Fallen Gods II: Jaded Prey

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Fallen Gods II: Jaded Prey Page 1

by Lorie O'Clare


  An Ellora’s Cave Publication, December 2004

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

  1337 Commerce Drive, #13

  Stow, OH 44236-0787

  ISBN MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-4199-0090-0

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  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. They are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

  Edited by Sue-Ellen Gower.

  Cover art by Syneca.


  The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers. Jaded Prey has been rated E–rotic by a minimum of three independent reviewers.

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica™ reading entertainment: S (S-ensuous), E (E-rotic), and X (X-treme).

  S-ensuous love scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.

  E-rotic love scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall word count. In addition, some E-rated titles might contain fantasy material that some readers find objectionable, such as bondage, submission, same sex encounters, forced seductions, and so forth. E-rated titles are the most graphic titles we carry; it is common, for instance, for an author to use words such as “fucking”, “cock”, “pussy”, and such within their work of literature.

  X-treme titles differ from E-rated titles only in plot premise and storyline execution. Unlike E-rated titles, stories designated with the letter X tend to contain controversial subject matter not for the faint of heart.

  Fallen Gods:

  Jaded Prey

  Lorie O’Clare

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Jeep: Daimler Chrysler Corporation

  Corvette: General Motors Corporation

  Chapter One

  Incense burnt thick through the air, its aroma wrapping around Naomi, pulling her in like a guiding spirit. The two small lamps offered little light. Everyone else in the room seemed oblivious to her, swaying and moaning, their eyes closed, talking to the gods who had been called forth.

  Glancing at the high priestess, Naomi Lorghon wondered again why she had agreed to come to this ceremony.

  “Inanna, we call you forth.” Oblivious to the rest of them, the high priestess stood in the middle of the circle, her arms extended. “Grace us with your presence while we honor you, repeating your ceremony, making our covens stronger by uniting as you did.”

  Naomi closed her eyes, knowing she should feel something when everyone around her grew silent, their breathing increasing. Her heart raced, fear suddenly gripping her. They would know she wasn’t part of them—that she shouldn’t really be there.

  “I am ready for you.” The high priestess also spoke through heavy pants. The floorboards creaked, indicating she had climbed onto the small cot set up in the middle of the circle. “Moisture seeps from me, preparing me. My skin is moist from my cream. My sensitive muscles swell, the craving to unite consuming me. Who will enter and claim what I offer?”

  Naomi dared open one eye, peeking at the lady who adjusted herself on the cot, her naked body shadowed by the dim lighting in the room. But when she did, Naomi couldn’t look away. The high priestess, the leader of the coven her friend had invited her to join, relaxed on the cot, staring upward at the ceiling while she held out her hands. Her small breasts were firm, her nipples erect, while she panted, parting her legs, allowing everyone to see the damp hair covering her mound.

  The woman’s body arched, her breathing visible as her chest expanded, the outline of her breasts shadowed by the dim lighting. Naomi found herself matching the woman’s breath, watching her, studying her naked body. She couldn’t help comparing notes on how she knew she looked naked.

  Naomi liked to keep herself shaved, but found herself entranced, staring at the woman while her insides grew warm. Maybe she was being affected by the magic floating through the room. Or maybe she was simply aroused, knowing what was about to happen.

  “I will claim what you have to offer. Entering you, our covens will grow in strength.” A man stepped forward, unbuttoning his pants while moving to stand over the high priestess. “Have you properly prepared the bed for me?”

  “I have,” she answered, turning her attention to him. “Anointed and blessed, I lay on the bed where you will have me.”

  Naomi fisted her hands on either side of her, her palms growing damp, making her itch to rub her hands together but daring not to move. She swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry while she stared at the man’s cock, which appeared like an eager shaft when he let his pants fall to his ankles.

  “Herne the Hunter breathes through me, anxious to enter you, to strengthen our union.” The man stepped out of his pants and crawled over the woman.

  The group around them began moaning again, a few around her swaying while Naomi forgot about being discreet with her watching.

  “Inanna comes forth, blessing this union, making us stronger.” The high priestess reached for the man, pulling him to her.

  Naomi had never watched two people fuck before. And although her friend Thena had told her what would happen before they arrived, Naomi still had a hard time believing that she was witnessing this.

  She’d always considered herself almost a prude. Sure, sex excited her. But it took so much work to find a boyfriend, and then most of them turned out to be creeps. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d had sex.

  But here, watching these two, this high priest and high priestess, uniting to strengthen their covens, and bring unity to all who were members, her insides spilled over with an awakening she hadn’t expected.

  Thena began moaning quietly next to Naomi. She glanced her way, watching her friend rub her hands over her breasts, bringing her nipples to hard peaks through her shirt. But Thena didn’t look at her. All of her attention was on the couple in the middle of the circle.

  Naomi looked back at them, watching with heated amazement while they caressed each other, loving each other openly and without hesitation.

  “We must unite now,” the high priest uttered, his name escaping Naomi at the moment. He ran his hands along the high priestess’s inner thighs. “With the presence of Herne the Hunter—”

  “—and the goddess, Inanna,” the high priestess said on a gasp.

  “We unite our covens, bringing us strength with the grace of the gods.” The high priest looked up to the ceiling at the same time he drove deep inside the high priestess’s pussy.

  Everyone in the room gasped. Naomi right along with them. For she swore she felt her own pussy swell, her moisture soaking her silk undies while a pressure grew inside her.

  The room suddenly was too warm, while her heart raced watching the couple fuck on the cot in front of her. She glanced around the room, wanting to give them privacy but at the same time knowing they wanted to be watched.

  Blood rushed through her. Her heart pumped faster, while her breath came in heavy sighs. She wouldn’t play with herself. There was no way she would squeeze her suddenly swollen breasts. And no matter how much her pussy ached, her cream soaking her shaven skin making her undies cling to her, she wouldn’t slide her fingers under her clothing and stroke the need that blossomed with a fury that made her want to cry out.
r />   Watching the couple move together, the high priestess’s legs spread open, her feet arched while the man pounded her hard and with a steady rhythm, made Naomi ache for a cock to be buried deep inside her.

  She fought for her breath, closing her eyes while imagining a man touching her the way the high priest fondled the high priestess on the cot. Strong firm hands caressing her, burning her skin with his touch. Fingers gracing over her, feverishly, drawing a craving from deep within her.

  “Oh, yes. Yes!” The high priestess called out, her voice clear and strong, bringing everyone in the room to attention.

  Gasps were held. Swaying stopped. All watched her climax, her body arching underneath her lover.

  “You like that, don’t you?” the high priest growled, burying his cock deep inside her.

  Naomi put her hand over her mouth, swearing she was spread open deep inside, feeling a large cock buried deep inside her. It was all she could do to keep standing, to not stumble, fall over from the intensity of a large cock brushing against the sensitive walls inside her.

  The high priestess cried out, coming while everyone watched. At the same moment, everything inside Naomi seemed to explode. A whimper escaped her, heat flushing through her that she couldn’t keep her emotions at bay while the couple in front of her climaxed together.

  Her friend Thena let out a sigh, glancing at her with a small smile before returning her attention to the couple.

  “And so it is.” The high priest moved to his knees, pulling the high priestess up with him, cradling her while he looked at everyone around them with a sated grin. “We unite our covens, growing in strength, praising the gods and goddesses for blessing us with their strength.”

  “Blessed be,” several around Naomi murmured.

  The high priest pulled the high priestess to her feet. Joining the others in the circle, Naomi took Thena’s hand, aware of how warm her touch was. She didn’t know the person on her other side, but felt their heat as well. The warmth that traveled through her, searing through her skin as if she were on fire, made her feel dizzy.

  She barely heard the blessing, the joyous praise of the covens united, or the thanking of the gods for giving them the gifts of their strength.

  “Are you okay?” Thena asked her, brushing her fingers down Naomi’s face while moving strands of hair that had loosened from her braids out of the way.

  “Yes. I’m fine.” Although she was anything but fine.

  What the hell just happened? She’d never been to a witch’s coven before. Her friend Thena never hid her involvement or her faith. She was a good person, and Naomi had never judged her for her practicing witchcraft. But never once, not in a million years, had she imagined a coven could make her feel like this. It was as if she had been the one on the cot, as if she had just been thoroughly fucked.

  “There’s food in the other room.” Thena nudged her, smiling the way she always did as if they were on their way to the break room at work.

  Naomi followed her friend into the family room. She didn’t know the people who lived here, or for that matter most of the people who had been part of the coven. But the chatter was amiable, a lively discussion of city politics quickly picking up, and how they would have to do a blessing on their candidate of choice.

  The couple on the cot had disappeared, more than likely to shower, or continue their lovemaking in a more private setting. Naomi accepted her plate, moving around the table with the others and helping herself to small portions of the varieties of foods offered.

  But she wasn’t hungry, at least not for food. Maybe she’d gone too long without sex. Maybe her hunger had been dormant, and having been awakened, now she couldn’t be still. Restless and feeling on edge, she worked her way through the group and decided fresh air was in order. Anything to calm the pounding of her heart. Her blood pressure would soar through the ceiling at this rate.

  Naomi slid out on to the back patio, the few people who were outside having escaped for a cigarette. Well, it was nice to know they at least had gained enough satisfaction to enjoy a smoke after their sexual voyeurism.

  Cold evening air made her eyes water instantly. Nothing would soothe the fire burning through her, though. Why the hell had she agreed to come here?

  “Enjoying yourself?” someone asked from behind her.

  Naomi turned, and then looked up at the tall, well-built man standing behind her. Her mouth went dry and her fingers started to tremble. Looking down quickly, she gripped her plate so as not to make a fool of herself by spilling food at the man’s feet.

  And that would be just like her. The best-looking man she’d ever laid eyes on just said something to her, and she almost embarrassed herself.

  “Excuse me?” she croaked, and then cleared her throat, feeling a flush of heat rush over her cheeks.

  The man smiled, taking her plate from her before she realized what he’d done. His fingers brushed over hers, torturing her with a heat that swept through her making her suddenly way too warm. It was time to get out of there. Nothing good could happen when she was so flustered.

  “I asked if you were enjoying yourself?” he spoke again, his words a soft caress teasing her overstimulated senses.

  “Sure. Thanks for asking.” She tried to swallow the lump in her throat while staring into his dark brooding expression.

  “Just watching isn’t for everyone.” He lowered his voice, whispering so only she could hear.

  Naomi swallowed again, his green eyes searching her face while the slightest of smiles made his mouth curve—an absolutely beautiful mouth, lips full but not too full. He was probably a damned good kisser.

  “But that’s what we were invited to do.” Talking about this made her nervous.

  Or maybe it was the way he looked at her, a predator waiting to devour his prey. Thick dark hair bordered his face, a well-chiseled face with smooth, dark olive skin. She needed to look away from him. It was rude to stare. But never had she stared at such pure perfection.

  “And what if I invited you to do more?” His whisper tortured her, his deep baritone a husky sound that grated over her, ravishing her with its sound.

  She followed the movement of his hand, lowering her gaze when he reached down, taking her long braid in his hand, brushing against the swell of her breast with his touch.

  Naomi took a step backwards, frustration doing nothing to soothe the ache that seemed to be ready to explode inside her. It wasn’t fair that even the gorgeous ones had to be jerks.

  “No, thank you,” she mumbled, leaving her plate behind while she hurried back into the house.

  There was no way she could eat a bite of anything now.

  Chapter Two

  Merco watched the sexy little redhead march away from him. She struggled with the sliding door for a moment, her irritation growing. He almost moved to help her but decided to let her take her frustration out on the door, instead of berating him for his forwardness.

  Disappearing, he reappeared in the living room, taking in the nice view of her ass while she said some hurried words to one of her friends. No one else in the room noticed him. Not that he was too surprised by that. The amount of magic actually existing among these people would fit in his little finger.

  But the sexy redhead, not even a member of either coven, saw him. Her pure, untouched energy would be swallowed up whole by this group of hopefuls. Just by watching them, enjoying how they reenacted the ancient ritual of uniting powers, most everyone in the room wished and prayed for powers they would never possess or understand.

  Not the redhead. She didn’t even want to be there. The way the ceremony moved her hadn’t surprised him. And even now, while she worked so hard to sound calm, her insides burned with a need she wouldn’t be able to satisfy. No toy could take away the hunger eating at her.

  “Thanks for inviting me, Thena,” she said to a pretty black lady who licked chocolate from her fingers. “But I’m tired. Working days now is taking its toll on me.”

  “Yeah, and we
miss you on third shift, too.” The woman had a sultry chuckle, confident and relaxed. “But I’m glad you came tonight. No pun intended.”

  This time the redhead laughed with her, letting her guard down slightly. He moved closer, focusing on the smooth curve of her ass. She looked damned good in her jeans, with her sweater clinging to her, showing off how slim and fit she was. He’d love to see how she looked with that long thick hair let loose, and not bound in braids the way she had it now. Just imagining those thick locks streaming over her creamy white skin made his cock hard.

  Her laugh vibrated through him, catching him off-guard. Merco ignored the others lingering around him, chatting about trivial things. They didn’t see him anyway.

  “Thanks for inviting me.” Her voice was so soft, uncertainty lingering around her.

  Her fingers moved through the loose strands around her face, stroking them into place. They trembled slightly, and she shoved her hands into her jean pockets quickly.

  “Next month, we’ll have a regular meeting. It would be great if you came back.” Thena walked with her toward the door, the two women contrasting each other nicely with their dark and fair features.

  Merco followed, moving outside with the two of them. Both women wrapped their arms around themselves, fighting off the night chill.

  “Okay. Well, I’ll talk to you soon.” She waved and hurried toward the street to a small car.

  She almost dropped her keys when she noticed him. Even in the dark, her blue eyes were beautiful, so large, surrounded by such creamy white skin and thick long hair that shone like dark rubies under the streetlights. Everything about her captivated him.

  Maybe it had been too long since he’d been with a human. There was a sense of defiance about her. If he reached too deeply into her thoughts, he feared he might hurt her, overwhelm her with his power, yet she glared at him as if she could take him down with one solid punch. And the thought had crossed her mind.


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