After the Victorians

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After the Victorians Page 83

by A. N. Wilson

  Hull, Cordell

  Hulme, T.E.

  Hungary: armistice (1918)

  Hunloke, Sir Philip

  Hurricane aircraft

  Huxley, Sir Julian

  Huxley, Thomas Henry

  Hyam, Ronald



  Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI)


  In Which We Serve (film)

  income tax

  raised by Lloyd George

  under Labour government

  Independent Labour Party


  achieves independence

  British rule in

  civil disorder

  disobedience campaign in

  effect of First World War on

  and Empire Exhibition (1924)

  Khalifat movement

  mass killings in

  massacres at partition

  nationalist movement in



  and threat from Middle East

  USA demands indpendence for

  Indian Civil Service


  influenza epidemic (post-1918)

  Inge, William Ralph, Dean of St Paul’s

  Inglis, Rob

  Innés, Michael (i.e. J.I.M. Stewart)

  internal combustion engine


  anti-British revolt (1920)

  bombed (2004)

  British presence in

  crisis in (2004)


  and German railway construction


  achieves independence

  British in

  civil war (‘the Troubles’) and partition

  Easter Rising (1916)

  and First World War

  George V on

  Unionists in

  see also Home Rule

  Irish Land Purchase Act (1903)

  Irish Republican Brotherhood/Irish Republican Army

  Iron Curtain

  Isaacs, Godfrey

  Isaacs, Harry

  Isaacs, Sir Rufus (later 1st Marquess of Reading)

  and Marconi scandal

  and National Government

  Isbistern, James


  and defeat of Ottoman Empire

  in India

  resistance to West

  Ismay, General Sir Hastings


  invades Abyssinia

  killings at war’s end

  in North African campaign

  Welles aims to persuade to remain neutral

  ITMA (radio programme)

  Ivy Restaurant, London

  Jaeger, Gustav

  James, Henry


  British citizenship

  on death of Queen Victoria

  James, Henry (cont.)

  decline and death

  distaste for USA

  and First World War

  on Kipling

  life in Europe


  in Rye, Sussex

  and T.S. Eliot

  The Ambassadors

  The Awkward Age

  The Golden Bowl

  The Portrait of a Lady

  What Maisie Knew

  James, Montague Rhodes

  James, William

  The Varieties of Religious Experience

  Jameson raid (1895)


  atom bombed

  attacks Pearl Harbor

  captures Singapore

  Churchill discounts as threat

  cultural traditions

  dominance in Far East


  invades Manchuria

  in Second World War

  surrenders (1945)

  war with Russia (1904–5)

  Jarrett, Bede

  Jarrow, Co. Durham

  Jastrow, Maurice


  Jekyll, Gertrude

  Jellicoe, Revd Basil

  Jellicoe, Admiral John Rushworth, 1st Earl

  Jenkins, Roy, Baron

  Jenkinson, Revd Charles

  Jennings, Blanche

  Jephson, Morris


  anti-Jewish immigrant demonstrations

  Jewish terrorist acts in

  Jesus Christ


  and circumcision

  in concentration camps

  emigrate from Germany

  German repression of

  as immigrants

  immigration in Palestine

  Kaiser’s hostility to

  massacred by Nazis

  Palestine immigration opposed

  persecuted in Europe

  population in Britain

  Pound attacks


  seek homeland

  Truman’s views on

  in Wales

  and Zionism

  Jex-Blake, Sophia

  Jinnah, Muhammad Ali

  Joad, C.E.M.

  Joffre, General Joseph

  John, Augustus

  John, Gwen

  Johnson, Hewlett, Dean of Canterbury

  Jones, David

  Jones, Thomas

  Joplin, Scott

  Jowett, Benjamin

  Joy, Maurice

  Joyce, Hazel (née Barr)

  Joyce, Heather

  Joyce, James

  Joyce, Alargaret (née Collins)

  Joyce, William (‘Lord Haw-Haw’)

  Joynson-Hicks, William (1st Viscount Brentford)

  Juan Carlos, King of Spain

  Juliana, Princess (later Queen) of Netherlands

  Junner, Sarah (T.E. Lawrence’s mother)

  Jutland, Battle of (1916)

  Kaltenbrunner, Ernst

  Karl I, Emperor of Austria


  Kavanagh, Ted

  Kedleston (house), Derbyshire

  Keitel, Wilhelm

  Keller, Hans

  Kelly, HAIS

  Kemal, Mustafa (Ataturk)

  Kemp, Peter

  Kendall, Captain (of Montrose)

  Kendall, M.

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kennedy, Joseph

  Kennedy, (Sir) Ludovic

  Kenney, Annie

  Kenny, Mary

  Kent, Prince George, Duke of

  Keppel, Alice

  Keppel, George

  Keppel, Sonia

  Kerensky, Alexander

  Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert

  Keynes, John Maynard, Baron

  The Economic Consequences of the Peace


  Kimball, Warren F.

  Kingsmill, Hugh

  Kipling, Carrie (née Balestier)

  Kipling, Rudyard

  and Baldwin

  Chesterton opposes

  death, cremation and interment


  supports Dyer

  view of Empire


  ‘The Lesson’


  ‘The White Man’s Burden’

  Kistiakowsky, George

  Kitchener, Field Marshal Horatio Herbert, 1st Earl

  as Commander-in-Chief in India

  and conduct of First World War

  and outbreak of First World War

  in South African War

  Klemperer, Viktor

  Knox, Dilly

  Knox, E.V.

  Knox, Ronald

  Knox, Wilfrid

  Koch, Ilse

  Koch, Karl

  Kristallnacht (Germany)

  Kropotkin, Prince Peter

  Kruger, Paul

  Krupp factory, Essen

  Krupp von Bohlen, Alfried

  Kurti, Nicolas

  Kuwait: proposed German railway to

  Labour Party

  administration and policy

  election victory (1945)

first government


  gains in 1924 election

  loses 1951 election

  membership numbers


  rise of

  second government (1929)

  and the Webbs

  Laconia (liner)

  Lal, Madan

  Lancashire: cotton trade


  Lang, Cosmo Gordon, Archbishop of


  Langhorne, Chiswell Dabney

  Langtoft, Peter: Chronicle (1307)

  Langtry, Lillie

  Lansbury, George

  Lansdowne, Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of

  Larmor, Joseph

  Laurel, Stan and Oliver Hardy

  Laval, Pierre

  law: women study for

  Law, Andrew Bonar

  Lawrence, D.H.


  on changing world

  on Daisy Lord case

  and Englishness

  and Frieda Weekley

  Orwell approves

  as writer

  Lady Chatterley’s Lover

  The Rainbow

  Sons and Lovers

  Lawrence, Frieda (née von Richthofen; then Weekley)

  Lawrence, Sir Geoffrey

  Lawrence, George

  Lawrence, Gertrude

  Lawrence, T.E. (‘Lawrence of Arabia’)

  The Seven Pillars of Wisdom

  League of Nations




  Lee, Jennie (later Baroness)

  Lee, Kate

  Lee, Manfred Bennington


  Leigh-Smith, Barbara

  Leiter, Levi

  Lend Lease (US-British)

  LeNeve, Ethel Clara

  Lenin, Vladimir Ilich

  addresses 1907 Social Democratic congress in Whitechapel

  benefits from First World War

  on exercise of power

  leaves Zurich for Russia (1917)

  orders killing of Romanovs

  Ransome on

  Russell praises


  Leningrad, siege of (1941–4)

  Leno, Dan

  le Queux, William: The Invasion of 1910

  Leuba, James Henry

  Lever Brothers (company)

  Leverhulme, William Hesketh Lever, 1st Viscount

  Levi, Primo

  Lewis, Clive Staples

  despises Nuffield

  religious belief

  Studies in Words

  Lewis, John L.

  Lewis, Kid

  Lewis, Percy Wyndham

  Lewis, Major W.H.

  Leyds, Dr

  Lhasa, Tibet

  Liberal Party

  in 1910 election

  and Chinese labour in Africa

  colonial policy


  and Irish Home Rule

  landslide victory (1906) and administration

  loses office following 1924 election

  loses second 1924 election

  and reduced power of Lords


  and women’s suffrage


  Libya: campaign in Second World War

  Lichnowsky, Karl, Prince

  Liebknecht, Karl

  Lilienthal, Otto

  Lindbergh, Anne Morrow

  Lindbergh, Charles A., Jr

  Lindemann, Frederick (later 1st Viscount Cherwell; ‘the Prof’)

  Linton-Orman, Rotha

  Lipton, Sir Thomas

  literature: modernist movement

  Lithuania: independence

  Litvinov, Maxim



  town planning

  living standards: Edwardian

  Lloyd George, David (later 1st Earl)


  advocates hanging Kaiser

  on armistice (1918)

  background and career

  Baldwin’s rivalry with

  Beaverbrook supports

  budgets as Chancellor of Exchequer

  builds battle tanks

  Churchill disparages

  Churchill serves under

  and Churchill’s Iraq policy

  on conduct of First World War

  disagreements with George V


  economic ideas

  and fate of Tsar Nicholas II

  and Irish troubles

  and Jews

  and Kenia 1 Atatürk


  leads Peace Party

  and Marconi scandal

  Northcliffe supports as Prime Minister

  Northcliffe’s enmity towards

  on overthrow of Hohenzollerns

  and peace settlement (1919)

  and post-1918 coalition government

  praises Hitler

  private life

  and protectionism


  relations with George V

  religious ideas

  on Russian revolution

  and sale of honours

  and second 1924 election defeat

  sends Bruce Lockhart to Russia

  succeeds Asquith as wartime Prime Minister

  and US support in First World War

  wartime posts

  Lock Hospital for Venereal Disease

  Locke, John

  Lockhart, Robert Bruce

  Logical Positivism

  Loisy, Abbé Alfred Firmin


  bombed in Second World War

  population and housing

  poverty in

  royal residences

  London, Bishop of see Winnington-Ingram Arthur Foley

  London Calling (revue)

  London, Perceval

  London School of Economics

  London School of Medicine for Women

  Longford, Francis Aungier Pakenham, 7th Earl of

  Loomis, Alfred Lee

  Loos, Adolf

  Lopokova, Lydia

  Lord Chamberlain

  Lord, Daisy

  Lord, Walter: A Night to Remember

  Lords, House of

  Churchill proposes abolition

  power reduced

  rejects Lloyd George’s budget


  Lorenz, Hendrik Antoon

  Los Alamos

  Loss, Joe

  Lothian, Philip Henry Kerr, 11th Marquess of

  Louis Ferdinand, Prince

  Ludendorff, General Erich von

  Luftwaffe (German Air Force)

  Lugard, Frederick, Baron

  Lunn, Arnold

  Lusitania (liner)

  Lutyens, Sir Edward

  collaborates with Gertrude Jekyll

  designs Queen Mary’s Doll’s House

  and imperialism


  Lutyens, Lady Emily

  Lyell, Sir Charles

  Lynn, (Dame) Vera

  Lynne, Sharon

  McAlpine, Sir Robert and Sons

  MacArthur, General Douglas

  Macaulay, Dame Rose


  The World My Wilderness

  MacBride, John

  MacCarthy, (Sir) Desmond

  McCloy, John J.

  MacDonagh, Thomas, in

  Macdonald, Brigadier-General James

  MacDonald, James

  MacDonald, James Ramsay

  first Labour government

  heads second Labour government (1929)

  and National Governments



  Macdonald, W.A.

  McGill, Donald

  Machiavelli, Niccolò

  machine guns

  MacIntyre, Patrick

  Mackensen, Generalfeldmarschal August von

  Mac Liammoir, Micheál

  McNabb, Vincent

bsp; Macready, General Sir Nevil

  MacSwiney, Terence

  McTaggart, Ellis


  Mahan, Alfred: The Influence of Sea Power upon History

  Malthus, Thomas

  Malthusian League

  Man, Isle of: wartime internments on

  Manchester: and free trade


  Manet and the Post-Impressionists (exhibition, 1910)

  Mann, Heinrich: Der Untertan

  Mantoux, Etienne: The Carthaginian Peace

  Mao Zedong

  Marconi, Marchese Guglielmo

  Marconi scandal (1912)

  Margaret Rose, Princess

  Marinetti, Filippo

  Marlborough, John Winston Spencer

  Churchill, 6th Duke of


  and adultery

  as institution

  Married Women’s Property Act (1882)

  Marsden, Ernest

  Marsh, Sir Edward

  Marsh, Dame Ngaio

  Marshall Aid

  Marshall, General George Catlett

  Marston, John, Ltd

  Marx, Karl

  Mary, Queen of George VI (earlier Princess of Wales)

  age at husband’s death

  background and upbringing

  Doll’s House

  and Edward VIII’s abdication

  in India

  pride in son Edward


  Maryon-Wilson, Percy

  Mass Observation

  Masterman, C.F.G.

  Matchmakers’ Union

  Mathias, Mrs Robert

  Maud, Queen of Norway

  Maude, Aylmer

  Maufe, Edward

  Maugham, W Somerset

  Maurras, Charles

  Max, Prince of Baden

  Maxim, Sir Hiram

  Maxwell, James Clerk

  Maybach, Wilhelm

  Mayhew, Christopher

  Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Augusta Caroline, Grand Duchess of

  Mediterranean: in Second World War

  Meinertzhagen, Colonel Richard

  Meir, Golda

  Meitner, Lise

  Melba, Dame Nellie

  Melody Maker (magazine)


  Mendel, Gregor

  Menuhin, Yehudi

  Meyrick, Kate (‘Ma’)

  middle class: in General Strike

  Middle East

  Franco-British control of

  German railways in

  oil reserves

  post-1918 settlement

  Mikardo, Ian

  Mill, John Stuart

  Miller, Arthur

  Miller, Glenn

  Miller, Al.

  Milne, A.A.

  Milyukov, P.N.

  Minkowski, Hermann

  Minto, Gilbert Elliot, 4th Earl of

  Mirrielees, Frederick and Margaret

  Mitford, Nancy

  Moat, Henry

  Modern Churchman’s Union


  in arts


  Molotov, Vyacheslav AL

  Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (1939)


  absolutism ends



  and popular feeling


  under threat

  Mond, Sir Alfred Moritz (later 1st Baron Melchett)

  Monk, Ray

  Monnet, Jean

  Monro, Harold

  Montacute House, Somerset

  Montagu, Edwin

  Montgomery, General Sir Bernard Law (later Field Marshal 1st Viscount)

  Montgomery-Massingberd, Hugh, xii

  Montrose, SS


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