Fight 4 Us (Book 4): Conquered

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Fight 4 Us (Book 4): Conquered Page 14

by Grenda, Brian

  Matt, Phil, Nicole, Kylie, and Carlos say goodbye to Justin, Bruce, Jeremy, and the rest of The Warriors.

  Matt and Kylie come over to Bobby G and ask, “What did William mean by he’ll see us in a couple of days?”

  “William wants us to join him and his group for a dinner in two days at his home,” says Bobby G.

  Phil and Nicole step aside and talk for a second.

  Phil says, “Let’s have a date here at the store. Just you and me. We can have a private dinner. Would you like that?”

  “That would be nice. I’ll have to make sure my mom can watch Mason and Mia, but it should be fine. When do you want to do it?” asks Nicole.

  Phil says, “Let’s plan for two days from now when they are with William, we can have this place to ourselves.”

  Matt looks at Phil and Nicole talking and starts walking towards the exit.

  Kylie shouts, “Where are you going Matt?”

  Matt says, “I’m going home.”

  Kylie runs after Matt and says, “You were just going to leave me here. Go home without me?”

  Matt is taken back by what Kylie said.

  Matt tries to say something to Kylie, but isn’t sure what to say.

  “You need to relax about your sister Matt. I understand you are mad about it, but let’s not overreact. Phil is a good guy. You know that. Don’t get all worked up about your sister being with Phil, and definitely don’t let it make you do something stupid,” says Kylie.

  “I’m sorry. You are right honey. I just worry about her. I’ll have to talk with Nicole and Phil about it later. Let’s go home and relax, I’m very tired after all the work we did today,” say Matt.

  Matt and Kylie exit the store and drive home to Citrus Oaks.

  “Yo Bob!” shouts Phil.

  “What’s up Phil?” asks Bobby G.

  “You mind if Nicole and I take over the Big Club when you guys are away with The Warriors?” asks Phil.

  “That works out great actually. I was wondering who would cover this place when we are gone for the dinner with William,” says Bobby G.

  “Okay great. I will tell Ryan about the dinner and the plans. Do you need me to bring you back anything?” asks Phil.

  “If you can, bring me back something nice to wear from my bedroom closet. Like my black dress pants, and a nice shirt,” says Bobby G.

  “No problem. I will bring you back some nice clothes for the dinner. Nicole and I are going to head back to Citrus Oaks. I’ll see you in a couple days,” says Phil.

  Phil and Nicole say goodbye to Bobby G and Carlos.

  Phil and Nicole get into Phil’s SUV and drive back home.

  “I don’t know why Matt is so against us being together,” says Nicole.

  “He’s just the overprotective brother I guess. He was probably that way with all your boyfriends and Derrick,” says Phil.

  Nicole looks out the window during the drive home.

  “Yeah, he really was with most of them, but he was actually okay with Derrick,” says Phil.

  “I’m sorry Nicole,” says Phil.

  Nicole replies, “For what?”

  “For bringing up Derrick, and causing a problem with you and Matt,” says Phil.

  “I’m okay with Derrick, actually. He was terrible and didn’t deserve me and my babies. I just feel bad for Mia and Mason who won’t know their father. As for Matt, he needs to grow up and know that I’m not a baby anymore,” says Nicole.

  Phil says, “I feel bad for Mia and Mason, but we will make the best life possible for them.”

  Nicole notices the fact that Phil said we, and she likes that Phil sees himself with Nicole and her babies.

  Phil pulls up the gate of Citrus Oaks and is let in by myself.

  Phil drives through the gate and I close the gate.

  I walk over to Phil’s SUV and talk with Phil and Nicole.

  “Everything okay guys?”

  “Yeah. Everything is good. The Big Club is set up for half of the store to be solar powered, but we will need to go back out and get more solar panels. Also, we were invited for to dinner with William and his group in two days,” says Phil.

  “Awesome. I hope the dinner isn’t a death dinner.”

  Phil and Nicole laugh at the show reference.

  “I hope not either. Man, I miss television sometimes,” says Nicole.

  “I have to take Nicole home and jump in the shower. I’ll walk back down and talk with your later. How much longer you on watch for?” asks Phil.

  “I’ll be here for about another hour or two. You stink Phil. Go take a shower.”

  Phil jokingly gives me the finger and drives off.

  I have been on watch of the South entrance now for several hours. I don’t mind being up here unless it’s way too hot or bad weather.

  I have always needed my personal space and time away. Being up on the watch platform of the South entrance looking out and keeping watch is my time to reflect on my life, decisions, and future.

  As I look out from the lookout platform into the distance, I see something moving in the neighborhood across the street from ours.

  The South entrance gives us a clear view of a main road, several homes, and several streets entrances into a couple different neighborhoods and cul-de-sacs.

  Someone seems to be moving in and out of homes and looting them.

  I look into my scope on my rifle and see a hooded person run into a house.

  The person is alone and moving very fast.

  The streets and homes around the area are relatively quiet and have been all day.

  Suddenly the hooded person comes running out of one of the homes that they were looting.

  Five zombies come pouring out of the house and out the front door.

  The person’s hood comes off, and I can see long brown hair. They have a bandana around their face, but I can’t tell if it’s a woman or a man.

  The person trips over something in the front yard and is about to get attacked by two zombies.

  I take aim at the zombies and pull the trigger.


  The bullet flies into the back of the head of both zombies as they were lined up perfectly with their backs facing me.

  The zombies fall onto the overgrown front lawn.

  The person gets up from the ground and runs to safety back into the neighborhood.

  I lose sight of the person as they run away into the neighborhood.

  I can’t help but to hope the person is okay and unharmed by the zombies.

  Shaun says, “See anything up there?”

  “I saw a person robbing the homes across the street and some zombies almost had the guy, but I took them down with your rifle.”

  “I heard the shot. That rifle is awesome. I could get a rabbit 50 yards out with that gun. The scope is perfect. I love that gun,” says Shaun.

  “Was it the guy in the hood again?” asks Shaun.

  “Yeah. How’d you know?”

  “That guy has been hitting the homes across the street for the past week or so. He’s a fast-little bugger. He better not try anything in here though,” says Shaun.

  “Well, let’s keep an eye out for it and make sure no one gets in that we don’t want in here. I know this place is secure, but people will always find a way to survive and take what they want.”

  “What are you guys doing up here?” asks Phil.

  “Just checking out the lovely sights around Citrus Oaks. Care to join us?” asks Shaun

  Phil walks up the platform steps and over to Shaun and me.

  “Have you guys talked with Matt lately?” asks Phil.

  “I haven’t. I let him and Kylie in the gate, and they just drove straight home. Everything okay?”

  “Yeah. Well, no actually,” says Phil.

  Shaun asks, “What happened?”

  “Matt is mad at Nicole and me for being together. He said that I’m not good enough for her,” says Phil.

  “Damn man. He doesn’t mean that. I’m sur
e he is just worried about Nicole. He probably wants her to sit safely inside the house with the babies and never come out.”

  “I know he cares about Nicole, but for him to say that to me pisses me off. I genuinely care about Nicole and we have a history together,” says Phil.

  “A history? You went on one date bro,” says Shaun.

  “One date is still history man. It didn’t work out for some reason back then, but we both feel that us coming together is a sign and a reason to be together,” says Phil.

  “We will have a talk with Matt and see what’s up with him. All of us, but right now we need to worry about this dinner with William. What’s up with that?”

  “I don’t know really. William talked with your dad about having a dinner at the school in two days. I don’t know much besides that. Nicole and I aren’t even going to go,” says Phil.

  “You aren’t going?” asks Shaun.

  “We can’t. Nicole and I will be watching the Big Club while you guys are away at the dinner. We can’t leave the store unattended,” says Phil.

  “Smooth move Phil. You got some alone time with Nicole as well. I know you. That had to be part of the plan as well.”

  Phil smiles and says, “It definitely was part of it, but we can’t leave the store unattended. Nicole and I will watch over the store as Carlos comes back here to watch over this place with his family.”

  “Man, you got it all figured out. What a guy you are!”

  Shaun, Phil, and I stay up on the platform for about an hour.

  The sun starts to set and my watch is over.

  Just joking around the guys, takes my mind off the world and the craziness of what we are living in now. We need more of that daily. This world will bring you down quickly if you let it.

  A day goes by, and we are all set to make our way to the dinner with William and The Warriors.

  Phil and Nicole are about to leave for the Big Club.

  “I’m sorry Nicole okay! I didn’t mean what I said to Phil about he’s not good enough for you,” says Matt.

  “Then you go tell him that. He’s one of your best friends. Do you really want to be in a fight with your good friend over something stupid like this? Life is too short Matt,” shouts Nicole.

  “You are right Nicole, when he comes to pick you up, I will talk to him about it and apologize,” says Matt.

  Phil knocks on the door and waits outside.

  Matt shouts, “Perfect timing!”

  Matt walks to the front door and opens it.

  Phil says, “Hey Matt.”

  Matt says, “Come on in buddy. Nicole is waiting for you. We all are actually.”

  Phil gives Matt a concerned look and walks into the house.

  Nicole runs over to Phil and gives him a big kiss on the lips. Right in front of Matt.

  The kiss by Nicole pisses Matt off.

  Nicole breaks away from Phil and runs into her bedroom.

  Phil looks at Matt with a smirk on his face.

  Matt is pissed, but tries to calm down before talking to Phil.

  “Look man. I’m sorry what I said about you and Nicole and that you aren’t good enough for her. I didn’t mean it, but I’m just worried about her,” says Matt.

  “I understand Matt. If I had a sister, I would be the same way with her. It’s cool, but you need to know that I care about her. We care about each other and want the best for each other,” says Phil.

  “You just treat her right, and I’ll be okay with it. I’m not 100 percent okay with it, but the more she is happy and safe, the more I will be okay with you two being together,” says Matt.

  Phil holds his hand out to shake Matt’s hand.

  Matt slaps his hand into a handshake and the guys see who is stronger in their grip strength.

  “Okay, okay, okay Phil. You win. You have better grip strength than me. Must be due to all those lonely nights. If you know what I mean,” jokes Matt.

  Phil squeezes Matt’s hand even tighter and then releases Matt’s right hand.

  “But honestly man, all kidding aside, I will take care of your sister and I promise you that,” says Phil.

  “You better, or I’ll have Kylie kick your ass,” jokes Matt.

  Kylie walks out of her bedroom and into the living room.

  “Are you ready Matt? We need to leave soon. Also, I don’t want anyone waiting on us,” shouts Kylie.

  Nicole says goodbye to Mason and Mia as well as her mom Ann.

  “I pumped recently and I have several bottles of milk in the fridge. They both were just fed, but you never know when they want to eat again. Especially Mason,” says Nicole.

  “Okay, thank you Nicole. I will take good care of them tonight. Don’t worry about them. Just have a good time with Phil,” says Ann.

  Nicole walks past Kylie and Matt.

  “I’ll see you guys later. Have fun at the dinner. Thank you again mom,” says Nicole as she walks out of the front door with Phil.

  Phil and Nicole get into Phil’s SUV and drive to the South entrance.

  I walk out of my house with Lauren, just as Phil and Nicole pass by our house.

  Shaun walks out of his house and shouts across the street to me, “You taking Matt and Kylie, or are we?”

  “You are. I don’t want to be late, plus I need to go get Bobby G from the Big Club.”

  Lauren gets into the SUV, and I put William’s gift into my trunk.

  I climb into my SUV, and we drive to the Big Club.

  I arrive at the Big Club and see that Phil and Nicole are already inside.

  Carlos is exiting the parking lot as we are entering it.

  I drive up to the front of the building and park the SUV next to Phil’s SUV.

  Lauren and I walk into the Big Club and see Phil setting up a nice candlelit dinner in the center of the store.

  Bobby G walks over to me and Lauren and is ready to go.

  We leave Nicole and Phil alone at the Big Club.

  “Goodnight you two. Have fun. Not too much fun!”

  I close the front entrance door and lock it with my key.

  As Bobby G, Lauren, and I are making our way to my SUV, two zombies are standing against the shopping cart barricade at the front of the store.

  I pop the trunk of my SUV and take out my katana.

  I take the blade out of the holder and swipe across the zombie skulls.


  I cut the top part of the zombie skulls clean off and the zombies fall onto the street.

  I shake off the blood and put the sword back into its holder.

  For a second there, I thought we were having a nice dinner with friends, but the world loves to remind us of what the world really is now.

  I drive Lauren, Bobby G, and myself to the front entrance of The Warriors home at Tampa high school.

  I am greeted by Justin who is manning the front gate with another Warrior guard.

  “How we doing Justin?”

  “Good Ryan. How are you?” asks Justin.

  “We are great. Do you want me to park it at the side entrance of the school?”

  Justin replies, “Yeah. You can park next to your friend Shaun’s jeep.”

  I drive into the fenced in school parking lot and park next to Shaun’s red jeep. As I park next to the jeep, I’m shocked that I’m actually the late one to this dinner.

  Bobby G, Lauren, and I exit my SUV and make our way into the school cafeteria where William, Bruce, Tran, Jeremy, Li, Kylie, Matt, Shaun, and Lisa are all waiting for us.

  “I’m sorry we are late everyone.”

  William says, “You aren’t late Ryan. They were just earlier than you.”

  Bobby G says, “Hello everyone. You all look great this evening.”

  We all take our seats at the long rectangular table.

  William sits at one end of the table, while I sit at the other end of the table.

  Jeremy, Bruce, Li, and Tran sit at one side of the table while Bobby G, Shaun, Matt, Kylie, Lisa, and Lauren sit at the
other side.

  Justin comes in and sits down between Bruce and Tran at the middle of the table.

  “Now that we are all here. Let’s enjoy some good food, good conversation, and good times,” says William.

  William and his group have prepared a lot of food for us. I’m actually amazed at the amount of food on the table at times.

  The food goes quick, but there is plenty for all of us.

  “How did you prepare all this food in just two days?”

  “We have tons of food here at the school, and we actually have the ability to produce food on about one third of the soil on the campus,” says William.

  “Well, the food is amazing William,” says Lauren.

  “I’m glad you like it, and I’m glad that you all are here,” says William.

  “Where is Phillip this evening?” asks William.

  Kylie looks at Matt with a loving look.

  “He’s with my sister on a date,” says Matt.

  “You don’t approve Matthew?” asks William.

  Matt replies, “I do, but it’s something that will take some time getting used to.”

  “That’s all we have now, is time. But love, especially young love is important in the world,” says Li.

  Bruce and Li make eye contact.

  “Very true Li. Very true. I loved my wife before she was taken from me,” says William.

  Lauren asks, “May I ask what happened to her, William?”

  “You may ask, and I will tell you. She was killed by The Conquerors. We were living peacefully in our home. Just a couple streets down from this school that we now call home. The Conquerors showed up in our neighborhood and started pulling people out of their homes,” says William.

  “Those asshole Conquerors took my mother away, and they will pay for it!” shouts Jeremy.

  “Easy Jeremy. They definitely will son. They will get what’s coming to them. My wife answered the door and was shot in the face for merely answering the door. The man who shot my wife entered my home and tried to attack me and Jeremy, but he was unsuccessful at killing us. We took care of that man, but we were unable to protect my wife. Jeremy and I had to escape out the back fence of my house,” says William.

  “I’m so sorry William. That is terrible. How do you not want to kill every last one of The Conquerors now?”


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