Guarding Red Riding Hood

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Guarding Red Riding Hood Page 15

by Rita Hestand

  "You're in love with my daughter aren't you?"

  "Yes sir, I am."

  "And yet you are going to let her go into this, and possibly lose her?" The Senator questioned.

  "The program has worked well for a lot of people, Senator. Not that it hasn't also created a few problems. But it's one of the safest ways of protecting them. And that is what is important." Dan explained. "However, if in the future, this goes longer than we expect, may I call upon you sir?"

  "Yes, yes of course."

  "Good, thank you." Dan nodded with a smile. "We've got something else to attend to, then I'll bring them back here if you don't mind and let them spend the night here. Would that be okay with you?"

  "Of course, thank you. And I want you to know I appreciate you bringing them here. I realize that it probably took some pulling the strings so to speak."

  "A little, yes…"

  Dan explained they would return to Gabby and Tony, but first there was something he wanted to attend to.

  Tony and Gabby understood.

  When the Senator arranged for a private unmarked car for them to use, Dan was grateful.

  On the way out, Gabby and Tony were curious as to where they were going now.

  But the curiosity faded when he pulled into a rather ritzy cemetery.

  "I wanted to give Tony some time to say goodbye too." Dan explained.

  Gabby's eyes widened, "Oh…Dan, that's wonderful…"

  Tears clouded Gabby's eyes as they walked to the area where Tony's father was buried.

  Tony hadn't said anything, but was highly impressed with the site, it had a small marker with his name and dates on it and a flag waved at the ground.

  Tony bent down on his knees and looked at it.

  "I guess your finally at peace dad. Sorry it took so long for it to happen. I miss you in some ways. You weren't the best dad, but you were my dad. I'm sorry I wasn't here when they laid you in the ground, but you are kind of responsible for that one. We sure had our times, some good, a lot bad. But we were together through it all. Hope where ever you are, you are happy and free. I-I…love you dad! Goodbye, I'm going to be gone a long time. But maybe I'll see you around."

  A tear dropped to the ground and Tony walked off.

  Dan and Gabby watched as Tony come to grips with his death. Gabby laid her head on Dan's shoulder and cried too.

  Tony walked all over the cemetery, not saying anything, just walking. When he came back, he nodded. "I'm ready to go now."

  When they got in the car again he came up from the back seat, "Thanks for taking me there. To say goodbye."

  "Of course Tony. I wanted you to have the chance."

  "I guess, I needed to see it, to believe it." Tony said in a choked voice.

  "Where are we going now?"

  "To the zoo."

  "The zoo!" They both shouted.

  "Yep, I thought it would be a lot of fun."

  Gabby and Tony looked at each other for a few minutes then burst out laughing.

  They spent hours at the zoo, watching the monkeys while Tony imitated them. Gabby almost screaming when the polar bear came almost to the restraining gate at her. Dan leaning over the gates at the alligators. And all the while Dan taking pictures on his phone of them.

  They had junk food, and walked for miles around the zoo, laughing, and talking and enjoying the site.

  After a full day of it, he took them back to the Senator's house and assured that they would be alright, he started to leave, but the Senator called to him.

  "You can stay here tonight, if you like." The Senator told him.


  "Sure, why not. You are a friend of my daughter's and you are very welcome to stay."

  "Thank you, it would be nice."

  They talked for hours then it was getting late and Dan advised all of them to get some rest.

  Once he was sure everything was secure, he went to the bedroom where he could rest too.

  Saying goodbye to Gabby and Tony was going to be rough and he knew the Senator felt the same. But in the back of his mind, he had an idea. He wasn't sure if it was a good one, but it gave him hope.

  He took his jacket off, and laid on the bed.

  But when the adjoining door opened, he was shocked to see Gabby coming toward him in a beautiful silky gown of ice blue.

  "Gabby…" He murmured as she came to sit on the side of the bed and look at him.

  "Thank you for this, Dan…" She said in a whisper. Then she leaned into him and kissed him softly on the lips.

  He lost breath. In that gown, there was little between them and the softness that surrounded him was overwhelming. He couldn't push her away; this is what he wanted more than anything.

  He brought her down with him and lay her so he could look at her.

  Sequins on the white lace at the edge of her gown sparkled as he gazed at her. But the gown was quite transparent in other places and his hand went to cover a soft globe of her breasts.

  "Are you sure about this, Gabby?"

  "Very…" She sighed with such a surrender. "Make love to me Dan…" she cried.

  "This isn't why I brought you here, you know…" He whispered as his lips covered the pert nipple that bulged from the soft thin material.

  "I know that. But it's what we both want…isn't it?" She gasped as his mouth began to surround the nipple and tug at it, playfully.

  "Yes…" he smiled, as he pulled the gown up and over her head and his mouth closed over the nipple that begged his attention.

  She sighed with such relief and happiness.

  Knowing it could be the last chance at their happiness, Dan took his time, in taunting, and pleasing her. His lips moved over her methodically, kissing, tugging, wetting her.

  He moved downward and suddenly his lips surrounded the beautiful lips of her womanhood and he sent his hot, wet tongue to all the points of interest as he laved her gently. She moved against his mouth, seeking his touches, his caresses.

  His hands stayed busy too, gently caressing her breasts.

  She moved her hips closer her legs further apart to allow him every opportunity to nurture her needs.

  Suddenly the world exploded as she was thrust into a orgasm that had her spinning out of control. Her nails raked his back.

  When he had satiated her needs, he let her come down then began to make love once more with her beautiful body.

  But she became an active participant and went down on him, her lips seeking his manhood to manipulate it into a pulsing throb. Her tongue teased him into a frenzy and he too climaxed with such a magnificent shudder.

  They lay entwined in each other's arms enjoying the feel of being this free with each other. They slept for a bit, then when they woke, their bodies woke too, and they began all over to make love, only this time he entered her with such a hot, and silken stroke. She was warm and wet and inviting him in. Her hips joined his and they rocked the bed with the vibes of love as they rode the tides to a long and thorough orgasm that threw them into another dimension.

  She moaned, he sighed and they clutched each other.

  "God, I don't know if I can let you go now," he cried moments later.

  She smiled into his eyes.

  "I just made you mine, I'm not sure I can let that go." He said staring at her with a combination of surprise and pain.

  "We're good together aren't we?" She purred.

  "We're better than good." He pulled her up so he could look into her eyes. "I’m in love with you, you know that don't you?"

  She smiled sexily, "I'm glad, because I'm in love with you too."

  He smiled, a little boy smile, "How can I ever let you go?"

  "We have to do this Dan. But God will help us find a way to be together. I just know it."

  "I hope you are right. I've never wanted a woman more than I've wanted you. I've never wanted a woman to be a part of my life, as much as I want you to be. But dammit this is a bad situation. I knew it was going to be heartbreaking to let you go. You and
Tony. I had to have some more time with you and to let you have some time with your father and Tony with his. I never dreamed you'd come to me like this…"

  She smiled down into his face, "I had to. I'm crazy about you."

  "You little minx. I want you again." He cried.

  "Then take me, I'm yours," she cooed.

  They made love all night long, sleeping only infrequently.

  The next morning, they got up, cleaned up, and got ready to go.

  When he saw she'd packed a suitcase he shook his head.

  "You can't take that." He told her.

  "Why not?"

  "Nothing of your old life. Nothing. You'll be given a certain amount of credit to buy what you need. In your new name, new life. But nothing from the old, can go with you. Someone could have taken a picture with a certain dress on, or certain jewelry. None of that can go."

  She sighed and threw the suitcase on her bed. "Alright. You know best."

  They got Tony, had a beautiful breakfast, then she hugged her father, kissed him on the cheek and assured him, she'd see him someday.

  A tear lodged in the corner of his eye, but he didn't let it fall. "I love you, sweetie."

  "I know father, and I love you."

  Tony and Dan waved and they caught a taxi back to headquarters where Harry had everything arranged for them.

  He spent an hour debriefing them on their new life and Dan waited outside. He wasn't allowed in the office. He could not know about their new identities, Harry insisted it was for their safety and Dan had to agree.

  Then as they walked out to catch a flight to their new destination, they had to say goodbye to Dan.

  Tony hung his head, "Guess we'll see you when we see you. But, thanks for yesterday, man."

  Dan grabbed him and hugged him. "Be seein' you kid."

  Tony tried to smile.

  Gabby stared into his somber eyes. "We love you Dan. And somehow, someway, we'll see you again." She assured him.

  "I know. I have faith too." He smiled down into her beautiful face.

  And then he kissed her, like it was the last time he'd ever see her again. He held on to her like she was his lifeline. Their lips spoke of the love and the promises they made.

  When he turned her lose, there was a tear in her eye. It fell silently down her cheek.

  As Harry took control of them, they both waved their goodbyes.

  Dan stared after them until they were out of sight.

  He felt totally drained now. And more alone than he had ever felt in his life.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Dan went home that night, for the first time in a long time and his family gathered around him, all so glad to see him. He was surrounded by their love, and yet, he still felt alone. He knew what was missing.

  He'd always prided himself with being able to remove his work life with his personal life. Those days were over now. Gabby and Tony had come to mean something to him and he felt totally lost without them. Not even the love of his family could replace them. It was a new experience for Dan and he knew he had to adjust, somehow.

  However, the more he watched his married brother, Mitch and Sarah, the more separated he became. He had experienced a brief feeling of his own family with Gabby and Tony and he related to that married feeling.

  Funny, he'd never even considered marriage before. He'd never been envious of couples before. Still, the feeling that he was no longer complete without Gabby and Tony swamped him.

  He'd gotten too close. That was something he'd prided himself in not doing all this time. Now he knew why.

  "Bro, you got a few days off, and you don't seem to be enjoying it, is there a reason?" Mitch asked with concern.

  "Just had a tough assignment this last time and it's hard to get back to any kind of normal, that's all."

  Mitch seemed to study him closely. "That's the first time I've seen your work tie you up so. Must have been a real doosey."

  Dan nodded slowly, "It's hard to separate sometimes."

  "Want to talk about it?"

  "Not here, not now, maybe later." Dan smiled at his concerned brother. "This is a party; I don't want to put a damper on it."

  "A party for you, bro. So let's get some smiles going." Mitch encouraged.

  Dan tried, but it wasn't there.

  He was messed up and he knew it.

  He'd gotten way too close to Gabby and Tony. They weren't his life, and yet, he was almost certain they had become a big part of his life. He kept telling himself he was blowing it up into more than it was. But that wasn't true.

  He had feelings for them both and he knew it.

  How could he celebrate his life, when he knew they were going through all kinds of changes in theirs. Changes they didn't necessarily want.

  For the very first time, he wanted to break the breach of silence between himself and the witness program. He knew how important it was not to even try. But he knew his heart was with them right now and not here, where it should be.

  Confusion, loneliness, and being displaced hit him all at once.

  He tried to concentrate on Mike at the pool. His nephew. Mike had adapted so well into this family it was like he'd been here all along. That's how Dan felt about Gabby and Tony. He knew they'd fit in here, well. He knew he loved them both.

  God! He was in love with Gabby. She wasn't just a good time gal. She was his. And he knew it.

  Then another thing hit him. What if she were pregnant? He hadn't even given that consideration; he had wanted her so badly. But what if.

  And if she was, would they send in someone to act as the father of her baby? Someone to take his place? He couldn't allow that.

  He was dreaming up reasons to be with her. Reasons to interfere in the works.

  He rubbed his temples.

  "Got a headache bro?" his sister, Leanne asked sweetly.

  "Yeah a little. How have you been sis?" Dan asked his gaze going over her as though he hadn't seen her in a very long time.

  "I'm fine. Broke up with my boyfriend. We aren't getting married after all." Leanne said without changing her expression.

  "I'm sorry to hear that. What happened?"

  "I'm not sure, everything was going fine and then he got to working late and then I found out he wasn't working at all. He was taking his girlfriend out to dinner every night. I caught them. So, it's over." Leanne said as though she wasn't the one getting hurt.

  "I'm sorry sis, but better to find out now than later, right?"

  "Yeah, and I'm glad of that."

  "So what's on your mind honey. I can tell there is something."

  "Could we talk?"

  "Sure, let's go to my room." She suggested.

  Leanne was a great listener and she usually had some very sage advice.

  "So tell me, what has got you in knots?" She asked with a slight smile to your young lips.

  "I was protecting two witnesses, and I guess I sort of got involved. We lived together three months. I got involved Leanne. I've never done that before."

  "And now where are they?"

  "God only knows. In the witness protection program." He shrugged.

  "And you are in love with her?"

  "I wasn't sure until I came home and saw all of you and I felt so out of place, so alone. As though part of me were missing." Dan explained.

  "Oh you do have it bad." Leanne came to put her arm around him.

  "So what are you going to do about it?"

  "I'm not sure I can do anything. I mean these programs are set up so that no one can disrupt them."

  "Would your boss know where she is?"

  "Yes, he knows but he'd die before he told anyone."

  "That's rough. Is there any chance of them getting out of this?"

  "I don't know yet, they haven't caught them yet and there hasn't been a trial. Nothing."

  "Lived with her three months huh?" Leanne shook her head.

  "Yeah. Usually I don't let myself get tangled with these people. I'm not supposed to, because
of the witness program. But I couldn't help it. Now I’m stuck."

  Leanne nodded. "If it's meant to be Dan, it will happen, you know that. God plays a bigger hand than you or I."

  "Yeah, I know."

  "Tell me about her." Leanne said.

  "She's the daughter of a Senator. She's a teacher, she's real independent of her father, but she loves him. I took her and the boy to see her father before she left."

  "The boy? Who?"

  "Okay, the boy's father was a drug dealer we were trying to take down."


  "Yeah, he was killed by his boss. Now we're trying to take down the boss. Or bosses."

  "How did a Senator's daughter get involved. And wait, did you say she was a teacher?"

  "Yeah. She was."

  "Wow. I'm impressed you could fall for a teacher." Leanne chuckled.

  "So how did the teacher get involved in a drug dealer's problem?" Leanne asked.

  "The drug dealer had a son, whom he beat a lot and didn't send to school. So she investigated why we wasn't in school since the principle didn't. And the boy's father locked her in his apartment so she couldn't call CPS on him."

  "Oh my, that is some story. Wow. And now the boy and the teacher are in the witness program?"

  "That's the size of it." Dan repeated.

  "Well duh, you said she was the daughter of a Senator, didn't you?"

  "Yeah, but he doesn't know where she is either."

  "Maybe, but I'll bet he could pull a few strings and find out." Leanne smiled.

  "I don't know about that."

  "Maybe you should find out. Just how in love are you with this girl?"

  "I guess you could say I have it pretty bad." He picked up a stuffed animal of Leanne's and messed with the elephant's tail.

  "You might have to prove that." Leanne said sadly.

  "What do you mean?"

  "I mean dear brother, if you love her like you say, you might have to find her and live her life with her. Which might mean you give this life up. Could you do that?"

  "I don't know…."

  "That's where your problem lies." She told him and took the elephant from him.

  He looked at her.

  "You've got to know for sure just how bad you want her. Would you give up everything to be with her? Do you even know? If you don't figure it out." Leanne told him. "Whatever you do, I love you. And you can't leave me forever. I couldn't stand it."


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