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Sexplosion Page 34

by Robert Hofler

  “embarrassment”: Crumb documentary, 1994.

  “I was not quite”: LoBrutto, Stanley Kubrick, 360.

  “the blacks”: Burgess, You’ve Had Your Time, 253.

  “Neither cinema”: Ibid., 257.

  Detroit News: LoBrutto, Stanley Kubrick, 362–63.

  Reynolds/Cosmopolitan account: Reynolds, My Life, 174, 175.

  “You ought to pose”: Hurwood, Burt Reynolds, 51.

  “such a cold day”: Brando, Brando, 425.

  “Brando had the personality”: Higham, Brando, 274.

  “In Bacon”: Bosworth, Marlon Brando, 183.

  “Let’s talk about”: Carey, Marlon Brando, 222.

  “He wanted me to play”: Brando, Brando, 424.

  “No one was willing”: Higham, Brando, 274.

  “Films like Midnight Cowboy”: Picker to author, Aug. 29, 2011.

  “The sexual scenes”: Manso, Brando, 737.

  “Bernardo wanted me”: Brando, Brando, 425.

  “like seeing the same one”: Carey, Marlon Brando, 224.

  “We have to wait”: Manso, Brando, 742.

  Marchak/“I can’t”: Manso, Brando, 742.

  “for structural reasons”: Carey, Marlon Brando, 226.

  “oedipal relationship”: Manso, Brando, 743.

  “It was just his complex”: Judy Klemesrud, “Maria Says Her ‘Tango’ Is Not,” New York Times, Feb. 4, 1973.

  “You are the embodiment”: Manso, Brando, 743.

  “I’m much more free”: Carey, Marlon Brando, 226.

  Brando conceived it: Bosworth, Marlon Brando, 187.

  “Maria and I simulated”: Carey, Marlon Brando, 425.

  “And I was so angry”: Dennis McLellan, “Maria Schneider, 1952–2011,” Los Angeles Times, Feb. 04, 2011.

  “do something outlandish”: Manso, Brando, 759.

  “I felt I had violated”: Ibid., 736.

  Boreman/burgundy Jaguar XKE: Lovelace, Ordeal, 10.

  “There was no love”: Ibid, 64.

  “sword-swallowing”: Ibid., 117.

  Damiano/Traynor/Lovelace encounter: Inside Deep Throat documentary, 2005.

  “I knew some starlets”: Lovelace, Ordeal, 120.

  “Six before”: Ibid., 136.

  Adolf Hilter: Inside Deep Throat documentary, 2005.

  “Chuck was an”: Simon Garfield, “Deep Throat: The Aftermath,” Independent on Sunday, June 28, 1992.

  “Linda needed someone”: Inside Deep Throat documentary, 2005.

  “People didn’t realize”: Ibid.

  “Suppose your balls”: Ibid.

  Bob Sumner, thought: Ralph Blumenthal, “Porno Chic,” New York Times Magazine, Jan. 21, 1973, 31.

  “I’m really offended”: “Rabbit, Run,” New York, Nov. 27, 1972, 46.

  “Mike Nichols told me”: Blumenthal, “Porno Chic,” 30.

  “Once it broke”: Ibid.

  “You lost your cherry”/Shawn: Kellow, Pauline Kael, 193.

  Willis/Ephron/Dershowitz: Inside Deep Throat documentary, 2005.

  “Look, you want me”: Blumenthal, “Porno Chic,” 31.

  “My father”: Rex Weiner, “Sore from Throat,” Variety, Aug. 18, 1997.

  “The government became”: Inside Deep Throat documentary, 2005.

  “If it was pornography”: Pete Hamill, “Hix Nix Skin Flix,” New York, Sept. 4, 1972, 66.

  Candy and Holly: Candy Darling documentary, 2009.

  “I was naked”/ “Lou Reed”: Dallesandro to author, Sept. 29, 2012.

  “He did more”: William Grimes, “A Warhol Director on What Is Sordid,” New York Times, Dec. 26, 1995, C13.

  “I did those films”: Morrissey to author, Oct. 13, 2011.

  “Paul thought those films”: Dallesandro to author, Sept. 29, 2012.

  “Adding to the”: Andrew Sarris, “Confessions of a Porn Enthusiast,” New York Observer, April 3, 2005.

  “I could hear her”: Ibid.

  “She single-handedly”: Ibid.

  “The text of the court”: Mel Gussow, “Director Claims ‘Last Tango’ is ‘Film on the Present,’ ” Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Feb. 3, 1973.

  “cracked, like china”: Loud, Pat Loud, 134.

  show would help launch: Pat Loud to author, June 10, 2010.

  “You won’t believe: Ibid.

  “I knew that everybody”/“This is educational”: Loud, Pat Loud, 148.

  Chapter Fifteen: 1973, Backlash

  “The sexual preference”: Clarence Petersen, “We Were Very Naive about a Lot,” Chicago Tribune, March 22, 1973, 6.

  “the flamboyant, leechlike”: Anne Roiphe, “Things Are Keen but Could Be Keener,” New York Times Magazine, Feb. 18, 1973.

  “The silence of the Louds”: Shana Alexander, “The Silence of the Louds,” Newsweek, Jan. 22, 1973, 28.

  “Pat was screaming”: An American Family Revisited documentary, 1983.

  “We don’t say”: Ruoff, An American Family, 101.

  talk show’s ratings: “The Divorce of the Year,” Newsweek, March 12, 1973, 49.

  “I can confirm”: Thomas, Brando, 262.

  $100,000 advance/“I look like a criminal”: Mel Gussow, “Director Claims ‘Last Tango’ is ‘Film on the Present,’ ” Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, Feb. 3, 1973.

  Buckley/Reasoner: “ ‘Tango’: The Hottest Movie,” Newsweek, Feb. 12, 1973.

  “Brando’s cock up”: Bosworth, Marlon Brando, 190.

  “Can a man”: Thomas, Brando, 250.

  “Women are the only”: Jonathan Cott, “A Conversation with Bernardo Bertolucci,” Rolling Stone, June 21, 1973.

  “Perfect macho soap”: Manso, Brando, 762.

  “I consider myself”: Guy Flatley, “Bertolucci Is All Tangoed Out,” New York Times, Feb. 11, 1973, 15.

  “I’m more than bored”: Ibid.

  “I’m bisexual completely”: Judy Klemesrud, “Maria Says Her ‘Tango’ Is Not,” New York Times, Feb. 4, 1973.

  “He was so wonderful”: Manso, Brando, 736.

  “got worried about taboos”: Klemesrud, “Maria Says Her ‘Tango’ Is Not.”

  Deep Throat trial: Inside Deep Throat documentary, 2005.

  Mailer party/Sarris quotes: Andrew Sarris, “Confessions of a Porn Enthusiast,” New York Observer, April 3, 2005.

  Epilogue: 1973 and Beyond, Finales

  Bibles/“I got a lot”: Frank Rich, “The Gay Decade,” Esquire, November 1987.

  “homo of the year”: “The Divorce of the Year,” Newsweek, March 12, 1973, 49.

  “one entire chapter”: Friday, “Introduction,” My Secret Garden, xiv.

  “New American Library saw”: “Playboy Interview: Erica Jong,” Playboy, September 1975, 64.

  “When it was released”: Castle, The Stanley Kubrick Archives, 173.

  “I found myself”: Nichols to author, June 13, 2011.

  “porn to end all”: Southern, The Candy Men, 329.

  “The straight world”: Making the Boys documentary, 2009.

  “the first four minutes”: “Child Porno Law Removes ’70 ‘Sweetback,’ ” Variety, Sept. 24, 1980.

  “A man bearded”: Blake Morrison, “Introduction,” A Clockwork Orange, xix.

  “Michelle and my daughters”: Author observation.

  “But it’s obviously tacked”: “Michelle Obama Talks,” iVillage, Aug. 21, 2012.

  “see her pussy”: Bart, Infamous Players, 94.

  “ ‘Brave’ is ‘naked’ ”: Helen Jackson, “Brave Are the Naked,” Daily Variety, Oct. 20, 2012, 11.


  The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific entry, please use your e-book reader’s search tools.

  Note: Titles of works without attribution refer to both literary works and their film and stage adaptations.

  Academy Awards, 119, 171, 177, 239, 291

  Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences, 167

  Actors’ Equity, 108

  Adlow, Elijah, 121

  The African Queen, 150

  Agenoux, Soren, 240, 243

  Airport, 49

  Albee, Edward, 23, 27–28, 31, 42–44, 135, 288

  Aldrich, Robert, 121

  Alexander, Shana, 272

  Alice’s Restaurant, 73

  All About Eve, xiv

  All in the Family, 217–19, 272, 289

  Alphaville, 141

  Altamont Speedway Free Festival, 156, 157–59, 163, 165

  Altman, Robert, 192–93

  America Hurrah, 99

  American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 217

  An American Dream, 234–35

  An American Family, 241–47, 268–70, 271–74, 281–83, 291

  American Place Theater, 46

  American Psychiatric Association (APA), 281–82

  Anderson, Lindsay, 1, 93, 230

  Anderson Theater, 108

  Andrésen, Björn, 204–5

  Andy Warhol’s Interview, 139, 147, 240

  Anger, Kenneth, xv, 22

  Anne of the Thousand Days, 171, 177–78

  Ann-Margret, 190–91, 193–94, 232

  Antonioni, Michelangelo, xiii, xvii, 130

  Aquarius Theatre, 137

  Arenal, Julie, 37–38, 282

  Arkin, Alan, 45

  Around the World in 80 Days, 101

  Ashley, Ted, 203, 205, 237, 238

  Ast, Pat, 266

  Atlas, Jack, 142–43

  Atlee, Howard, 31–32

  Aulin, Ewa, 7–8, 92

  Aulin, Nile, 8

  Austen, Howard, 9, 13

  Bachardy, Don, 13

  Bacon, Francis, 254

  Baird, Roy, 208

  Baker, Jack, 246

  Baker, Roy Ward, 129–30

  Baker, Tom, 61

  Bakshi, Ralph, 228–29

  Balaban, Bob, 72, 118, 167

  Bancroft, Anne, 149

  Bannen, Ian, 173–75

  Barbarella, 1, 16–17, 93

  Bardot, Brigitte, 17

  Baretich, Jeanne, 105

  Barnes, Clive, 43

  Barr, Richard, 26–27, 30, 31–32

  Basel, Amos A., 106, 107

  Basic Instinct, 290

  Bataille, Georges, 255

  Bates, Alan, 125, 126–27, 172–73, 178, 278

  The Battle of Algiers, 141

  BBC-13, 10

  The Beard, 138, 165–66

  the Beatles, 163

  Beatty, Warren, xix, 16, 66, 110, 192–93, 285, 290

  Beck, Julian, 103

  Beckett, Samuel, 1, 11, 99, 110

  Beggars Banquet, 86

  Bennett, Michael, 96

  Benton, Robert, 110

  Bercowitz, Larry, 106

  Berenson, Marisa, 168–69, 204

  Bergen, Candice, 190

  Berger, Helmut, 160, 168–69, 204

  Bergman, Ingmar, 276

  Berlin, Brigid, xvii

  Berlin, Honey, xvii

  Berlin, Richard, xvii

  The Berlin Stories, 13

  Bertolucci, Bernardo, 253–58, 267–68, 274–76, 278

  Bessant, Don, 276

  The Best Man, 18, 209

  bestiality, 228–29

  Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, 155, 182, 183

  The Bible (film), xiii

  Bike Boy, 26, 245

  Billy Liar, 65

  Billy the Kid, 138

  Biltmore Theatre, 40, 98

  The Birthday Party, 11, 25


  and Flesh, 75–76

  and Hair, 37

  and Hollander, 223

  and Performance, 81–82, 84, 85

  and Schneider, 276

  and Sunday Bloody Sunday, 171–73, 239

  and Vidal, 9

  Bishop, John, 39

  Black, Karen, 231

  Black Panther Party (newspaper), 215–16

  Black Panthers, 215–16

  Blond, Anthony, 21

  Blonde Venus, 152

  Bloom, Claire, 101, 107

  Blow-Up, xiii–xiv, xvi, xviii, 130

  Blue Movie, xix, 93, 79, 144, 183–84, 186, 285–86

  Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice, xii, 87–91, 141–43

  Bogarde, Dirk, 202, 204–5, 219, 220

  bondage, 264–65

  Bonnie and Clyde, xix, 16, 110, 163–64, 192–93

  book publishing, 282–83

  Booker, Erroll, 40

  Boreman, Linda (Linda Lovelace), 258–62, 287, 288

  Boutilier v. Immigration and Naturalization Service, 67–68

  The Boys in the Band

  Crowley’s first draft of, 23–25

  and cultural legacy, xii

  film production, 132–36

  financial success of, 87

  and gay activism, 181–82

  Kramer on, 121

  Off-Broadway opening, 1

  reviews of, 42–44

  workshop production of, 27–32

  Bradford, Nat, 20

  The Brady Bunch, 240

  Brando, Marlon, 6–7, 7–8, 253–58, 267–68, 274, 276

  Brantley, Ben, 290

  Bray Studios, 174

  Breakfast at Tiffany’s, 145

  Breckinridge, John Cabell, 15–16

  Breton, Michèle, 83, 85

  Bridges, Lloyd, 115

  Brill Building, 73

  British Board of Film Censors, 120, 164, 236–37, 251

  Broadway, 97–98

  Brokeback Mountain, 289

  Brown, David, 148, 151, 155, 167, 182–83

  Brown, Helen Gurley, 252

  Brown, Jim, 141

  “Brown Sugar,” 159

  Browne, Coral, 121

  Bruce, Lenny, xvi, 23

  Brustein, Robert, 55

  Buckley, William F., Jr., 57–59, 275

  Burgess, Anthony

  on film version of A Clockwork Orange, 285

  on film version of Lolita, 230

  on film version of Paths of Glory, 230

  and publicity tours, 249–51

  and screenplays of A Clockwork Orange, 80, 183–84, 186–87, 189–90, 229–30

  Burgess, Liana, 186

  Burroughs, William S., 48

  Burstyn, Ellen, 166

  Burton, Richard, xiii, xviii, 7, 92, 177–78, 239

  Butler, Michael, 34–35, 38, 40–41, 139

  Butley, 278

  Byrne, Anne, 70

  Cabaret, 13

  Cafe Au Go Go, xvi, 23

  Calley, John, 203, 285–86

  Cammell, Donald, 80–86, 164–66

  Canby, Vincent, 142–43, 199, 233, 287

  Candy, xviii, xix, 1, 5–7, 61, 91–92, 285

  Cannes Film Festival, xvii, xviii, 231

  Cannon, Dyan, 89–91, 142

  Capote, Truman, 145, 169, 263

  Carnal Knowledge, 45, 115, 190–95, 232–34, 285

  Carson, Johnny, 143, 252, 262

  Cassandra at the Wedding, 24

  Catch-22, 115, 190

  Catholic Church, xiv, 77

  Catholic Legion of Decency, xiv, 231

  Cavett, Dick, 169, 274

  CBS, 218–19

  CBS Films, 132


  and All in the Family, 218

  and Capote interview, 169

  and A Clockwork Orange, 184

  and Couples, 48

  and cultural legacy of the Sexplosion years, 290

  and The Devils, 189, 235–37

  and Drive, He Said, 231

  and feminism, 263

  and Flesh, 77

  and Grove Press, 144

  and homosexuality, 32

  and If . . . , 93–94

  and inter/VIEW, 139

  and Last Tango in Paris, 267–68

  and the Motion Picture Production Code, xiv, xviii, 118, 287

  and Oh! Calcutta!, 99, 106, 111–12

  and Performance, 164

  and Portnoy’s Complaint, 46

Straw Dogs, 226–27

  and Sunday Bloody Sunday, 238

  and Tynan, 10

  and Updike, 52

  and Women in Love, 120, 121, 123, 128–30

  and X ratings, 251

  See also “X” ratings

  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 277

  Cerf, Bennett, 57

  Chant d’Amour, 22

  Chasman, David, 255

  Che!, 102, 105–6, 112

  Chelsea Girls

  budget for, 77

  and Cinema 57 Rendezvous, 153

  and cultural legacy of the Sexplosion years, xv–xviii

  and Lance Loud, 2, 59, 239–40, 242, 245

  and Midnight Cowboy, 63, 65

  and Ondine, 74

  and Viva, 2–3

  Chelsea Hotel, xvi, 239–40, 242–43

  Chicago Sun-Times, 119

  Childers, Michael

  and the Academy Awards, 177

  and Hair, 41

  and Midnight Cowboy, 62–63, 66, 68, 70–73

  as National Theatre photographer, 171

  and Oh! Calcutta!, 97, 109–10

  and Schlesinger, 238–39

  and Sunday Bloody Sunday, 173

  Christie, Julie, 19, 66, 71, 178, 192, 276, 290

  Cinema 57 Rendezvous, xv

  Cinema Center Films, 132

  Cinema Verite, 291

  The City and the Pillar, 18–22

  civil rights activism, 286–87

  Claire, Imogen, 207

  Clayburgh, Jill, 243

  “Clean Up Times Square” campaign, 264

  Climent, Michel, 229

  A Clockwork Orange

  early scripts of, 80

  film options on, 183–84, 186–87

  and Kubrick’s screenplay, 183–84, 186–87, 189–90, 228–30

  opposition to, 284–85

  publicity tour for, 249–51

  release of film, 228

  Clooney, George, 290–91

  Coburn, James, 7–8

  Cohen, Marc, 36

  Cold War, 52–53

  Collins, Choo Choo, 153

  Columbia Pictures, 88, 120, 141, 185, 192, 231

  Combs, Frederick, 28

  Comfort, Alex, 264

  Commission to Investigate Police Corruption, 224

  Company, 96

  Conboy, Kenneth, 106

  conservatism, 53, 77, 282

  copyright issues, 227

  Corio, Ann, 98

  Coronet Theater, 118

  Cosby, Bill, 88, 214–15

  Cosindas, Marie, 135

  Cosmopolitan, 252–53

  Couples, 2, 47, 48–56, 88, 282

  Courtenay, Tom, 178

  Crash, 289

  Crawford, Joan, 122

  Creative Management Agency, 81

  Cronenberg, David, 289

  Crowley, Mart

  and The Boys in the Band, 1, 24–31, 43–44, 87, 134–36, 181–82

  and Hair, 33


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