Fallen Gods II: Jaded Prey

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Fallen Gods II: Jaded Prey Page 3

by Lorie O'Clare

  Naomi looked up quickly, her heart suddenly pattering nervously that strangers on the street might flirt with her. In an instant she realized they hadn’t spoken to her, but to another lady leaving one of the shops she passed. Diverting her gaze, she hurried along, barely paying attention as she hurried to cross the street.

  Men never flirted with her. She just wasn’t one of those “stand out in a crowd” type of gals. And with all of her long thick red hair, well she wasn’t ashamed that she was a bit plain. Her friends liked her for who she was, not how she looked. Naomi always thought that had given her an advantage over the knockouts.

  Another cold wind slapped her cheeks when the row of buildings ended. A chill rushed through her similar to how she had felt the last few nights after waking up.

  Night after night, dreams plagued her, of another place, another time, filled with hideous beings she couldn’t even begin to describe. Her friend Thena thought maybe there was a spell that would help her. And at this point, she was willing to try anything.

  Maybe there was also a spell that would rid her mind of the image of one tall, dark mysterious man who had offered to take all of her aches and cravings away. It wasn’t right for him to be so pompous, so damned cocky, and for her to be turned on by it. She wasn’t into men like that at all. Nope. No way.

  The honking of a car startled her. Naomi almost tripped over her own boots when she looked at the oncoming Jeep speeding straight toward her. Tires made a terrible squealing sound against the paved road. Naomi’s heart exploded, her hands going over her face in a futile attempt to block the front end of the car that was approaching her too quickly for her to move.

  “No. Oh, God. Please. No.” She froze in terror, suddenly shaking so hard that she couldn’t move, couldn’t run.

  She was going to be hit by a car.

  Naomi screamed. The sound shocked her. Fire burned through her throat while she yelled in terror, the vehicle coming closer and closer.

  In the next instant, a wind rushed around her, hitting her so hard she almost spun in a circle losing her balance. Her hands hit the street, tiny pebbles pinching into her skin. She stopped herself from going to her knees while she struggled to catch her breath.

  Strands of hair that would never stay braided fell over her face when she looked up to see the Jeep slow down on the other side of her. An arm waved out the window while the driver yelled something and then the vehicle sped up again.

  “Did you see that?” An older man held on to his wife on the other side of the street. “I swear that car drove right through her.”

  Several others watched while she crossed the street then turned and continued on their way without saying anything. Naomi could hardly walk, her legs shook so hard.

  What in the hell had just happened?

  Her teeth chattered and the cold seemed to make it hard to stop shaking. If she didn’t know better she could have sworn that Jeep drove right through her. After half a block, she ran her hands down her front, making she was intact.

  Maybe she should just go home. And then maybe she should find a good shrink. Nothing had seemed right lately. With all of her dreams, and meeting that man at the coven meeting the other night, she had been a bit worried about herself. But now, a near-death experience. And she didn’t have anyone to talk to about it.

  Thena would simply want to mix herbs together. Bridget would reassure her, and she would leave her place feeling calmer. She always felt better after seeing Bridget. But none of that would solve her problems.

  Several of the shop signs caught her eye. Maybe buying something trivial and then going home to a hot bath would help.

  Across the street, a crystal shop caught her eye. The sign advertised candles and incense. But she would have to cross the street. Naomi took a long look both ways before daring to step foot off of the curb.

  Her senses were still quite rattled when she pushed the heavy wooden door open, to be greeted by a rush of warm air and the sweet aroma of a variety of smells. Sage and lavender drifted through the air. It was as if she had entered another world when she let the large door swing silently closed behind her.

  A small woman behind the counter looked up and smiled, her gentle blue eyes lighting up at the sight of her.

  “Hello, dear,” she said, sounding more like a favorite relative welcoming you to her home than a shop owner.

  Naomi relaxed a bit, smiling back. She took her time glancing over the items on the shelves, running her fingers over the details of some carved wooden statuettes and noticing some of Bridget’s work as well.

  “How much is this?” she asked, holding up one of Bridget’s candleholders.

  The older woman came from around the counter, wearing a long dark skirt that fluttered to her ankles. Soft gray hair had been piled onto her head. Something about the woman made Naomi feel good, at peace. She would have to remember this store for those times when she felt at her wit’s end.

  Like right now.

  “Well, let me see.” The shop owner took the metal candleholder, her touch like soft leather when her hand brushed against Naomi’s. She ran her fingers over it lovingly as if she’d made it herself. “Oh, yes. That’s right. There is a special on these right now. If you buy one of those candles over there, you get this candleholder free.”

  The woman led Naomi to a stand with several shelves of candles, all different colors and fragrances. The mixed aromas soaked through her, soothing her just like that hot bath she had thought about taking.

  “You have quite a selection.” She picked up one of the lavender candles and held it to her nose, letting its soft scent trickle through her. Closing her eyes, she swore her muscles relaxed, the stress of her dreams and her almost life-threatening incident seeming to dissipate while she stood there.

  “Take your time, my dear. I want to make sure you pick the one just right for you.” The shop owner patted her arm and then left her alone.

  Naomi definitely needed to make this place a regular stop. A cold wind rattled the windows at the front of the shop, but inside she felt warm and cozy, which was surprising considering how old these downtown buildings were.

  “This one would be best for you.” The deep voice was barely a whisper over her shoulder.

  Naomi turned, startled, and stared into the dark handsome face of the stranger from the coven. A flush of heat spread through her sending her insides burning.

  She almost dropped the candle in her hand and he wrapped his fingers around hers, his grip warm and strong.

  “I think I can pick out a candle.” She managed to sound composed although for the life of her, she couldn’t pull her hand away from his.

  Nor could she look away from those light green eyes, his dark complexion adding to the intensity of their color. Never had she seen more beautiful eyes on a man. He had long, thick lashes and she imagined from the thickness of his hair that he probably had a chest full of thick dark curls as well.

  What the hell was she thinking?

  Naomi yanked her hand away from his, once again almost dropping the candle but managing to put it back on the shelf without sending the rest of the candles tumbling on to the floor.

  “This one is perfect for you.” He reached around her, moving into her space, standing so close to her, the heat from his body scalded her backside.

  Her mouth was too dry. Her fingers trembled. It made no sense that a man, just because he was drop-dead gorgeous, would make her react like this.

  She stared at the creamy white candle he had picked up off the shelf. His long fingers wrapped around it, holding it in front of her face. She could smell its fragrance without touching it, as well as his musky cologne and rich, all-male scent.

  Taking a deep breath she reached for the candle, taking it from him and turning it over to read the name of its fragrance on the label underneath.

  You are so beautiful, the label read. She gasped, her breath suddenly staggered as she stared at the simple print and read it again.

thought you might believe it more reading it than hearing it from me.” His breath tickled the side of her head, sending waves of desire rushing through her.

  She turned, her mouth hanging open like a fool. Looking from him to the shop owner behind the counter, she did her best to regain her composure. How in the hell had he managed to have that message under the candle?

  Naomi considered herself a levelheaded woman. Very seldom did anyone pull something over on her. Taking a slow cleansing breath, she took a step backwards, running her tongue over her lips. Her mouth was moist for a moment until she realized he watched the small act, then her mouth went dry again while her heart began pounding furiously in her chest.

  His hooded gaze, those long eyelashes fluttering over his passionate green eyes, remained focused on her mouth. She swore she wouldn’t be able to move until he looked away. It grew harder to breathe, her heart pounding so hard she knew it must be visible through her shirt. She put the candle down, her fingers too damp to continue holding it.

  Somehow she managed another step backwards, turning her attention to the store owner, needing someone stable to help bring her thoughts back to a coherent level.

  He picked the candle up again. “It is for you,” he told her, placing his hand on her back and guiding her toward the counter.

  There was no reason to allow him to lead her. Maybe that wasn’t the candle that she wanted. Maybe she didn’t want to buy anything at all. Dear God. Naomi wished the fog her brain was suddenly in would go away. Her heart raced, blood pumping through her, the need she remembered him promising to take away, hitting her like a brick wall.

  “Marlita, wrap these up for her.” The man took her candleholder from her and placed the items on the counter.

  Marlita, the shop owner, stared at him for only a moment, and then moved her gaze to Naomi. Her expression was relaxed, but there was caution, a sense of concern. If she didn’t know better, Naomi would swear the two of them knew each other.

  Suddenly the urge to leave this place, this store that had seemed such a sanctuary a moment before, overwhelmed her.

  She fumbled for her purse, her fingers trembling. Her wallet seemed too large to get out of her purse.

  The man ran his hand down her back, sending chills that did anything but make her cold rushing through her. His fingers pressed against her jacket, his touch searing through the thick material. Her shirt did nothing to block the way he stroked down her, a sensual touch, enticing and controlling. He touched her like he owned her.

  And she didn’t even know his name.

  “Put this on my tab,” he told the shop owner, his rich baritone vibrating through her.

  Naomi looked up at him quickly, and then diverted her gaze to the woman behind the counter. Just staring at him for the briefest of moments made her insides burn with a need stronger than she could handle. Standing next to him, with his hand on her back, would have her crazy in no time flat.

  Marlita’s lips turned up at the corners, a small reassuring smile. Her gaze was so warm, stable and relaxing, just like this shop.

  She patted Naomi’s hand, her touch cool, soothing against the fire burning inside her. “Enjoy the candle, my dear.”

  Naomi thanked her, mumbling the words the best she could, her mouth suddenly too dry. Walking home would do her some good. All she had to do was get out of this shop, and away from this tall, sensual stranger.

  It entered her head that she shouldn’t hurry out of the store so quickly. She should be grateful for the gift, offer a parting smile or something. But if she turned to look at him, if she so much as allowed him to seep through her senses any further, she would be lost, a complete puddle on the floor.

  There was no reason at all why someone who had been so arrogant, so pompous, so presumptuous, should be turning her insides into pure jelly. And that was exactly what he was doing.

  She glanced at the items on the shelves around her while she headed toward the large wooden door. Something on display caught her attention. A variety of ceramic items cluttered a table, but this item stood out.

  A tall, intricately detailed statuette looked up at her from the front of the display. A hideous creature, distorted and gaunt, his back hunched and his head too large for his body, seemed to glare at her.

  Naomi’s breath caught in her throat as she froze, staring at the ugly thing. She couldn’t look away. It was impossible that this tiny ceramic thing matched the god-awful creature in her dreams.

  Images appeared in her mind. Grotesque memories that haunted her dreams every night. Suddenly she couldn’t breathe. Everything closed in around her while the room began to spin.

  “Naomi. Sweetheart, are you okay?” Strong hands gripped her arms, stabilizing her, although her heart still raced.

  All she could do was point at the terrible statuette, feeling like a fool while her breathing came in erratic gasps.

  He pulled her against him while reaching down and grabbing the nasty-looking thing. For a moment Naomi had a terrible image of the hideous creature coming to life, struggling against the grip.

  “Marlita!” His voice bellowed over her head with such ferocity that she jumped in his arms. He turned her when he moved to face the shopkeeper. “Why, in the name of all the gods, would you have this in here?”

  “Merco. I swear.” Marlita’s hands went to her mouth, her expression growing as pale as Naomi felt. “I have no idea how that got there.”

  Naomi screamed when he crushed the statuette in his hand, the hideous thing turning to dust—dust that disappeared before it hit the floor.

  “Oh, my God,” she cried out.

  Strong arms wrapped around her, the warmth from his body wrapping around her when he pulled her close to him.

  “Where…where did it go?” A ringing started in her ears. She’d never passed out in her entire life, but almost felt it might be a nice escape from this sudden nightmare.

  The only difference between right now and her dreams was this tall dark stranger—had the owner of the store called him Merco? Hard muscles, the epitome of male perfection, held her close—too damned close. Fear and desire rushed through her, torturing her senses, making it impossible to think straight. A tremble crept over her, chilling her against the heat of his body. Not once in her life had she experienced such a turmoil of emotions. She would lose her mind at this rate. There were no doubts on that one.

  “I swear to you that he will never bother you again.” Merco’s breath was warm against her cheek, but the kiss he planted on her cheek after he spoke scalded her skin.

  And her brain. And her body, sending heat straight to her pussy, which began to throb with an ache she feared would get her in trouble. She wasn’t thinking clearly enough at the moment to be surrounded by such intense sexuality. And this man brimmed over with it.

  “You would have to be in my dreams to accomplish that,” she mumbled, heat burning her cheeks the minute she spoke. What in the hell did she say something like that for?

  “That can be arranged,” he told her, and for some reason, she really believed that he meant that.

  Chapter Five

  He could take her anywhere right now and fuck the shit out of her. And normally that is exactly what he would do, deciding the distraction would be best for her.

  But as he looked over at Marlita, the watcher eyeing both of them with concern in her eyes, he wondered at the compassion he felt for this frail human.

  Bridget had seen to Naomi forgetting all about the terrible experience she had endured in the hells. For some reason though, Naomi hadn’t completely forgotten about it.

  Looking over her head at Marlita, he knew Bridget’s watcher would contact her the moment he left. With Naomi in his arms like this, her soft body pressed so closely to his, her sensual curves bringing out a protector’s instinct he hadn’t felt in quite a while, he knew he would endure Bridget’s wrath to ensure Naomi’s protection.

  And she needed to be protected.

  “I’m taking you home.�
� He looked down at her long red hair, parted neatly in the middle of her head.

  He wouldn’t think right now of how beautiful she would look with her braids undone, with those long locks draping over her curvy body. Dwelling on how soft her ass was pressed against him, and how it would look with her on her knees, his hands kneading her flesh, was not where his thoughts needed to be right now.

  Marlita opened her mouth to speak, but he silenced her. Naomi didn’t need to hear anymore. He wouldn’t have Bridget’s watcher saying anything that would alarm her further. Marlita accepted the silent order, shutting her mouth and then running her tongue over her lips slowly. She would alert Bridget, more than likely the second they left the store. But that didn’t bother him.

  Naomi needed him. That realization sent a fire rushing through him, hardening him with the need to protect her. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this way. There would be no more dreams, none at least that would traumatize her. No one would stop him from protecting her.

  He had her through the door, the cold night air doing nothing to calm the fury that burned through him, before she said anything.

  “I don’t need an escort home. I’m fine.” She looked up at him with soft blue eyes filled with curiosity and confusion.

  He didn’t see any of the fear within her anymore. She brushed her tongue against her top lip, her mouth parting ever so slightly with the action. Watching her small hand reach up to smooth her hair, he didn’t miss the slight tremble in her fingers. She hid her fear well, but her actions betrayed her thoughts.

  “You want to walk home in the cold and the dark?” He couldn’t keep his hands off of her. Running his fingers over her red hair, he fought the urge to undo the braids right there on the spot. He was up for the challenge of persuading her with his charm, instead of his powers. “Your chariot awaits you, my dear.”

  Naomi turned when he gestured and looked at the street where a shiny black Corvette waited for them. Its motor hummed, inviting them into the intimate warmth of its cozy interior.


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