Every Breath You Take (Redeeming Love Book 2)

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Every Breath You Take (Redeeming Love Book 2) Page 25

by J. E. Parker

  It wouldn’t surprise me if he was… the sneaky bastard.

  A cocky smirk spread across his face. “As you wish, sweetheart.” Wrapping a hand around the back of my neck, he held me in place. “Hold on, tight.”

  Before I could reply, Anthony slammed into me with the force of Mack Truck. My back scraped against the carpeted floor, and I knew I’d have a carpet burn from hell before we were done. Still, I didn’t care.

  “Harder,” I begged, “Go harder.”

  Anthony smiled as he wrapped a second arm around my back. Lifting me off the ground, he climbed to his knees and stood up in one swift move. Pressing me against the wall, he took my mouth as he drove his cock into me in long, hard thrusts.

  Tweaking my nipples between his fingers, he picked up the pace. Sweat coated my skin, and I felt like I was seconds away from passing out. Yet, I still whispered, “Harder, Tony.” His finger landed on my clit, and I slammed my eyes shut. “I don’t care if it hurts, I want it harder. Give it to me, baby!” My hands grasped his shoulders as I held on for dear life. “Give me everything you’ve got.”

  Gritting his teeth, Anthony tightened his hold on me, and did exactly what I asked—he gave me everything he had. Kiss after kiss, thrust after thrust, he drove me higher until I reached the peak that I so desperately sought.

  “Oh God!” I screamed, grinding my pussy down on Anthony’s cock. “I’m coming!”

  His thrusts became frenzied, erratic, and within seconds, he followed me over the cliff. Groaning my name, he stared into my eyes as he let himself go. His body jerked and shook before he stumbled backward with me still in his arms.

  “Baby, I’ve got to put you down.” His face was red, his breathing ragged. “If I don’t, I’m afraid I might drop you.”

  We both dropped to the floor simultaneously into a heap of bones and quivering flesh. With his arms still wrapped around me, Anthony stared into my eyes. “You’re mine, sunshine. From here until forever, baby.”

  I leaned my forehead against him. “Yes.” I swallowed. “Yes, I am.”



  Standing in the middle of Toluca City Park, I watched with bated breath as Anthony played with Lucca. The sight was so dang endearing I doubt I could’ve pulled my eyes away from the two of them for a million dollars.

  They both make my heart melt.

  Even though I’d seen them play together multiple times before, there was something about this time that seemed different. I wasn’t sure why exactly but in the marrow of my bones I knew that this wasn’t like the other times. This time was different—this time their shenanigans seemed more resolute; more permanent.

  Call me crazy, but they fit together like two puzzle pieces.

  They fit together like… father and son.

  Stop it, I chastised myself. You’re talking crazy.

  “Ma-ma!” Lucca screamed from the top of the slide where he sat perched on Anthony’s lap. “Slideeeee!” He leaned back against Anthony’s chest. “Go! Go! Go!”

  Anthony wrapped one arm around Lucca’s belly, holding him securely in place while he used the other to lift his legs in the air so there was no chance of my little man’s legs getting caught underneath them. “Hold on, piccolo principe.”

  Leaning back, Anthony lifted his feet off the slide. A second later they flew down the curved, metal incline before coming to a stop an inch before flying off the end. Lucca’s ecstatic shriek ripped through the air as he held onto Anthony for dear life.

  I laughed at their shenanigans.

  At the bottom, Lucca jumped off Anthony’s lap and grabbed his pants leg in his tiny hand. “Again!” Reaching down, Anthony scooped him up in his arms and ran—seriously, he ran—around the back of the slide so they could do it all over again.

  I didn’t know who was having more fun: Lucca or Anthony.

  Probably a tie.

  A minute later, they zoomed down the slide again. “Hey, Ma-ma!” Lucca yelled and waved at me before grabbing Anthony’s pants again and pointing towards the swing. Anthony didn’t hesitate in picking him up and carrying him across the playground toward the empty row of swings.

  These two…

  “Tony!” He looked over at me, a huge smile gracing his lips. “Baby, don’t let him get on those by himself. He’ll break his neck if you do. You have to hold him, else he tries to jump out.”

  “Baby?” Anthony questioned, smirking as he kept walking away from me.

  My eyes narrowed, and my hands went to my curved hips. “Yes, baby,” I replied, adding a healthy dose of sass, “if he falls, me and you are going to fight.”

  Anthony winked. “I’ve got him, sunshine. Don’t worry, he’s safe with me.”

  I didn’t doubt that for a second.

  Turning around, I walked over to a park bench that was within view of the swings and sat down on the cool metal. Reaching into my purse, I dug through the cluttered contents searching for my phone. I wanted to snap a few pictures of my boys swinging together. I’d just wrapped my fingers around the sneaky little sucker when a man that reeked of stale cigarettes and body odor horrendous enough to make a maggot gag sat down beside me. Wearing ratty jeans, black boots, and a dark grey, heavily stained hoodie, he stuck out like a sore thumb.

  Why in the world is he wearing a hoodie in July? In Georgia? It’s almost a hundred fricken degrees!

  Turning to the side, I tried to catch a glimpse of his face, but I couldn’t see much on account of the hood he wore pulled up over his head. Looking straight ahead toward the swings he didn’t pay me a lick of attention.

  Something is off with this guy. Stay alert, pay attention.

  Feeling uneasy, I looked towards Anthony and Lucca. Anthony was sitting on a swing with Lucca seated on his lap. Surprisingly, Anthony wasn’t looking my way. Instead, he was staring down at a laughing Lucca.

  Despite the worry washing through me, I smiled at the looks on their faces. They both looked so damn happy.

  “Beautiful day, isn’t it?” The man finally spoke. I scrunched my nose up at the unmistakable stench of liquor as it tickled my nostrils. My stomach clenched at the familiar smell. Pointing at Anthony and Lucca, he asked, “The boy yours?” He tapped his finger on top of his thigh, slowly. “Doesn’t look much like you.” He chuckled. “Doesn’t look a fuckin’ thing like that guinea holdin’ him on his lap either.”

  My back stiffened as my senses went on high alert.

  I didn’t know what a guinea was, but I knew it had to be a derogatory term.

  “Ex-fricken-cuse me? Do I know you?”

  The man smacked his lips together. “Afraid not.” He leaned back against the bench and crossed his arms over his chest. Faded tattoos lined the back of his aging, wrinkled hands. A second or so passed before he turned his head and met my eyes. When he smiled, I sucked in a breath.

  The few teeth that remained in his mouth were stained yellow, chipped, and caked in a film of plaque and tartar. His dental issues reminded me of my mother. But it wasn’t just his teeth that reminded me of her. It was his dilated pupils, his sallow skin, his scabbed over cheeks and chin. I didn’t know who the man was or what he wanted with me, but it was clear that he was addicted to more than just alcohol.

  If I had to guess, I’d say meth. The scars lining his face were the first clue.

  His hand moved closer to me and every muscle in my body tensed.

  Stay calm, Shelby. Don’t freak out.

  Squaring my shoulders, I jutted out my chin and looked him straight in the eyes. It didn’t matter how uneasy he made me feel; I wouldn’t allow him to intimidate me.

  Been there, done that. Ain’t doing it again.

  “Is there something I can help you with, Mister…?”

  His eyes dipped to my chest before venturing further south and running over my legs. He licked his pasty lips, and I almost gagged at the sight. “There’s a lot you can help with me, darlin’.” Sucking on his rotting teeth, he continued, “With those legs and t
hat pretty little mouth of yours, I bet you’re one hell of a—”

  I quickly stood up, cutting him off. “You’re a sick fuck, you know that?” My eyes found Anthony’s. He was making his way toward me, carrying Lucca in his arms.

  Eyes slitted, jaw hard, he looked pissed.

  Not wanting him to lose his temper and start a fight in front of Lucca, I headed straight for him, intent on cutting him off. But the man still sitting down behind me wasn’t done yet. “Have a good day, Shelby Ray,” he said to my back in a mocking, devious voice.

  At his words, I stopped mid-stride.

  My blood ran cold and ice formed in my veins.

  Nobody called me Shelby Ray. Nobody but—

  “Shelby,” Anthony barked my name in a stern voice from thirty or so feet away. “That man bothering you?”

  Unable to speak, I just stood there. Completely mute and seized with terror, I couldn’t have answered him if my life had depended upon it.

  Shelby Ray, Shelby Ray, Shelby Ray… the man’s voice repeated on a loop in my head.

  Taking my silence as affirmation, Anthony shoved Lucca into my arms. “Stay here.” He stalked past me and moved towards the bench where I’d been sitting. I wanted to turn around and confront the man myself. I wanted to ask him who the hell he was, and what exactly he wanted, but I couldn’t.

  My fear wouldn’t allow it.

  You’re weak, my mind hissed. After all this time, you’re still weak.

  Shifting Lucca to my left side, I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket. I pulled up the last text I sent Maddie. Fingers trembling, I typed out a quick message.

  Me: I need you. Toluca City Park.

  She replied immediately.

  Maddie: On my way. Be there in 10.

  My heart pounded as I slid the phone back into my pocket and hugged Lucca to my chest. “Ma-ma.” Clutching my shirt in his hands, he cooed up at me in a sweet voice. “Toe, Toe, Toe…”

  Toe… it’s what Lucca called Anthony.

  “U-ka wants Toe, Ma-Ma,” he squealed. “Want Toe!”

  Hugging my baby to my chest, all I could think was: I want him too, little man. Trust me, I want him too.

  Maddie made it to the park in eight minutes, not ten.

  With Evan in tow, she sped through the asphalt covered parking lot before coming to a sliding stop by Anthony’s Tahoe. They both jumped out of the car and moved toward me as fast as they could.

  Evan reached me first.

  Without saying a word, he stopped three feet in front of me. After looking me over from head to toe, checking for injuries, he asked, “What’s going on, Shel?”

  I pointed behind him to the other side of the park where a second parking lot laid. He turned and looked over his shoulder. When his eyes landed on the two police cars parked near the curb, lights flashing, his shoulders tensed.

  Maddie finally reached us about half a minute later. Out of breath, she stepped up beside me and braced her hand on my shoulder for support. Wide-eyed, she stared at the police cars. “Why are the police here?” Brows furrowed, she continued before I could get a single word in edgewise. “Do you know who that guy they’ve got in the back of the car is?”

  I couldn’t see the man sitting in the back of the first cruiser well, but that didn’t stop me from glaring at him with all the viciousness I could muster. I didn’t know who he was but I knew what he’d been sent to do and I hated him for it.

  “No, I don’t know him,” I replied to Maddie’s questions. “But I know who sent him.” Both Evan and Maddie’s looked at me. Swallowing around the lump lodged in the base of my throat, I spoke the three words that I’d hoped I’d never have to say. “He found us.” My stomach churned. I felt like puking. “Damien found us.”

  Maddie sucked in a breath and Evan’s face hardened.

  Earlier, after shoving Lucca into my arms, Anthony chased down the man who’d been sitting beside me on the park bench. The man ran from him, and when Anthony commanded him to stop, he turned and threw a punch, desperate to get away.

  Anthony dodged the hit and slammed him down on the ground where he proceeded to cuff his hands behind his back. After the asshole’s hands were secure, he called the station. The first squad car showed up less than five minutes later. Since then, Anthony hadn’t come back to Lucca and me, though he made sure to keep eyes on us at all time. He’d even wave at my little man every few minutes. He wanted us both to know that he was there, that he saw us, and that he wasn’t going anywhere. Any other time his actions would’ve made me melt into a pile of goo, but at that moment, I couldn’t bring myself to feel all warm and fuzzy. I was too scared, too terrified.

  “We didn’t even make it two years,” I said, shaking my head.

  Evan’s shoulders set in determination. “He won’t hurt you again, Shelby. I’ll—”

  “I know he won’t,” I snapped, cutting him off mid-sentence. “He wants a fight. Well, he’s about to get one.” After handing Lucca to Evan, I looked straight ahead. Locking eyes with Anthony, I continued, “Only difference is, this time the son of a bitch won’t win.” A sinister smile spread across my face. “This time Damien is going to lose.” Determination set in. “Because this time I’m going to kill him.”

  Holding my head high, I headed straight for Anthony.



  It was the day of Maddie’s bachelorette party, and I was exhausted.

  It had been an eventful week, to say the least.

  Standing by Anthony’s bedroom window, I rested my head against the cool glass. A police car drove by the house slowly as it patrolled the neighborhood. It was the third squad car I’d seen in as many hours.

  After my run-in with the junkie at the park, Anthony had somehow convinced Kissler PD to step up patrols around his house. They didn’t usually patrol the neighborhoods around that part of town because there was virtually no crime but he’d somehow convinced them. How he’d convinced them, I didn’t know; especially because he worked at a different station in a completely different county. Though, if there was one thing I’d learned about Anthony since I met him it was that he could be a persuasive little shit when he wanted to be.

  God knows he’d used his persuasion skills to convince me to practically move in with him. Lucca and I hadn’t spent a single night at our house since the night that I confessed my past to Anthony. Ever since then, he’d kept us both close, insisting that it was better for us to stay with him.

  So far, he’d been right. Crazily enough, I hadn’t had one nightmare since I started spending every night in his arms. It’s like he was my own personal shield against the demons that taunted me when my guard was down, and I was at my weakest.

  Amazing how that worked.

  I did, however, feel bad about not being around for Felix as much. Though Anthony made sure he had plenty of food, and he still took Lucca and me by to see him every other day. He’d also tasked Felix with keeping an eye on my house in case someone came snooping around. Whether Damien was back wasn’t a question. We already knew he was. The only thing we needed to figure out was how and when he’d strike.

  As far as the junkie from the park went, he was arrested and booked into Toluca County Jail for assault on a police officer, communicating threats, and possession of a controlled substance. Anthony had personally interrogated him multiple times, but the asshole wouldn’t roll on Damien. Grandmama had tried to convince Anthony to let her question him for ten minutes, and she’d get answers. She swore all she needed was a pair of pliers, a pound of table salt, and a box of matches.

  Anthony had walked away from the conversation with a whole new fear of Grandmama and her level of crazy. I thought it was funny but apparently, I was crazy too.

  When the police car had disappeared out of sight, I walked over to Anthony’s king-sized bed and surveyed all the crap that Hope, Evan, and I had bought at the adult toy store in nearby Savannah earlier in the day.

  To my amazement—and Evan’s horror—we�
��d bought a ton of stuff including penis shaped ice cube trays, lingerie, edible lube, flavored condoms, mini vibrators, a cock ring or two, and a dozen inflated giant penis balloons.

  It was more than I intended to get but whatever. Maddie would only get married once. This was my only chance to embarrass her in such an extreme fashion. I couldn’t wait to see her face when she walked into Grandmama’s house later.

  With a snicker, I picked up the giant dildo that Hope had found on a shelf near the back of the store. When she discovered it, she’d waved it around at Evan and even tried to chase him around the store with it. He’d come close to choking her. I mean, I probably would have come close to choking her too if she’d chased me around with a dildo that was approximately fifteen inches long and five or so inches wide. The veiny monstrosity was one of the most obscene things I’d ever seen, but it was perfect for what we intended to use it for—a table centerpiece.

  Picking up the pile of gift bags that were sitting at the foot of the bed, I got to work stuffing them with all the party favors and other surprises we’d picked out. I couldn’t help but smile at some of the stuff we’d found. Well, more like, Hope found since she was responsible for 90% of the crap we’d bought.

  Sweet as she was, Hope could be a handful at times. She was quiet, shy, and dutiful but she had a rebellious streak a mile wide in her. The girl had so many layers, and I loved that about her.

  I’d just finished putting a vibrator in the last gift bag when I felt, rather than saw, Anthony enter the room. Smiling to myself, I said, “I didn’t think you’d be home this early.” I picked up the bags in my hands and set them on the floor at my feet. “Thought for sure you’d get stuck working late tonight since it’s a Friday.”


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