomfortable with the conversation. She was always herself. Except when she had to be Ronda Meyers, super football player, at those events Gayla dragged her to. Of course she was herself with Gayla. Why wouldn’t she be? Whatever, she thought. She searched for a change of subject.

  “So, you think we raised some money tonight for new medical equipment?”

  “I do. I think it was a very successful fundraiser. Did you see what the bid was on your jersey in the silent auction?”

  “No. I never looked at it.”

  “It was ten thousand the last time I looked.”

  “What the hell? For an autographed football jersey? It’s a good thing that money was going to a good cause. Because that’s a waste of money.”

  “No, baby. That’s not a waste. It’s wonderful.”

  Ronda was embarrassed that her jersey would go for that much. But Gayla was right. It wasn’t a waste.

  “You about ready to head to bed?” she asked.

  “Sure.” Gayla smiled at her.

  Ronda held the door open for Gayla and admired her figure as she passed in front of her. She ran her hand down her back and over her shapely ass.

  “You’re beautiful.” She pulled Gayla into her arms.

  “You give me chills when you touch me like that.”

  “Is that a good thing?”

  “Mm. Very.”

  “Then I should touch you like that more often.”

  Ronda brushed an imaginary strand of hair off Gayla’s face. She traced her cheek with her thumb. She looked into her green eyes and got lost in them.

  “Are you ever going to kiss me?” Gayla said.

  “Mm. I was thinking about it.”

  Ronda lowered her mouth and claimed Gayla’s. It was a soft kiss at first, but soon grew more passionate. Gayla opened her mouth and Ronda allowed her tongue to wander in. Ronda broke the kiss and leaned her forehead on Gayla’s.

  “Damn, woman. You sure can kiss.”

  “You’re no slacker yourself,” Gayla said.

  “I need to get you in bed,” Ronda said. “Like, right now.”

  “You won’t hear me argue.”

  They continued to kiss as they fumbled their way down the hall until they came to Ronda’s bedroom. They stripped each other’s clothes off, and soon Ronda was holding a nude Gayla against her body.

  “I love the feel of you against me,” she said.

  “It only gets me hotter,” Gayla said. “Come on. It’s time for you to take me.”

  She lay down on the bed and spread her legs. She dragged her fingers over herself.

  “Are you just going to stand there? Or are you going to join me?”

  “Oh, baby,” Ronda lay down beside her. “I wasn’t about to just stand there and let you have all the fun.”

  She kissed her again then rolled off her and reached in the drawer of her nightstand. She took out the doughnut toy.

  “Do you think you can handle this?” she said.

  “Oh, God yes. Please.”

  Ronda positioned herself between Gayla’s legs so she could use the doughnut on her clit and slip the fingers from her other hand inside her. It wasn’t easy, but she got it done, and she was rewarded when she felt Gayla close around her fingers. She eased her fingers out, but left the toy pressed against her and Gayla called her name again.

  Ronda lowered her mouth to Gayla and licked up the remnants of her orgasms. She brought Gayla to two more that way.

  “I can’t take any more,” Gayla whispered.

  “What? Come on.”

  “No. No more. Please.”

  “Okay, babe. No more.”

  Ronda moved up and took Gayla in her arms.

  “That was wonderful, baby. I love your toys.”

  “They are fun, aren’t they?”

  “Maybe tomorrow I’ll use one on you.”

  “Tomorrow, huh?” Ronda needed release right then.

  “Yeah,” Gayla said sleepily.

  Ronda decided she could wait until morning, so she pulled Gayla to her and held her as they slept.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ronda awoke the next morning, aroused almost to the point of orgasm. When she woke up a little more, she realized Gayla was sucking on a nipple and using the doughnut between her legs. Before she could even say good morning, Ronda grasped the sheets tightly and cried out as the orgasms cascaded over her.

  “Damn, woman. Thank you,” Ronda said.

  “You’re most welcome. I figured I owed you that after falling asleep on you last night.”

  “That’s okay. You were tired.”

  “I was fine until you wore me out.”

  “Well, you needed that.”

  “True. I did. And you needed to be woken up this way.”

  “Mm. But now I want you.”

  She rolled over so she was on her side and suckled one of Gayla’s nipples while her hand sought the moist heat between her legs.

  “You feel so good,” Ronda said. “Open up for me, babe. Let me have you.”

  Gayla spread her legs and Ronda plunged her fingers deep inside her.

sp; “You like that?”

  “Oh, yes,” Gayla said, “Oh, God, yes. That feels so good.”

  Ronda slid her fingers over Gayla’s swollen clit and Gayla dug her fingernails into her back. She cried out Ronda’s name as she came.

  Ronda wrapped her arms around Gayla and held her. She fit so well in her arms. It never ceased to amaze her how perfect they were for one another.

  “I think I’d like some breakfast,” Gayla said.

  “Excellent. We’ll shower and go get something.”

  “Do you ever eat at home?”

  “If I have to. I’d rather not, though. I do most of the time. Just not on weekends.”

  “And I’m only here on weekends,” Gayla said.

  “Yeah. I guess you are. Now let’s go shower.”

  They showered and, as expected, Ronda took Gayla to several more orgasms.

  “You’re dangerous. One of these days I’m going to drown in that shower,” Gayla said.

  “Nah. I’d never let that happen.”

  They dried off, dressed, and climbed in the truck.

  “Where to?” Ronda said.

  “I want seafood.”

  “I know a great place where the brunch includes crab legs.”

  “Let’s go.”

  They paid and sat down. Ronda ordered champagne for both of them.

  “Should you be drinking? You’re driving,” Gayla said.

  “I’ll only have a couple. Don’t worry. I’m also drinking coffee.”

  They went through the food line and both sat down with plates piled high.

  “So, I have to ask,” Gayla said. “What is this we’re doing?”

  “What do you mean?” Ronda’s stomach clenched. She had a feeling this was going to lead to a conversation she didn’t want to have.

  “You know exactly what I mean, Ronda. Don’t get me wrong. I enjoy it. I just want to know what it is. How I’m supposed to be feeling. What I’m supposed to be expecting.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Honest.”

  “Us, Ronda. What are ‘we’?”

  “What do you mean?” she asked again. “We’re ‘us.’ Same as always.”

  “I don’t know if it’s same as always. We’re spending a lot more time together. And we’re sleeping together way more often.” She lowered her voice for the last sentence.

  “What’s wrong with that?”

  “Nothing. I just want to know what’s going on in your head.”

  Ronda tried not to panic. She didn’t want to have this conversation. What did it mean? She’d forced herself not to think about it and didn’t want to start at that moment.

  “Can we finish brunch and then talk about it?” She hoped Gayla would forget by the time they got home.

  “Sure. But we’re going to have this discussion,” Gayla said. “So don’t think you’re off the hook.”

  Ronda tried to relax, but couldn’t. Still, she enjoyed the food. She was a big eater. She burned off a lot of calories in her line of work, so it was okay to eat a lot. She occasionally worried about what would happen when she retired, but then put those thoughts out of her head. Retirement was still a few years off, she hoped.

  They finished their food and Ronda leaned back in her chair. She patted her stomach.

  “Oh, my God. I’m so full.”

  “I know. That was so good.”

  “I think I could use a nap.”

  “Yes. That sounds wonderful.”

  “Great. Let’s go home.”

  Ronda told herself it wasn’t important that she casually referred to her place as home. And she didn’t consider asking Gayla if she wanted to be dropped off. That was no biggie, either. There’d be time to take her back to her place later.

  They took a brief nap at Ronda’s house. They both woke at the same time.

  “So, what now?” Gayla said.

  “I want to play in the pool.”

  “Okay. That would be great.”

  They went outside and jumped in the pool. They splashed around and swam laps and just enjoyed the warmth of the day. Ronda climbed out and lay on a lounge chair. Gayla soon joined her.

  They lay in silence for a while before Gayla broke it.

  “So, you’re going to hate me, but I’m going to bring up that subject again.”

  “Which subject?” Ronda hoped it wasn’t the one from brunch. Ronda saw nothing wrong with their relationship and didn’t see how talking about it could make it better.

  “You know which subject. I just want to know what we’re doing. That’s all.”

  Ronda thought hard on the question. What were they doing? Hanging out. Having sex. Going to fundraisers. Did it matter that Gayla was the only woman she was sleeping with? That wasn’t intentional. Or was it? Had she really tried to meet other women? There had been Miranda, but she couldn’t break that girl’s heart. Had that really been why? Or had she felt guilty about Gayla?

  She really tried to keep herself too busy to worry about emotions and relationships and the like. But could she remain faithful to Gayla if they decided to become a couple? The thought caught her completely by surprise. Yes. She was contemplating dating Gayla exclusively on purpose. Her body was covered in chills.

  “Are you okay?” Gayla said.

  “I’m fine. Just trying to come up with an answer for you.”

  “It shouldn’t be that hard.”

  “Well, it is. See, in some ways, we’re doing the same thing we’ve always done.”

  “And by that, you mean working together, going to events together, and sleeping together,” Gayla said.


  “But this business of spending days on end together is new.”

  “Yes, it is. And there’s something else that’s new.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You’re the only one I’m sleeping with right now.”

  “Is that by choice?” Gayla asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  Gayla nodded slowly.

  “So, no wonder you don’t want to have this conversation.”

  “Yeah. I mean, maybe we’re in a relationship.”

  “Maybe we are.”

  “Would you be okay with that?” Ronda asked.

  “I would. Would you?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve got so much going on in my life. I don’t really have time for a relationship.”

  “And yet, I’m at everything you’ve got going. Including practices once in a while. And you know I’ll be there for games. So, if you were going to be in a relationship with someone, it would make sense that it would be me, right?”

  “I guess so. So, I guess we’re already in a relationship, aren’t we?” Ronda said.

  “We are. But you need to decide if there are any feelings for me inside you.”

  “Do you have feelings for me?”

  Gayla was silent for a few moments.

  “I’ve always had feelings for you, Ronda.”

  Ronda was stunned. She hadn’t expected that answer. She didn’t know what she had expected, but that wasn’t it. So now she had to ask herself how she felt about Gayla. She thought Gayla was wonderful. She loved to have her around. Her house always felt empty after she was gone. But she knew she had to dig deeper. She’d never questioned anything like this. Gayla had always been there for her. And she’d assumed she always would.

  But how did she feel?

  She was always excited at the prospect of seeing her. She thought she was gorgeous and she always missed her when she wasn’t around. Maybe she really did have feelings for her. Maybe this was what it was supposed to be, after all.

  She reached out her hand. Gayla put hers in it.

  “I have feelings for you, too, Gayla. Let’s not play games. Let’s just consider ourselves an item.”

  “Not the most romantic declaration, but I’ll take it.” Gayla laughed.

  “Sorry. I’m not used to this kind of thing.”

  “When was the last time you
were in a monogamous relationship?”

  “Wow. A long time ago. I was seventeen, in high school.”

  “And you’ve been sworn off them ever since?”

  “Not really ever since. I told you. I’m terrified of getting traded. What happens then?”

  “Well, with me, you don’t need to worry about that because I work for you,” Gayla said.

  “That’s true. Hey. This relationship thing could work out.”

  “Way to be so positive.” She laughed.

  Ronda laughed, too.

  “You’re so easy to be with. No one else comes close.”

  “So, how did it end up that I’m the only woman you’re sleeping with?” Gayla asked. “Or do I want to know?”

  “Believe it or not, I went out trolling earlier this week.”

  “You did, huh? And?”

  “And I found this girl who worshiped me. But it didn’t feel right, so I left.”

  “I wonder why it didn’t feel right,” Gayla said.

  “Maybe because I like you. I don’t know.”

  “Answer me honestly, Ronda. Do you think you’ll be able to stay faithful to me?”

  “Yep. I honestly have no doubt. As a matter of fact, I feel a sense of overwhelming relief now.”


  “Really. And I have an overwhelming desire to make love to you now.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Yeah. Now that we’re all official and all.”

  Gayla laughed.

  “You’re so cute.”

  “I think you’re beautiful. But I tell you that all the time.”

  “But I know now that you mean it.”

  “I’ve always meant it, Gayla. I just didn’t know I had feelings that went along with my thoughts.”

  Ronda got up and reached her hand down to Gayla.

  “So, what do you say? Shall we go celebrate our newfound coupleness?”

  “Coupleness? Is that even a word?”

  “It is now.”

  Gayla took her hand and stood. Ronda led her into her room and eased her onto the bed.

  “You got a little pink out there today,” Ronda said.

  “I need to be more careful. I can’t be getting sunburned.”

  “Why? A little color isn’t a bad thing.”

  “Skin cancer is.”

  “Okay. Fair enough. We’ll get some sunscreen to keep here.”

  “Thanks, baby.”


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