Cursed by Destiny (9781101597743)

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Cursed by Destiny (9781101597743) Page 16

by Robson, Cecy

  Misha’s lips parted slowly, like those of a lover before the start of a long, deep kiss. And while his fangs didn’t elongate and his tongue failed to beckon me for a taste, I felt his vampiric charm inviting me to him. He watched me, expecting me to react to one extreme or the other. I remained where I stood. He was my friend. I wouldn’t desert him. But I also wouldn’t welcome him to my bed.

  When I didn’t react, Misha helped with my coat and pulled out my hair trapped beneath it. His hand ran down the length of my tresses and his skin radiated with the promise of seduction. “You look beautiful,” he said once more.

  My voice cracked when I tried to speak. I cleared my throat. “Thank you, Misha. You look nice, too.”

  Misha offered me his arm and we made our way to his Hummer limo. All four Catholic schoolgirls, Hank, and Tim waited in a row outside the colossal vehicle. They scrambled back when I reached the door. Hank opened it and ducked behind it, using it as a shield should things go boom. Although Ying-Ying had reinforced and booby-trapped all the vehicles against sabotage, I suppose they weren’t taking any chances.

  “Allow me,” Misha said, annoyance at his family clipping his words. He slipped into the limo ahead of me, ignoring the audible gasps from his family. He then reached for my hand, pulling me in before I had time to panic. Nothing exploded, sizzled, or jolted. I didn’t so much as feel a zing. I took my seat beside Misha, thankful the coat hung longer than my skirt and that it kept all my important parts covered. The vamps piled in. At Misha’s nod they poured champagne and passed it around. I didn’t take any. I might not have been blown to bits this time, but that didn’t mean I was safe.

  The other vampires laughed, gossiped, and drank the entire way to Squaw Valley. Misha and I barely said a word. When I thanked him for the clothes, he only smiled in response. In his silence I wondered what else he had planned for the night and what awaited me in the unwelcome territory known as the Den.


  When I’d first heard the term “Den,” a vision of a cold, damp cave came to mind. So did a giant bear nursing her cubs. What can I say? All the Animal Planet specials had led me astray. I hadn’t pictured the behemoth and sacred compound that awaited us where Aric served as the chancellor of students and oversaw the young weres training to be Guardians of the Earth.

  The helicopter filled with snipers that had hovered above abandoned us at the base of Granite Chief Peak. We didn’t need them to follow us to the top, where the Den lay surrounded by snow-draped pines and firs and a Goliath stone wall. The local clan of witches had placed magical defensive wards following the first demon children attack and extended them after the disastrous Tribe invasion. Now the wards covered almost the entire mountain and snaked their way through several hidden paths along Squaw Valley.

  The hum of witches’ magic buzzed around us when we passed through the border of the first ward. It irritated my skin as if it disapproved of my presence, but couldn’t harm me since I meant no ill will against the weres. The second ward—the one closest to the Den—shoved me with an invisible force and momentarily stole my breath. I shook it off quickly. Although the were magic reinforcing it made it clear I didn’t belong, again it couldn’t harm me. The vampires swore and swiveled in their seats. They’d felt it, too, though not to the extreme that I had. Misha? He had barely blinked.

  We passed through the giant wrought-iron gates and into the virtual fortress. The entire campus consisted of massive three-story lodges mimicking an exclusive ski resort. The main building housing the gala was the largest and most impressive, boasting polished cedar floors, granite pillars, and floor-to-ceiling windows with breathtaking mountain views.

  We arrived to a packed house. I took in a breath, hoping to catch the scent of my family, friends, or Aric. I detected no one. It bothered me. My insecurities burned a hole into the pit of my stomach. I needed my sisters and friends. Galas and charity balls were not my thing, but then again, I would have felt intimidated at a prom. Yes, I was with the vampires, and, yes, I knew them, but they would never comprehend my discomfort. This was their thing. They loved rubbing elbows, flirting, and flaunting their power. It helped that they also had the goods to back it up, and they damn well knew it. The good Catholics tossed back their hair and flung their hips seductively as they strolled ahead, just as they had at the house, only with a little more sass and a hell of a lot more attitude. Hank and Tim swaggered in like they were doing everyone a favor by showing up. Their smug smiles screamed seduction. My brain screamed for them to give it a rest.

  Arrogance was never a quality I found attractive. Confidence, yes, but cockiness was hands-down unappealing. To other vampires it was something of a turn-on. Even a few of the witches in attendance showed interest. There was one who gave Tim the once-over. He nodded toward her, flashing his gleaming white fangs. “Genevieve.”

  Genevieve was the Tahoe region’s head witch. A position I’d helped her secure, though it hadn’t been my intent. She was a beautiful woman with dark brows, waist-length ebony hair, and blue eyes that glowed like melted sapphires. When she walked into a room and raised her arms, I could swear doves and butterflies flew out of her armpits. When I raised my arms, it was usually in defense of the evil creature trying to chew them off. She matched Tim’s smile. “Maybe,” was all she told him.

  Misha escorted me along the entrance hall while we waited to enter the ballroom. He had been right about the attendants; all the major players from the supernatural world mingled around us. Besides his master, Uri, and the Elders, I didn’t know any of them. But I felt them. Their command brushed against me. It was an unpleasant feeling—challenging in a way, as if their inner entities flexed their muscles in my face. I took comfort in knowing I wasn’t the sole target. Everyone seemed to be involved in pleasant conversations while subtle power struggles occurred amid the laughter and phony smiles.

  “Come, my love. There is someone I’d like you to meet.”

  I knew who Misha wanted to introduce me to even before we approached her. She was a vampire—an extremely powerful one who matched Misha in strength despite her blatant lack of soul. Aside from Uri, who surpassed Misha’s power only slightly, I’d never sensed a vampire strong enough be his equal. Most masters lacked Misha’s vigor. This vampire lacked nothing but clothing. She was tall and voluptuous with gorgeous light brown hair that fell perfectly straight just below her shoulders. Her bronze skin shimmered as if brushed with glitter, while her glacial blue eyes practically chilled me in place. Humans would have mistaken her for a twenty-year-old girl. Those capable of scenting potent magic, like me, realized she was well over five hundred years old. A vampire that strong had to have been turned a long, long time ago to have gained such supremacy.

  Her hairstyle was simple. One length, parted down the middle. That’s where her simplicity ended. She wasn’t wearing any jewelry. She didn’t have to. Her skirt consisted entirely of diamonds, sewn in like the pearls on my dress. I say “skirt” because she wore no other fabric. Her breasts and part of her stomach were covered in an intricate pattern of diamonds and precious stones that appeared to have been glued on. She must have spent the entire day getting ready. I’d barely taken an hour.

  She pushed her hair aside, with her perfectly manicured diamond-encrusted nails. Her smile was pleasant, childlike in a way. But this was a woman who loved attention and had absolutely no problem getting it. Male and female suitors surrounded her. Some admired her with blatant lust while others regarded her with reverence. It was easy to tell that, unlike me, this girl had never spent a dateless Saturday night shoving ice cream down her throat.

  The moment Misha approached, her suitors scattered. Misha didn’t hiss, didn’t challenge, and didn’t demonstrate any show of force. Misha just was. The seemingly innocent creature turned to him and offered her hand to be kissed. “You look ravishing, my dear,” he said to her.

  “As do you, beloved.” Her voice was extrem
ely feminine, thick with a Russian accent, and highly suggestive.

  Their eyes locked. Any moron could see a lot more than the exchange of pleasantries taking place. Misha glanced at her breasts, just long enough for her to notice. I looked, too, just to see whether he affected them the way he did mine. He did. Bastard. And although he wasn’t even looking at me, mine tingled slightly. When the powers that be handed out the vamp mojo, I didn’t understand how or why “capable of stimulating nipples” needed to top their superpowers list.

  Misha stood and continued to hold her hand. I felt like an idiot when I realized I was still attached to his arm. I tried to leave, but yippy skippy, he stopped me. “Ileana Vodianova, I would like to present you to Celia Wird.”

  She smiled at me and dropped Misha’s hand. Her eyes sparkled as she took me in, and appeared genuinely amiable and caring. I would have been a fool to believe it. “Hello, Celia. How good to finally meet you.”

  I released Misha’s arm and grinned back, mimicking her phony enthusiasm. My fist knocked her in the shoulder with an obnoxious punch. “How’s it going, kid?”

  It’s not that I lacked couth; I could actually be the couthiest. I wanted to make it clear that, despite all her diamonds and preternatural power, she didn’t intimidate me. That’s right, sweetheart. I could so take you on.

  Misha raised an eyebrow, chuckling slightly to demonstrate I was merely joking. Ileana seemed thrilled, excited even. She clutched Misha’s arm and jumped in place like an overly enthusiastic Girl Scout. “Yes, beloved. Celia will definitely do!”

  My smile dropped. “Excuse me?”

  Misha snaked his arm around me. “Ileana is pleased by you. She approves of our . . . connection.”

  “Uh-huh.” Misha and I were so going to have a talk later. His half-truths pricked at my skin like needles and alerted my beast. Something was rotten in Fang Land.

  Another vampire approached us. His hesitancy demonstrated his lower position in the vampire hierarchy. “Forgive the interruption, Sir Aleksandr. Baron Vladimir would like a word with Countess Vodianova.”

  Ileana trailed her perfect left hand up my arm while her right slipped over Misha’s. Her smile was delicate and saintly. Her hands told a different story. They told me I’d relish in the pain she was capable of delivering. I disagreed and let her know by jerking away from her. My rejection of her advances delighted her. She beamed at me. “Forgive me, but I must attend to the baron.”

  “I’m sure you must.”

  She lowered her lids seductively, as if I’d offered to record their romp. “Will you spare some time for me inside?”


  Misha ignored me. “Of course we shall.”

  She and Misha exchanged a very short but very steamy kiss. When her lips tried to meet mine, I shoved my hand in her face. “I don’t think so.”

  She threw her head back and laughed. “Oh, Misha. What a tigress indeed!”

  With a small wave, she made her departure. Misha didn’t miss a beat and led me through the crowd. “What was your impression of Ileana?”

  I shrugged. “About the same as all the other vampires I’ve ever met.”

  He chuckled. “All of them?”

  “Most of them anyway. You’re lucky—you can make me laugh and know how to tell a good story.”

  “Ah, so it’s my persona you find so appealing.” He stole a glance at my breasts. Even with the damn silicone, he could probably tell they were saluting him.

  “You’re pissing me off, Misha.”

  He laughed quietly. His glee ceased the moment he spotted another powerful vampire. This one I knew from my past, and he was one I had no desire of encountering again. My hackles rose.

  Misha sensed my anger. “You know Angelo Cusamano?”

  “We’ve met,” I answered stiffly.

  “He holds my position on the East Coast.”

  “Does he?” Why am I not surprised?

  “There is a matter I need to discuss with him.” Misha glanced at my protruding claws. “But perhaps I should do so alone?”

  “For his sake, that would be best. I think I’ll try and find my sisters.”

  Misha kissed my head. “As you wish. I will join you shortly.”

  I was probably the shortest female there, and although Misha was no longer escorting me, the guests parted from my path. They stared at me as I passed. Some smiled politely while others watched me carefully. No one seemed overly friendly or aggressive, but I didn’t like being noticed and would have preferred them to ignore me.

  I was halfway through the foyer when an outlandish, remarkable scent caught my attention. A tall, muscular were leaned lazily against the mantel of an immense granite fireplace while two females clung to his every word. The jacket of his charcoal tux hung open and he hadn’t bothered with a tie. The white blond hair skimming his shoulders and his deeply tanned skin suggested surf bum, not member of mystical royalty. His stunning blue eyes shot in my direction as I neared. He ignored the females to fire an alluring smile and one hell of a dimple my way. I averted my eyes. No, thanks, pretty boy. I already have enough trouble.

  I hurried along, pausing when I noticed Genevieve’s “maybe” had turned into a “yes.” Tim had one hand against the wall while his other played with her hair. A smile curved her lips. Her lack of fear around Tim impressed me. Then again, the magical whoop-ass staff she clutched against her could probably blow him to smithereens.

  “Witch” appeared to be the preferred flavor for the evening. All the Catholic schoolgirls had found one to make out with. Edith cuddled hers near one of the eighteen-foot windows. She held a glass of champagne in one hand while a tall dark-skinned enchantress ran her lips along Edith’s throat. Edith elongated her neck to give her date better access. She also elongated her fangs, lust stimulating her thirst. Agnes walked by with her own new friend and elbowed Edith hard in the ribs. Edith hissed, but retracted her fangs all the same.

  Misha appeared by my side without warning, slinking an arm around my waist. His discussion with Angelo hadn’t taken long, making me believe the chat must have been more a passing insult or some supersecret vamp exchange. He whispered closely in my ear, “I see Uri’s favorites dressed up for the occasion.”

  Male underwear models always served as Uri’s escorts. Seriously, they were gorgeous and wore only underwear. Tonight they’d upgraded to black silk boxers and bow ties. I covered my mouth to suppress a laugh. My giggle was cut short by a throaty growl. Aric scowled at us from a few feet away. I didn’t get a good look at him. The two scantily clad weres clinging to him like giant pieces of duct tape blocked my view. I couldn’t get over the way they were dressed. My dress might have been sexy, but it carried an elegant beauty. Their ensembles resembled something street prostitutes would consider too risqué. They pulled him into the ballroom and away from me. I’d caught enough of his expression to know he was angry. Well, that made two of us.

  Misha’s grip tightened. I hadn’t even noticed my claws shoot out or my body lurch forward. “Do not start the evening by scuffling with weres on their premises,” he whispered tightly.

  “I wasn’t going to scuffle.” I was going to throw down and feed those sluts their small intestines. Acid boiled in my stomach like building lava as I watched them disappear with my wolf.

  “Celia!” Shayna called.

  “Ignore the wolf and enjoy your family.” Misha nudged me over to where my sisters and friends were coming at me full speed before disappearing to speak with yet another master. Shayna greeted me first. Her long black hair was pulled into a beautiful chignon and a plum satin dress clung to her thin frame like a second skin. A strapless red number hugged Taran’s curves. Gemini hugged her waist just as tightly. He snarled at a passing vamp who licked his lips when he stole a glance at my sister. Calm spirit or not, Gem would make a ski cap out the vamp’s stomach if he trekked too close
to his mate.

  Emme’s pink cocktail dress made her the belle of the ball. My God, she looked lovely. All the wolves sported black tuxes of varying James Bond style—even Bren.

  The sight of those who loved me extinguished my anger. We greeted one another with warm hugs and excited smiles. “Here, Celia. Let me take your coat,” Danny offered. Their jaws collectively dropped when Danny slipped the fake fur from my shoulders. My insecurities brought a flush to my cheeks, but the howls and whistles from the wolves heated my entire face.

  Liam hooted. “Aric is going to lose it when he sees you.”

  Koda winked. “Hell yeah, he is!”

  Apprehension erased my cheer. “It didn’t seem that way just now. He growled at me—growled.”

  The wolves exchanged worried glances before Gemini stepped forward. “Aric’s wolf has been especially . . . irritable lately.”

  “Irritable?” Bren snapped. “The werecougar rammed up his ass is using his colon as a scratching post—and he’s invited friends!”

  Gemini narrowed his eyes. “Aric’s frustrations with his situation, his anger at the Tribe for targeting you, and his need to be with you have surged his animal instincts as of late.” He leaned forward to speak low in my ear. “Your presence will give his wolf the alleviation that he desires. I’m sure of it.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  Gemini’s reassuring grin morphed into a scowl at Misha’s arrival. That only made Misha flash a gleaming incisor and slip his arm around me. “Come, my love. It’s our turn to be presented.”

  I glanced nervously between him and my sisters. “Um, presented?”


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