by A. N. Wilson
Birrell, Augustine
birth control, .
birth rate
Bismarck (German battleship)
Bismarck, Prince Otto von
Black and Tans
Blair, Tony
and occupation of Iraq
Blast (magazine)
Blathwayt, Emily
Blériot, Louis
Blücher, Field Marshal Gebbart Leberech von
Blum, Léon
Blunt, Wilfred Scawen
Boer War (1899–1902)
Bohr, Niels
Bolam, Northumberland
Bomberg, David
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich
Bonnet, Georges-Étienne
Book of Common Prayer
Boot, Henry
Boot, Mary, Lady (née Macaulay)
Booth, Charles: Life and Labour of the People in London
Booth, ‘General’ William
Bormann, Martin
Born, Alax
Bosanquet, Theodora
Bossom, Arthur
Bourget, Paul
Bowen, Edward (‘Taffy’)
Bowen, Elizabeth
The Heat of the Day
Boy Scouts
Bracken, Brendan (later Viscount)
Bradley, F.H.
Brains Trust, The (radio programme)
Brancusi, Constantin
Braque, Georges
Braun, Eva
Bremond, Abbé Henri
Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of (1918)
Bridges, Robert
Bright, John
alliance with France
appeasement policy
as Asiatic power
attitude to Europe
bombed in Second World War
borrows from USA
changed social values
cultural decline
declares war on Germany (1939)
in depression
economy and austerity under Labour government
fighter aircraft superiority
in First World War
German invasion plans postponed
guarantees to Poland
ideal of liberty
imperial role
imperialism undermined
industrial development
influenza casualties
inter-war economic policy
internments in wartime
in Middle East
munitions in First World War
as nation-state
national income (1903–4)
ocean liners
and outbreak of war
political stability
post-war welfare state established
and preparations for Second World War
presence in Palestine
regulated in Second World War
resistance to change
social reforms under Labour government
‘special relationship’ with USA
war aims
world strategic dominance
British Broadcasting Corporation
Churchill attempts to take over in General Strike
in wartime
British Empire
and capitalist enterprises
and free trade
Hitler on
and imperial defence
Imperial Preference ended
and loss of Ireland
US hostility to
British Empire Exhibition, Wembley (1924)
British Expeditionary Force (First World War)
British Gazette (government newspaper)
British Medical Association
British Railways
British Union of Fascists
Brittain, Vera
Brooke, Rupert
Brown, Fred
Brown, John
Browne, Stella
Brownlow, Peregrine Custth Baron
Brunner, Mond and Co.
Brunswig, Hans
Brusilov, General Alexei
Bryant and May’s match factory, London
Bryce, James, Viscount
Brzeska, Zofia Zuzanna
Buchan, John (1st Baron Tweedsmuir) Prester John
Buchanan, Sir George
Bucher, General Roy
Buchman, Frank
Buckingham Palace
Bullitt, William Christian
Bülow, Bernhard, Prince von
Bultmann, Rudolf
Burgess, Gelett
Burns, John
Bush, George W
Butler, Richard Austen (later Baron; ‘Rab’)
Butler, Samuel: The Way of All Flesh
Butt, Dame Clara
Buxton, John
Byrne, Mary
Byrnes, James
Cabrinovic, Nedeljko
Cadbury family
Cairo Conference (1921)
Calthorn, Gladys
Cambridge, Augusta, Duchess of
Cambridge University: admits women to degrees
Camden Town School (art)
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)
Campbell, Commander A.B.
Campbell, Mrs Patrick
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry
Canaris, Admiral Wilhelm
Cape, Jonathan (publisher)
Carey, John: The Intellectuals and the Masses
Carlyle, Thomas
Carmody, John M.
Carpenter, Edward
Carpenter, Canon Spencer
Carpenter, William Boyd, Bishop of Ripon
Carr, John Dickson
Carrington, Dora
Carson, Sir Edward (later Baron)
Casablanca Conference (1943)
Casement, Sir Roger
Cassel, Sir Ernest
Castle, Barbara (later Baroness)
Catholic Church
Knox and
and modernist dissent
political involvement
Catley, Sir George
Catto, Thomas Sivewrightst Baron
Cavendish laboratory, Cambridge
Cecil, Lord Robert (later Viscount Cecil of Chelwood)
Chadwick, James
Chaliapin, Feodor
Chamberlain, Sir Austen
Chamberlain, Joseph
Chamberlain, Neville
appeasement policy
broadcasts announcement of declaration of war
as health minister
and Hitler’s expansionist policy
meetings with Hitler
and Munich agreement
as Prime Minister
resigns (1940)
Chambers, Jessie
Channon, Sir Henry (‘Chips’)
Channon, Lady Honor (née Guinness)
Chaplin, (Sir) Charles
Chapman, Thomas Robert (T.E. Lawrence’s father)
Chargaff, Erwin
Charity Organization Society
Charles, Prince of Wales
Chase, Pauline
Chateau Impney, Worcestershire
Chelmsford, Frederic John Napier Thesiger 1st Viscount
Cheltenham Ladies College
Chester, Charlie
Chesterton, Cecil
Chesterton, G.K.
character and writings
economic ideas
Father Brown stories
and McNabb
Orwell criticizes
on religion and atheism
William James and
The Man Who Was Thursday
Chiang Kai-shek
China: labourers imported into southern Africa
Choate, Police Constable
/> Christensen, Eivind Adler
Christian Science
effect on civilization
and fundamentalism
and Nazism
Christie, Agatha
Murder on the Orient Express
Chump at Oxford, A (film)
Church of England
and belief
church buildings
on Munich agreement
Prayer Book controversy
Churchill, Clementine (Lady)
Churchill, Mary (later Lady Soames)
Churchill, Lord Randolph
Churchill, Lady Randolph (née Jennie Jerome)
Churchill, Sarah (Winston’s daughter)
Churchill, (Sir) Winston
accepts widening range of colleagues
appreciates Noel Coward song
attends Cairo Conference (1921)
attitude to press
on Battle of Britain
and bombing of Germany
and bombing of Iraq (1920)
on Chamberlain’s Munich agreement
as Chancellor of Exchequer under Baldwin
changes views on House of Lords
character and career
checked by Dowding from sending air support to France
as Colonial Secretary under Lloyd George
criticizes Bevan
death and funeral (1965)
in debate on Prayer Book
denies impending war with Germany
denounces Ulster Provisional Government
deplores Socialism
and development of nuclear weapons
dislikes Dowding’s book
disparages Lloyd George
election defeat (1945)
at Elizabeth II’s Coronation
excitement on outbreak of First World War
experience of war
favours abolition of Lords
on female suffrage
financial problems
on First World War strategy
Fisher urges to build more submarines
and Gallipoli campaign
on Gandhi
in General Strike
and Henry Wilson
on Indian independence
inspects bomb damage in London
and Iraq crisis (1920)
and Irish troubles
joins Liberal Party
and Kemal Ataturk
Mediterranean strategy
on naval oil
on Nazi atrocities
Northcliffe and
and Norway campaign (1940)
party allegiance
patronizes Ivy Restaurant
on post-war Europe
praises Mussolini
protects Jews in Wales
quality of wartime government
on RAF successes in Somaliland
rejects Beveridge Report
relations with Roosevelt
resents Acheson’s gibe at Britain
resists call for Second Front
on retribution against Nazi Germany
returns to power (1951)
shocked at poverty
and Sidney Street siege
on Spanish Civil War
supports Edward VIII in Abdication crisis
at Tehran Conference
on threat of atomic bomb
and threat of Second World War
on unconditional surrender
as wartime prime minister
welcomes US entry into Second World War
on welfare
The World Crisis
Ciano, Count Galeazzo
Civil Service: recruitment
Clark, Alan
Clark, Sir Kenneth (later Baron)
Clark, R.T.
Clarke, Thomas
class (social)
and General Strike
and mixing in armed forces
Orwell on
post-war manifestations
and rule
Clayton, Brigadier General Bertie
Clemenceau, Georges
assumes autocratic powers
Churchill on
meets Edward VII
on US intervention in war
Clifden, Nellie
Clifford, John
Cliveden (house), Buckinghamshire
coal mining
and General Strike
Cobden, Richard
Cockroft, (Sir) John
Colefax, Sibyl, Lady
Collins, Michael
and imported labour
and independence
Commons, House of: power
appeal of
fear of in Britain
Communist, The (newspaper)
Companies Act (1872)n
Comper, Sir John Ninian
Compton-Burnett, Dame Ivy
Conant, James B.
concentration camps, German
Confessing Lutheran Church
Connaught, Prince Arthur, Duke of
Connolly, James
Connor, William (‘Cassandra’)
Conrad, Joseph
‘Heart of Darkness’
The Secret Agent
Conservative Party
election defeat (1924)
election defeat (1945)
embraces protectionism
and 1922 Committee
under Bonar Law
Constantine I, Roman Emperor
constitutional crisis (1909–10)
contraception see birth control
Coogan, Finton
Coolidge, Calvin
Cooper, Lady Diana
Cooper, Duff (later 1st Viscount Norwich)
Corn Laws
Coronation (1953)
Cotton, Billy
cotton industry: and free trade
Coughlin, Father Charles
Council of Europe
country houses
Country Life (magazine)
building in
migration from
Coventry: bombed in Second World War
Coward, Sir Noël
Private Lives
The Vortex
Cox, Sir Percy
Craigside (house), Northumberland
Crawford, Marion: The Little Princesses
Crete: in Second World War
Crick, Francis
Crimean War (1854–5)
Crippen, Belle (née Mackamotzki)
Crippen, Dr Hawley Harvey
Cripps, Sir Stafford
Cromer, Evelyn Baringst Earl of
Crookes, William
Crosland, J.B.
Crossman, R.H.
crossword puzzles
Crystal Palace
Cullen, Tom
culture: supposed decline
Cunard, Nancy
Curie, Marie and Pierre
Curnock, George
Curragh Mutiny (1914)
currency: fluctuations
Curzon, George Nathaniel, Marquess
background and career
in Cabinet in First World War
as Foreign Secretary under Bonar Law
on honours system
/> on House of Lords
on imperial role
marriage to Mary Leiter
passed over as Prime Minister
private life
as viceroy of India
and Younghusband’s Tibetan expedition
Problems of the Far East
Curzon, Grace, Marchioness of (formerly Duggan; Curzon’s second wife)
Curzon, Alary (née Leiter; Curzon’s first wife)
Cushing, Peter
Cycling Magazine
Germany occupies
Daily Express
Daily Mail
and Crippen case
in General Strike
on Kaiser Wilhelm II
and Lloyd George’s premiership
Northcliffe owns
praises Kitchener
publishes Zinoviev letter
Daily Mirror
Daily Telegraph
Daimler, Gottlieb
Daladier, Edouard
Dalby, C. Reginald
Dalhousie, James Andrew Ramsayst Marquess of
Dalmaine, Cyril Carr (‘Jonah Barrington’)
Dalton, Hugh (later Baron)
Daly, Edward
Dannay, Frederic
Danzig (Gdansk)
d’Arcy, Father Martin, SJ
Darwin, Charles
Davenport, Nicholas
Davidson, Revd Harold Francis
Davidson, John Colin (later Viscount)
Davidson, Randall, Archbishop of Canterbury
Davies, Major David
Dawes, General Charles Gates
Dawson, Geoffrey
Dawson (of Penn), Bertrand Edward Viscount
death rate
as capital
Durbar (1903)
Durbar (1911)
Denshawui, Nile Delta
Depression (economic)
Derby, Edward George Villiers Stanleyth Earl of
Dernburg, Dr Bernhard
de Robeck, Admiral Sir John
detective stories
see also mystery stories
Deutsch, André
de Valera, Eamon, no
de Valois, Dame Ninette
Devlin, Joe
Devonshire, Andrew Cavendish, 11th Duke of
Devonshire, Deborah, Duchess of
Devonshire, Victor Christian William Cavendishth Duke of
Dew, Chief Inspector Walter
Diaghilev, Serge
Diana, Princess of Wales
Dickens, Charles
A Christmas Carol
Dickson, Thomas
Dieppe raid (1942)
Diesel, Rudolf
Dietrich, Marlene
Dillon, John
Dimbleby, Richard
Disney, Walt
Disraeli, Benjamin
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
women as
Dogger Bank incident (1904)
Dominican Order
Dorjieff, Buriat
Dostoevsky, Feodor: The Devils
Douglas, James
Douglas, Sir William
Douglas, Air Vice-Marshal William Sholto (later Baron)
Douglas-Home, (Sir) Alec
Doveton, Captain
Dowding, Air Marshal Sir Hugh
Downside Abbey
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Drake, Edwin L.
Dresden: bombed
dress: for outdoor activities
Dreyfus, Alfred