What the Fox

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What the Fox Page 6

by Emma Dean

  She nodded and Finnick leaned against the table, still frowning. None of them liked to remember that job they’d taken into hell.

  “No,” Ash agreed. “Demons can make doors. Brad could easily summon one.”

  “He doesn’t have the power to bind one properly,” Kenzie said, shaking her hair and making those pink curls bounce delightfully. “The demon would shred him to pieces. So I don’t think that would be one of his outs. The witch Morgan can make doors I think. She’s the one who answered a few of Selene’s questions about the math.”

  Fucking hell. Ash had known Kenzie and Selene did cutting edge shit with magic and technology, but he’d had no idea how intense it really was.

  Everyone had been so busy and his mate and her sister had been mostly working on security systems. Ash felt like an ass for not being more interested in all of it, but he’d figured she’d tell him when she was ready.

  “The fae can make doors,” Hunter murmured, eyeing the device like it might hold answers. “But Brad would have to make a deal with them. I think you’re right Kenzie. He’s going to try and steal this.”

  She gritted her teeth and stood. “Now how he found out about it…” Kenzie picked it up and carefully placed it back on the shelf with various other projects. Ash wondered what else was in there as the door closed and then sealed.

  He reached out and tugged her close, breathing in her scent. While the disguise was hot he wished her fire-red hair was back. Ash loved the freckles across her nose and the flashing blue eyes that warned everyone of her sass.

  “Starting tomorrow we’ll begin draining Brad’s offshore accounts,” Hunter said, drumming his fingers on the table as he thought. “Once those are about empty we’ll go live with the lawsuit and the online shenanigans. At that point he’ll know it was us and try to tap his resources.”

  Kenzie grinned. “I assume you got everything you needed while working there?”

  Ash felt a chill run down his spine as Hunter gave her a vulpine smile. “Yes. His company’s client lists and data will be put up on the internet for anyone to see. Just his company and clients, not any personal information from those who hired him. Though there seem to be a few murder cases he buried evidence on, payments to judges and juries…” Hunter trailed off.

  Then Finnick laughed and kissed Kenzie’s cheek. “This is going to be so much fun.”

  “Nothing more than he deserves,” Kenzie murmured. “But I doubt it will truly cripple him. To do that, we need the coven to strip him of his powers – at the very least.”

  They were all quiet for a moment and then Hunter took Kenzie’s hand and kissed her knuckles softly. Ash loved watching these two dance around each other. “If we can’t get the coven to do what needs to be done, then it will be up to you,” Hunter told her.

  Kenzie blinked and Ash tightened his grip on her. “If you want to,” Ash clarified. “It’s your decision.”

  “Obviously,” Hunter said, waving his hand dismissively. “Call your raccoons, Ash. I’m going to bed and no one fucking wake me up in the morning. I officially no longer have a day job.”

  Finnick sighed as Hunter left Kenzie’s office. “I’ve a line with a judge that will speed up the process. I should be able to get us into court with Brad in a few days. The decision will be made quickly. I don’t think we’ll win, but there’s a possibility we might. How are the new identities coming?”

  “It’s all done. Just waiting on the money from Brad’s offshore accounts so they’ll have a little something to start a new life with,” Kenzie said, quirking a smile at Finnick.

  Reaching out for the red-haired fox, Kenzie made sure not to release Ash as well – which was preferred.

  He felt lost at the moment. There was so much that could go wrong. So many new things were popping up and he was still feeling on edge about her new status as a void witch.

  It kept him up all hours of the night even after she went to sleep. Ash didn’t know when it would happen, but when it finally did – people and things would come looking for her. He refused to let anything happen until she could control her magic. Kenzie needed to be able to fight off multiple witches.

  Witches who could easily incapacitate three foxes.

  This kind of magic was beyond him and the chaos. As they’d so clearly seen with the fae.

  Ash hated feeling helpless. He hated feeling like he couldn’t do anything to help her. At least with more people around, Kenzie would have a better chance.

  The raccoons would do this for him.

  But it wouldn’t help the feeling that all of this would be ripped from him. Ash felt like this happiness would be taken away from him at any moment – and that’s what scared him the most. Life wasn’t fair and it wasn’t kind.

  What else would it try to throw at them?

  “Do you think any of this will actually work?” Kenzie asked, pressing her face into Finnick’s chest, arm still around Ash’s middle. “Or is it only going to make everything worse?”

  Ash wished he could instantly make everything better, but right now in this moment he could only do his best. “It’ll all work out,” he murmured, running his hand down her back. “We won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “Nope, you’re stuck with us babe,” Finnick agreed, grabbing her face and pulling her in for a kiss.

  Ash released his hold on her so she could step into Finnick’s arms. But he was desperate. He needed her – he needed the reminder that nothing would happen to those he loved. Ash stepped forward and put his hand on Finnick’s waist, his front pressed against Kenzie’s back.

  The other fox opened his eyes and met Ash’s gaze. He was more serious than Ash ever remembered seeing him. Finnick gave him a nod and reached out to pull Ash closer. Something about the other fox’s hand gripping the back of his neck was comforting and…arousing.

  Taking Kenzie’s waist, Ash lifted her and tossed her at Finnick. She screeched but the other fox caught her with a grin. “Shall we take this somewhere else?” he asked.

  “Your room is the cleanest and closest,” Finnick muttered, kissing her neck as he cradled her against his chest. “Lead the way Ash.”

  It took all of three seconds for them to get her into Ash’s room and lay her on the bed. The latex dress was something else, but Ash just wanted to cut it right off. He pulled out one of his favorite knives from under the bed and started at her knees.

  She watched him without blinking.

  “As much as I enjoy the pink hair, I want to fuck you,” Ash growled.

  “Aw man, you ruin everything,” Finnick said, removing his ring and thus the disguise charm.

  Kenzie sighed happily and reached out for the red-haired devil as Ash cut right through the latex between her breasts. The pieces fell to her sides, exposing how naked she was underneath.

  “Her downstairs is still red,” Finnick said, running his fingers up her thigh with that shit-eating grin. “Isn’t that enough?”

  She just laughed and took off her own ring at the same time Ash did his. “I get it. You’re much more attractive than your disguises are.”

  The two of them climbed on the bed in tandem, one on either side, and Ash kissed his way from her belly to her throat while Finnick went down her leg and then back up. When she gasped he knew the other fox tasted her without even looking.

  Ash wanted to help take her mind off the shitty parts of life for just a little while. His hands roamed over her body until she was squirming and begging for them to do something – anything other than torture her.

  A month of this and the desire hadn’t lessened at all. Ash still wanted her every minute of every day.

  He rolled her toward him and Kenzie practically mounted him then and there. Finnick laughed and kissed her back while Kenzie ripped off Ash’s shirt.

  It was like some kind of signal. Suddenly everyone was desperate to get out of their clothes until all three of them were panting. Hands were on his chest and Ash wasn’t sure which were Kenzie’s and which wer
e Finnick’s as her hand wrapped around his dick.

  His eyes rolled up into the back of his head as she pulled him forward and suddenly he was lost in her scent, her touch, until Finnick’s hand wrapped around his dick too. His eyes went wide as he met Finnick’s gaze – intense and darker than normal.

  It wasn’t just him then. The other fox was worried about the future as well. And not just Kenzie – all of them would be in danger protecting her. Losing Finnick or Hunter…

  Ash reached out and grabbed the back of Finnick’s neck to pull him in for a kiss that was much gentler than their usual while making love and fucking Kenzie together.

  It wouldn’t be the same as losing Kenzie, but Ash couldn’t fathom living without the other two foxes either.

  Her sharp intake of breath was music to his ears.

  And just like that he slowly entered her while kissing Finnick who always managed to taste like Red Hots. Kenzie’s pussy clenched around his dick so hard he thought he was going to come then and there with Finnick’s tongue in his mouth.

  The other fox pulled back with a wicked grin and kissed Kenzie’s shoulder. “How do you feel about trying something new tonight?” he asked her. Ash thrust inside her harder when Finnick’s hand caressed her ass.

  She gasped and reached back to hold Finnick’s neck, pulling him down and kissing the ever loving shit out of him while Ash slid out slowly, pushing back in leisurely, picking up the pace a little at a time.

  “Yes, I want you both inside me at the same time,” Kenzie murmured against Finnick’s lips, fiery red hair everywhere.

  The noises she made, the way she met him stroke for stroke made him wild, but it wasn’t fast. It was just…intense. Sweaty and needy and it made his teeth ache. Ash wanted to claim her.

  The only reason he hadn’t yet was because he and Finnick had decided to wait until Hunter had officially claimed the mate bond. Something about it didn’t feel quite right without their alpha.

  Finnick grabbed the lube from the nightstand and poured some into his hand. It was fascinating enough to watch that Ash slowed down slightly. “Don’t worry, babe, I’ll be gentle,” he whispered as he worked it into Kenzie’s ass.

  It made Ash hard enough to hurt and he pressed deeply into her, losing himself when she grabbed him and kissed the fuck out of him. Kenzie’s mouth was hot and sweet and delicious. She slid her tongue in Ash’s mouth to play with his and he groaned.

  Kenzie pushed back against Finnick’s hand, moaning as he slowly slid in a pinky – lips parted as he watched Kenzie. Ash’s balls clenched and he had to hold still so he didn’t completely lose it.

  They broke apart and Ash bit down on Kenzie’s shoulder when Finnick slipped in another finger, slowly widening the entrance, getting her ready.

  Even though Ash wasn’t moving Kenzie wasn’t having it. She rode him hard while Finnick slipped in another finger until she was shaking and shuddering around him. Her orgasm took everything Ash had not to fuck the shit out of her until he came.

  Growling at Finnick to hurry the fuck up he took it, biting the inside of his mouth to hold on just a little bit longer.

  “Fates,” Kenzie muttered. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t ever be sorry for enjoying yourself with us,” Ash told her, breathing in the desire and love she exuded while Finnick set himself up.

  “Are you ready, babe?” Finnick asked, waiting to hear her answer.

  Kenzie nodded and looked up into Ash’s eyes. In that moment he would have done literally anything she’d asked of him and no doubt would every time those trusting eyes asked him something in the future.

  He would protect – body, soul, mind, and heart. No matter what came for them. No matter what happened. The future was murky, but at least in that he was sure.

  Slowly Finnick entered her and the sensation of his dick inside the woman they loved…Ash could feel Finnick under his own dick, moving and caressing that thin wall inside that was all that separated them from each other.

  Kenzie moaned, gripping Ash so tight her nails ripped through his skin and all it did was spur him on.

  Together the two of them thrust and filled her at the same time. Something about feeling the other fox…Ash gritted his teeth as they both started breathing heavily. Finnick held his gaze and for the first time since they’d started sharing women, Ash felt a connection to him.

  Things had always been rather clinical – even with Kenzie – until now. They would take their turns and love her simultaneously in different ways, but this time…this time Ash had to admit he felt something.

  Whether it was because of the bond tying them all together or the years they’d spent together or his own…shades of grey when it came to sexuality. It didn’t matter. Ash was turned on by both Kenzie and Finnick in that moment.

  Thrusting and growling they took her together, going deep and always aware of her pain levels. But there was none. Only pleasure. The second Ash felt her walls quivering around him again, clenching tight, he grabbed Finnick and kissed him – making sure the other fox knew it wasn’t just Kenzie he was fucking.

  Pleasure spiked for all three of them – he could feel it in his chest and suddenly he was roaring as he came so hard his vision went black for just a moment.

  Ash thrust again. It felt like every drop was milked from Finnick while Kenzie gasped and shuddered and held onto him like she might just drown if she let go.

  Then Finnick came, sending aftershocks through both Kenzie and Ash.

  Finally silence except for their harsh breathing and Ash felt that silence wrap around him like a warm blanket, making him sleepy. He kissed Kenzie’s forehead, her nose, and her cheeks. This feeling – Ash wished he could hold onto it forever.

  “We should definitely do that more often,” she murmured against his chest.

  Finnick laughed and slowly pulled out. He smacked her ass lightly and just held her close.

  The three of them shared breaths in the darkness and Ash saw Finnick’s eyes reflect the light from the street over Kenzie’s shoulder.

  Together like this, it didn’t feel like sharing. It felt like they were all parts of a whole that was only complete when together.

  Every day the mate bond seemed to be evolving. Ash had no idea what to expect next, but he had to say he was enjoying it.

  He wrapped his arm around Kenzie and then around Finnick behind her, pulling them both closer until his fox rumbled in approval. She sighed happily between them and Ash knew he would do anything to keep this.

  Chapter Seven


  Kenzie woke up smushed between Ash and Finnick. The two of them were heavy and warm in the cold fall morning. The fog would burn off soon and then it would get hot – because autumn liked to fuck with everyone like that.

  She stretched and pushed them off of her. A quick shower should wake her up and rinse off what they’d done last night, since it was still all over her and the bed. Fates, there just wasn’t enough space.

  Then Finnick smacked her ass. “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked.

  “Shower. Now move,” she said, trying to extricate herself from their arms.

  Ash groaned and pulled her closer. “Showers are overrated.”

  “We need a bigger bed,” Kenzie muttered, pushing against Ash for leverage.

  Finnick landed on the floor in a heap and finally she had the room to get down. Ash chuckled, eyes still closed as she stepped over Finnick. She might feel bad if he hadn’t shifted into a fox so he could nip at her heels.

  Squealing she ran into the bathroom and slammed the door in his face, nearly catching his snout in the process. “I told you I wanted a shower!” Then Kenzie locked the door, laughing at the ridiculousness.

  Those two didn’t always sleep in the same bed with her, but more often than not she would end up snuggled between them. It was weird after a lifetime of sleeping alone, but it was also the best sleep she’d ever had.

  For the first time in her life, Kenzie ac
tually felt rested when she woke up. It didn’t feel like she might die until she had that fifth cup of coffee. Who would have thought waking up and feeling ready for the day was actually a thing?

  The hot water felt amazing and she could hear Finnick whining at the door.

  “Stop being pathetic,” Ash muttered through the door. Kenzie strained to hear them over the sound of running water. “At least get dressed. Jace and the others should be here in about an hour. And we have a lot of shit to get done today.”

  He must have shifted because Kenzie heard Finnick say, “I love those dudes. Should we make breakfast, or order it?”

  The domestic side of her foxes was secretly one of her favorite things about them. They were so weird she’d honestly thought they were hardly house-trained at first, let alone gourmet chefs when they wanted to be.

  She washed up quickly and then got out, wondering what the raccoons had been up to since they’d helped them last. Hunter had called them to help with the victim list after what had happened with the fae. They’d all been spread thin and still…raw.

  The extra help had saved more of the list than Kenzie had thought possible after losing so many of them in the beginning.

  Who Brad thought was saving them was still a mystery to her. All of three people knew the foxes had a merc contract. She’d covered her tracks well when pulling up all the data. Kenzie knew she’d triggered some alarms, but thankfully her skill was good enough they hadn’t been able to track her down.

  And Brad was shit at tech magic. He might have been able to locate her through the web if he’d had Selene’s help, but Kenzie knew her sister hated him almost as much as she did.

  It felt good to take leverage against him and save all those poor girls, and even a few guys, and help them start a new life with money stolen from Brad. The irony made her grin.

  By the time she was done with her hair and a tiny bit of makeup her room was empty. Kenzie loved her foxes but sometimes having them in her space all the fucking time was annoying. For their survival she was pretty sure they knew exactly when her patience was thinning because they always managed to make themselves scarce at exactly the right times.


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