Tale of the Murda Mamas

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Tale of the Murda Mamas Page 20

by Ashley

  Carter peered over the ledge to see what he was going up against. He couldn’t believe that Miamor had tried to set him up. He could see Murder waiting for him, lurking with his gun already aimed, and he realized that if he had walked through the front door, he would have been shot at pointblank range.

  “Murder?” Robyn called out loudly as she struggled against Carter.

  Murder looked up to where Robyn hid and saw Carter walk out of the shadows with his gun drawn. Carter had an advantage over him. From where he stood, he could have easily shot him.

  “Fuck is you?” Carter asked as he began to descend the steps, with Robyn in a chokehold. He surveyed the room looking for Miamor.

  Murder smirked and aimed his gun at Carter.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I was you. Unless you want me to splatter this bitch’s brains all over the floor,” Carter threatened.

  Murder laughed as if Carter had told a joke, and then without hesitation, he turned his gun toward Robyn.


  With a marksman’s aim, Murder hit Robyn with a hollow tip in the center of her forehead. She folded in Carter’s arms, then dropped lifelessly to the concrete floor. She never saw her end coming.

  Carter glanced down at Robyn’s dead body in disbelief, and in that split second Murder capitalized on the opportunity.


  Murder let off a shot, hitting Carter in the leg, causing him to drop his gun. Carter didn’t even have time to react as he grabbed his leg in pain. “Aghh!” he screamed as a burning flash of heat terrorized him as a bullet ripped through his leg.

  Murder wanted to kill Carter slowly. He hated the fact that Miamor had fallen for another man, and he was going to enjoy snuffing his lights out.

  Miamor hit 100 mph as she drove and ran through red lights, frantically trying to make it in time. When she was four blocks away, a traffic jam slowed her car down to a crawl. “Damn it!” she yelled as she hit the steering wheel in frustration. “I can’t wait this out! He’ll die if don’t get there!” she whispered urgently. An emotional lump formed in her throat. Calm down, Miamor, she told herself. You can do this… you have to do this if you want to save the man you love.

  She grabbed the gun off of the passenger seat and pulled the car over to get out. She could see the tall warehouse about a quarter mile up the street. I have to run, she thought wearily. She was doubtful that she could, because she could barely stand on her feet for too long without feeling weak. She knew that her body wasn’t ready for what she was about to put it through, but she had no choice. Carter was worth the pain.

  Miamor took off running full speed, ignoring the ache of her limbs and the excruciating beat of her heart as she pushed her body to the limit. Her broken ribs screamed in protest with every step that she took. Each time her feet pounded the pavement, she felt as if she would pass out. Her lungs burned, but she refused to stop. “Aghh!” she screamed as she continued on.

  No longer able to endure the pain, she stopped and placed her hands on her knees to balance herself. She gulped in air as if she was suffocating, and could no longer stop the tears from coming. “I can’t do this!” she whispered. “Murder’s going to kill him!”

  * * *

  Carter grabbed his piece off of his ankle holster, and returned fire, sending bullets sailing past Murder’s head, and then stood to his feet. “Fuck!” he grimaced as blood soaked through his Evisu jeans.

  Murder took cover behind a stack of steel barrels and spit bullets until his clip was empty. He immediately put a fresh clip in his gun and ducked for cover, his brief pause giving Carter the chance to gain a slight advantage.

  “Fuck you hiding for, you bitch ass nigga?” Carter screamed as he fired more shots.

  Murder couldn’t get a shot off. Every time he rounded the corner of the barrels, Carter popped off. He was relentless with his weapons, and he wasn’t going to stop until Murder stopped breathing.

  Damn! This nigga shooting like his clip don’t expire, Murder thought in irritation as he waited for Carter to run out of ammunition. What he didn’t know was that Young Carter stayed strapped. He had one in his waistline, one on his ankle, and two in a shoulder holster, so the bullets would be coming for days.

  Carter stopped firing and waited, so that Murder would think he had run out of bullets. But as soon as Murder jumped on the opportunity, Carter came up blasting, hitting Murder in the shoulder. The power from the.9mm blew him back, almost knocking him off his feet.

  “Aghh! Fuck!” Murder shouted. He was livid. In all the years he had been pulling jobs, he had never been hit. The pain radiated through his shoulder and traveled down his entire body as sweat dripped from his forehead.

  Murder stepped from behind the barrels and faced his adversary. Both men extended their guns, standing within five feet of each other, and looking down the barrel of one another’s guns. The malice in their eyes displayed their hatred for one another. Carter and Murder wrapped their fingers around their triggers at the same time. They were both prepared to go out in a blaze of glory.

  * * *

  Miamor staggered up to the front door of the warehouse. Her body was so beat up that she practically collapsed into the entrance from fatigue. “Murder, no!” she screamed when she saw the two men that she loved preparing to kill each other. She pulled her gun and pointed it in their direction.

  “You sent this nigga here to kill me!” Carter yelled, never taking his eyes off of Murder.

  “No! Just please, stop!” she pleaded. “Murder… Carter don’t do this!”

  Miamor’s voice fell on deaf ears, because both Murder and Carter kept their weapons locked and loaded.

  Miamor let off a shot in the air to get their attention, and then aimed her gun at them.

  “Shoot this nigga, Miamor!” Murder ordered. “He did this to you. Kill him, Miamor!”

  Miamor turned her gun toward Carter, tears in her eyes. Their eyes met. No words needed to be spoken between them for her to know that she couldn’t pull the trigger. She sobbed uncontrollably as she changed her mind and turned the gun toward Murder.

  “Miamor,” Murder uttered, disappointment and hurt in his tone.

  Miamor shifted her gun back and forth indecisively. Who do I choose? “I can’t choose!” she said aloud. Click-clack!

  They heard the sounds of a fourth gun being cocked back. They looked around in confusion, wondering where it was coming from. It wasn’t until Miamor turned her head that she saw Mecca Diamond, but by then it was too late.


  Mecca sent a bullet crashing through Miamor’s skull, finally winning the game of life and death they were playing.

  “Nooo!” Carter and Murder screamed as they watched in horror as Miamor’s body dropped to the ground, and Mecca stepped out of the shadows with a smoking gun in his hand. On instinct, both men loaded Mecca up with bullets.

  Mecca’s body jerked, and he tried to squeeze off a few crazed shots before the bullets from Murder and Carter’s guns robbed him of his life. He went out with a smile, because he had finally gotten his revenge. Now he was going to reunite with the rest of the Diamond dynasty.

  Carter rushed to Miamor’s side and held her in his arms. The crimson hole in her temple let him know that she was long gone, but he cradled her anyway, and cried as he kissed the top of her head. He was in shock and hysterical. All of the beef that he had been through, and all of the material things that he had gained seemed worthless to him now as he sat in a puddle of Miamor’s blood. Her death had broken him down to his weakest state.

  Murder fell to his knees and put his hands on the top of his head. His heart was broken and in complete anguish as tears also fell down his face. He pointed his gun at Carter. “You did this to her!” Murder screamed. He wanted to end Carter, but it would not bring Miamor back. Murder lowered his weapon and hit the floor with his bare hands as he cried and mourned over Miamor.

  Carter didn’t focus on anything but the woman in his arms. He tuned everything el
se out as he spoke in Miamor’s ear. “I’m so sorry, ma! I love you, Miamor! Wake up for me, ma! You got to wake up!” Carter cried. “Wake up, ma… wake up! Wake up!”

  * * *

  “Wake up, bitch!” Miamor gasped and sucked in air as her eyes shot open and she looked around in confusion. Her vision was blurry, but she could see that her arms were still bound, and Fabian loomed over her, swinging the deadly chain in his hands.

  “It’s about time you woke up, bitch! I thought you had died on me for a minute,” he said with a devious smile. “You passed out, but don’t worry, I’ma make sure the next time you black out it’ll be for good.”

  “Carter… Murder?” she mumbled frantically as she looked around the basement that she was trapped in. The hope that had filled her slowly fizzled away. I passed out. None of it was real, she thought as tears came to her eyes. I’m dying. I just saw my entire life flash before my eyes. It was all a dream. I’m right back where I started… right back at the beginning. None of it ever really happened. Carter, Murder, Mecca, Breeze… I made it all up in my head. It was at that moment that Miamor realized that she was not invincible. This was not a dream, and the lifestyle that she had lived was finally catching up to her. Her karma had come full circle. I’m going to die down here, she admitted to herself.

  Miamor was truly terrified, and she began to weep as she realized there was no avoiding her fate. “It was all a dream!” she whispered in disbelief as she cried desperately. The mind is a powerful tool. It’s the most powerful weapon that a human possesses, and when Miamor’s body could no longer endure the physical pain, her mind had temporarily taken her to a different time and place… to a place of relief. But now that she was awake, her circumstance was still the same.

  The putrid smell of human waste mixed with blood filled the air. This was truly hell on earth, and her torture had just begun. It wouldn’t end until Fabian said so, and he had a whole lot planned for her before putting her out of her misery.

  Her eyes widened as Fabian lifted the chain and brought it down across her naked body. “Aghhh!” Miamor screamed in agonizing pain. Just when she thought it was all over, the torture had just begun.

  The entire story you just read was all a figment of Miamor’s imagination. Not until you open the pages of The Cartel 3 will you figure out her fate.

  Ashley, JaQuavis


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