Guarding Red Riding Hood

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Guarding Red Riding Hood Page 17

by Rita Hestand

  "I can't take off now. I need to focus."

  "Focus on relaxing. You are way too keyed up." Harry insisted.

  "Dammit Harry, I need to work."

  "No you don't. You need to relax. Now get." He told him.

  Dan had no choice. He had to take a vacation.

  And a couple of days at home was enough to send him to see the Senator.

  The Senator like his daughter was handsome and distinguished looking. He had Reddish blonde hair and green eyes that turned blue too, when he was emotional. He was very fit for his age and had a practical attitude about life.

  "Good to see you again. Although, I can't really say I'm surprised. What can I do for you?" The Senator had a no nonsense approach and Dan liked that. Just from his expression Dan knew he knew why he was there. He decided quickly to lay it on the line.

  "We rounded them all up, but they had some really good lawyers. Two of them nearly got off Scott free. This puts Gabby and Tony in a bad position. They have to stay in the witness program."

  "How long?"

  "It could be years."

  "And you came to me because?" The Senator's brows drew together in a knot.

  "They are lost in the system. I want to find them."

  "Do you realize what you would have to do?" The Senator looked straight at him. "I mean if you did find them."

  "I do. But I see no alternative. If I get in and find them, I'd live their life with them. But with your help, I could fix things where you could see them off and on too. Without your help, they may stay in the program for years, and you won't have any contact, and neither will I. I can't live like that, sir. And I don't think you can either."

  "You'd give up your career as a cop for her?"

  "For them, yes. I would."

  "And you want me to pull some strings to get you in."

  "Yes sir. I do. I love your daughter very much. She loves me too. I love Tony. I want to adopt him. But I can't wait ten years for this to play out."

  "You've thought this through?"

  "Yes sir. I have."

  "Is there a chance they could come out?"

  "Not for a long while." Dan assured him. "It would be too risky. With me going in, I could protect them too. And maybe when my boss gets over his mad, he could help us all get out."

  "I'll see what I can do, and let you know." The Senator shook hands with him and Dan left. The Senator followed Dan to the door. "It's not the easiest program to get into. I've found that out myself."

  "I realize that too sir."

  "What about your own family and life?"

  "It's nothing without them, sir."

  The Senator smiled. "Very well."

  It was his last hope of finding Gabby and Tony. He was desperate to find them. It meant giving up his career as a cop. It meant not seeing his family for he didn't know how long. But he'd made his decision. The last month had been nothing but hell for him. His life just wasn't complete without the two of them.

  That evening as he sat by the pool at his home, Leanne came in and saw him sipping a beer. He was deep in thought and the frown on his face told Leanne how miserable he was.

  "How are things, bro?" She asked as though she didn't have to.

  "I don't know yet. Honey, you got a minute. I'd love to talk to you."

  "Sure." She got her a coke and came to sit with him on the patio.

  "You're thinking of leaving, going after them, aren't you?"

  "Yeah, I am…" He sighed then looked at her with a questioning glance. How did you know?"

  "Not hard to read a face like yours." She smiled sadly.

  "It's the only way I'll be content, Leanne." He told her, grabbing her hand. "But I do know what this means and it's tearing me up too."

  "I know," she sighed sadly. "I knew it the first night we talked about it. I hate to see you go, because I'll miss you like crazy, but I do want you to be happy."

  "Thanks…" He said and squeezed her hand.

  "You're giving up a lot, you know."

  "Yeah, I'm aware of that. It's not an easy choice, but I'm tired of chasing bad guys who get off no matter what the evidence is. I'm tired of protecting people who don't appreciate what I do. I'm just tired, Leanne. I want out of this particular life. I want a home, a family of my own. I want her, and I want Tony too. I could easily go into security or something of that nature to make a living. I don't have to be a cop."

  "Isn't there any other way?"

  Dan studied the rocks on the patio, "If there is, I haven't found it."

  "Can the Senator help you?"

  "I don't know. Maybe. I've asked. He's looking into it. He's as concerned about not seeing her as I am."

  "Your boss will be upset."

  "I know. Harry's like a second father to me. But, I need a life too. I want one now."

  She held his hand half the night and when he finally hugged her she kissed his cheek. "Come back to us…."

  "I'll try, honey. I'll try."

  She nodded and went to bed.

  He stared at the still of the water now. He wondered where Gabby and Tony were, what they were doing, if they were happy. It was cold on the patio, winter had set in but Dan wore a leather jacket and he hardly noticed.

  Then when he turned to go to bed, he glanced around this big ole house and shook his head. He hated leaving his siblings. All of them. But even so, he didn't get to see them that often with his job anyway. Maybe someday he could be like any other guy and have a normal job.

  If he got the chance to go, he could have a life again.

  He pondered on whether to tell Harry. He owed him the truth. Besides, Harry would know if the Senator made any inquiries.

  But then, he didn't know if the Senator could arrange it either. Even with is connections he might not be able to do much. He'd have to wait and see.

  In the meantime, he went back to work and waited. Dan had another assignment. But Harry called him into his office one day a couple of weeks later and shocked him.

  "Moretti's dead." Was all he said.

  "They got to him?"


  "In prison?"

  "Not hard for these kinds of people. They have more friends in the prison system than out."

  "Oh God, that means Gabby and Tony could be in a world of trouble." Dan hollered, pacing the office.

  "Dan you've been a walking time-bomb on this case. I don't know what to do with you. I've been watching you pretty close. I've never seen you so unglued."

  "Harry you just don't understand. I've got to be with her and Tony. I have to." Dan cried. "They are that important to me."

  "I'm beginning to believe it. The Senator has contacted me. We've had a long discussion. You are right, they are in danger. And there's only one person who can save them. You! So I'm putting you in the program, with an assignment to protect them."

  Dan's mouth opened in shock. "Can you do that?"

  "The Senator asked me to pull some strings, I did. This once, Dan. And I'm going to tell you something right now. You'll lose everything you have now to do this. Your position here, your family at home, and your life as you know it. But I've got you in. You see, there's more to it than you just being unglued. A lot more. There's was a complication we didn't foresee."

  "Oh, what's that?"

  Harry looked a bit strangely at him, then beamed him a smile. "She's pregnant."

  Dan's eyes widened. Then it hit him, he was going to be a father. A real flesh and blood father. God, had worked his miracle on him.

  "Harry," He reached for Harry's hand. "Thank you! Thank you so much."

  "Does she know I'm coming in?"

  "No. She knows we've got a husband to explain her situation to everyone. You'll be the husband. It'll be a surprise for her, and Tony."

  "My God! I can't believe it!" Dan paced the office, but not the same pace. He was so happy he could have shouted it to the world. "And Tony?"

  "He's with her."

  He came up to Harry and wanted to kiss the
man he felt so strongly about it, he did. He kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you Harry. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you!"

  "Let's not do that again, you'll ruin my perfect image! It's very irregular. I fought a lot of authorities to get this to happen, Dan. I hope you realize this."

  "I do. I know exactly how hard a fight you had. I owe you Harry. I really do. So, when do I leave?"

  "A week from Saturday."

  "I'll miss you Harry."

  "Oddly enough, so will I." Harry grinned. "Good luck to you, Dan. It'll be damned hard to replace you around here. You're sure this is what you want?" Harry looked straight at him now.

  "I'm very sure, sir."

  "Good! If and when we can pull you out, we will." He assured him. "And if we do, you'll be reinstated here automatically."

  "Thanks, Harry. Thank you so much."

  "They are still in danger. In fact, more so now, than ever."

  "Not for long they won't be."

  "If she weren't pregnant, we might not have swung this, you know."

  "I'm going to be a father…" Dan said with so much enthusiasm.

  "Yeah, I see how impersonal you kept this."

  Dan blushed.

  The whole department was waiting outside to congratulate him and send him on his way.

  But as he was driving home that day, he looked up during a stop light into the clouds. "Thank you God. I knew you'd come through for me, somehow."

  Chapter Twenty-One

  That night, as luck would have it, his entire family was home, including Ray.

  As they cooked out on the patio and went inside to eat, Dan told them.

  Mitch and Sarah came up to him, "Well, bro, I'm happy for you. But we are sure going to miss you around here. Is there any way you can come home, sometime?"

  Dan stared at them for an answer, but then he looked up again, "I think there is a way. Don't know how long it might be, but there's a way. You see, there's someone else in control of it all."

  "Good." Mitch smiled.

  Late that night he talked with Leanne who was more concerned about how long it would be before she saw him again.

  "Don't worry so much sis. Things have a way of working out right, no matter what the circumstances." Dan assured her.

  "You certainly are full of confidence. And I've never seen you happier." She smiled.

  "I've never been this happy before." He declared.

  "I can't wait to meet her."

  He smiled. "I want to spend most of my remaining time with all of you, and maybe somehow I can get back here and see everyone again. Can you believe it, I’m going to be a father?"

  "I never thought I'd see the day," Leanne laughed.

  Friday night they had a party for him and all the family was there. He hugged them all, but when he picked little Mike up, Mike kissed him on the cheek. "I want to go with you Uncle Dan…I want to help get the bad guys."

  "I know, hon, but I'll be back. I promise."

  "I want to meet Tony, too." Mike said.

  "Well, I'm sure Tony would get a kick out of meeting you too. And I can't wait to introduce the two of you. I know you'll be great buddies."

  "Do you gotta go?" Mike asked bravely.

  "I'm afraid so. But like I said, we'll be back. I just don't know how long it will be."

  Mike nodded, "Okay, Uncle Dan. I love you."

  "Love you too, buddy."

  Leanne held him a little longer than the rest. "It's gonna be hard to say goodbye to you when we don't know how long it will be before we see you again."

  "I know, have some faith little sister. And, remember, if there is a way to see you guys, Harry will be the one to know. And he'd get a hold of you to let you know. "

  She smiled. "If faith is all it takes, I'm there."

  The next week flew by fast, he packed, went to see all his friends, his pastor, his buddy at the prescient. But saying goodbye to Harry was hard too. They'd been working together so long, and Dan knew no matter how much he was tired of being a cop, he was still a cop!

  The next Saturday he was off to the airport.

  Dan was nervous to say the least. He wasn't sure how she'd react to seeing him in her new life, much less Tony. But since she was pregnant, he felt it was the best answer. But would Gabby.

  They were living on a rural farm in Nebraska, she had a job in town in a factory. Tony was enrolled in the middle school now.

  To explain the long lost daddy, they had him working on a oilfield in Alaska. His new story would involve him getting a letter about the pregnancy and coming home.

  He'd take a job in the factory too now and they'd live as a married couple with Tony as their first child.

  But the afternoon he knocked on her door, there were voices coming from inside and Dan went into protective mode right away.

  When she threw open the door, and saw Dan, her eyes widened in shock. But since she had a houseful of guests, she had to recover quickly.

  "Oh my God, Will…." She took him in her arms and kissed him lightly on the mouth and grabbed his hand and drug him into her living room.

  "I wasn't expecting you home so soon," she gasped as the others inside seemed a bit startled too.

  He was now Will Cody, she was Samantha Cody, and Tony was Will Jr.

  He recovered from the slight kiss and nodded to everyone.

  "Well," she said rather breathlessly, her hand sweating into his now. "Folks, this is my long lost husband, William Cody."

  Everyone gasped a bit. One lady looked at him and asked, "Is it true, are you really a descendent of Buffalo Bill Cody?" She asked coming up to him and putting her hand on his arm.

  "Yes ma'am, distant Uncle several times removed," He smiled.

  In order to play out this family, he had cut his hair in a fashionable style and he wore blue jeans and blue jean jacket complete with a cowboy hat and boots.

  "This is fascinating. Oh, Samantha, we know you need some time with your husband, we'll be running along now, but we'll get together another time, maybe we can celebrate him coming home now. You're both coming to the carnival tonight, aren't you?" The woman smiled at Samantha.

  "Of course we wouldn't miss it, thank you Mrs. Peterson." Samantha smiled. They all got up and left and shook hands with Will.

  When she finally closed the door, she whirled around, her hand still planted in his. "My God, they said they were sending someone, but I didn't know it would be you!"

  He came up to her, "Disappointed?" He asked with a sexy smile.

  "N-no…I just wasn't expecting. They never let on."

  She stood there staring at him like he was a piece of cake, and he finally walked up to her and looked into her eyes.

  "Don't say anything yet, I want to check the place out for bugs." He whispered.

  She nodded, but still hadn't turned loose of his hand.

  But before he moved away, he leaned to kiss her on the cheek, "I've missed you."

  She looked breathlessly at him. "Me too…" she whispered breathlessly, gripping his hand tighter now.

  He started moving around the place, checking lights, under the coffee table, the doorbell, and several other places.

  He glanced at their hands, but didn't say a word.

  When he came back in the front room, he smiled at her. "Well Samantha, you look beautiful as usual." He murmured.

  She stared into his eyes, "You cut your hair."

  "Yeah, for you, do you like it?" He asked still grinning at her.

  "Very much…" She managed.

  "Want a glass of tea?" She finally asked him.


  "Something to eat?" Her voice sounded shaky now.


  "Well, you must be tired from your trip…" She began.

  "Very…you have a bed around here?" He asked with another sexy grin.

  "Uh…yes…" She took his hand and led him toward her bedroom, but before they got to the room, he pulled her up, moved her toward the wall and leaned to kiss her again. She si
ghed heavily, but her hand was still glued to his. He glanced around the room, saw the little touches she had added to make it look inviting, and then looked at her.

  "What time does Will Jr. get out of school?"

  "He's not in school today is Saturday, but he's up at the school working to help get the carnival together. He'll be here in another hour or two." she said breathlessly. She squeezed his hand.

  He grinned.

  She turned to look at him, and practically melted into his arms. "Well, I guess you want to stretch out and get a nap or something, huh?"

  "Or something," he murmured as his lips came down firmly on hers now. The kiss was hot and suggestive and she moaned in her throat for more. She let go of his hand so she could wrap her arms around his neck and hang on. "We've got plenty of time." She murmured.

  "Good," he grinned between kisses. I had to come when I found out you were going to have our baby." He whispered near her ear as his lips devoured her. "Just remember to call me Will now."

  "I told everyone I called you Bill…" She gasped as she moved her neck so he could kiss every inch of it. She shivered with delight she shivered with delight when his lips followed the trail. "Oh God…I've missed you so much."

  He kissed the length of her neck and then nuzzled the opening of her cotton dress. "We've got way too many clothes on…" He snickered.

  "Yes, we do…" She stared into his eyes. "It's so good to see you…I didn't think I would…." He silenced her words with a mind blowing kiss.

  'I love your dress, but I want to see much more of you, and I want you now…" He helped her with the buttons on her dress and soon it lay in a pool on the floor.

  She wore a red teddy under it and he stared with sparkling eyes. "My God, you take my breath away in that," he murmured as he pulled her down to the bed and kissed her into submission.

  He kissed her breasts above the pretty teddy, it was red like her dress and it left little to the imagination but was oh so sexy.

  He moved the straps down and took her nipple into his mouth and his tongue shot out to lave her, he curled his tongue around it and teased it to a peak. She squirmed to be closer to him.

  "I've dreamed of holding you in my arms again like this." He whispered.

  "Me too…" she pushed the teddy down and bared herself to him, flinging it on the floor, she covered him with her naked body, and moaned as his hands familiarized themselves with every luscious inch of her. Going from the firm mounds of her butt, to the sweet curve of her waist and back up to the tempting nipples that danced at his attention.


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