Wolf's Kingdom_COBRA Coalition

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Wolf's Kingdom_COBRA Coalition Page 9

by Amber Ella Monroe

  "Oh," Tristan exclaimed laughing as the toddlers nearly tackled him to the ground. He managed to pick them all up, putting Aiden on his shoulder and carrying the others in his arms. "How are you little guys? Not being naughty, I hope."

  "We've been good. What do you have for us?" Aiden asked.

  "I almost forgot. Wait here." He placed them each down on the pavement and lifted his trunk and then handed each of them a little toy truck. "See, watch this," he told them. "You can race cars."

  They laughed and played in the courtyard like that for a short while and I remained rooted to my spot on the porch. I couldn't take my eyes away from Tristan and Devin's boys. Watching them grow fond of him was like seeing a dream of mine come true. The only thing was, they weren't my kids. Tristan wasn't my husband. But I wanted that happy ending. I just didn't know if my ending would be this happy.

  Tamara, Devin's mate and wife, came out onto the porch. "Oh, it's Tristan. I knew I heard the boys getting a little excited. Boys! Boys, please come on in. I have your snacks ready."

  The boys paid their mother no mind, too excited playing with Tristan. It was Tristan who brought them across the courtyard and onto the porch.

  Tristan was wearing his belt, as always. His ruby and onyx ring. And a designer dress shirt and black pants. I usually didn't get this giddy around any man. Only Tristan. He was my weakness.

  "Tristan, how nice to see you again. Devin's in his office waiting for you. I'll tell him you're here," Tamara said.

  "I'm early. The roads were clear," Tristan replied.

  "Come on, boys. Let's go tell daddy that Tristan's here," Tamara said, trying to usher them inside.

  "Mama, we don't want to go inside. We want to play with Tristan," Boyd exclaimed.

  "You can play with Tristan later. Let's have a snack first," Tamara said, looking back and forth between Tristan and me.

  "But he'll leave before we finish our snack," Channing whined.

  "Auntie Elisa will make sure he doesn't leave. Isn't that right?" Tamara asked, winking at me.

  The boys looked expectantly at me for my reply.

  I smiled. "I'll make certain of it."

  With a knowing smile, Tamara left Tristan and me alone on the porch.

  Tristan's grin was worth a thousand words. "Didn't know you were still here," he said.

  "I'm on a break from classes, so I was doing a bit of research," I told him.

  "Want to tell me about it?" He held his hand out to me, palm up.

  I slid my hand into his and we walked down the steps and across the courtyard, toward a thicket of trees. There was a lake nearby and we paused to look at a group of ducks wading around nearby.

  We were still holding hands when Tristan broke the silence. "How much time do I have?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "With you. How much time do I have with you until you go back to campus?" he asked.

  "Technically I'm done. I have finals that have to be completed on site, but for the most part, I'm through," I told him.

  "Any job offers?"

  "Devin didn't tell you."

  He cocked his head to one side. "No. I promised you a while back that if I wanted to know something that I'd come to you, not Devin. I decided to respect that. So, what's up?"

  "The position I have my eye on doesn't open up until next year. Thompson Wright owns the museum in Spring Forks and he wants me to become Director when he retires. I agreed since it would allow me to conduct my research studies for my book."

  "Thompson Wright? Caedmon wolf, right?" Tristan asked.

  I grinned. "You know him?"

  "I've heard of him."

  "You've heard of everyone," I teased.

  "You said you've been doing some research out here. Getting an early head start on your new book?"

  "No, my book will be on a different subject. Something that the general public can consume. I stayed behind because I found something out about my half-brother. Well, I think I did anyway," I said.

  "Your half-brother…which one?"


  Tristan looked at me questioningly. "Damon's dead. He's the one who got pushed from the mountain, right?"

  I nodded. "Something doesn't quite add up…"

  "He is dead…"

  "Yes, he is, I'm certain about that, but I have reason to believe that he was murdered over something more than just the Alpha position."

  "You're dedicated, you know that," Tristan stated. “What is it that you think your half-brother was murdered for?"

  "I…I think he had the gift."

  "The gift?" Tristan shook his head.

  "Like Roman and I, but not as powerful."

  "How do you know?"

  "Like I said. Research. All those times I spent in the family library with Roman paid off," I said.

  "And what did you learn."

  "Our history is documented through memory, not so much written text. My research showed that the first son born of a Caedmon Alpha and his true mate would have the gift—the ability to see our history and what happened in the past," I said.

  Tristan shook his head. "But Devin was the first son of an Alpha. He has no gifts so that would make no sense."

  "Correction. Devin is technically a bastard. Devin's mother and the Alpha weren't true mates. On the other hand, Damon's mother, Gloria, was the last Alpha's true mate. That would mean Damon had the gift just like Roman. Roman, who was sworn to a code of silence about his parentage, wouldn't have volunteered that information outright, but it's all in the books…and in his memories which I have seen."

  "Hmmm," Tristan drawled. "You're not a son and you have the gift, so how is that so?"

  "My gifts came to me through my mother's side of the family. It also helps that my father was an Alpha."

  "I think I get it. Roman was the first-born son of the Daniel Caedmon II, so that's why he had the gift instead of his brother."

  "Yes, and that's how he knew that Damon had inherited the gifts. Damon just couldn't control them. He didn't know what they meant. It's possible that he didn't know anything until the very end. Priestess Shanhah spoke of Damon while we were in the cave. I was just beginning to gain consciousness after she knocked me out, but I heard her chanting. She said something about his blood, but I don't think she was referring to his gifts," I told Tristan.

  "And you're pursuing this lead?"

  I nodded.

  "Does Devin know about this?" Tristan asked.

  "Yes, I told him this morning," I said.

  "Promise me you won't go anywhere near those witches," he said.

  "No…I won't," I said. "I wished Devin had told me you were coming by."

  Tristan smiled. "Why? So, you could run away before I could see you."

  I blushed. "I think I'm done running."

  "You only think?"

  I sighed. "You can't possibly know what it feels to learn so much about a person by touching them. Our mate connection only makes it stronger. If I didn't have these gifts and I continued to believe the rumors swirling around about you, do you think I'd be standing here right now?"

  Tristan's brows furrowed. "No," he said, quietly. " And I would've had my work cut out for me trying to convince you otherwise that I'm not evil."

  "Tristan…about our mating…"

  I turned my gaze away to gather my thoughts, but he protested. Gentle fingers slipped under my chin and lifted my face up so that we were eye to eye.

  "What about our mating?"

  "You don't have to treat me like I'm a girl anymore." I swallowed. "I know what you want. This thing between us. This urge pulling us together to mate is driving me insane."

  "I thought you were a woman in control of your own desires and needs. You told me once before that you could turn off your attraction for me in an instant. Off. On. Like a light switch, you said," he teased.

  "I was young. Frustrated. That's when you and Devin were fighting about your involvement in the network. I lied. I can't turn it off," I told hi
m. " I could never turn it off."

  "Do you know what would happen the moment you give yourself to me?"

  I shivered, and not the cold kind of shivering. Sexual attraction and warmth flooded my body, folding across the surface of my skin.

  "You would claim me," I answered.

  "Claim…" he repeated. "No, I've already claimed you."

  My chest rose and fell as an inferno grew between us.

  "We're both the same, you and me. And I think you know exactly what I'm referring to." His fingers were tangled in my hair and he pushed some stray strands behind my ear before saying, "I've been dreaming about the many ways I would take you. Where I would mark you. How I would please you. I've waited for a long time. Over three years now. And I'd wait three thousand more years if you asked me to."

  Tristan was more than several inches taller than me, but that didn't stop me from leaning in and sliding my palm up his chest. It wasn't the first time I was tempted to touch him, to feel the firmness of his muscles. My fingers brushed against something hard, like a strap. When I realized it was the straps holding his gun to his side and out of sight, I shrank back.

  "No," he whispered quietly. He took my hand and pressed them back to his chest, against his heart. "I'd never hurt you."

  "I know you wouldn't," I replied.

  In that moment, all that existed was us and the sound of our heartbeats syncing. His gaze dropped to my mouth like it always did, but this time I leaned in and kissed him. Delving slowly into the kiss, testing his response to my touch. Long ago, he promised he'd never force anything on me—that he wanted me to come to him when I was ready. And this was me telling him that I was ready.

  His lips parted slightly over mine and he kissed me back. His mouth was surprisingly soft and gentle. He tasted of nutmeg and spice.

  He placed his palm on my cheek and pulled back to glance at me as if questioning my actions. I saw my confused reflection in his gaze, staring back at me. His enchanting stare was making me lightheaded. His touch was doing things to me I could never imagine.

  Before I could say anything, he took my lips, firmly this time. His hand was at the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him, coaxing my lips apart. My tongue met his and we breathed each other’s air. Tristan was a good kisser, but no man had ever kissed me before. If I had known it would feel this good to be in his arms this way, I'd have tried this long ago. I wasn’t the scared young teenager he first met years ago. I had needs, just like he did. And the longer we stayed apart, the more my needs grew.

  He closed the distance between us, pressing his hardened body against mine. My legs went pliant under me, my only support was his arms as he wrapped them around my waist. His kisses were like a deep caress that made me whole again and finally, I understood how much I needed him.

  A branch broke in the distance somewhere. And of course, with our keen sense of hearing, we both heard it at the same time. We pulled apart, short of breath.

  I pressed my fingers to my lips. "That was…"

  "It was what?" he asked, smiling.

  I blushed. "Good." I was lying. Tristan was exceptional. His mouth was addicting.

  "Just good. We'll have to work on that," he teased and then turned in the direction of the trees where the branch had broken.

  I closed my eyes, lifted my nose to the breeze, and inhaled as it passed between us. When I opened them again, I said, "It's Devin."

  "He saw us," Tristan said.

  "Probably, but he's gone now, " I said. "He probably came looking for you. I didn't mean to distract you from your meeting."

  Tristan took my hand and entwined his fingers with mine. "I don't think of you as a distraction at all. In fact, I've been waiting for my mate to distract me for a very long time."

  I grinned. "I…"

  His cell phone buzzed on his hips. Without taking his eyes off me, he pushed a button to silence the alert.

  "I don't want to keep you from your work. I know you're busy," I told him.

  "What are you doing this weekend?" he asked.

  "What I always do. Work on my book."

  "I want to take you someplace special. And before you say no, it'll be somewhere that you could still work on your book. I won't bother you. I promise."


  He looked surprised that I hadn't given him an exchange to decline him. In the past, I would turn down his dates. Even the ones where he promised to fly me halfway across the world just to go shopping at a specific boutique or have dinner at fancy foreign restaurant.


  I nodded.

  "You won't stand me up or anything like that, right?" he teased.

  "Not this time. I don't think. Where are you taking me?"

  "I want it to be a surprise. A place far away from the things that are bothering you. A distraction. Bring your suitcase with enough things for the weekend."

  I smiled. This time, I wouldn't refuse him.

  Chapter Twelve


  Had I known that Tristan would fly me via private jet to a location thousands of miles away from the Caedmon Village, I probably would've hesitated. I'd never been so far away from home. The entire experience left me speechless and for once in my life, I was glad I made the decision to come with him.

  "This is beautiful." I twirled around slowly on the deck, breathing in the fresh unpolluted air.

  I removed my shoulder bag and dropped it on the deck of the yacht. I stepped out onto the dock taking in the naturalistic beauty of the island. Nothing but lush trees in every variety covered the landscape.

  "Nova Scotia, right?" I asked. The details of the destination had been kept a secret up until the moment we landed at the private airport in Canada. We were then taken by car to a port where we boarded a yacht.

  Tristan joined me on the dock. "Yes. We're not too far from Molega Lake."

  "You own this island."

  "All forty acres. I bought it three years ago.”

  "Do you use it for vacations all the time?"

  "Not yet. I'm still working with Devin on a floor plan and layout suitable for this region."

  "He did tell me that you've been trying to get him to build you a house," I noted.

  Tristan chuckled. "I've been trying to get him to build me more than just one house actually. I pay with interest, but as you know, Devin's not interested in money."

  I smiled. "That sounds like him."

  "There's a small hut in the middle of the island. It's not up to par. We'll be staying on the yacht for the time being. The guys that sailed us here will stay too, but they won't bother us all that much. We'll have most of the yacht to ourselves."

  "I know, but I'd like to explore the island before we leave," I said, glancing again at the generous private island.

  "Of course. I thought you'd want to."

  I turned around and met his gaze. "I'm glad I'm here. You're right. I needed to get away."

  "So did I…" He took my hand. "This was perfect for both of us."

  He leaned down to kiss me. I couldn't resist his touch. I leaned in, my body pliant in his arms, and returned the kiss. I grabbed the collar of his white designer shirt and pulled his mouth firmly to mine. Our bodies together and mouths joined sent sparks of desire and electricity through my body.

  "Elisa…" he whispered against my lips. He couldn't seem to stop kissing me long enough to speak.

  I leaned back. "I just want this," I said. "I want you."

  "I know and the feeling's mutual." He tilted my chin upward. "Just know that this isn't me rushing things. I just want you to understand that I mean to do exactly what I said. There's another side of me. I'm not just the ruthless businessman you thought I was and I mean to make you the happiest woman alive. As my future Queen, this is what I owe you. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

  I smiled. "Spoken like a true charmer."

  "It's the truth. I want you happy. You told me once that you wished people in your Pack would look beyond y
our gifts, your abilities and what you could do for them. I want you to know that with me, you can be whoever you want. I'll never ask you to use your gifts if you don't want to. You can be normal. We can be normal. I'll be normal for you if that's what you want. If you want me to dedicate my entire life to Pack, I'll do that. Might take me a while to get used to it as my family business is all I know."

  "I've been thinking." I played with the buttons on his shirt. "I don't want you to be normal. Why be normal when you can be extraordinary? Would you believe it if I said that I want you just the way you are? You're Tristan Vasilije Arnou. You wouldn't be happy as anyone else."

  "And here I thought you were running because you rejected my lifestyle."

  "No, I ran because I thought you had rejected me. When your mentor died…Vinny was his name."

  He nodded. "After we brought down the witch Shanhah, I promised Devin that I would focus on my Pack to make them stronger and more informed about threats of this kind. We were only used to threats coming for us because of our jobs. We weren't used to witches coming for us. I agreed and I asked Vinny to become the boss in my stead. Of course, Vinny had no choice but to accept. He would've done anything for me. Plus, he respected my grandfather and kept him as Advisor. That gave me some time to focus on strengthening the Arnou Pack. And then bodies started turning up again with links to COBRA and with the Feds threatening to get involved. And in the wake of it all, Goran Zovic murdered Vinny in cold blood because he chose to be loyal to me. He wanted me to know he did it."

  Tristan grimaced.

  I placed my hand on his shoulder. "When Vinny was murdered, your attitude changed. After that, whenever you visited me, it was like you weren't present. You sought revenge all the time. I sensed the fear and the loathing every time we met for lunch or dinner. Because we're true mates, I felt everything. Your emotions were physically draining."

  "I'm sorry. Vinny was like a father to me," Tristan said.

  "I know. But you were scared and you wouldn't admit it. You'd look over your shoulder and tell me that it wasn't safe for me. But in truth, it wasn't safe for you with a target on your back. I wanted to help you then, but you didn't want me to be a part of your revenge. I started to believe that you were the mate I was never truly meant to have. I thought I had lost you. So, instead of being strung along like a puppet, I distanced myself from you."


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